Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]

Planets invaded further than two grids away from a Major Faction's borders will not increase a Major Faction's Influence Cloud.
Thanks Draco and [member="Braith Achlys"]
[member="Khyros Sunblade"]

I'm asking we not further make it look like we cannot deal with the fact the invasion will happen. It's going to happen, and it's up to us to act like adults and react icly and as adults in the thread when it's up... sitting here and complaining for complaining sakes doesn't get us anhwhere..

Nick Sept

Worst Ghost in the Galaxy
[member="Alexander Sannes"]

That is the sanest response to all this I've heard yet in this thread. Look, the terms of peace treaty, as I understand, were that we are not to interfere with force. Sending a delegation to talk with the rulers of the planet is not force. Let this play out. We've done four OOC threads when we should just be settling this.
[member="Nick Sept"][member="Alexander Sannes"]

The problem with settling it IC is that the IC hasn't been started yet. The Admins are still hashing things out.

Rather than saying "Stop whining, be an adult." perhaps a better response to this would be "Yeah, it sucks, but it's what we have to deal with."

Comes off sounding a lot less judgemental in a pace where no one has the right to judge another.

Just my 2 cents though.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
As a mod I think this discussion has gone on long enough, it's doing nothing for this situation so I have a few things to say.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] for the love of everything holy, stop. Stop posting these kinds of threads complaining about things, I don't want to do another Invasion just as much as the next guy, but I accept it. I'm sorry you feel this way truly I do, but get over it.

[member="Popo"] & [member="Draco Vereen"]

You guys stop as well. [member="Popo"] you are not a part of this faction anymore, you left and have attacked us IC. I get that you want to hang around and contribute to discussions but unless you are contributing towards the faction im asking you to please let our members talk about things themselves without either of you two throwing shade on a brotha. This is simply a request and not a command, please let our members talk about things themselves and stay out of it. Thank you.

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[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Khyros Sunblade"]

That is prob my fault. I got the impression that the terms were incomplete but from what I understand after checking with [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Rexus Drath"] I had missunderstood.

So while I think it will be tricky to decide on the outcome, the ooc pre-negotiation was actually completed.

On this thread topic. The map game is connected to ooc rules.
The GR (or any major faction) can loose a planet via either a lost invasion or if via a cloud reduction.
Both are determined ooc wise by the staff. So regardless of the ic leads to that the mandos withdraw we can still discuss if Alderaan want to go neutral but that is an ooc decission.

Major factipns have had civil war happen without cloud breaks or cloud reductions. Its story happening and even though the GR offers a senate seat to any planet in the GR cloud there is nothing saying that a world without senatorial representation cant be part of the cloud anyway.
Alderaan cam accomplish all these things and have the republic at an arms length just like it can in any other faction.

Now, I do see a problem with groups of writers paving ground (concious or not) for other major factions to invade but in the end of the day it is RP and should matter.

The invasion starts the 6th unless the Mando admin team takes the OOC decission to withdraw the invasion. Otherwise we are in for a different but interesting invasion.
While I personally would have prefered pre-decided terms and some rule on how to decide the debate "pvp" I am actually sorta looking forward too see how we can ooc decide the outcome after two weeks.
If nothing else it will be a learnimg process and it may open up for more "peaceful" invasions in the future.
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