NAME: William "Liam" ChenFACTION: Sanctuary Systems Liberation Army (formerly Bakuran Defense League)
RANK: Major | Quartermaster
AGE: 53
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: 150 lba
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale

Nerd Rage!: Smart as a whip, Liam is not terribly gifted when it comes to the physical side of things. But when push comes to shove and the chips are down, he can summon remarkable bravery and physical stamina, like a mother rescuing her children from under a landspeeder.
Medic: Liam's training was as a medic, and he retains basic knowledge regarding manifest medical conditions, which comes in particularly handy in battlefield injuries.
Jury Rigging: As Quartermaster for a fledgling guerrilla movement on a war-ravaged and now isolated planet, Liam has found ways to stretch resources, substitute missing items, and generally make something useful out of bits of stuff.
Four Eyes: Liam sustained an injury to his eyes during the battle of Bakura that left him night blind and thus not suited to combat service. He wear specially designed glasses at night to allow him to see, but the quality of his eyesight is not the same.
Small Frame: Slight of stature, Liam isn't the most physically impressive specimen.

Widowed during the initial Ssi-Ruuk incursion into the First Order some ten years ago, Dr. Chen became severely depressed and transferred to the logistics division of the Bakura Defense Force. When the Ssi-Ruuk came calling for the second time, he sustained an injury and ended up in an underground bunker, codenamed the Rectory, which doubled as a field hospital for a time. By default, he became involved in the guerrilla movement that grew up after Bakura's sack and the First Order's collapse. When he was well enough, he set about to assist with creating solutions to the problems faced by the bunker crew.

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