Xi Rel
Dark Blade
[member="Gir Quee"]
Yea and i also imagine theres wuld be aktivist groups in SW, who wuld be agenst over relyance on droids, since theyd be worryd about droids trying to "take over the galaxy". I know I sure feel that vay, about AI and robots irl. I dont like them, I wuld never EVER own one, and i dont think over-relyance on them is a good idea. Enogh movies have been maked, about vhat culd happen if robots get too capable and smart, and decide we arent needed animore.
So yea, i think SW limitations on droid-use on warships is actualy VERY smart. Or if they use them alot, like the Konfederacy did, they make them limited in ability, like those puny B1 battle droids. There just good enogh to be good canon-fodder, but noting more then that. And they arent very smart, plus they folow orders blindly. I like that design filozofy, not alot of chance of those things going hay-wire. They had more advanced models ofc, like BXs and Droidekas, but those wer limited in produktion, and not comon. Smart.
Yea and i also imagine theres wuld be aktivist groups in SW, who wuld be agenst over relyance on droids, since theyd be worryd about droids trying to "take over the galaxy". I know I sure feel that vay, about AI and robots irl. I dont like them, I wuld never EVER own one, and i dont think over-relyance on them is a good idea. Enogh movies have been maked, about vhat culd happen if robots get too capable and smart, and decide we arent needed animore.
So yea, i think SW limitations on droid-use on warships is actualy VERY smart. Or if they use them alot, like the Konfederacy did, they make them limited in ability, like those puny B1 battle droids. There just good enogh to be good canon-fodder, but noting more then that. And they arent very smart, plus they folow orders blindly. I like that design filozofy, not alot of chance of those things going hay-wire. They had more advanced models ofc, like BXs and Droidekas, but those wer limited in produktion, and not comon. Smart.