Khyros Sunblade said:
This is the thread where the peace treaty happened.It was proposed by Keira Ticon, acting on behalf of Chancellor Jack Sparrow, and was accepted by the Mandalorian War Master Ember Rekali. That is why I take some issue with this, because peace was just settled between the Clans and the Republic.
I did not know that thread existed, so you do have a point I do believe. That said, Alderaan is not a military invasion. The peace treaty states that the Republic will not interfere with any desire to secede. Alderaan wishes to secede. The treaty does not state where that planet must
go once they secede and since there are pre-existing ties to Mandalorian clans, and since the Alderaanian nobility no longer trusts the republic, they want Mandalorian protection. Since the treaty states that no interference from the republic is to occur and Alderaan wants to join the Mandos, then it's less an invasion and more...
It's equivalent to, say, a divorce. You and your significant other have issues, your significant other is finally done, and boots you out. They own the house, so you have to leave. Let's say your significant other doesn't trust you for some reason or is paranoid or outright crazy, so they call their cousins and siblings over to make sure you take your stuff, and only your stuff, and leave.
A rough comparison, but I guess it works enough for what I'm trying to explain. It's less and invasion and more equivalent to when the "Invasion" of Ord Mantel happened a year or so ago. A discussion on who should leave and the actual leaving. It only sparks into combat if someone does something... stupid.
Vitor Imperieuse said:
1: IC plot was that we'd made up.
2: Without good OOC relations, there's no way IC stuff can happen because people won't agree to RP with each other. Forcing people to RP with one another works out horribly.
3: The Genevieve storyline was bull and should never have been allowed to happen.
4: Some people on the Pub side during the invasion were stupid and did what the Mandos told them to do without thinking for themselves.
5: An NPC was the person who decompressed the hangar that killed Aaralyn.
1. Just dealt with that earlier in this post.
2. RPing is optional, you're not required to show up. There are consequences for that, but that's as a major faction, not at a writer basis for this situation. If someone doesn't want to write, they don't have to.
3. That's a Republic problem, not a Mandalorian problem.
4. News to me. I saw Mandos and Republic members working side by side after the war crimes started. Methinks someone should have built upon it using the PR tools at hand.
5. An NPC may have done it, but a PC ordered it. Regardless of if that NPC overstepped a boundary, the order's origination came from a PC. We can go back and forth all day, but ultimately it matters less and less on the OOC and entirely on the IC. Bobbie the One Armed Sloth could have pushed the button, but when the other side only knows of, sees, and understands a similar order came from Jimmy the Blind Sloth, they point the finger at Jimmy. It doesn't help that Jimmy acted suspiciously to the other side or did seemingly panicky things after the alleged crimes occurred. IC'ly, they see Jimmy and point the finger there, and in a situation like this, it'd take a lot of effort, time, and a massive amount of digging to prove otherwise, and at best you're looking at both Jimmy and Bobbie getting nailed equally.