Location: City Centre, Zeltros City
Objective: Enjoy the Life Day Festivities
Aiden Rennek
Yeah, this isn’t going to stop feeling surreal anytime soon.
That was the thought circulating in Kara’s head as she walked alongside Aiden, with Cassius in her arms.
Their child.
Over the past number of years, there had been occasions where she pondered the chances of running into him. Aiden was a marine after all, he travelled a lot as part of the job. Heading into whatever the latest battlefield was. But Kara had moved to a planet that was far enough away within Alliance space, but not so much that there was risk of it being attacked.
It was just her luck that the time she decided to travel outside of it, it finally happened.
Kara couldn’t help but smile as Aiden spoke, she had missed his voice. As brief as their time had been in the larger scheme of things, she found his voice captivating. She caught that grin and her blush deepened.
Damn him.
Cass loves cookies.”
In a weird way it hardly felt like anything had changed since that eventful night. But Kara knew that couldn’t be the furthest from the truth.
A lot had changed since then.
Kara let out a content sigh as they finally stepped into some warmth. Despite wearing adequate layers, the cold always managed to sneak its way beneath them. A flash of surprise crossed her face as Aiden pulled a chair out for her. But it was quickly replaced with a warm smile. “
Thank you,” she replied.
For several moments, Kara just simply watched as Aiden walked away towards the counter. “
Alright Cass, you sit on the chair while mama gets her coat off, okay?” The young boy nodded his head, releasing his hold on her so he could sit down. Within a matter of a seconds he was already turning around, kneeling on it to look around at the cafe's interior.
He was ever the curious child.
Kara removed her gloves first, then made quick work of unzipping her coat, revealing the festive sweater she was wearing underneath. She draped the coat over the back of her chair, and finally removed the woolly hat, taking a moment to tidy her hair.
Mama, I need help.” Kara looked over to see her son had followed her example. Only instead, Cass had forgotten to remove his gloves. She couldn’t help but chuckle a little, before leaning over to help her son. “
Well silly, you need to remove these first.” She replied, easily slipping Cass’ gloves off. His eyes widened with realization, and reminded Kara this was his first time wearing this kind of weather, and dealing wearing this many layers.
With almost practised ease, Kara had her son out of his coat, revealing a matching sweater underneath, only his featured ewoks. She plucked his wooly hat off, and immediately went to ruffle Cass’ hair.
Muuuuuum, stawp.” He complained adorably, fruitlessly trying to stop her. Kara grinned, before planting a small kiss atop her son’s head.
It was then that Aiden finally returned, hot cocoa and treats in hand. She gave him another brief ‘thank you’ as he placed her cup down. Her eyes followed him as he took his seat, but broke away when she noticed Cass was looking up at her, expressive eyes that spoke words that didn’t need to be spoken.
Go ahead, but don’t rush, eat one cookie at a time, okay?” She said, grabbing one of the treats and holding it out.
Okay!” Cass didn’t miss a beat as he took the offered cookie and began eating.
Kara smiled as she watched him, before turning her attention to Aiden. She let out a quiet chuckle in response to his words. “
Yeah, that’s an understatement.” Kara knew what she wanted to say, the words were at the tip of her tongue. But something kept her from just diving straight into the deep end. So instead, she went for the next question that was on her mind.
How have you been?”