Aithne Charr Heir of Fire Character Bio May 10, 2017 #8 [member="Winter Sovereign"] Did I stutter Miss. Ever as beautiful as always though.
Hazel Zanteres The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder Character Bio May 10, 2017 #10 [member="Winter Sovereign"] You're as cold as ice.
Leos Palle Guest L May 10, 2017 #11 Lot of nice art and detail in this bio. [member="Winter Sovereign"]
Winter Sovereign Guest W May 10, 2017 #12 [member="Joza Perl"] Sup? [member="Raze Lyter"] Thanks ^^ [member="Hazel Zanteres"] I mean...your not lying lol.
[member="Joza Perl"] Sup? [member="Raze Lyter"] Thanks ^^ [member="Hazel Zanteres"] I mean...your not lying lol.
Hazel Zanteres The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder Character Bio May 10, 2017 #13 [member="Winter Sovereign"] True, but then given the history there. Even a glacier isn't that cold. xD
[member="Winter Sovereign"] True, but then given the history there. Even a glacier isn't that cold. xD
Leos Palle Guest L May 10, 2017 #14 [member="Winter Sovereign"] [member="Hazel Zanteres"] *lives in space, basically not bothered by cold*
[member="Winter Sovereign"] [member="Hazel Zanteres"] *lives in space, basically not bothered by cold*
Pickle The Pickle Man May 10, 2017 #15 [member="Winter Sovereign"] That moment when 1/4 of the character templates in this thread are over 10 times larger than my character templates
[member="Winter Sovereign"] That moment when 1/4 of the character templates in this thread are over 10 times larger than my character templates