Derisive Umbaran
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Shorn had been a duelist- a Makashi user or something of the sort. Tyrin had looked into as much since Shorn's first attempt at a usurping had ended in an anticlimax. Subtle, fancy moves with the blades were his strong point when it came to locking lightsabers. Tyrin perhaps would have gone into Makashi if he hadn't already had settled on Juyo. Wherein Makashi was elegant, Juyo was primal. Tyrin was polite and amiable in his spare time. If he was in lightsaber combat, he wanted it over quickly. Preferably with his opponent buried under an avalanche of violent strokes. When Shorn's blade came down from behind to intercept his, Tyrin had no desire to stick around to see what delicate wrist-flicking would bring him into an unfavorable position. He'd hit his mark- good enough for him. He pushed himself back, putting a good foot or so of distance between himself and Mikhail before the man could sever his hands. He needed those, no way he was losing them at this juncture.
"Hah! Got you, you arrogant little- Glrk!"
As per usual, Tyrin had spoken too soon. Tyrin's immediate response was not borne of calculation or even a thought process. It was instinct. The kind of instinct that kicked in when there was little to no other option. Tyrin would not be slammed about like some kind of rag doll without a fight- not at this range. Any option was preferable to having his face become overly-familiar with the cold, hard stone floor of the throne room. The moment Tyrin felt the Force encircle around his neck, lightning blossomed from his free hand. Raw energy borne over mastery of the Force and pure fury.
And at this moment, a little bit of desperation.
Shorn had been a duelist- a Makashi user or something of the sort. Tyrin had looked into as much since Shorn's first attempt at a usurping had ended in an anticlimax. Subtle, fancy moves with the blades were his strong point when it came to locking lightsabers. Tyrin perhaps would have gone into Makashi if he hadn't already had settled on Juyo. Wherein Makashi was elegant, Juyo was primal. Tyrin was polite and amiable in his spare time. If he was in lightsaber combat, he wanted it over quickly. Preferably with his opponent buried under an avalanche of violent strokes. When Shorn's blade came down from behind to intercept his, Tyrin had no desire to stick around to see what delicate wrist-flicking would bring him into an unfavorable position. He'd hit his mark- good enough for him. He pushed himself back, putting a good foot or so of distance between himself and Mikhail before the man could sever his hands. He needed those, no way he was losing them at this juncture.
"Hah! Got you, you arrogant little- Glrk!"
As per usual, Tyrin had spoken too soon. Tyrin's immediate response was not borne of calculation or even a thought process. It was instinct. The kind of instinct that kicked in when there was little to no other option. Tyrin would not be slammed about like some kind of rag doll without a fight- not at this range. Any option was preferable to having his face become overly-familiar with the cold, hard stone floor of the throne room. The moment Tyrin felt the Force encircle around his neck, lightning blossomed from his free hand. Raw energy borne over mastery of the Force and pure fury.
And at this moment, a little bit of desperation.