Ah, my dearest of sisters even though I believe you are the only one of which I have, it is a most pleasurable of experiences to see you again after so very incredibly painfully long a passing of time. And I would give my greetings to all the rest of the individuals in this thread of my own creation, but I do believe I have already done exactly that! How unnecessary and redundant it would be to do so again, and I have no desire to waste any of our no doubt valuable times by doing such so I shall not repeat myself unnecessarily. As for you Avicus of the DuSang family I do not believe we have ever met as I am sure I would remember someone with such an unforgettable and masterfully styled something growing out of their face. No, you must be thinking of another Daxium. One most likely less handsome and less Daxium than I. A pity that others are forced to live with a name that they can not possibly hope to live up to, but that is simply the sad nature of this infinitely cruel Galaxy. I know well the cruelties of this Galaxy. Oh, but I must object to being called mad! I am clearly not mad. Why, I would know if I was mad, and I am perfectly aware of the fact that I am in fact not mad at all so clearly I can not be mad.
You see?