CC-420 "Doc"
I'm still for murdering of all you forcie folks.
Order 66 #2
Order 66 #2
I agree: the problem with the Dark Side hiccups is that they happen way too often, tend to be way too cliche, and always end up with a perfectly 'normal' Jedi turning into a complete psycho for no reason other than they had a bad day. It's very, very bad writing, but a lot of people fall into that particular trap, sad to say.Anesia Jy'Vun said:@[member="Teynara Jeralyr"]
While I can agree to most of what you a saying, there still does not need to be a bunch of pregnant Jedi and mass amounts of children running about do to it. [Just an example] Jedi are "people", they are allowed emotions, hiccups, and a slight sway to the Darkside every now and again. But a constant in any of that would defeat the purpose of them being Jedi. There is and has been too much doing of what does not need to be done, rather than a slip here and there. No one expects perfection. At least I don't. It takes more patience and more control to write and play something in that sense, instead of just free-balling. Note: I may need to add to this. My thoughts and words are not exactly playing nice right now.
Well then, play your Jedi your way, move up the ladder, take over the Order, and prove to everyone you were right and they were wrong! Simple enough!Break said:im not telling you how to play... im just saying i wanted to be a Jedi so bad and then i see this im just dissapointed is all... And im not saying i dont love your characters cuz i love @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] and i love all of the people on here its just there is no...idk how to put it...GOOD left in the jedi its like i said just two wizards havin a pissin contest or whatnot
and for the Form Zero...HA! HAHAHAHAHA...hahahaha... thats like what if i sneeze i have the right to die?Antares Windu said:I don't think you understand that Luke Skywalker encouraged emotions. So I'm not sure what you're saying lol.
No Jedi has done warmongering except Matsu Ike from what I can understand. But what greed? Besides, there will always be that group that will not just let a Sith survive.
But yet, you say warmongering? Wrath? Have you read any of the invasions, like really? All of the Jedi before they fight do Form Zero. And Form Zero requires them being diplomatic about the situation before engaging in combat. From what I've seen every single Jedi is a good Jedi.
I do this and find it entertaining. However, Selena is extreme in her lack of emotion.Jonathon Patches said:Without inner conflict, and completely cutting off their emotions, you have a hollow, husk of a sentient being.
You just described most of the Jedi on this board. Very few deal in the darkside, and those that do get punished.Break said:Obi wan was a good character Mace windu? how about Yoda? maybe Ashoka? they arent emotionless. they have conflict
We aren't expanding because we must. The Republic is expanding. The Jedi are dealing with darksiders or lending aid to people. We do not look for enemies, just react to those that exist. The Fringe likely being the next. Not because we are looking for them but because they have a ton of darksiders.Break said:We expand because we must? thats not jedi at all! you forget you are MONKS you arent real knights under the queen or republic you are MONKS and monks who are supposed to be content with peace. AND MAYBE IF YOU WERENT SUCH A FETHING HUGE FACTION you would have more opposition. MAKING OPPOSITION FOR FUNS SAKE IS A SITH THING NOT A JEDI THING.
Spencer Jacobs said:To be honest - pretty sure in most cases the Jedi "Fight" the Sith to "defend" what they believe all of this is based on what people perceive as good and evil.
Once again. Those are how most people RP Jedi. What they're addressing is the perception that Jedi must be absolutely hollow. Which given your lack of specifics as to what your beef is that may be WHY they're addressing that normal line of thought than whatever you're complaining about, because honestly you've not been clear.Break said:then yoda is a bad character? mace windu? obi wan? Ashoka? all of those would be boring characters?
Anesia Jy'Vun said:There is no argument here, he has an opinion and most of them are correct. There are not many, if any at all, that fall into the traditional criteria of a Jedi.
There aren't.Anesia Jy'Vun said:While I can agree to most of what you a saying, there still does not need to be a bunch of pregnant Jedi and mass amounts of children running about do to it.
Anesia Jy'Vun said:Jedi are "people", they are allowed emotions, hiccups, and a slight sway to the Darkside every now and again. But a constant in any of that would defeat the purpose of them being Jedi. There is and has been too much doing of what does not need to be done, rather than a slip here and there