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Why don't Most Starships Use More Automated Systems

[member="Gir Quee"]

Yea and i also imagine theres wuld be aktivist groups in SW, who wuld be agenst over relyance on droids, since theyd be worryd about droids trying to "take over the galaxy". I know I sure feel that vay, about AI and robots irl. I dont like them, I wuld never EVER own one, and i dont think over-relyance on them is a good idea. Enogh movies have been maked, about vhat culd happen if robots get too capable and smart, and decide we arent needed animore.

So yea, i think SW limitations on droid-use on warships is actualy VERY smart. Or if they use them alot, like the Konfederacy did, they make them limited in ability, like those puny B1 battle droids. There just good enogh to be good canon-fodder, but noting more then that. And they arent very smart, plus they folow orders blindly. I like that design filozofy, not alot of chance of those things going hay-wire. They had more advanced models ofc, like BXs and Droidekas, but those wer limited in produktion, and not comon. Smart.
As an editor on Wookiepedia, I really know of only two reasons why (canonically) automation isn't more widespread.

The first is massive fear over the Clone Wars. There was massive widespread resentment and paranoia after the CWs, and a lot of laws about droid safety protocols, restraining bolts, and other such things went into effect in the wake of the war. Reliance of droids in most every military application was phased out - this was only bolstered by the Droid Revolution 14 BBY.

The second is the loss of the Katana fleet. Katana fleet was the largest example of massive widespread fleet automation; and was considered the pinnacle of such technology. The fleet's disappearance (mostly due to the hive virus and the shortcomings of the automation) was really cemented into the minds of military generals and commanders for generations to come as one of the largest single wastes of resources and ships in history. After the incident, no one would fund a project similar to Katana fleet, and automation was largely abandoned.

However, in the new Last Jedi film, the resistance ships show a huge around of automation. Corvette and Capital ships are run with as few as 20-100 crew members. Very likely, automation will see a resurgence with the introduction of the new canon.
Kaird Galfridian said:
The first is massive fear over the Clone Wars. There was massive widespread resentment and paranoia after the CWs, and a lot of laws about droid safety protocols, restraining bolts, and other such things went into effect in the wake of the war. Reliance of droids in most every military application was phased out - this was only bolstered by the Droid Revolution 14 BBY.
My point exacly. After that kind of poodoo hapening, Im suprised they didnt out-law droids completly.

As for the "new canon" - there is no new canon. Evrything after Ep6 is a travesty to SW. Ok, exept the Solo movie, since that actualy fits the old canon time-line. Rogue One... maby. Far as I'm koncerned, Legends IS canon (and vhich-ever new movies come out that respekt them, those that dont, f-ck them). But I digres... i dont think automation is ever going to return to SW. Ppl have long memorys vhen it comes to Clone Wars, and thats not going to go away.

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