Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Will droids be something different in the new trilogy?

KotOR is by far NOT the best game ever. In its time it was good. But even in its time I never understood the interest in HK-47. Sure, he is funny with his meatbag comments and whatnot, but all around when I did my rounds on the Ebon Hawk between missions he was one of the people I was least interested in talking to. Oh... and the astromech equivalent. I was much more interested in speaking to Jolee, Bastila, Mission, and Carth. They actually grew as characters and had relevance to the story other than "Intimidating threat: Arg, I kill meatbeats."

Battlefront... fun also... not great... zero storyline, copied gameplay, only upside... it is Star Wars. Seriously. I mean, I'm a huge Star Wars fan boy... but even I can see it despite that nice shiney outercoating.

And I love me some Empire at War, but it is only half a game. Ground battles are just terribad.

Now, on to droids. Gotta say... I think CGI is some of the worst things that make droids look "cool". Sure, you can do grandiouse things, but they just don't have the... realism or the kind of reality in them for me. And I also am not too concerned with making droids a big part of the story, nor do I really expect it. I'm reading the new Legacy Series that is out right now... and really... they added a droid called AG and he's just not that interesting. And it is not him personally, it is just that droids... aren't. Outside of their gizmos or their look they just cannot offer too much that really rounds them out as a character. They can have nice quarks (like the meatbag stuff) but even then there is little reason for it outside of programming. They lack the meat that makes a character truly engaging, relate able, or capable of growing. A droid hero would act out of programming... that's not interesting at all. A sentient hero acts out of something else entirely, something tangible and of value and that is their choice to do so despite the odds.

So sure, I look forward to seeing more droids, but it really boils down to the same reason I want to see new ships and planets. It will look nice and be cool additions to the mythos. But I come to the movies to see the story and the characters engage in a problem that they need to dig deep into themselves to over come. Droids can't offer that.

Yu-Sien Karsa

Grandmaster of the Aa'Kua style
KOtOR was a good game, and I like to pick it up now and again but there are others that I enjoy more. Personally I believe Mass Effect beats Kotor out a million to one. As far as star wars games I liked force unleashed and Republic Commando, though the later was less about any engaging story at all. Battlefront was good for a running around and blasting your friends game and was a good time killer sometimes. Now with DICE making the new game I think it will offer way more than the last games ever could.

Now about droids in the new movies...I always had a liking for the battle droids, I just thought they were cool aside from their stupid comments. The Phantom Menace, though not very good compared to the rest of the prequels, made the Battle Droids out as cold no nonsense military machines that would kill without mercy. To me that was cool because they were both evil and realistic, after they began talking more it ruined them a little. If the droids come back cold and menacing like in the Phantom Menace i'm down with that. C3PO was always just a whinny guy who was funny because everybody else hated him and R2D2 was funny because he was a sarcastic prick who you just couldn't understand. I'd like to see them back, not so sure how an HK character would fit in though. The meatbag comments were amusing at the start but they got a little old to me until later in the game when he would say something a little clever that would get me.
Droids are droids. Secondary to the main story unless they're C-3PO or R2-D2. Droids will not rule the show, not a chance. They could be part of it, maybe a droid BH or something like that, but they aren't going to replace the two main droids of Star Wars.
i hope so... Knowing that things have changed... I mean they dont have to get new one (even though i hope they do because the stupid battle droids and managaurds are getting old) At least make them better :confused: :ph34r:

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