Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Wipeout | Elysium Dominion of Castilon

Alice sneered.

"Throwing a tantrum, how predictable..." she laughed at him, watching and clapping her hands in glee as he crushed her supposed only exit, Force pulling the monster and smashing it into the hull.

Immediately her hacking abilities diverted more emergency power from the vessel, closing off critical passages with Force Fields, sealing off bulkheads to prevent the water from flooding. Meanwhile the monster continued to thrash about, head stuck.

It would have been useful to him if she had actually needed to breathe.

The vicious, taunting grin refused to leave her face as she was soon submerged, her warped, modded genetics having grown something in her stomach.

The Android had acquired this upgrade rather recently. An ability to grow a bio Organic Singularity Mine based off the effects of a Dovin Basal. Before the water could completely submerge both her and the monster, her bio Organic repulsor Cells activated, allowing her to move through the water and remaining air towards the monster easily and toss her mine into it's throat, rocketing forward at full speed and slamming into it just as the mine went in. Both the pain of having a mini singularity activate in its throat as well as the unexpectedly high kinetic force, dislodged the Monster from the vessel, making it thrash about incredibly violently as the inside of it's throat was torn to pieces, causing massive bleeding and agony. The look on Alice's face was pure slasher smile as she watched the fatally wounded beast go into it's death throes, using her repulsor cells to fly outside the now partly flooded vessel, Source Ripper functions now working overtime to keep the water constantly pumped out of the vessel, and the gravely wounded beast began lunging after her, but it was clear it had suffered tremendous throat injuries as blood constantly flowed out of it as it chased her... She had to maintain a certain distance to prevent the beast from hitting the craft Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun were on, yet couldn't get so far away while it chased her that she couldn't hack the emergency systems of the vessel to keep it from flooding. Someone had better fix that main Generator quick...
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Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Objective: 2
Location: Hallways, HMS Kay Arenais
Interacting with: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , Jeshi Chade

"I'm on maitenance duty at the moment. This is my ship. I've got to see what I can do to help. Good to see you too, Pitt. I'm sure the crew will appreciate having you here too."

Pitt nodded. "Yep! I'm great at making things work! Though I've never worked on a subnautical ship before... Can't be anymore difficult than a ship out in space, can it?"

"Capt'n Chade. At your service madame...(I slowly looked over at the others)....Annnddd..Company. Oh, and if your looking for crew members of the Arenais..So am I...It's feeding time."

Red heard the voice and turned, observing the newcomer. Something about this newcomer seemed... off. Red could sense through the Force that there wasn't something right with the man. And it didn't seem like Loreena much trusted this newcomer either. Then, upon hearing the words "feeding time", Red instantly knew that his newcomer wasn't friendly. He could sense the darkness around the man. So... he was a Sith... Of all the places for them to appear, how did a Sith get all the way down here?

As Loreena jumped to action, so did Red. Red grabbed his lightsaber off of his utility belt and activated it, the orange glow lighting up the surroundings. He brought the lightsaber around in his right hand, holding it underneath the man's chin, dangerously close to the man's throat.

"This isn't your hunting ground. But it could be your grave if you treat it as such. I don't know how you got on on board or who you are, but this is my ship and all go by my rules. Got it?"

"I recommend listening to the lady." Red told the man. "She's got a mean sucker punch. Trust me, I know from experience."

Jeshi Chade

Jeshi simply nodded in acknowledgement to Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red as the pulsating blade was activated and aimed at his throat. Jeshi’s eyes watched the lightsaber carefully and took a quick glance at the hilt and would crack a smile as in the moment the light saber was activated from Red, Jeshi used the force to guide the hilt of the Courtrey to circle in mid flight around the trio before him and (THUD)! Press against the upper spine between the shoulder blades of Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . Although not activated, it was a trap lay perfectly for negotiations. Lori’s force light in combination with the threat of Red allowed a moment to slip by where he would make them think twice before committing to such action.

“See….The moment you strike…the moment I send my Courtrey through the spine of this beautiful specimen before me..heheh…sooo…I would be cautious on your next move..As I stated…I’m here for the crew…but, your blood will suffice if need be. I’ve been known to make…exceptions..” His eyes widened as he dared any of them to commit and rush to action. The fact that he didn’t kill, or atleast attempt to at first would reveal…he was indeed complicated. But the glowing black iris with dark yellow hues normally gave signs of dark passion..rage…anger and other sadistic things…

Tag: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun The Echo Vera Mina Vera Mina
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Objective: 2

Pitt was right. There wasn't much of a difference between a nautical ship and one built for space. The HMS Kay Arenais could handle both, but it was in the water that it excelled.

Or at least it should have.

Lori smirked as Jeshi Chade called her 'love', and was about to give him a retort when Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red stepped in. The two were friends before his betrayal and at the moment it seemed as though he was on her side.

For the moment.

She couldn't trust that. Pitt she trusted and liked a whole lot. He was a fun little droid and quite helpful. She knew that he didn't like the bad things that Red had done. His hesitancy proved it.

Yet now she had to focus on Jeshi and the blade at her back. Why didn't her ball of Light repel him? Why didn't it stop him from using the Darkside? It was supposed to, wasn't it? But maybe she had to hit him with it. That was probably what she needed to do.

The vessel rocked due to the ongoing duel by The Echo and Vera Mina Vera Mina , groaning with the added pressure as the water began pouring in. Some of the metal in the room the ritual was taking place had began to buckle, but not enough to prevent the flood doors from coming down to prevent the cold waters from seeping to the rest of the ship.

"We don't have time for this! I need my crew to get us out of here and killing them would just make this ship our grave! I don't care what kind are, but either make yourself useful or you'll find yourself in the brig!"

As Lori spoke to keep Jeshi's attention on her, Arla pulled a dagger out of her boot and flung it downward into Jeshi's left foot, a split second before she shoved Lori hard out of the way in case the saber was ignited. Another dagger was brought into her hand as she stared unblinkingly at Jeshi with narrowed eyes, keeping between the vampire and her charge. "Get to engineering with Pitt, Captain Loreena. Red and I will deal with the stowaway."

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun

Subject 002 Tarnish

Ḍ̵̬̔o̷̜̫͐n̸͈͎̔'̶̣̲̑̐t̷̨̀ ̴̝͒Ḽ̷̏͝ò̵̼͝ö̶̝͑k̵͔̼̽
Objective: 2
Tags: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun The Echo Jeshi Chade Vera Mina Vera Mina

"Did you say Sith? Where?"

Tarnish nodded. "Yes... on the ship... They are here and... plotting." Tarnish told him. By now, all the conversations around them stopped. Everyone's attention was now solely focused on Rex and the abomination he was talking too. Tarnish towered over Rex, standing imposingly over the young heir. It was a strange sight to behold, to say the least.

"And your crew are... starting to attack each other... And along with the Sith on board... the situation is not in your favor..." Tarnish continued.

"If, you will permit me... I will go... deal, with these... intruders and... keep the peace aboard the ship. Tarnish offered.

Of course, the last thing someone would associate with Tarnish would be peace. Ironic.

Milos Echo

Well, this situation could be much better. Floating out in the water, having only one functioning eye and his left leg torn into near shreds, the supposed Dark Jedi Master was now just drifting in what can only be describes, as the worst kind of painful ocean water he ever been apart of. While he had hoped his death would come rather quickly, it instead was taking a bit longer than he wanted to admit. When being ejected out from a monsters head you just pulled in, you expect it to crush you. Instead, the water rushed in, caught his leg and shredded it apart with piece of metal gouging out an eye due to his helmet being ruined.

Regardless, he was just floating into the painful, oblivion like ocean. Should lose all his blood at anytime now...the ocean at times was beautiful, that is if he could half the time see it with more than one eye! Trying to sigh in the middle of the water, trying to quicken his drowning as he sadly was on instinctive Force Breathing, being able to breath a few minutes in environments without any form of oxygen. This was awful, all due to...a thing. That is all he could think of it being, a thing that he had never seen in the thousands of years of existence. Through the many genocides he had lived through, through the Purges he had witnessed, this was the thing that just outright embarrassed him?

"Note to self, remember face. Delete from existence."

A sudden vibration in the water could be felt, the monster had backed away from the hole he had shoved it into and was thrashing about in pure pain. What in the world did that thing just do to the creature? It had thrashed about wildly as his mind was able to sense it, some form of singularity? It was unusual but the turbolasers would then go off, striking the creature as it begun to sink to the ocean floor. The creature, did not deserve any of this and he was about to just let the embrace of death take him in the water.

That was until, he felt something in the Force, something familiar.

Jeshi Chade

He had felt the force signature, while very faint from a distance, he had felt such a presence only a mere month ago at a prison like complex. How was that Vampric being here? Soon, his mind went into overdrive as his eyes started to fade into blackness, his oxygen running out. The overarching plan, was possibly in a threatful state, he needed that person later on. While this...thing was on board, he no longer wanted to merely sink it. But his body was no longer strong enough to do for one. His eye slowly glancing towards the Monster as it thrashed more violently, parts of his neck being destroyed.

Echo was a near master of this, though only one other time had he decided to transfer his mind into a creature. It was dreadful and the existence was long...but ten to twenty years, minus possible Metamorphsis being possibly more successful, can be arranged. As the last light in his eye vanish, his very soul would pop out as the Force would then guide his darkened spirit towards the large, dying creature. How he dreads going back into a small minded creature, it took many years to reform his mind and it was from mainly failed attempts...hopefully, this time it would be more successful.

Entering into the creatures mind, he was surprised that the willpower that remained was quite strong, but fleeting like its life source. Starting to batter down its defenses, he tried every tactic he could think of, from Fear of the upcoming Death to mentally draining all knowledge from it. It was a battle of willpower, something that he had done time and time again, something he had mastered. Battering it into a corner, pushing its psyche at bay, he felt his own eyes being transferred into the creatures. It was already a problem when he felt all the pain breaching into the body, turbolaser blasts were not something easily shrugged off and the throat was beyond painful.

Using every bit of willpower he had, he focused on Metamorphsis, changing his own body for the better as this thing in the throat, will not get out any time soon. It would soon split the head from the literal seems and the blood was being lost by the gallon. Pushing the body far as he could, behind anything close to out of view, he started to change the body. It was not a painless process, rather it was one of the most taxing processes he had ever done in his lifetime. Feeling what he had envisioned starting to sprout from the damage near the near, it coughed more blood and parts of the body started to heal.

Echo would reformat this body to his liking, whether the creature ever approved of it or not. This was now more than survival, it was keeping to the plan. Mind was being reshaped, he felt the connection to the brain starting to diminish, the painful reality of possibly not being able to make it was being felt. Then it happened, the throat was sliced cleanly off but in its place, three heads sprouted upwards and a horrible echoing noise could be heard from the deep, throwing the device, whatever the hell it was, far away from the creature itself.

The ooze around the eyes, were annoying as he moved all three heads at once. This was beyond unusual, controlling something with three...well anything. The turbolasers probably would fire nearby, sending him back a little more into the watery depths. How annoying...and how soon he will change the outcome of this. Digging the feet of the creature into the sand like enbankment nearby, he forced the body to change further...this time, to things only a Sithspawn may actually have.

Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Vera Mina Vera Mina Alister Athantras Arthakk Arthakk Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Post: 3
Objective: The Crew
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish The Echo Vera Mina Vera Mina

Rex's eyes widened as the creature's response was followed by some sort of explosion. Loreena hadn't responded, so she wasn't in the vicinity. What the heck was going on? Things had been borderline normal before and now suddenly he was being warned of Sith on board, monsters, crew members killing crew, it was Chaos.

Rex took a split second to think then answered the creature,
"Yes, go with haste, do what must be done to restore order." He then pasued for a second, taking one last look at the poor creature, he felt pity. "Thank you." Then he turned away from the subject, rushing over to the lead engineer.

"What's happening!?"

"The hull is breeched, we're taking in water. However we've fixed the communications array, it can reach our divers. A message has been sent, they're enroute now....not that it matters. If we can't get this breach under control, we're all going to die."

"Are there escape pods on this ship?"

"Yes sir, 24, but only 12 are fit to launch underwater..."

"Where is Loreena?"

"Uh...six levels under us sir."

"Alright, you keep this thing afloat no matter what, do you understand?"

Rex didn't stick around for the inevitable Yes Sir, instead he was running down the hall to find Loreena. He needed her to get off the ship if possible, and even if he couldn't find her, perhaps he could help out somehow.

Jeshi Chade

As Lori spoke to keep Jeshi's attention on her, Arla pulled a dagger out of her boot and flung it downward into Jeshi's left foot, a split second before she shoved Lori hard out of the way in case the saber was ignited. Another dagger was brought into her hand as she stared unblinkingly at Jeshi with narrowed eyes, keeping between the vampire and her charge. "Get to engineering with Pitt, Captain Loreena. Red and I will deal with the stowaway."
The saber would fall to the floor immediately with a loud clinking thud from the metal of the hilt as Jeshiwould be forced to dodge the thrown dagger at his left foot by swiftly kicking back his left leg. (This is a crafty one) He thought to himself as a look of urgency overcame his face. Seeing how he was clearly outnumbered..It wasn't the time or the place to take them on...Not only that..They didn't reveal themselves as a threat to Jeshi's personal mission. Jeshi would grin before shrugging his shoulders and replying..."It's simple really...I go where you all are going to find out what happened to the crew...It's clear you have no need to perish by my hand as of this moment. I can scout ahead...I have a honed sense of smell..and if there's any foul play about....I'll know of it...Speaking of foul play..We have several uninvited guests on this vessel...Something tells me we're going to get to know each other whether we like it or not...What say you?" Jeshi asks as a glimmer forms within his eye. "If agreed...I will sheath my saber and will call a truce....Theres someone else I need to see..." He states as an image of a certain Sith...Hellbent on power and aggression entered his mind like a flash grenade that he didn't see coming.

Tag: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun The Echo Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Vera Mina Vera Mina Alister Athantras Arthakk Arthakk

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Objective: 2
Location: Hallways, HMS Kay Arenais
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Jeshi Chade

“See….The moment you strike…the moment I send my Courtrey through the spine of this beautiful specimen before me..heheh…sooo…I would be cautious on your next move..As I stated…I’m here for the crew…but, your blood will suffice if need be. I’ve been known to make…exceptions..”

Red stopped, standing still. Well... this was a pickle. On one hand, you could just try to kill the Sith before he could make any moves, but on the other hand, he could react quick enough and stab Loreena with the blade. And after all he had done to Loreena, the last thing he should do was be the death of her. He at least owed her that much to not be the death of her. He scowled, unable to move or attack, as they were currently locked in a tight stalemate.

Then, as Loreena spoke to the man, Arla sprang to action. Arla sent a knife into the man's foot, and then moved Loreena in an extremely fast manner. All of this happened within the span of a couple of seconds. If Red didn't have enhanced sense, he might have missed the scene entirely. He had to admit, Arla was admirable, she definitely knew how to handle herself in a fight. At least Loreena had someone that could take care of her.

"Get to engineering with Pitt, Captain Loreena. Red and I will deal with the stowaway."

"Y-yeah. Come on Loreena." Pitt said, grabbing Loreena's hand and pulling her away and down the halls.

Red continued staring at the Sith. He glanced back at Arla and smirked. "You want the honors with him? Or shall I deal with him?" He asked.
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Objective: custom
  • Escort HMS Kay Arenais home for her sublight legs of her journey from her mission on Castilon.​
  • Patrol the skies of Castilon while waiting for HMS Kay Arenais to arrive in orbit.​
2 cruisers | 3 corvettes | 42 Fighters/bombers | 4 support craft


1 Makashi Class Light Cruiser
  • HMS Shii-Cho (Flag)
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X) 163rd Squadron
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X) Bantha Boy Squadron
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have high powered sensors and comm arrays for breaking through jamming
      • (X) booster included

1 Rectifier Class Heavy Cruiser
  • HMS Verdict
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)

3 Val Khaar-class Corvettes
  • HMS Black Mamba
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Python
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Constrictor
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)

Laxxy, the designated steward droid for the bridge of the HMS Shii-Cho, waddled dutifully by with a tray of steaming mugs. On reflex, Burtch reached out and grabbed one, inhaled through his nose to embrace the bitter smell of caffeine, and took a sip.

This mission was pretty low key. Castilon was considered a fairly stable system at the moment, and Burtch had only brought one full standard cruiser squadron to provide escort for Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ’s weird little mission. They weren't quite at full readiness, but they could be at General Quarters in seconds with the crew on their toes. Almost everyone…

At the back of the bridge, where the bank of turbo lifts were at, on the floor laid a shiny jetpack. Treyfa's kriffing jetpack. Captain Treyfa…

Since things were slow, and the bridge was only stationed by minimal crew at low readiness, he decided that now was the time to address this issue with his flag captain. He kept his voice low to keep the few present bridge staff from hearing, "Captain Teyfa, this is a navy vessel of the Elysium Empire. We do not set a bad example by having personal trinkets on the bridge."

"This is my ship, captain," she responded. Her voice was glib, if just above a whisper, "and I want it close in case I need it later"

Burtch rolled his eyes. She may be a flag captain, but as far as he was concerned, Shii-Cho was his ship. It always would be. But he wouldn't argue that now. Instead, he said, "You're not ever going to need that stupid thing here. You're just hoping that you'll get a chance to enter the atmosphere and check out the ocean and hang out with Miss Arenais-Valhoun. We may not be doing much here but discipline is something we…"

"Sir, we detected turbolazer blasts and singularity explosions under the water!"

Burtch's and Treyfa's spine stiffened, "Comms," Burtch ordered, "give me a channel to the Kay Arenais. I need to know what's happening down there. And let's try out those new TIE Fighers that HGWT just sold us. Send them in to provide potential close air support if needed. There's not much we can do for them while they are under water, but I want us to be ready."

Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish Jeshi Chade Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun The Echo Vera Mina Vera Mina Alister Athantras Arthakk Arthakk Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
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Alice was gliding through the water, still pumping water out of the ship to keep it from flooding and killing everyone via her close range hacking.

But something was happening to the creature. It was mutating. Into what, she wasn't sure, but she couldn't let the beast attack the ship. Time to piss it off some more.

Vera dived at high speed with her repulsor cells through the water, watching as the creature dug it's foot into the sand. She dived for the ankle at high speed for a pass with her vibroknife, hoping to at least cause a severe laceration that would hopefully piss off The Echo to make him start chasing her again. She went as fast as she possibly could for a pass where, hopefully, if it connected, the blade would rip open a massive gash before it could finish transforming.

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Jeshi Chade

Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Admiral A. Athantras



Admiral Alister Athantras


Equipment: A-13 Slugthrower Pistol
Ship: Iron Wolf
Tags: Open

Everyone was thankful to get out of that initial tunnel. Outside of the darkness that tingled the collective nerves of my party, it was not a place to stand and defend against an incoming attack. We were overly cramped walking in single file, a firefight or any fight would had seen us stumbling over one another, or worse; shooting each other in the back. Our new area was rather more appealing, even with the lingering memory of those claw marks. This room was another storage facility, except unhidden. I ordered my team to fan out and explore the room. There were no glass tanks here, but there were several crates and metal boxes about; and they bore some unknown markings or language on them. Sadly, I didn't have anyone in my crew that could translate if they were ancient words, nor did I have anyone that could read hieroglyphics. For now, we just examined and cataloged our findings.

We left the room, and began digging deeper into the ship. Most of the rooms we came across where locked out to us. Whatever befell the ship must have caused the computer system to impose a ship lockdown. The only rooms that were open seemed to have their doors pried and ripped open. Again, claw marks everywhere. One room in particular had what appeared to be dried blood on the walls, but no bodies anywhere. The whole situation was getting way above what we were equipped for. I began to toy with the idea if we should simply abandon the mission and head back to out ship, in hopes of a rescue party. But on the other hand, we needed to learn what happened here. What became of the crew after the crash? What owned those claw marks? If we left now, and if that creature, or creatures, were lurking about; what would prevent them from attacking us on our ship?

Objective: 2

I don't want to get to know you...

That was what Lori wanted to tell Jeshi Chade , yet she couldn't help but feel as though she really had no choice in the matter. There was just something about him. Their meeting was more than a coincidence.

Still, she had no time to dwell on it. Instead her attention fell to Pitt as the little pit droid took hold of her hand and started pulling her away. She nodded to Arla and Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red before following her little friend.

Arla, on the otherhand, placed her foot on Jeshi's lightsaber and slid it over to Red, while her eyes and dagger remained trained on the vampire. "You don't call the shots here, vermin. The Captain does. And right now she accepts your help. Step out of line in any way and your existence will end very quickly. Understand?"

The Kay Arenais rolled a little to the side as it reacted to the turbulence outside, as well as the added weight of the water. Lori felt almost as though she was drunk while the corridor seemed to shift, yet she held onto Pitt's little metalic hand for support. "We'll get there Pitt. It shouldn't be too far! We've gotta get the enviromental systems running or the pressure of the ocean's depths will crush us!

Just then she heard the voice of a communications officer on board the HMS Shii-Cho echo through the comlink in her pocket. She knew that voice. It meant that Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch was nearby, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. She dug out her comlink and clicked the button to relay her response. "Just a bit of a hiccup! I'm on my way to engineering to try to fix it! I'll get back to you when I'm done!"

Lori didn't want to tell him about the stowaways or anything else just yet. She kept it at that for now. No doubt there was sure to be a meeting once they were all out of here, with Lori, Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun , Burtch and all of the upper brass to discuss what happened. And she was not looking forward to that.

A lift wasn't that far ahead. And as Lori and Pitt ran to it, the door slid open. Lori's eyes widened in surprise as she saw who was inside. "Rex!" No doubt he was wanting answers from her too.
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Post: 4
Objective: The Crew
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish The Echo Vera Mina Vera Mina

Well that was easy. As the elevator reached its' destination, Lori was already there! But before he could speak, the ship lurched to its' side a bit, making Rex stumble a little. Catching himself and regaining his balance, he said "Loreena! Are you alright? We need to get off this ship, there are Sith on board, and the engineers may not be able to repair it in time. One of Doc's subjects is on his way to hunt the Sith but we don't need to be here for that mess."

Rex fully expected Lori to argue, but he
really hoped for once she'd go with the smarter choice and abandon ship before it was too late. But if she were to refuse, he would have no choice but to follow her and help as much as he could, and pray that the engineers could stabilize the ship before those Sith could cause any more damage.

Rex was starting to understand his father's paranoia a bit now. This was supposed to be a simple trip, but somehow several imposters were on board, the loyal crew was going crazy and trying to kill other crew members, and the ship was sinking. He'd need to be more careful in the future, but he also knew that he needed to keep his caution in check. He wouldn't become his father, who was afraid to leave his office without a guard....

Subject 002 Tarnish

Ḍ̵̬̔o̷̜̫͐n̸͈͎̔'̶̣̲̑̐t̷̨̀ ̴̝͒Ḽ̷̏͝ò̵̼͝ö̶̝͑k̵͔̼̽
Objective: 2
Tags: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun The Echo Jeshi Chade Vera Mina Vera Mina

"Yes, go with haste, do what must be done to restore order." He then pasued for a second, taking one last look at the poor creature, he felt pity. "Thank you."

Tarnish nodded, and walked out of the room. Well, at least Rex wasn't a fool, even he understood that once Tarnish was intent on something, he would make sure that his mission would be completed, with or without permission. He stepped out into the hallway, his footsteps thudding on the floor as he strode forward. Tarnish walked through the dim hallways, the dim red light of the emergency lights barely lighting up the corridor. Tarnish strode down the corridor, walking with intent; his footsteps echoing throughout the quiet and abandoned halls. The reddish light glowed eerily about him. Anyone who would see Tarnish in this dim light would be dumbstruck by the monstrosity emerging from the darkness. Excellent... Let them feel fear...

Tarnish heard cries and shouting in a nearby room. He walked closer to the room, approaching it slowly. Inside, he could hear multiple voices shouting and screaming. The door was shut, locked tight from the inside. Well, there was always the manual way of opening the doors. Tarnish grabbed the metal door, and ripped it down with immense strength, tearing the door apart and ripping it down.

Inside the room, there were multiple crew members in a group. They were surrounding another crew member on the ground, bloodied and battered. The crew members surrounding the man on the ground were holding bloodied blunt weapons, seemingly having been beating said crew member. When Tarnish ripped off the door, they all froze, and turned their attention to the dark, open door.

From the darkness, Tarnish emerged into the room. He stepped through the doorway, appearing from the shadows. Some of the crew members gasped and backed up slightly, horrified at the abomination that had just ripped off the door and now towered over them within the room. Tarnish looked around, examining the group of crew members. They must have been going insane as result of being trapped down here. No doubt this was happening all over the ship too.

Tarnish took a step towards the group. The group gasped and raised their weapons, hoping to fight off whatever this monstrosity was. Oh, so it was a fight they wanted, huh? Well... Tarnish had no objections to a fight... If they wanted to fight... Tarnish would give them the fight they wished for... And besides, he was hoping they would choose to fight, he wanted to have some fun of his own.

Tarnish gave a loud ROAR, the sound echoing all throughout the ship. The group of deranged crew members flinched at the sound, trembling from weight of the roar from the monstrosity. Then, Tarnish gave out loud scream, wailing out a cry as he lunged forward towards the group, his arms stretched out, his mouth opening wide.

Tarnish uses his long arms to swipe at the crew members. He slammed them into the walls, grabbing them and hitting them with extreme force. He didn't want to kill them, if he had wanted too, they would be dead all ready. He just wanted to incapacitate them. Tarnish slammed one of them into the wall, knocking him out. Tarnish then grabbed two with his hands, and grabbed them and slammed them into the ground. For the last one, he picked up with both of his hands. The crew member struggled, trying to escape in vain, looking fearful at Tarnish. Tarnish roared at him, and then threw him across the room, watching as the crew member slammed into the wall and dropped limb.

Tarnish stopped his rampage, looking around, and standing up straight. He looked down at the crew member that was being beaten by the others, the man looking up at him in shock, wonder, and awe. This thing was his savior, and had come to his rescue.

"Pick up your weapon, Soldier..." Tarnish said to him.

The man quickly stood up, stumbling to his feet, with a slight limp. "The King protects!" He said in awe.

Tarnish looked at the dark doorway, more noises could be hear coming from out of it. "Yes," Tarnish replied. "He does."
Objective: 2

Lori's eyes darted all around Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun 's form as he spoke, checking to be sure that he wasn't affected by the deep water's pressure like some of the crew.

His assessment came at no surprise as she knew some of what he was talking about. Although the only Sith that she could guess at was Jeshi Chade . She didn't know about The Echo and what he had done. But what she was most surprised about was the fact that he wanted her to leave; regarding this event as some sort of mess that others needed to clean up. Yet this ship was more personal to her than he could have known. They might be married, but there was still a lot of stuff about eachother that neither of them knew.

"No. You go. There's no point in both of us being here. You're more valuable anyways. The captain goes down with the ship, right? Well...she's mine. I'm not going to just leave her here at the bottom of the deep. I can't. Pitt and I are just going to Engineering now in order to get the power back on. That's mo focus right now. Everything else is secondary. I'm not just going to abandon it all as a failure. I can fix it! C'mon Pitt."

Without another word, she gripped Pitt's hand again and started to run down the corridor. Hopefully Arla and Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red were taking care of Jeshi. And hopefully once this was over, she wouldn't get too many lectures.
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Post: 5
Objective: The Crew
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish The Echo Vera Mina Vera Mina

His heart still jumped at her response, even though it was expected, and mentally he facepalmed himself so hard his head fell off. However he'd already thought of a response to this: "Lori! Use your head, this is no time for personal attachments to get in the way." He didn't realize how much he sounded like a Jedi, "We can build you ten of these ships if you want, but if we stay the odds are, we will die!" and now he sounded like a protocol droid.

Still, if she refused, he would stay...he had no choice. What kind of man would he be if he were to abandon his best friend? His wife? He'd be no better than the Hutts who sit on their tails all day, unable to lift anything heavier than a speeder bike, surrounded by slaves and servants, with no true attachments. So he would stay if she chooses to do so herself.
Objective: 2

Lori stopped in her tracks once Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun spoke up, telling her to leave once more. It was ironic as he talked about personal attachments getting in the way. Everything about her was personal. And the fact that she was being asked again to leave the ship named in honour of her mother, well it made her feel as though she was a disappointment. There was no right response, no right move that would satisfy everyone, most especially herself.

She placed her free hand on the corridor wall, stroking it with her thumb as one would a beloved pet. "And what of everyone else, Rex? What of the crew? What of Arla? Are we to abandon them too?" What good was it to rule over people when at the slightest hint of danger, one runs away.

" Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch is up there. Have him send some teams down to rescue the others and I'll go with you." Rex grew up in the wilderness. He didn't understand the complicated nature of a ship and it's crew. But she was going to come back some day, whether on her own or with others. She was going to come back and rescue her ship.
Objective: custom
  • Escort HMS Kay Arenais home for her sublight legs of her journey from her mission on Castilon.​
  • Patrol the skies of Castilon while waiting for HMS Kay Arenais to arrive in orbit.​
2 cruisers | 3 corvettes | 42 Fighters/bombers | 4 support craft


1 Makashi Class Light Cruiser
  • HMS Shii-Cho (Flag)
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X) 163rd Squadron
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X) Bantha Boy Squadron
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have high powered sensors and comm arrays for breaking through jamming
      • (X) booster included

1 Rectifier Class Heavy Cruiser
  • HMS Verdict
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)

3 Val Khaar-class Corvettes
  • HMS Black Mamba
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Python
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Constrictor
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)

As the brand new squadron of TIE/PN Starfighters screamed into position over the HMS Kay Arenais, Burtch was gathering a multitude of different reports as the whole fleet entered into full readiness status. His own ship, HMS Shii-Cho, was already running high-powered scans over the area surrounding the submerged vessel, and the reports were rolling in fast.

From what Burtch had gathered, the Kay Arenais was crippled by a technical failure, there was a giant sea monster of some kind that was constantly shifting and changing, the ship and some unknown source had both fired on the monster, causing it considerable damage, and there were men trapped on the strange ship that they had been sent to investigate in the first place. And then, of course, Burtch received Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ’s transmission that she was going to try and fix everything herself. Yes, good luck with that.

Burtch was confident that Lori could handle a hydrospanner well enough, but it seemed weird that she felt that she'd have to do this herself. This raised alarms in Burtch's mind as there were far more qualified personnel on board to perform repairs on the downed ship. As a fellow ship commander, Burtch was typically of the mindset that it was best for a bridge officer to stay out of the way of his technical staff, as he expected them to stay out of his. For Loreena to feel as though she had to fix her ship herself was a sign that she was experiencing more than just technical problems. There was a crew status problem too. Not good.

He realized that he couldn't simply just sit there with his little cruiser squadron and wait for the problem to resolve itself. He was going to have to get directly involved if the crew of the HMS Kay Arenais was going to survive.

When the reports were finished coming in - and incidentally, the TIEs were in position at the same time - Burtch already knew what needed to be done. He began giving orders, "Alright, send a high powered transmission to the Kay Arenais and order them to collect the people that were sent to investigate the ancient ship immediately. The investigation is now officially over until we can return with a properly repaired Kay Arenais. Have the Ferrum Class Light Bombers and the Saberdroid Starfighters deploy and stay close to the fleet, but all ships, and I do mean all, are going to take up a position just above the Arenais. Once we do, and we are hovering a couple hundred meters above the surface of the water, all five of our capital ships will lock tractor beams onto the Arenais and start pulling her to the surface. Once we have her above water, we can try to restore power and get her to Damascus Station for proper repairs."

Burtch made a mental note to be careful how he used the Ferrum Bombers today. After the destruction of MandalArms, the new Mandal-Elysium Arms company had not yet managed to retool for making new ones, so they were in limited supply as of now.

Burtch sipped his coffee and grimaced. It was getting cold now… where's my damn steward droid?

Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish Jeshi Chade Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun The Echo Vera Mina Vera Mina Alister Athantras Arthakk Arthakk Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
Objective: 2

Lori didn't wait for Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun to respond to her. She didn't hqve to. Not when Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch patched through a message that he was going to save her ship. All that she needed to do was to hold tight and everything would be fine.

Sort of.

There were a slew of repairs to make, people to look after and a whole situation that needed investigating. Lori was going to be quite busy.

"There's my cue. I'm going back up to the bridge." At least Burtch understood the importance and significance of a Captain and her ship. Rex was told that she was stubborn from the get go, and now he faced some of that. At least she didn't have to leave her post to save herself.

Without further ado, Lori went back to the lift past Rex to get to the bridge level.

It was a horrible day, but at least it was salvaged in the end.

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