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Winter S. Sovereign - The Exiled



  • Full Name: Winter 'Snow' Sovereign
  • Nickname: Snow - Snowflake - Whiterose - Snowangel
  • Alias: Queen of the North - The Ice Queen - The Exiled - The Uncrowned
  • Titles: Her Benevolence - Majesty - Highness - Lady Sovereign - Queen Sovereign
  • Species: Sheikah
  • Homeworld: Noctourn
  • Faction(s): Mandolorian Empire - The Awoken
  • Rank(s): Witch Spellweaver
  • Master(s): None
  • Padawan(s): Kara Blackmoor
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: True Neutral - Chaotic Neutral



Gender: Female
Age: 495 GSY
Height: 6 Feet
Weight: 230lbs
Eye Color: Vibrant Blue
Hair Color: Frosty White
Face Claim: Mara Sov
Voice Sample: Widowmaker
Fullbody Reference: Winter Casual (Primary) - Winter Formal (Unused)

Appearance Details: From the view of a stranger or perhaps someone who is not familiar with the further reaches of the galaxy Winter appears to be rather exotic given her appearance and choice of style. With luminescent pale skin and bright blue eyes that seem to flare vibrantly whenever a powerful emotion seeps from her cool exterior. Her skin is smooth and soft, radiating a strange aura of beauty and intimidation all at once. Her hairstyle being rather messy with the top fraction of it being pulled back along her head while the sides hand freely on each side of her face so her vision is not completely obscured. Winters body structure is...rather muscular for a woman within her family. Possessing toned layers of muscle along her biceps, legs and even her mid section. All while still possessing the voluptuous curves that she rather enjoys flaunting about. Ice thick thighs and a mature set of hips often draw the eyes of many potential suitors from both gender rolls.

Winters style of clothing often varies depending on the situation and circumstances. While in her comfort zone and out of combat, she normally wears a unique outfit that was crafted by hand herself. Sporting a carbon colored sleeveless leather jacket that is cut off around the end of the rib cage. Having a warm collection of fur along the collar. Underneath the jacket she wears a violet colored long sleeve undershirt that hugs her curves rather nicely. She also wears a couple of durasteel shoulder pads that provide minor protection to her shoulders and biceps. Around her waist is a grey utility belt which is where she keeps her lightsaber and other gadgets. Around the back of her utility belt is a violet colored cloth that hangs along her backside. Leg-wear consist of tight leather and a pair of heeled boots.

Winters 'Combat' attire is drastically different from her casual however. Consisting mostly of an armorweave fabric and armor plating along her chest and back, Winter strolls into battle with a hooded cloak and her trusty lightsaber. While it is nothing special in its own right, when on Winter she can appear very intimidating.


|| Psychological Profile||

Current Emotional Status: Cold & Distant
Positive Emotional Keywords: Diligent - Thoughtful - Observant - Charitable - Merciful - Leader
Negative Emotional Keywords: Cold - Foreboding - Violent - Wrathful - Unpredictable - Emotionless
Personality Breakdown: Winter Sovereign is a severe woman with a fearsome and commanding presence. Harsh with her subordinates and peers and coldly merciless to her enemies, the deceptively beautiful woman's schadenfreude has earned her the nickname "Ice Queen" among the galaxy. Sharp-tongued and highly combative, Winter is no stranger to furious chastisements and bursts of icy violence, especially toward those who fail to live up to her high standards and staunch adherence to the "survival of the fittest" philosophy. As such, she has no tolerance at all for weakness or lack of willpower and fosters great distaste for the concept of "being a lady", which she views as a mindset promoting easy handouts and unnecessary compromise. That being said, she is extremely perceptive and adaptive, able to coolly judge which courses of action will lead to the most beneficial results and capable of thinking and acting on the fly in response to unpredictable or mutable circumstances.
Skilled at reading people and conscious of even her own limitations, The Queen understands that she requires the support of her subordinates and peers in order to succeed and, though she understands that sacrifice is often a necessary part of her endeavors, never forgets the weight and impact that each person has on the world. As such, she takes her commanding role very seriously and has earned the undying loyalty of her men with her hands-on approach to leadership on and off the field of battle. While she cannot be said to have a "soft spot" for anyone in particular, Winter is a deceptively caring and selfless individual, prone to taking great risks in order to protect the lives and well-being of those who have placed their trust in her.
Contrary to her name Winter is often perceived as cold and callus at first glance. And in some instances this is very true. But when it comes to diving into the complex mind of this woman one will find that fire burns behind those cold eyes. Unlike most ladies, Winter is dominant, demanding, and destructive. Quick to talk back and even quicker to throw a punch. And while this can be misconstrued into being prudish or uptight, Winter does have her 'wild side'. She was always something of a tom-boy and thus never really fit in with the typical gender roll she was given. Fighting, wrestling, and overall being a rather menacing child. When she hit her teenage years, she was often the girl people called when they had a problem. Having to be the 'responsible' one in a family of five despite being the youngest of her siblings, Winter was always taught that if a fight was started. It was her responsibility to finish it. Her brothers would start fights with the toughest bastards in the yard...but it was always Winter...who had to come in and finish it. They'd steal from stores. But it was always her to braved the old mans belt.
Growing up this mad made her callus and tough. More than likely to get into a fist fight and actually have fun doing so. She took no sh*t from anyone and became rather dominant over others. While not demanding submission from those around her, and not even their respect. She demanded their acknowledgement. Not motivated by ambition, power, greed, or even honor or some faith. Winter does what she pleases for the sake of herself. She is a woman who knows what she wants, and how to get it. Willing to go through drastic means to gain what she desires. Which could be a handsome man, a new ship, information, or ect.
Now, on the other side of the spectrum. Winter possesses a manipulative and cheeky side of her that is often expressed in casual encounters. Strutting with a subtle sway of her hips and a smirk playing her features. Winter is sometimes a shameless flirt, finding herself toying with the emotions of others just to satisfy her insecurities. While she does enjoy enticing both genders, she identifies herself as Pansexual rather than Bisexual. Regardless, Winter is an independent dominant woman with a fiery attitude but cold posture. Witty, intelligent, and graceful.

|| Orientations ||

Marital Status: Single
Sexual Conduct: Asexual - Sexually Inactive
Sin(s): Wrath & Sloth
Virtue(s): Diligence & Charity
Languages: Sheikah - Galactic Basic - Mando'a - Arkanian - Huttese - Several Others.
Occupation: Queen of The Awoken - Unknown
Residence: The Queens Chariot


|| Strengths ||

Powerful Force Control: One of Winters greatest strengths and skills is her ability to trigger and maintain her connection through the force despite its constant activity. Her ability to focus on multiple things at once and channel the force for long extended periods of time without exhaust or halt. However she can become rather drained through very advanced force techniques that demand most of her Force Energy. But thankfully, a vast majority goes into her more primitive force techniques such as Earth Shaping, Ice Manipulation, and bodily control Spells handed down to her from Dathomir.

Physically Fit: Despite the common misconception of Winter being a 'lady' or a 'Queen', Winter is truthfully more physically capable than most warriors. Never favoring the lazy monarch lifestyle, Winter is consistently pushing her physical limits. Solid six pack, muscular biceps and thighs thick enough to crush watermelons, The Ice Queen is a rare case of female dominance and masculinity while still maintaining a feminine outlook at first glance. But underneath all that clothing she is rather shredded.

Natural Leader: It is hard to determine if Winter is cold or cruel, or simply doesn't feel strong emotion either way. But it is noted by many that Winter has no desires for power, wealth, glory or the ladder, and in a peaceful world she would be the perfect Queen. This is shown by her ability to rally arms and strategically lead those loyal to her at a moments notice without the slightest hesitation. She is cold, merciless, precise, and honest. She does not sugar coat or lie and as a result has gained the respect of many who look to her for guidance.

​|| Attributes ||

Wrathful & Destructive: While this is normally something very few actively see, the truth is Winter is extremely violent and destructive when provoked. She rarely ever expresses interest when challenged to a fight or even met with hostility but the moment the first strike is made she becomes a violent force of nature that is not to be reckoned with. She will not hesitate to cut someone down should they attempt her harm in any way shape or form.

Distant & Emotionless: Winter is almost always seen with a permanent scowl across her face. She radiates a certain coldness about her which often times causes discomfort around others. Her body language is always high strung and defensiveness, with arms crossed over her chest, her head tucked and slightly slouched or with her hands at her sides balled into fist. Her expression rarely ever changes from her emotionless and blank expression. This makes it hard to connect with others since she is so solitary and isolated.

Rebellious: Everything about Winter seems to express that she despises what is considered the social standard in modern civilization. Ever since she was a girl she detested the idea of 'Being a lady' and retains that same mindset to this very day. She has not worn formal clothing such as a dress or skirt in over two three and a half centuries and rather than enjoying the common things women like she seems more interested in remaining physically dominant, efficiency in battle, and ect. She follows no ones orders but her own and lives by her own set of rules. She even rejects the idea of a Light Side & Dark Side of The Force. She seems to appose everything that civilization as a whole accepts as normal or common.

|| Weaknesses ||

Self-Conflicted: Winter is always second guessing herself and her decisions. While she may not hesitate to take a certain action at a moments notice, in her head she will always question rather or not it was the right move. She is constantly clashing with herself, not caring about anything but at the same time blaming herself for everything. Self destructive and broken inside, she is still trying to pick up the pieces of her former self.

Lack of Empathy & Sympathy: Over the four hundred years Winter has been alive she has seen so much and been hurt so often that after so long her heart became cold and the blood that ran through her veins became frozen. Some often say how when they touch her chest they feel no heartbeat. As if she is dead on the inside. Winter cannot bring herself to care for the misfortune of others for a large number of reasons, most important of which being the instability of her emotional status. She has not conveyed sympathy or empathy for anyone or anything in a very long time, and it is this cold distance that makes it hard for her to form meaningful relationships. Only further isolating her and making her feel more lonely.

Feelings of Emptiness: When in her youth Winter suffered from feelings of low self worth and other issues. But after the years and years went by and she never got the emotional support she needed to grow into a caring individual she became...empty inside. No conviction, no motivation, no desires or feelings of feelings of wanting to be loved. At a point she was simply devoid of any and all things that made sentient sentient...she lacks the most fundamental human traits of having aspirations or desires as as a result she comes off as standoffish or depressing.

Sloth: Referring to one of Winters sins, Sloth plays a heavy part in her character because she is always seen moving rather slowly as if she has all the time in the world. Never concerning herself with time limits or haste, she moves constantly in a steady walk and will rarely ever chance such pace even in the midst of battle. She walks through warzones, out of heated situations, between other combatants without even sparing them a glance. This often results in her getting roughed up rather often since she lacks the concern to even dodge attacks most of the time. Like the cold snow and ice, she moves gradually, elegantly...or not at all.

(Winter 4 Centuries Ago)



Act I
Birth of Winter

The birth year for Winter is mostly unknown due to the mysterious nature of the Sheikan Royal Family, she is estimated to be nearly two hundred years old and thus as a result guesses can be made based upon that information. However, the fact remains that Winter was born into a very strict and demanding family line. The youngest of four sisters who were appropriately named in the order they were born. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The youngest of the four, Winter sustained many emotional scars during her childhood that have resulted in the woman seen today.

Though she herself would never admit to it, those within her personal guard would know that everything has been decided for her in her life, and because of it, she is a bit of a rebel. It even manages to manifest itself in her physical appearance as she wears her hair messily, not bothering to do it up and letting her frosty strands fall where they may. She also wears an outfit that is both elegant and rebellious, with carefully sown detail in some places and ripped up uneven rags hanging in others. Despite her rebelliousness, she does not seem to be hostile to her family or anyone else. However, Winter talks little of her family, nor does she ever bring up the subject, keeping such part of her life hidden. She also brushes off any mention of her family refusing to talk to her sisters and parents to this very day for reasons unknown. Still, she will defend if offended or threatened despite her rocky relationship with her sisters growing up.

Considering how often she pushes the affections of others away so coldly, it is sometimes shown that Winter felt very lonely throughout her life. Her initially cold attitude towards allies and anyone she doesn't consider a close friend may be a sign that she's very unused to the concept of a true friend due to her difficult childhood. Growing up in the shadow of three older sisters she was always treated inferior...unwanted. And when she tried to act out and draw attention to herself she was quickly put back in her place. Forced to abide by the strict rules of the royal family...always having her hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a dress, a crown. Speak a certain way...these...rules ultimately weighed heavily on Winter. Especially when she reached the appropriate age to maintain her own realm as a young teenager. Putting forth the weights of expectations and standards upon the young girl who barely even knew who she was. Forced to live in such a way some might call oppressive.

Act II
House of Winter

In her young adolescent years Winter was eventually taken away from her ancestral home and brought to the far north of her planet. A realm covered in blankets of white and snow falling almost constantly. The north was cold...empty. Barren. And it was from there she was brought to her icy castle to sit upon the throne of her house...House of Winter. And with the young princess taking on new responsibilities such as maintaining her realm, keeping up social gathering and studying witchcraft under the tutelage of her mentor. However, this eventually became a heavy burden on Winter...her sisters had been running their own realms as well, but they were all basically neighbors...Winter often heard of them having events and 'hanging out' doing the sister thing. Winter on the other hand, never received an invitation. Being isolated in the far north where the weather was less than enjoyable to most. The Snow Princess lived most of her teenage years alone and in the least, until she rebelled.

Fire & Ice

Winter was starting to reach an all time low. Being in the prime of her mental development and yet she had little to no social friends. No families. Only responsibility held over her head like a sword. Being told how to live her life and given no wiggle room to discover herself since she was so isolated from the rest of her people that it made it nearly impossible to socialize. As a result of this she grew desperate. Her desire to be seen and accepted by someone who could understand was so great that she snuck into her Royal Guards quarters and commandeered a small shuttle. Using it to ride away as far as she could, Winter eventually found herself entering the Realm of Summer. Warm Savannahs, golden grass and the realm which her second eldest sister ruled.

The shuttle eventually broke down and left Winter stranded in a environment mysterious to her. was new. And thus her curiosity carried her the rest of the way. And upon her travels she stumbled upon a small village that was owned by a branching clan under the rule of her older sister. Upon her arrival, Winter met a young boy who seemed to be working outside her home. Sweeping and cleaning around...It was a strange sight to see, a male within one of the Sheikah clans considering they were an all female species. However, to Winters surprise, this 'boy' was actually a girl. A young Witch named Ember of Clan Phoenix. Something Winter found out after a rather awkward conversation...

The young princess quickly found that the black haired witch had much in common with herself. Something that made Winter want to latch on...and so she dropped her birth name and called herself 'Frost' from the Land of Snow. This lie got her far enough, because not soon after the two began to get into mischief together. And over time through their misadventures Winter had grown a very strong friendship between her and Ember. Even though she lied about who she really was, the time they shared was something Winter cherished...even more so than her title. And after so long the two began to grow inseparable. Both of them sick of their lives and the society they lived in. Winter, tired of the rules, regulation and responsibility wanted to leave and discover be 'free' find family. Somewhere she felt she belonged. And Ember, who had come from a broken home of abuse and neglect simply wanted to be on her own. And it is through both their internal struggles that the two friends made a pact...a promise to one another that one day soon they'd run away together and explore the galaxy. And it was this promise that motivated them for the foreseeable future.

Act IV
The Outcast

Time passed, and as the young princess grew older and older she found herself craving the love and affection of her siblings more and more. Her time with Ember were well and good at the time but the young snow angel wanted the approval and recognition from her sisters. Her neighboring sisters had constantly held parties and balls in which Winter was never the end she felt neglected and wanted to remind her sisters that she existed. And despite her shy awkwardness that she could be 'likable' if they merely gave her the chance. So Winter worked, tried to fix herself so she could appeal to her kin and perhaps finally be included in family events.

But alas, perhaps it was never meant to be. For each time she attempted to show up to her sisters realm she was always met with some form of resistance or denial. Not even allowed past the border yet alone into their personal palaces. Winter never did find out why she was excluded in family events and gatherings, and as a result she only grew more shallow and bitter as a person.

Act V
The Rebellion

There was once a time when Winter loved her family dearly...a time when she was proud to be a Sovereign and was willing to defend her name and title at any cost. But over time she began to doubt everything she ever knew. Ignored by her parents, outcasted by her own Kin. And disliked among her own people because of the season and realm she represented, The Ice Princess had hit an all time low...her sorrow only quickly turned to icy fury as she decided to rebel against her family and call out how they've mistreated her most her life. However, when she came face to face with the family they merely dismissed her complaints as little more than childish nuisance. Fury rose within the princess, and out of desperate need to be understood she lashed out. Her cyrokenetic abilities seeping from her and making it as cold as the north she was forced to rule alone. Her sister Summer, attempted to restrain Winter, rivaling Winters cold with that heat of her Pyrokenetic abilities.

​The two opposite forces clashed relentlessly. Spilling blood and tears until finally Winter was subdued because of her blind rage and emotional turmoil. However, despite being beaten Summer would not stop. Wrapping her hands around Winters neck and strangling her as the other hand held tightly onto Winters long white hair, the princess panicked and squirmed. Fearing for her life, she let the coldness of her soul pass through her...spreading to Summers arm which held her hair, Winter managed to freeze it completely solid.

Summer screamed...attempting to pull away but only hurting herself in the process. Winter, who was still panicking pulled herself away...unintentionally ripping off Winters arm up to her elbow. Agonizing screams of pain filled the ancestral home as Winter fled...her sisters arm still frozen and clinging to her hair as she distanced herself as much as she could from the palace. Fleeing back to The North.

Act VI
The Exiled

Afraid, confused. And fearing for her very life Winter returned to The North with one thing in mind...she had to leave. To distance herself from her family as quickly as possible before they came looking for her. Emotionally shattered, Winter went to her room and grabbed a pair of scissors. Taking Summers hand that clung to her hair and pulling it along with most of her hair...and she ran the scissors straight through her frosty strands. Cutting her hair extremely short and forever changing how it grew which is why is looks the way it does today. After this, she gathered her prized possessions and commanded her caregiver Hati to help her flee...the House of Winter royal guard on the side of their princess, also came along. And together they all gathered on a ship and fled the planet...Winter, had self imposed exile upon herself...abandoning her name, her family...and the one friend she ever had...Ember...breaking the promise they made to leave together.

And as Winter traveled the stars the years went by and she become colder...harsher...more lonely and misunderstood than ever before. And as decades passed and she remained on the edge of the galaxy looking through the seeing glass she began to change...she interacted in the wars of others and eventually garnered the respect of those who pledged their loyalty to her. A majority of The Xarix siding with Winter in her new home on the edge of the galaxy...where she dubbed herself Queen of The Reef...and as centuries passed. Her family and her name because nothing more but a distant memory.


|| Winters Grimoire ||

The Spellbook

Unique Custom Spells

Hex of Entropy: A passive spell that allows Winter to place the desired target in a temporary state of paralysis. While the body becomes stiff and incapable of moving as the subjects accuracy is disturbed and their mind becomes heavy with the sins of their past. A spell designed to show the victim the error of their ways without engaging hostility. (Basically putting someone in temporary stasis)

Essence of Sleep: Another passive spell that allows Winter to create an aura that puts ones mind into an almost perpetual state of ease and peacefulness. Taking mere moments to take effect, this spell makes the desired target slowly lose consciousness and fall into a deep state of sleep. Very few are able to resist the effect of the spell, those who can normally have superior control of their mind or some kind of force resistance.

Voidbow: An rather more aggressive and extremely versatile and advanced, This is a spell that required enormous amounts of concentration, focus, and extensive knowledge of the force. When this spell is cast, Winter draws in from the void of the force. Turning the raw energy of the force and molding it into a metaphysical voidbow of pure energy. When summoned, the Winter can use the voidbow as a near-traditional version of the Nightsisters energy bow. The arrow will create a large area of effect blast similar to that of a grenade if focused. Throwing victims into the air and if concentrated can be channeled into a blast similar to a plasma bolt where it merely cuts through almost any material like butter. This spell is extremely advanced and even Winter struggles to trigger it at times.

Voidbomb: A powerful destruction spell that is similar to the Voidbow. However, in this version the user summons the raw power of both sides of the force within the palm of her hand and when thrown in a certain direction it can cause massive splash damage and take out a small group of hostiles. It takes a form similar to that of dark matter, a round sphere of pure energy summoned before being discharged in whatever direction. This bomb is about as effective as a large scale grenade but is still useful when dealing with large amount of hostiles.

Winters Essence: A unique spell that was one of Winters first. This spell causes a icy aura to surround her and is usually related to that of ice or snow. In a reasonable area of effect Winters aura forces the temperature in a room to drop drastically below zero. Windows become icy with frost coating its surface, flowers die and freeze, water itself freezes over a bit. And if the spell is being used as she is 'walking' close to water, it freezes by several inches, allowing her to walk upon its surface. Many find this spell discomforting as they do not enjoy such cold temperatures and this is normally used to intimidate. While 'Winters Touch' is made to solidly freeze objects she touches.

Winters Kiss: A cosmetic spell made for those who dare get to close or overstep their bounds. Winter presses her lips into the willing target, and from here keeps the kiss locked as she freezes the target inside out, turning their insides into a freezer.

Dathomir Spells

Speed of the Toocha: A spell that imbues its users with blindingly fast speed allowing them to accomplish extraordinary feats of speed and acrobatics unmatched by Non Force Users.

Scream of the Ssurian: This spell was designed for the Ssurian Nightsister hunting call which was originally used as a territorial warning towards intruders. Later it was developed into a rather devastating deep thrumming vibrations that could split the earth and other harmful area of effects such as shattering glass, interfering with internal wiring, and ect. When directed at an enemy, the wave of sound would shatter teeth and pop eardrum.

Touch of the Kiin'Dray: This Spell is less on the offensive side of things and is typically used for scaling awkward structures that normal people would have trouble climbing. A spell where the user could apply a binding force to their hands and feet to scramble up a cliff face or to hold a weapon in a grip that was unbreakable by anything.

Enhance Force Sensitivity: A spell that could give a lesser force sensitive a boost in power, however the ritual for it is long and draining requiring immense focus and preparation.

Shaper Magic

Earth Shaping: One of Winters primary means of offense and defense when on a earthy planet. Winter is rather skilled with this form of magic as she uses it with physical movement. Powerful stomps and quick jabs to restructure and deconstruct the earth around her into a weapon. Capable of blasting pillars from surfaces and smashing rocks. She uses this rather often when in combat with forces in an open area with little cover.

Ice Shaping: Winters most powerful gift and talent. Winter is capable of summoning snow and ice from nothing and is able to maintain it on a level compared only to a master. It is her theme...her gift. The thing she was born with and would soon die with. No one else can compare...the cold betrays them because it belongs to her.


Combat Profile

Winters style of combat can only be described as unorthodox and unpredictable. Using her vast knowledge of martial arts that she had gained over her incredibly long lifespan. Mixing a series of martial arts and using them all to her advantage Winter utilizes boxing, kickboxing, Echani Martial Arts, and Wing Chun and formulates them all into a savage fighting that that makes her very hard to predict and counter. Using deception and technicality as her primary means of defeating opponents, her style of combat normally means that she needs to remain stationary rather than constantly assaulting her opponent. And when she does go on the offensive it is very quick and before the next move can even be made she retreats back to her stationary counter position.

It should be noted that Winter has a high pain tolerance and is rather unfazed by pain in large amounts. Solid punches to her face that would result in a broken nose would only force Winter to glare at her opponent menacingly as if it were little more than a slap. Her numbness to pain allows her to constantly be in the fight much longer than someone who lets their pain distract and consume them. Winter is also very physically superior than most women. While most females are lean, flexible and rather flimsy, Winter herself is at the peak of physical condition. A solid six pack, toned biceps and a pair of thighs that can crush skulls, when wearing all that clothing no one would ever be any the wiser as her outfits tend to hug her voluptuous figure and this often misleads others about her physical condition.

On another note, Winter is not very good with weapons such as lightsabres and blasters. She finds them rather...clunky and for some reason finds herself incapable of using them effectively. While this has not stopped her from using them in the past, they are normally just as throw away weapons to use in times where she cannot use another. Her true skills lie in her ability to use primitive blades and a staff/spear. Winter has shown great skill and talent with a staff and has been known to achieve rather extraordinary feats with the weapon.



Melee weapons:

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Ranged Weapons:

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Felran Natri

@Winter Sovereign

Beautiful. Must drag to become Sith. Or at least fight. Or normal RP
@Winter Sovereign

...Now, I need to make a Fallen Kell something similar to the Fallen. I think there is a species created that is supposed to be a Star Wars-ified version of them.

And yes, the Queen of the Reef does have the curves...

EDIT: For some reason, it is not Mentioning you...
Nrir'ezeash'assase said:
@Winter Sovereign

...Now, I need to make a Fallen Kell something similar to the Fallen. I think there is a species created that is supposed to be a Star Wars-ified version of them.

And yes, the Queen of the Reef does have the curves...

EDIT: For some reason, it is not Mentioning you...

Yes, name him Skollas hurhur.

And don't you forget it honey.

and i have no idea why =/
Winter Sovereign said:
I think he means he is confident that Mr Snow is alive. But i could be wrong.
He can't be, honestly. He is more than likely a Targaryen, and to kill any of the Targaryens off spells death to the Seven Kingdoms. Please, there is also The Red Woman, whom is more than likely to revive him, and not like how the Mountain was revived.

Also, best GoT dubstep ever.

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