"Yeah, I don't quite get it either, to be honest," he chirped, brushing his shoulder against Loomi's in a friendly nuuuuuuudge, breaking into a playful smirk. "Imagine if I swiped your dessert at dinner – you'd probably love me a little less, right?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"I think love is a concept that's always shifting, always subjective. I don't think it really is quantifiable. " he continued thoughtfully. "Maybe you could try focusing on someone you really care about. Pour all your love into thinking about that person in the moment, and then use the whistle. See what happens."
Braze paused, his expression turning more contemplative. "As for me, I've decided not to fixate on loving just 'one' person. There's lots of people I love and care about... And not in a romantic sense. I feel like there's so much more to experience and so many different kinds of love to explore and I don't really know how to discern the differences. I think I have... mixed signals. " he mused.
"And I never know if any one likes me back or not... I think that's the subject for a lot of romance novels where one person is pining after another so much so they are in agony, and the other person might not even know about it, or if they do they don't know how to approach it. "