Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Winter S. Sovereign - The Exiled


"Whats wrong my wolf, Don't you hear the hunt calling?"

  • Birth Name: Vanya V. Valentine
  • Clan Name: Valentine
  • Nickname: V | Vivi
  • Alias: The Black Wolf | Bloodhound | The Huntress
  • Titles: Nightmother | Royalblood
  • Species: Vycan
  • Homeworld: Shaddar
  • Residence: The Crimson Keep
  • Rank: Master
  • Master(s): N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Sexual Conduct: Bi-sexual
  • Faction: The Great Hunt
  • Languages: Multi-lingual
  • Occupation: Blood Huntress
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 255lbs
  • Skin Color: ​Alabaster White
  • Eye Color: Piercing Blue
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Voice Sample: TBA
Vanya V. Valentine, sometimes referred to by her allies as 'The Huntress' and to her enemies as 'Bloodhound' is a elusive and mysterious woman who appears to possess an unhealthy obsession with something known only as 'The Great Hunt'. One of the very last of a species that was thought to be wiped off the face of the Galaxy. While her origins are shrouded in mystery and the details about her her as a person tend to be layered in various rumors depending on who is spinning the tale there is a certainty that comes when the woman appears.

Blood is sure to be spilled.

This Gothic mistress is highly emotional and overwhelmingly passionate. She is an expressive woman that does not shy away from clinging to every emotion that can be felt or displayed openly. Vanya is cheerful, polite, and eerily whimsical which tends to throw people off to see a woman dressed in black. Contrasting against the way she carries herself and her line of work as a blood hunter. Her hobbies are vast and plentiful, having a particular passion for art in all its various forms should it be painting, literature, spoken word, music, and even dance. She oozes charisma and drips with such energetic gusto that she tends to rub people the wrong way. Having a blatant disregard for personal boundaries and social norms Vanya is a free spirit that operates with no oversight.

Vanya' personality can very easily be condensed down and defined by five key characteristics which she openly displays without even a hint of shame: Her hedonism, her blatant narcissism, her ruthlessness, her need to be validated in the eyes of the Allfathers, and her obsessive nature when it comes to 'The Great Hunt', the ritualistic hunting of powerful and dangerous prey within the galaxy. As a hedonist, she displays a certain passion for all things grandiose in nature. Enjoying opulence, extravagant displays of might, talent, entertainment, and pleasures of all kinds. She believes her happiness is the only thing she should pursue and as a result refuses to involve herself in silly political squabbles or great struggles as she sees them as beneath her.

As a narcissist, she clearly favors herself 'The Allfathers chosen', believing herself to be a champion of the old golds in which she desires to become one of. She thinks herself a deity, godlike in a sense as she cannot die unless she gods will it, and if she becomes a goddess herself she can will herself to live forever. Because of this Vanya is incapable of accepting any point of view other than her own and immerses herself in the belife that all other beings exist purely for her own entertainment. When roused or denied, she is fully willing to use force to achieve her goals and is not beyond feats of cruelty when she feels offended. Fundamentally, however, Vanya wants to love and be loved by those she favors. She is supportive of the dreams of others so long as they are not completely against her way of life, she motivates the victims of her hunts to fight passionately and never falter, and she even donates her wealth to various organizations purely because the happiness is causes.

In short, simplified terms. Vanya is a figure of contradictions. She is an empress of in her own right yet is insistent on supporting populism; she is capable of genuine altruism, very often acting out of selfishness should the mood strike her; She is self-centered but dotes on those around her lovingly rather they be enemy or ally; and she loves to spur on others to achieve their dreams no matter how good hearted and positive or grievous and gut wrenching.

Her willingness to fully embrace her hedonism comes from the fact she genuinely believes ones own happiness is more important than anything or anyone else. She wishes to revel in each small delight that crosses her path. She will even refuse to kill her prey or an enemy because she's enamored with a warrior who won't yield in the face of such overwhelming despair. It inspires her, it reminds her that people are strong and deserved to be cherished.

Being a Royalblood Vycan and one of the last of her kind, she seems less interested in killing her prey and more interested in indoctrinating them into her bloodline and religion. While she still hunts for the thrill and challenge of it, she seeks to rebuild what was lost and pleasing the Allfathers so she may be granted the status of a deity like she truly deserves.






Vanya possesses a strange ability inherited by her Vycan heritage which allows her to feed from the life force of sentient beings in order to gain physical and mental advantages. By consuming blood she can heal rapidly, eventually even regrowing a limb if on a steady diet for long enough, consume the memories of those she devours and gain temporary access to the skills and talents that said person or creature had in life. This trait does come with its own set it drawbacks and risks which are detailed further below but as a Vycan this is one of the primary traits she can be identified by.


Thrill of the Hunt

There is a reason her enemies call her 'The Bloodhound'. Vanya possesses extremely hypersensitive senses, her eyes capable of seeing in multiple different variations of vision, having natural night vision, thermal vision, and a couple others. Her eyes can magnify to see further distances in greater detail and her sense of smell and hearing are just as powerful. Capable of smelling a drop of blood from miles away and her ears capable of hearing a heartbeat through obstructions across large distances. Because of these enhanced traits she is considered an 'Apex Predator', once she catches a scent and is on the trail there is very little that can throw her off or fool her.



Vanya, as a Vycan possesses a natural venom which can be injected into the bloodstream of her victims via her fangs which have severe effects on the bodies of those she injects. Once the venom enters the bloodstream the victim suffers from loss of sight as their vision becomes blurry and out of focus, their hearing deafened and muddled and their minds groggy and jarred as extreme, agonizing pain consumes the body, often forcing the heart into cardiac arrest. Additionally, as a Royalblood her venom possesses a mixture of her own biological DNA which can also be injected into those she wishes to turn into Direbloods. She is capable of siring other Vycans like herself, although this ritual is extremely painful and most who undergo the transformation don't survive.


Blood of the Beast

Vanya, like many of her brethren has very potent physical abilities. Her raw strength far surpassing that of even the mightiest of Wookies and her reflexes sharp enough to snatch insects out the sky around her. These blessings are what allow her to go toe to toe with some of the most ferocious and dangerous prey the galaxy has to offer her.



Blood Curse

Because of the afflictions caused by her bloodline Vanya has a 'severe' weakness to the Light Side of the force. More specifically weapons imbued with the light side or force abilities such as 'Force Light' can be used to completely destroy her. Wounds caused by such things cause pain so intense and agonizing that it can put her into a coma or kill her outright. The price that must be paid for being a Royalblood it seems.


The Daywalker

Vanya, like all Vycan have a severe sensitivity to solar light which can cause great drawbacks to a Vycans body. Vanya herself suffers exceptionally when under the full gaze of the sun. Becoming very easily exhausted and fatigued when forced to venture into the light for long periods of time. Her eyes are also hypersensitive to bright lights of any kinds, completely blinding her and causing severe pain if flashed into her eyes. She commonly wears special sunglasses to prevent light from reaching her eyes but it still remains a very valid weakness. Additionally, her skin suffers from horrible burns should a direct beam from highly enhanced UV rays hits her flesh which can burn her like how fire burns humans.



As a Vycan she is forced to feed regularly from sentient beings in order to keep herself healthy and fit. Failing to feed for longer than a couple days will result in her starving nearly to death and forcing her into a 'Frenzied' state where she sheds all humanity and becomes a wild, feral beast. Relying purely on base instinct to hunt and kill anything that moves and feed endlessly until she is fully replenished. When in this state she cannot distinguish friend from foe and loses all sense of logic. Additionally, who she feeds on is just as important. Should she choose to feed from someone with a terminal illness of some kind of blood defect she could end up poisoning herself. 'Dirty blood' as it is called causes a number of negative effects such as nausea, dizziness, blackouts and becoming physically weaker and sluggish.


Silver Lance

Like all of her brethren, Vanya does possess a vulnerability to weapons made entirely of Silver. It remains largely unknown 'why' this material is so effective against them but it is suspected that there are minerals within the metal that cause a severe allergic reaction to the nervous system of a Vycan. As a result of being struck with such a weapon Vanya loses her enhanced senses completely. Her advanced sight become blurry and out of focus, saturated with colors and sensations that make it nearly impossible to see, her ears ringing and preventing her from hearing and her sense of smell being comparable to humans if not worse.


Corrupt Senses

Vanya' advanced senses of hearing, scent, and sight can all be used against her should her prey be truly cunning. Flashbangs, stink bombs, or hyper sonic sound can all be used to cripple The Bloodhound and cause excruciating pain which can force her to back off and regroup.




Blood Maledict: Vanya is saturated in the dark side of the force, practically dripping with foul, toxic energy that can be felt with her sheer presence. Because of her lineage Vanya is has been drawn to the dark side of the force and has studied many Sith Teachings and dedicated herself to black magic, even taking study from the Dathomir Nightsisters. Overtime she developed her own potent force ability known as 'Blood Maledict', a dark side force ability that allows her command over the blood of other sentient beings in order to common wicked creatures and Sithspawn by using a mixture of alchemy and blood magic.

Phantom: Vanya has learned the lost force ability commonly known as 'Force Phase', a force power which allows Vanya to push her body through physical matter in order to bypass obstructions in her path. She uses this ability mainly for infiltration, entering buildings and locations she otherwise wouldn't be able to access through 'the front door'. Her ability is limited, but what she can do is significant enough to allow her the freedom to go anywhere and do anything without being pestered by security measures. Her ability to go ethereal has its own set of downsides and drawbacks but the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

Soul Devourer: Sometimes, taking a trophy just isn't enough to The Dark Huntress. Sometimes, she wishes to cherish her victims forever, and what better way than to forever carry them with you? Vanya utilizes dark Sith Magic to rip the souls from her victims after killing them and storing them into small stones known simply as 'Soul Snares'. Once she takes the soul she can transfer them into these stones and use them for a number of things. Either putting the soul into a display case to keep as a memory, or even re-purposing the soul in raising the dead and putting the soul into a wicked creature she conjured.

The Sight: Through the force Vanya is capable of linking her mind to lesser creatures such as birds or other small animals and connecting her vision to theirs. Allowing her to 'see through the eyes of others' in order to effectively scout areas and locate prey without physically having to trail them herself. She can use this ability to great effect when on the hunt or simply for intelligence gathering, making it difficult for her to be evaded. This power is derived from force abilities similar to Beast Tame and others.


To be revealed
"Prey on the weak and you may survive. Prey on the strong and you will truly live~"


  • Intent: To create an exotic species of force hunters rarely seen in the galaxy after their initial extinction

  • ​Image Credit: Banished Shadow & Diablo 3

  • Canon: N/A

  • Links: N/A

  • Name: Vycan

  • Designation: Sentient

  • Origins: Outer Rim

  • Average Lifespan: 1-50 (Pups) 50-500 (Adolescents) 500-1000 (Adult) 1000+ (Elder)

  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique

  • Description: Distinct Bright Eyes | Pale Skin Colors | Protruding Fangs | Sharp Nails

  • Breathes: Type I

  • Average Height of Adults: Varies

  • Average Length of Adults: Varies

  • Skin color: Various Pale Colors

  • Hair color: Varies

  • Races: Royalbloods | Elderbloods | Direbloods | Blackbloods | Vilebloods

  • Force Sensitivity: All


Vycans are an elusive and mysterious species that has been considered extinct for many centuries after the purging of their bloodlines over two hundred years ago. They vary in shape and size but can be closely linked with other humanoid species of the same nature. They do however possess physical traits which make them much easier to distinguish from humans and other similar races. Mainly being their bright, striking eyes that often flare vibrantly when shrouded in darkness. Additionally, the eyes flume with crimson when in the presence of blood, feeding, or in an emotionally heightened state. Most Vycan have sharp, claw-like nails as well as long, pointy fangs which are often exposed when speaking or smiling. Additionally, all Vycan have pale skin colors, commonly of ghostly white, darkish grey, or even as dark as obsidian in some rare cases. Even species that are ‘turned’ end up losing the color in their skin and adopt many of the physical traits of the Vycan that turned them. Below are the separate ‘races’ of the species which have varying strengths and weaknesses of different intensities. Unlike most species, the race of a Vycan is often decided by how much an individual feeds and hold old they grow with age as well as a number of mental factors.

Royalbloods: Royals are considered to be the superior Vycan race. Born as full blooded originals and inheriting the most potent strengths of the species the Royals have overwhelming mental domination of the lesser sub-races and are seen as the ‘Alphas’. While they inherit all of the strengths of the species due to the purity of their line it comes with the weaknesses being that much more severe. Their senses are hypersensitive and they are much easier to exploit despite the strength they possess. But despite all this, Royals are the only one of the races that possess the ‘infectious’ trait and can turn other species into one of their own. Royals can only be created when two Royalbloods reproduce together. But given the mass extinction of the species Royals are thought to no longer exist.

Elderbloods: This subrace of Vycan are the diluted spawn of Royals, often conceived when a Vycan reproduces with another species which results in the potency of their bloodline being ‘corrupted’ and thus creating a child that only possesses half the power that Royals possess but also gaining less severe weaknesses. Their need to feed on others is less overwhelming, sunlight does not ‘hurt’ them nearly as much as it does a Royal, their senses are more muddled and while acute, is nowhere near as hypersensitive as a royal, and they are the only one of the sub races with the distinct ability to not become frenzied when overfeeding or starving themselves. While the thirst can sway them greatly and make them irrational, they don’t become ‘feral’ like the other races. Elderbloods also blend in better with humanoids as they tend to keep the color in their skin.

Direbloods: Direbloods are the successfully changed individuals that were born another species. Those who survive the initial transformation become ‘enhanced’ and gain many of the traits Vycan possess. However, due to them being ‘turned’ Dires only gain a few of the blessings a Royal or Elder have but also inherit all the weaknesses. Dires, when turned, become mentally linked to the Royal that turned them and very easily succumb to the will of their masters even against their will. A small price to pay for the power of the Allfathers. Direbloods also have a reliancy on the master who turned them, often thirsting for the blood of their Royal to keep them from going mad, creating a cycle of power that keeps Dires under control and reliant on their superiors.

Blackbloods: Infected souls that fail to survive the transformation become ‘Blackbloods’. Thrall that lose all sense of self and become corrupted into mindless slaves who obey the will of the Royal that infected them. They have none of the strengths of the species and ALL of the weaknesses in their most potent forms. Their skin burns away in the sunlight, they are hyper vulnerable to fire, and are highly sensitive and frail, Almost sickly. Blackbloods are used as pawns and little else and given the ease of which a blackblood can be made they make for excellent fodder considering most who are bitten don’t have the mental or physical fortitude to survive the full transformation. Blackbloods have many physical traits that make them easy to pick out in a crowd. They are extremely pale, deathly so. Incredibly skinny, slow, exhausted, and unhealthy looking as the Vycan blood introduced into their systems eats away at them slowly. They can feed on others to keep themselves alive but it is a painful existence to do so.

Vilebloods: For the souls who fall to the dark impulses all Vycan must fight against. Vilebloods are the Vycan who fall into the ‘frenzied’ state far too often and end up becoming uncontrollable feral monsters whose only desire is to hunt and kill needlessly. Devouring any sentient lifeform that moves like a rabid animal with no impulse control and no logical thought. Vilebloods often make up the Dires that can’t control themselves, Blackbloods that feed too often, and even Royals that fail to keep themselves fed. Viles are the easiest to distinguish as their skin becomes wrinkled and deformed, their eyes dark and gruesome and their bodies completely corrupted and warped. Hair falling out, teeth becoming mangled and their bones contracting. Becoming full fledged predators whose only desire is to kill and eat~


Vycans all possess the base need to feed from the life force of other sentient beings. Driven by a thirst that is never quite quenched which is what pushes a Vycan to hunt as vigorously as they do. With blood as their primary sustenance they have gained the unique ability to feed from the blood of other beings and gain physical strength from the substance. Draining the life force of others to replenish their own which can be used to heal mortal wounds, regenerate wounds, and even fuel the potency of their force sensitivity. Additionally, when feeding from their prey they can ‘collect’ the memories of the victims depending on how much blood is taken. A small amount granting a Vycan the recent memories of their target while bleeding them dry will grant them memories all the way back to their childhoods. Even gaining temporary access and muscle memory from the skills or talents the prey had in life for a short time.

Thrill of the Hunt
The Vycan were often considered the ‘apex predators’ of the galaxy back when they were in their prime before their extinction. The reasoning for this was their enhanced senses which allowed them to hunt their prey with such efficiency that very few ever escaped their hunts. Their eyes are keen, capable of spotting movement from miles away and even visually dilating their eyes to ‘zoom’ in closer and get a closer look, giving them amplified vision at a moments notice. They can also shift the way in which they see the world, having superior night vision and capable of seeing the world in the thermal spectrum. Additionally, their sense of smell is so high that they can track prey over long, vast distances. They can smell individuals based on scent alone and select which scent they wish to follow, they can also smell sickness or illness on sentient beings when up close, allowing them to identify healthy prey for them to hunt. Their sense of hearing is just as advanced, their ears acting almost as sonar dishes which allows them to hear the heartbeat of their prey even behind obstructions. With these three senses and their instinctual ability to track and locate their prey made them one of the most fearsome and deadliest predators to ever travel the stars.


A trait shared by every race of the Vycan is the biological ability to produce an extremely toxic venom inside unique sacs within the mouth that they can push through very small holes within their fangs. This venom however must be constantly replenished as the holes that inject the venom can also be used to pull in blood that they are stealing from their victims which refills the ‘vial’ and mixes with the special substance which creates the venom. Once injected into a sentient beings bloodstream the venom causing extremely agonizing pain and completely muddled the mind as the body slowly goes into shock. The eyes glaze over and vision becomes incredibly blurry, ringing deafens the ears and the body contracts and flexes as the venom spreads throughout the bloodstream and sends the body into a state of unimaginable pain until the heart goes into cardiac arrest. A Royalbloods bite however has a slightly different effect however. If bitten by a Royal their fangs can not only inject the venom, but a small portion of their own blood as well which is naturally mixed with the Venom. But when a royal injects a humanoid with said substance it triggers a mysterious, biological breakdown of the victims DNA and restructures it after the new DNA introduced into the blood. Corrupting the body and twisting it until the transformation is complete. This process is extremely painful and very few rarely survive such an injection, but to the few that survive they come out the other side as either a Direblood or a Blackblood. Royals can inject other species and rewrite their DNA to become a fellow Vycan. The more humanoid the species, the more likely the success of the transformation. Additionally, once a species is turned they lose all previous racial abilities once possessed. For example, if a Epicanthix is turned they will lose the genetic trait that grants them immunity to mind tricks. While a newly turned Vycan possesses many of the abilities of the species they will never be quite as powerful as a full blooded Vycan, but will still gain the abilities and weaknesses associated with them which tends to be a lot better than what they may have had as a simple human. Other species that a Royal attempts to turn sometimes turn out problematic. The further away they are from being ‘humanoid’ the higher the chance of failure. Infecting Wookies, Hutts, or Cathar tends to be a gamble that doesn't always work out to well.

Blood of the Beast

Vycans possess highly enhanced physical strengths to aid in their hunts. Most Vycan are physically superior to other humanoid races, their raw strength surpassing that of wookies when they are healthy and well fed. Ripping apart droids with their bare hands and completely dismembering their prey with nothing else but their physical might. Their reflexes are beyond human, capable of snatching flies out of the air with pinpoint precision and react to oncoming threats quickly with enough practice. The greatest benefit they have however is their enhanced speed, fully capable of outrunning speeders when at full sprint, although running at such high speeds drains them rather quickly especially if exposed to heavy sunlight. Resulting in burnout and fatigue after only a couple of minutes of running at their fastest. Because of these traits Vycans are highly durable, capable of shrugging off blaster fire and rather gruesome wounds with relative ease due to their high pain tolerance so long as the wound itself is not fatal or damage anything major.

The Vycan are an extremely exotic species in the galaxy and as a result there have been those who have ‘attempted’ to create clones of a Vycan or even Sith Spawn from the species. All recorded attempts have failed miserably for largely unknown reasons. It is suspected that Vycan have a defect in their blood which prevents their genetic code from being ‘copied’ into anything not born purely from another Vycan. Additionally, hybridization is impossible. A Vycans blood is so potent and devouring that even if a simple human and a Vycan were to reproduce together the child will always, one hundred percent come out as a Vycan. Hybrids among this species of Apex Predators do not exist and their DNA is impossible to tamper with, making the species a ‘all or nothing’ kind of thing.

The First Curse
Due to the origin of their creation under a dark force nexus the genetic line within Vycans became corrupted by the dark side, saturating their blood so much that they became bi products of the dark side of the force. As a result Vycans have a severe vulnerability to Force Light and other Light Sided offensive abilities that can damage them. Upon being struck with such an ability or weapon the pain felt is so extreme it can often kill a Vycan outright or at the very least completely cripple them. Weapons imbued with the Light Side of the force as well as abilities similar to Force Light are some of the only weapons that can cause extreme pain and agony to a Vycan.

Radiant Dawn
Vycan are severely sensitive to sunlight and solar energy. While in the presence of the sun their skin does not ‘burn’ but they become increasingly exhausted in the daylight and fatigue extremely quickly. Their minds are dazed, their senses foggy and their bodies sluggish when forced to be active during the day. And while their bodies don’t react to severely to sunlight their skin is highly sensitive to highly concentrated UV rays which can burn their skin in the same way fire burns a human's flesh. Furthermore, a Vycans eyes are sensitive to ‘all’ forms of vibrant light which can be used to blind them in certain situations.

Lust for Blood
These creatures of the night are completely ‘driven’ by their desire to hunt and feed from sentient beings due to their corrupted biology which forces them to drink the blood of others. This lust however causes them more trouble than it's worth. If a Vycan fails to feed for longer than three days (depending on the race) they go into a ravenous hunter that consumes them. Forcing them into a ‘feral’ state and turning an individual into a wild animal for long periods of time as they try to hunt and kill anything that moves. Unable to distinguish friend from foe. This feral state can also be reached if a Vycan feeds too often and too quickly which makes them frenzied as well. Not only that, but drinking from the blood of someone who is ill or perhaps infected with a sickness will make a Vycan deathly ill, their bodies unable to properly fight off the effects ‘dirty blood’ has on their immune systems. Drinking ‘dirty blood’ causes a number of effects such as nausea, causing the body to become weak and frail, dizziness, coughing, and occasional blackouts.

Silver Lance
Vycans possess a mysterious vulnerability to the metal silver for reasons that are unknown. Not even Vycan themselves quite understand why but it is suspected that there is a mineral within the substance that causes a Vycan to have a severe allergic reaction which causes their enhanced senses to go into complete shutdown. Their eyesight becomes about as good as a bats and their hearing becomes so muddled that they can barely hear their own footsteps. Their sense of smell is completely lost as well, essentially making even the strongest of Vycan blind, deaf, and dumb. There are antidotes to this allergy but it is not commonly found in the world. It comes from a flower that grows naturally on their planet, known to Vycan as a ‘Lunar Flower’ which blooms only during full moons.

Corrupt Senses
Probably the greatest gift a Vycan possesses can also be used by their enemies as a powerful weapon to those cunning enough to exploit them. Their sense of smell is so high that anything with an overwhelmingly foul scent can be used to throw a Vycan off a trail or daze them, making them nauseous and unwilling to breathe in. For their eyesight any kind of extremely bright light can blind them and their sense of hearing is vulnerable to severely loud high pitch noises which can cripple a Vycan and force them to retreat and regroup. The usage of garlic seems to be an especially potent repellant to a Vycan as it stings their scent receptors rather painfully.


  • Diet: Blood (Main Food Source) | Carnivore (Healthy) | Herbivore (Basically as healthy as Candy)

  • Communication: Spoken Language & Body Language

  • Technology level: (Varies)
Religion in Vycan society revolves around three deities in which a Vycan believes they owe everything to. These ‘gods’ are the reason in which they hunt, desiring to please the gods so that when their life is over and done they are granted the honor of having their spirit pulled into the Eternal Hunt in the Stars. But it is whispered that only a Vycan that abides by the laws decreed by the Allfathers and hunts honorably will be even ‘considered’ for the Eternal Hunt. It is speculated that trophies taken from victims are used as currency to ‘buy’ one's way into the great afterlife with their ancestors. If a young hunter has a pitiful trophy room and fails to complete their hunts it is seen as shameful. Most Vycan that make for poor hunters often commit honorable suicide to clense their soul of impurity in the eyes of the old ones. Their entire religion is fully embraced among all Vycan and the gods play a major part in the culture. The old gods are described in greater detail below.

Allfathers: The first god and the spirit all Vycan worship and prey to. The Allfathers are great hunters depicted as bipedal or sometimes ghostly canines in the shape of vicious wolves. The Allfathers are believed to have granted their blessings to the first Vycan, a young woman who would later go on to become a deity herself. The Allfathers however have the most praise in Vycan society by far, often being prayed to before, during, and after a hunt.

Bloodmother: Akasha, the first ‘Royalblood’ and the mother of all future Vycans. She is often considered the ‘maternal’ figure in Vycan religion. While the Allfathers are prayed to during a hunt which is the main focus of Vycan society, Akasha is prayed to for almost every other facet of life. Prayer before meals, thanking her for a bountiful feast. Before bed, thanking her for the blessings she has passed to them, and even praying to her when baring children so that one's offspring may be blessed with the might of a true hunter.

The Old Hunters: Written into the very blood of every Vycan is the code in which The Old Hunters perfected and passed onto future generations. The Old Hunters were some of the original Royalbloods who practically wrote the guidelines that every Vycan follows to this very day. The original clan were known only as ‘The Valentines’ and are thought to still linger in the galaxy as ghostly wraiths, still hungering for a proper hunt and quench a thirst that can never be satisfied. The Old Ones are told to younger Vycan as horror stories to scare children into being proper hunters and not to dishonor the legacy left behind. Otherwise, The Old Ones will steal the spirit of said offender and lock it within a dark cage, which to a Vycan is a fate worse than death.

Vycan society is founded by the sacred aspect known as ‘The Great Hunt’. It is this wide practice that the species was known and feared for, and it is also the reason they were pushed to near complete extinction at the hands of other races hundreds of years ago. Essentially, The Vycan were known to specifically target what they considered ‘worthy’ prey to hunt not for sustenance or the elimination of threats but purely for the sport and glory of doing so. Prey tend to be physically powerful, very intelligent and cunning, or have technological advancements in order to provide a Vycan with a true challenge and bless them with a glorious hunt. The more dangerous the species or individual, the more satisfying they are to a Vycan. Back in their prime the prey they favored the most tended to be powerful Force Sensitives, Mandolorians, and Wookies, among other more wild creatures such as Rancor or Dragons.

With their entire society based around this ritualistic hunting of the galaxies most dangerous subjects the Vycan have created into guidelines, honor codes, weapons and ways of life dedicated to The Great Hunt. Courting is based entirely on a Vycans ability to hunt and how many kills they have under their belt. There is no gender discrimination in Vycan culture but any individual with a pitiful amount of kills or lacking the skills or honor of a true hunter aren’t even considered for mating. Females have no interest in a male without weight to his name and males are rarely interested in soft females without any rep of their own. This tends to thin out the herd and create a culture where only the strong carry the bloodline.

The Vycan even have ranks dedicated to the titles and reputation other Vycan might gain in the course of their life. Un-blooded Vycan are young ‘children’ in the eyes of experienced Vycan. Those who have yet to even complete basic training and have their first hunt and devour their very first kill. Un-blooded are commonly avoided by other Vycan and aren’t even glanced at as candidates for potential mates.

After are ‘Young Bloods’ which are mature hunters who have proven their worth but have still yet to take on truly challenging prey. While they are true hunters and thus ‘adults’ in society's eyes they are still small fish in the vast pool of older, far more dangerous Vycan.

The top of the food chain are known only as ‘Blooded’, elite individuals who have been known to not only kill vicious and powerful prey, but relish the chance to do so again and again. Blooded Vycans are the cream of the crop and emboy what it means to be an Apex Predator dedicated to The Great Hunt. Blooded, in Vycan culture always get first mating rights and are permitted to choose who they wish to bare children with. Young Bloods and even Un-blooded Vycans aspire to become a true Vycan like these individuals.

Additionally, despite the savagery in which a Vycan goes about their everyday lives they do adhere to a rather simple code of honor and morality laid down by the Valentine Clan. For example, Vycans who consider themselves ‘true hunters’ should never seek prey that is physically or mentally impaired, terminally ill, elderly, or weak to hunt as it is considered incredibly rude and ‘bad manners’. Vycan are taught to even spare mothers as to not doom the children they have, so unless they are physically threatened rarely will a Vycan ever bring unprovoked harm to someone who does not deserve it. Those who do are often banished from their Clan or executed by the Royalbloods as to not bring shame to the Allfathers.

Vycans also possess a sense of honor. Even if going against worthy prey they would never make the final blow against prey that has been unfairly attacked by someone else. Believing it to be ‘unfair’ to the prey and sometimes calling the hunt off entirely if someone else interferers. And while on that note, Vycan are taught never to meddle in the hunt of another Vycan. Doing so can result in severe punishment if a Vycan steals the kill of another hunter. And while Vycans have been known to hunt in groups or entire clans, most opt to hunt solo and keep the glory of a good hunt for themselves.

Survivors of the hunt are shown great respect by Vycans. Individuals who fight back and kill a Vycan or escape the hunt are considered truly exceptional and are sometimes given a gift or trophy from either the Vycan they defeated or a relative/clan member that they were close to (if the Vycan is killed by the prey). Survivors are often the ideal candidates for being turned into Vycans by the Royalbloods as a ‘Rite of Passage’ from outside species. They are put through a blood ritual, made into Vycan, and start out as Un-blooded hunters being taught the culture of their people similar to Mandolorians.

The Vycan people were at one point a rather prominent species in the galaxy. It is known that they came into existence on a planet that was saturated in Dark Side Force energies which created a ‘Nexus’ around the planet. This caused life on that world to become twisted and perverted and forced many of the plants, animals, and species there to undergo severe biological corruption. Especially after Dark Lords sought the planet out to be used for alchemy, Sith Magic, and all manner of dark arts. The Vycan, while believed to be an indigenous species that fell prey to these Dark Lords experiments seemed to only come into prominence after they appeared.

They are believed to originally have been a tribal species that remained planetary for most of their existence until their home world was occupied by others. After the occupation they seemed to evolve to become more intelligent and familiar with technology and one of the many Clans pushed the species into a more ‘modern’ image. That clan being the ‘Valentine Clan’. With this new mask of civilization the Vycan began to push the boundaries of their way of life, fleeing to the stars to find greater prey in which they could hunt in the name of their Allfathers.

Much of this however is shrouded in layers of mystery and rumors which vary depending on who is doing the whispering. Fact is no one is really sure how the Vycan came to be what they were, only that they were a species completely obsessed with violence. The Culture that surrounded the species was a simple one, basing their entire lives around the hunting and slaughtering of worthy opponents all across the stars. Needless to say over the many hundreds of years the species became a problem for the galaxy. Opting to hunt powerful force sensitives within The Sith Collective, The Jedi Order, and even enjoying the killing of Mandolorians back when they were in their prime. Wookies, monstrous beast, if it provided a challenge then they were targeted just for the sport. The Sith Empire even attempted to tame the beasts, using them specifically for hunting Jedi and The Siths enemies back during the great conflicts between the two factions.

This however did not last long. Vycans have a base instinct that is far more powerful than any brainwashing or training that can be forced upon them. The ‘need’ to hunt, kill, and devour only the healthiest and strongest of beings is something written into their very plasma and the Sith that found themselves trying to shape that for their own gain quickly discovered that sometimes, animals just can’t be reasoned with. And in the end that is what caused the Vycans tragic downfall. Their brutality, their savagery, their unwillingness to align themselves with any ‘larger goal’ and their constant hunting and violent slaughtering of others caused great animosity towards them. They were becoming a threat that needed to be dealt with and their annihilation came swiftly afterwards. Their species was ruthlessly hunted by entire nations, empires, and factions. Every trace of Vycan on every planet that could be found in every rim were slaughtered. Bounties were put on the species head, assassins were sent, armies invaded the worlds they populated and in the end the Vycan thread fizzled out after nearly fifty years of complete genocide.

To this day, the species is thought to be only a myth. Mere legend and folklore, the scary stories told to children before bed. ‘Eat your veggies of the Vycans will get ya!’~

But...sadly, they are largely forgotten. Those who do remember them only remember the blood that was spilled by their fangs and believe they are better off gone. Most people don’t know about them, or think they are just stories.

However, it does make one wonder...what would happen if a small handful of these vicious creatures survived the slaughter? What if they remained hidden for all this time, waiting for the right time to begin their hunt again? What if...they weren’t truly extinct?

Its an interesting thought...but there is no way any Vycans survived the genocide~

"You will find no mercy in me; oh bearer mine~"

  • Full Name: Gallar Ahamkara
  • Clan Name: Ahamkara
  • Nickname: Gally | Gala
  • Alias: Bufflass
  • Titles: Mother of Dragons | Empress |Goddess of War | Mistress of Glory
  • Species: Dravala [x]
  • Homeworld: Solaris
  • Residence: Shambhala
  • Rank(s): Sith Lord
  • Acolyte(s): None
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Marital Status: Taken by Baby Boo Hazel

  • Sexual Conduct: Bisexual
  • Sin(s): Wrath, Greed, Avarice
  • Languages: Dovah | Broken Galactic Standard
  • Occupation: Empress of Shambhala
  • Gender: Hermaphrodite
  • Age: 570 GSY
  • Height: 8f2
  • Weight: 555lbs
  • Skin Color: ​Rich Chocolate
  • Eye Color: Amber Gold
  • Hair Color: Garnet Red
  • Portrayed By: Personal Art
  • Voice Sample: War Bringer


IMPECCABLE VISAGE: A creature born of fire and passion she is derived from golden glory, but ever still possesses the conduct proper of her minor centuries of dominance. A ravishing sense of quiet discord barely humbles the reaping of her vainglorious engrossment, barbaric elegance, all calmly mantling the dipped wax of swarthy, licentious filth feasting and breeding beyond the sultry veil of empyrean elitism. Her image is everything and anything; a culture of splendor inseminated therein her noble cultivation and golden woven blood. Each blemish she finds, on those who surround her or upon herself, is viciously scrutinized, and mercilessly sacrificed to the flames and scattered into dust. Gaze upon my flesh of seeker mine, what flaws do you see?

AMAZONIAN STATURE : Of considerable frame, she stands of herculean derive, toned and edged in the sharpened raze of a driving blade, primal and coiled bearing of silent wait of a crusade vindicator, an artisan of both impassioned affair and war as its contrive lines the thickened proportion of virile eminence. She towers over most men and women, her size and mass alone drawing the gaze of bystanders as they gaze upon her hulking form.

DRAGONIC BEING: Molten. Igneous. Burnished. Eyes a toxic gold, galvanized in vibrant gold with dragonic slits along her pupils. A long, luscious serpentine tail decorated with garnet hued scales along its brilliant surface. A striking, foot long tongue that extends from her plump lips, a fascinating aspect of her biology. Along her skin are scale-like blemishes, adding further to her reptilian nature and making the maiden stick out as an other worldly creature~

TRIBAL GLORY: Supremacy flows through the invisible chasms of an iron moat eroded by the soft ebbing tide of chilling waters. Embraced, in the saccharine fever of early Winter's fervent ice, her lips of pallid stone persist in sealed devilry, secrets hoarded in possessive fixation, the argent delicacy of this ripened lamb silhouetted against a mantle of supernal bewitchment. Cloying chess-master contessa; she exhales the seething breath of goddesses, embellished therein the conniving coil of mortal intrigue.

BLOOD SOAKED CLOTH: A rich slather of bejeweled silks, oft dark plum and rich scarlet, the colors of maturity, of passion. The gorgeousness! An obsidian river flowing from her hinds sculpted of ravishing stone. Mantled in sin, a banquet of succulent pulp; A surplus of toxic red tide. Malignant stare bespeaks gold reverence, demands the eyes of others to gaze upon each writhing mound of sumptuous plasm as she ventures her reality. Nearly everything worn by the Dragoness is of a similar shade or color; blood like colors clashing viciously with dark black and brought out by the gold which decorates most of her outfits.

THE GOLDEN MASK: Barbed wire forged, woven of stygian pearl; hues of a tinted gold, they manifest an exquisite iridescence across adonial musculature, angled limb and sinew chiseled with gleaming jackknife artistry gleaned from the bow of artemis, carved in subtle sacrilege donning threaded heartstrings of heralded vessel. Sumptuous athleticism is lacquered in the scaling of draconian plate.

OBSESSED WITH GOLD: Her clothes are reaped from the throes of blinding darkness, the somber saturation of searing winter's falling agleam within elegantly whorled coiffure, hirsute curls and winding plume framing visage of baronial masculinity, temptingly and seductively mature in its cold, sinister regard. She is a mass of emotionless misfortune, a creature born therein the throes of cynical ordainment. Careened and cultivated in a sealed curse of misanthropic iniquity, a woman that views the world through lenses of darkened marble, the reality of the world a creation carved meticulously from the bleached bones of sin and transgression.

BARBARIC REGALITY: A precursor of famine, the ravager of beauty and the usurper of wealth. She is a woman composed of debilitating darkness, the cavalier of decay wrapped gallantly in genteel robes. A curved beak gilded, glimmering in its satiating garnishments of mannerly offence, acerbic syllables sure to scorch (the salt in a weeping wound) and appall, though bandage with liquid honey. There is a predatory charisma which exudes from every encrusted aperture; a miasmic allure, a tyrannous magnetism which alike moth to flame, only fascinates to burn.

ONE LAST WISH: To scald the skin, and fester the flesh. Classic, dapper debonair, she extrudes the more roughened persuasion of feminine refinement, the hard boned stature absent of soft and fleshy distinction to define a more a lacking caliber, but there is nothing upon her that manifests the slightest provoking thought of subtlety within the hardened expanse of powerful, rippling sinew, and delving, calloused features of someone who had to mature far beyond their due.

COMMANDING PRESENCE: Of considerable frame, she stands of herculean derive, toned and edged in the sharpened raze of a driving blade, primal and coiled bearing of silent wait of a crusade vindicator, an artisan of both impassioned affair and war as its contrive lines the thickened proportion of virile eminence. Laden deep in the thickened raze of wildened obsidian, lavished in the profound hue of obscurity and penumbra, she is a creature of dusk and shade that looms in the contour of evoking the memory of midnight, of searing torridity, and the listless chime of carillon warning in the distance beneath the tracing intimacy of fevered fingertips as burnished, bedroom eyes of avid gold eclipse in the smoldering veil of carnality.

VEIN: Shoulder blades arch and coil in acute strength and physical prowess, from their erotically protruding joints bask and spread the great wings of seraph's grace, breadth wide, power discernible, adorned in the long, thickened flounce of feathery aerodynamic down. She is the light who casts a lustrous shadow of eerie darkness, an enveloping grandeur shorn from years of ghostly, clandestine propriety.

SOUL OF WRATH: Supremacy flows through the invisible chasms of an iron moat eroded by the soft ebbing tide of chilling waters. Embraced, in the saccharine fever of early Winter's fervent ice, her lips of pallid stone persist in sealed devilry, secrets hoarded in possessive fixation, the argent delicacy of this ripened lamb silhouetted against a mantle of supernal bewitchment. Cloying chess-master contessa; she exhales the seething breath of goddesses, embellished therein the conniving coil of mortal intrigue.

HEART OF GREED: The exemplified omen of pestilence, an ophidian Queen, Mother of Dragons, parse fibers and sinewy hides. She is wrought of volcanic marble, a deific countenance chiseled in reptilian devotion; her physique bowing like a prehensile avifauna, svelte curvature arcing in viperish flexibility, giving the impression of nimble fragility. Entangled by thorns; her bodice oft rife with cold machinating beauty, android and steely, whose desires lay dead and frigid within ophidian, slender shell. She were imprisoned betwixt the diaphanous fabric of lethargic stupor.

NO MERCY IN ME: Barbed wire forged, woven of stygian pearl; hues of a tinted gold, they manifest an exquisite iridescence across adonial musculature, angled limb and sinew chiseled with gleaming jackknife artistry gleaned from the bow of artemis, carved in subtle sacrilege donning threaded heartstrings of heralded vessel. Sumptuous athleticism is lacquered in the scaling of draconian plate.

EYE FOR AN EYE: Her clothes are reaped from the throes of blinding darkness, the somber saturation of searing winter's falling agleam within elegantly whorled coiffure, hirsute curls and winding plume framing visage of baronial masculinity, temptingly and seductively mature in its cold, sinister regard. She is a mass of emotionless misfortune, a creature born therein the throes of cynical ordainment. Careened and cultivated in a sealed curse of misanthropic iniquity, a woman that views the world through lenses of darkened marble, the reality of the world a creation carved meticulously from the bleached bones of sin and transgression.



Elemental Shaping

Gallar is an extremely talented Shaper who has spent centuries of her life dedicating herself to the art and form of the four elemental natures. Taking great care and dedication to understand and learn the spiritual and physical aspects of each unique element in attempts to utilize them to their fullest potential. The element she is the most attuned with is that of Fire, the most passionate yet destructive of the four elements; utilizing it with her highly aggressive and unforgiving combat style which often wears opponents down rather quickly with the relentless flurry of fiery strikes mixed with devastating physical attacks.
The dragoness has a natural affinity with the element of fire, and as a result it is the main element she utilizes when in physical combat as it is an element she nearly always has immediate access to. As the element of Power Gallar displays highly destructive talents, capable of burning away enemies who dare venture to close and turning most organic life into ashes. However, the element is not without its own set of flaws and is often the easiest to counter despite its raw power.
Her favorite of the four elements however often lies with the element of Earth, but sadly it can only ever be utilized while on a solid geometric mass rather than the metal sheets of ships or metal floors of cityplanets, limiting its overall usage in everyday life. However, when given the opportunity she uses the element of earth as a highly defensive style with aspects of countering and supplementary usage. She favors this element as it grants her the ability to sabotage the very earth in which her opponent treks, causing tremors, obliterating the surface in which she herself stands as an explosive defense and attack or simply overwhelm her opponents.
This element however requires a special connection to the earth in which she stands and as a result she is only capable of commanding it effectively when she can actually feel it. To wait, listen, and await the perfect moment to strike rather than constantly going on the offensive. When using this specific element Gallar becomes cemented in place and never really moves from a single spot if she can help it, making it extremely useful in situations where she must defend someone or something from a greater foe.


The third element she favors is the element of Water, the element of change. While using it only sparingly when the need arises Gallar displays an impressive amount of skill in allowing her body to move fluidly while in combat allowing for some rather fearsome techniques when utilizing it. She is greatly skilled with Water Shaping, but not nearly as much as she is with fire and earth, making it one of those rare abilities that are used mainly to surprise an opponent rather than something she opens a fight with.
That being said, Water Shapings strength is its great versatility. So rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, Gallar employs defensive techniques that can be transformed into attacks and counters - defense into offense. Instead of simply deflecting an attack, Gallar uses defensive maneuvers focus on control, achieved through turning an opponent's own strength against them, rather than directly harming the opponent. This is also an element that rarely sees use given just how rare large bodies of water are in any given situation.
Her worst element however is that of Air, the element of freedom. The reason she struggles so much with this element is simply because of her massive size and weight, incapable of being as agile and acrobatic as others who would be more suited for the element. However, despite that she can manage to flow like a leaf and utilize the element in surprising burst and pulls which can often catch an opponent off guard. So while she may not be as evasive or light, she can use Air Shaping in fatal ways by overwhelming opponents with highly forceful pushes, or simply manipulating the air around a target.
Strengths & Weaknesses

Physical Perfection: Gallar, by nature is an extremely powerful woman with a physical form to compliment it. When she stands she stands like a Greek statue, towering over other men at a staggering 7ft2; fearsome and unwavering. Her muscle mass is obvious and her bones are rather dense, making her akin to that of a tank rather than a delicate flower like some may think when imaging the common image of a 'woman'. She is capable of absorbing heavy attacks without staggering and is capable of striking back with ten times the amount of force. Her body can be further enhanced with the use of abilities such as Force Weapon, allowing her to manipulate her own body in order to become more physically powerful which suits her role as a hand to hand combatant. She can also amplify her physical power through the force and become several times stronger than her natural strength which already nearly surpasses Wookies themselves, allowing her to preform devastating strikes.

Goddess of War: Born in the ashes of her enemies and raised with a thirst for blood Gallar is considered one of the most brutal and effective warriors of her people. Considered a Goddess of War and battle tactics, once this red haired maiden enters the battlefield she enters with authority and purpose, rarely will she ever be at a last for what to do next as her sole purpose becomes to dominate unconditionally. This and with the help of the ability Battlemind she is able to preform extraordinarily well in any form of conflict.

Destructive: While this is normally something many know, it is very obvious that Gallar is extremely violent and destructive when provoked. She expresses challenged or insulted in even the slightest of ways she becomes a violent force of nature that is to be reckoned with. She will not hesitate to destroy everything in her path if it simply means she comes out on top.

Egotistical: Its all about her, she she makes sure everyone knows it. She possesses a rather severe god-complex making her highly insensitive to the needs or desires of others she is not closely associated with. She is loud, obnoxious, and has a very 'in your face' attitude while also displaying an unhealthy amount of avarice. Also demanding worship from those beneath her to further stroke her ego.

Greedy: Referring to one of her sins, Greed plays a heavy part in her character because she is always seen swooning over anything valuable for even remotely eye catching. A common trait among her kind, she seems to find herself constantly surrounded by things of value. A collector, hoarder, and overall possessive individual at best. She can often be defused from taking hostile action if bribed with something shiny or pretty and the easiest way to become an ally to her is by offering bounties of gold and jewels.

Bad Senses: A Dravas sense of smell, sight, and overall hearing is considered to be very below average. Their sight because of their infrared vision, only allowing them to see heat signatures rather than the specifics of their environment or their opponents. Their sense of smell is below average seeing as they use their tongue to mainly do that and that is just for picking up chemicals in the air around them to get a good idea of what certain things are. And their sense of hearing is slightly impaired. Using heir horns as echo chambers so that they can focus their hearing through them which often results in rather negative results.

Cold Temperatures: Very simple, yet very effective. What heat and fire would feel like to a normal human like me and you, is what the cold and ice feels like to them. They cannot survive in cold climates and can easily be subdued by someone like an Ice Shaper or Snow Shaper. If they were put on a planet like Hoth they'd only be able to survive a few hours before flat out dying. If combating a Drava, the most effective weapon one could have is a fire extinguisher. The cells in their body cannot withstand temperatures below a certain threshold and they get things like frostbite extremely easily (Almost as if they are being 'burned'). This limits their engagements and their ability to travel.

Highly Emotional: Gallar is not known for her poker face or absence of attachment. She, like all Drava are passionate, they are emotional, and as a result they are incredibly predictable. It is very simple to anger or offend such sensitive creatures and because of it they are prone to very violent action over the most trivial of things. This is a weakness on their part in the sense that they can be easily influenced or taken advantage of but in doing so the offender takes a very slippery risk. Play with fire and you may just get burned yes?



  • Image Source: Personal Artwork
  • Intent Scheherazade Rosehanra
  • Canon Source: Gally - Gala
  • Primary Source: Firebringer | Mistress
  • Affiliation: Mother of Dragons | Empress |Goddess of War | Mistress of Glory
  • Classification: Mandolorian Beskar'gam

  • Manufacturer: Bi-sexual
  • Model: Wrath, Greed, Avarice
  • Modularity: Dovah | Broken Galactic Standard
  • Production: Empress of Shambhala
  • Material: Female
  • Weight: 570 GSY


Darth Vornskr said:
Previous play-by was far superior.

The new one is goofy, doesn't necessarily fit into the universe, and detracts from the character itself.
Krux Mullarus said:
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

I personally disagree. Fits the character's appearance well, if you have the imagination to distinguish Winter from a Legend of Zelda character

Personally i think you are both correct. Darth, the new FC is designed to be more 'Witch-like' and sensual. Before, Winter was cold, reserved, and very very ruthless. But once the 'thing' happened she emptied herself of all earthly tethers and was no longer tied down by things such as insecurity and depression. So she grew, no longer ashamed of her body. She 'despised' the idea of being a 'lady'. Which is why she was so heavily clothed and reserved before. But now she uses her body to her advantage by flaunting it around and enticing those around her. Manipulating those who can be.

And at the same time, the new FC fits rather nicely with her new personality and character arc.

If your problem is with it being a 'video game character' then i'm afraid i don't understand. Winter used to have Mara Sov, a game character. She also was going to have Morrigan, a Dragon Age Character. List can go on. Midna may not fit into your idea of the universe, but she does fit the 'Witch' theme rather well. I mean look at The Witches of Dathomir and ect. Many of them dress somewhat similar to her, either that or slightly more heavily clothed.

In the end it all depends on perception and what your personal opinion. Love it, hate it. Iffy about it. Matters little cause its just the face of a character. Not the character itself.
Darth Vornskr said:
Haven't seen that before.
Each iteration of her i want to try to bring something somewhat new to the table. I mean lets be completely honest. While many characters out there would stab her without batting an eye. There are even more who would be somewhat hypnotized by her seductive appearance. Which is an idea i've been wanting to play around with without having to scrap an entire concept for another one.

Anyway, cheers mate. I really do appreciate your criticism. It has not gone ignored ^^

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