Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: [ Describe the plan for your planet. NOTE: This section alone can have your planet dismissed. Planets created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon planet? If yes, link to the original planet wiki here, if no simply put N/A. All canon planet submissions must be tagged "Canon" in Topic Tags and place [Canon] next to the planet name in the title. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Planet Name: [ Example: Arkania, Korriban. ]
  • Demonym: [ What a resident of this planet would be called. Ex. Residents of Coruscant are called Coruscanti. ]
  • Region: [ Link the region this system resides or describe its location relative to local star systems on the map. You can pick from the following: Deep Core, Core World, Colonies, Inner Rim, Expansion Region, Mid Rim, Outer Rim Territories, Tingel Arm, Wild Space. Unknown Regions. ]
  • System Name: [ Example: Abrion, Herrik. ]
  • System Features: [ Here you may list suns, moons, other planets, important asteroid belts, spatial anomalies, or other features of the star system. You may also include orbital position, rotational period (length of day), and orbital period (days in a year) in this section. if you have submitted Astronomical Objects for this system, you may link them here, and if you would like to expand on the system in more detail, you may use that template to do it at your leisure. ]
  • Location: [ This can be a screenshot of the hex from the map with a marker, or you can say that it is located "in X planet's hex" and give a general description of positioning. If you intend to add this planet to the Chaos Map please review the rules thoroughly.]
  • Major Imports: [ What the planet frequently buys from other planets. Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ]
  • Major Exports: [ What does the planet produce and bring to the galaxy, note that not all planets have to produce things. They can be barren or have riches yet to be discovered. Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ]
  • Unexploited Resources: [ Does this planet have resources that are not yet utilized by the population? Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ]
  • Gravity: [ Standard is Earth-like. Use terms such as "Twice Standard" to describe other types of gravity. ]
  • Climate: [ Temperate is Earth-like. Make notes of anything substantially different yet similar to Temperate. Add Controlled for when most of the climate is controlled by technology. Use words such as Arid or Frozen to describe single biome worlds. ]
  • Primary Terrain: [ Significant types of terrain that can easily be found. Examples: Grassland, Mountains, Oceans, Tundras, Forests, Artificial, Synthetic, etc. Multiple can be used. ]
  • Atmosphere: [ Choose one of the following: Type I, Type II, Type III, or Type IV. Full descriptions of each can be found on the Wiki here. ]
  • Capital City: [ What is the name of the planet's capital? ]
  • Planetary Features: [ What are interesting artificial features of the planet? Ruins, interconnected cities, floating urban platforms. This field is used to sketch out artificial features, adding RP opportunities, but without the need for specific details like in the major locations field. You can also include if the planet is primarily Wild, Rural, Suburban, Urban, or a Mix. ]
  • Major Locations: [ What are the major locations on your world? Include an explanation on each. ]
  • Force Nexus (Optional): [ If you wish to add a Force nexus (light, neutral, or dark), you are required to justify it through your submission and history. ]
    Intent: [ Provide the reasoning and motive for this force nexus. A request for a force nexus may be denied on this premise alone. ]
    Nexus Name: [ Name of the nexus if applicable. ]
  • Nexus Alignment: [ Light, Dark, Neutral, Other (explain). ]
  • Size: [ Small (A small location on a world much like a grove or oasis. Ex. Dark Grove), Medium (A moderately sized area, large compounds, lake, etc Ex. Great Temple), Large (A location that spans a large area, a valley, mountain ranges, etc. Ex. Valley of the Jedi). Planetary (Influences everything on the planet. Ex. Byss). ]
  • Strength: [ How strong is the Nexus? How much influence does it exert on those near it? Weaker nexus are easier to overlook, while stronger ones are impossible to miss. Stronger Nexus will be more closely scrutinized for balance and fairness during judging. Choose one: Weak (A weak influence on the area and the people on it. A fragile nexus that can potentially be altered by people or events, i.e. a lightside nexus could be corrupted by atrocity or a dark side nexus cleansed by the actions of a mass of Jedi.), Moderate (A moderate influence on the area and the people on it. Could be altered with a great enough event.), Strong (A strong influence on the area and the people on it. Powerful enough to be renewed in the event of a great cataclysm, and unlikely to be altered.) ]
  • Accessibility: [ For Small, Medium, or Large Nexus only. Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? Keep in mind that the Strength of the Nexus above must be reflected in this field. ]
  • Effects: [ What sort of effects does this Nexus confer? An aura of fear? Reinvigorating those on the world? Perhaps it induced tricks of the mind, to test the visitors. These effects can be positive, neutral, or negative, and should reflect the nature and history of the Nexus. ]

  • Native Species: [ Species that have always lived there. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. ]
  • Immigrated Species: [ Immigrant species with significant populations. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Uninhabited, Insignificant, Sparse, Moderate, Heavy, Crowded - Optional: include a population number. ]
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the population assortment found on this planet. Is it primarily human inhabitants with only a small percentage of aliens? Or perhaps the other way around? Is this a place open to all kinds of races or is there a strong theme of racism and xenophobia? Specific race percentages are welcome but not required. ]
  • Primary Languages: [ Include any languages primarily spoken on this planet. Galactic Basic is an example of a language speaking across the Galaxy. ]
  • Culture: [ General overview of the inhabitant's behaviors. This should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion. ]
  • Government: [ Federal Republic would describe a government such as the United States. Other general terms can be used. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Does this planet fall under the rule of a certain person or faction? Company or group? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Wealth: [ Poor, Low, Medium, High, Wealthy. Describe, briefly, why. ]
  • Stability: [ Low, Medium, High. Are there major issues causing unrest? Is this a planet of chaos or one of peaceful law-abiding citizens? Is it dangerous for travellers to visit or are you safe as an outsider? Describe the general feel and theme of any overarching government or rulers/leaders in this city. ]
  • Freedom & Oppression: [ Describe the atmosphere of freedom on this planet. Are the people fairly free or is oppression of society and commerce heavy? Does it have a dictatorial ruler? Is fear of the ruling body prevalent? Relaxed and open? Is anything unusual illegal or permitted? ]
  • Military: [ Describe the military capabilities of this planet. Is it completely demilitarized? A fortress world complete with heavy defenses? A space-faring world with a substantial navy? Is it a hive of scum and villainy with no discernible defense structure other than what it's inhabitants have to offer? Or maybe due to low tech the people here are still in the bronze age. ]
  • Technology: [ A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy. If there is nothing of note, simply put 'Galactic Standard'. ]
[ Include a history of the planet here. Be sure to cover the following information:
How was the planet discovered? How was the planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today? If there is a Nexus, how did it come about and how did it influence the history of the planet?

Remember that these custom planets may be submitted to the map for the community to enjoy. The more background you set down, the more clearly others will be able to understand your view of your creation. ]

  • »
    • Intent: To introduce Veridia as a strategic resource hub and a hidden refuge for those seeking knowledge of the Force, complementing the narrative and setting established by Ord Providence. The planet embodies a unique blend of traditional governance and societal structures with the onset of modernization and increased interaction with the wider galaxy
    • Image Credit: N/A
    • Canon: N/A
    • Permissions: N/A
    • Links: Building Dreams on Veridia

    • Planet Name: Veridia
    • Demonym: Veridians
    • Region: Expansion Region
    • System Name: Shinryoku
    • System Features: Three moons (Tsuki, Kōri, Hikari) one Sun (Shinryoku) 32-hour rotational period, 257 galactic standard day orbital period.
    • Location: Near Ord Providence
    • Major Imports: Raw materials for construction, advanced technology components, luxury goods, refined ores, medical supplies.
    • Major Exports: Exquisite artwork, traditional craftsmanship, rare gemstones, unique flora and fauna, handcrafted weaponry, Coal, silk, rice, tea, copper, porcelain, lacquerware, textiles, sake, seafood, timber, bamboo, ceramics, indigo dye, decorative scrap book paper, paper), fruits, soybeans, sake brewing, metalwork, and traditional crafts.
    • Unexploited Resources: Deep crystal veins, uncharted cavern networks, untapped energy sources, undiscovered flora and fauna species, medicinal materials,

    • Gravity: Earth-like
    • Climate: Varied
    • Primary Terrain: Forests, Mountains, Agricultural areas
    • Atmosphere: Type I

    • Capital City: There is no official capital city. The largest city is known as Gyokuen.
    • Planetary Features:
    - Major Locations:
    - Force Nexus (Optional): [If applicable]

    • Native Species: Humans, near humans, Zhenxi Togruta subspecies, Keshiri, Balosars, Mirialan, Atrisians, Gungans, Chiss, Epicanthix, Twi'leks, Echani, Thyrsians, Caamasi
    • Immigrated Species: Few, various immigrant species
    • Population: Moderate
    • Demographics: Diverse mix of native and immigrant species
    • Primary Languages: Galactic Basic, Spirit Tongue,
    • Culture: Blend of traditions from each species, emphasizing nature, art, and knowledge

    • Government: Shogunate
    • Affiliation: Neutral, prioritizing isolation and stability
    • Wealth: Medium
    • Stability: High
    • Freedom & Oppression: Emphasis on individual freedoms within the boundaries of shogunate rule

    • Military: Modest defensive force, skilled infantry, mostly local.
    • Technology: Blend of feudal and galactic standard tech, with gradual adoption of new technologies in rural areas

    • How was the planet discovered?
      Veridia remained hidden until a group of explorers stumbled upon the planetoid while charting hyperspace routes. Its beauty and unique blend of nature attracted initial settlers.

      How was the planet settled?
      The initial settlers established small communities along the planet's pristine landscapes, forming the foundation of Veridian society. Over time, more immigrants arrived, drawn by the planet's rich resources and harmonious culture.

      When was it settled?
      The first settlements were established roughly a thousand years ago, and the planet's population has grown steadily since.

      Why was it settled?
      Veridia's appeal lies in its abundant resources, including rare gemstones, fertile lands, and unique flora and fauna. Additionally, its balance of traditional and modern elements has attracted those seeking a simpler way of life.

      What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today?
      The planet's inhabitants have forged a unique identity characterized by reverence for nature, artistic expression, and the pursuit of knowledge. Over time, the establishment of the shogunate helped maintain stability while adapting to the changing galaxy, ensuring that Veridia's traditions and values endure.
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    • Intent: Creating the Zhenxi Togruta subspecies for RP.
    • Image Credit: N/A.
    • Canon: N/A.
    • Permissions: N/A.
    • Links: N/A.

    • Name: Zhenxi
    • Designation: Sentient
    • Origins: N/A
    • Average Lifespan: Similar to standard Togrutas
    • Estimated Population: Scattered
    • Description: Zhenxi Togrutas are a smaller subspecies, known for their vibrant skin patterns, mottled designs, and bioluminescent qualities. These physical traits and their specialized vocal sacs for producing melodious sounds set them apart from standard Togrutas. They have adapted to a unique environment, influencing their cultural practices.

    • Breathes: Standard Togruta atmosphere
    • Average Height of Adults: Approximately 1.4 meters
    • Average Length of Adults: N/A
    • Skin color: Vibrant skin patterns, mottled designs
    • Hair color: Various / matching skin patterns
    • Distinctions: Smaller stature, vibrant skin patterns, mottled designs, bioluminescent qualities, specialized vocal sacs for melodious communication
    • Races: Various regional groups within the Zhenxi Togruta subspecies
    • Force Sensitivity: Standard Force sensitivity levels

    • Melodious communication through specialized vocal sacs
    • Natural camouflage with vibrant skin patterns
    • Bioluminescent qualities for various purposes

    • Smaller stature may limit physical strength
    • Less adept at combat-focused Force skills
    • Cultural differences may lead to misunderstandings

    • Diet: Omnivorous with unique culinary traditions
    • Communication: Spoken language, melodious songs conveying emotions and stories
    • Technology level: Comparable to Galactic Standard
    • Religion/Beliefs: Animism, deep spiritual connection to nature
    • General behavior: Strong community bonds, tribal societies, emphasis on art, music, and sustainability

    The Zhenxi Togrutas' history is intertwined with their lush forest environment. They adapted physically for their smaller stature, camouflage, and developed bioluminescent qualities over time. Forming distinct tribes, they cooperated with other species to preserve their planet's biodiversity.

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  • Ashlanti Monks:
    Harmony with the ForceVitaran Monks believe in the Force's presence in all things, akin to spirits. They practice rituals to honor these Force entities, striving to achieve harmony with the cosmos.
    Martial DisciplineMasters of a martial art that aligns physical discipline with the Force, Vitaran Monks use unique weapons or styles emphasizing balance and non-aggression.
    Guardians of SanctityAs protectors of sacred Force sites, akin to nexuses, Vitaran Monks conduct rituals to maintain these places' balance and purity. They are dedicated to shielding these sites from harm or exploitation, honoring their connection to the Force.
    Wisdom KeepersCustodians of ancient Force knowledge, the Vitaran Monks' teachings highlight the Force's nurturing aspects. Their wisdom encompasses meditative practices, healing arts, and ancient methods of interacting with the Force and nature.
    Communal and EgalitarianEmbracing a communal lifestyle, Vitaran Monks share responsibilities and knowledge, fostering unity and mutual respect. Their society is egalitarian, selecting leaders for their wisdom and ability to live in tune with the Force, mirroring a commitment to balance within their community.

  • Lore & Plot Ideas:
    TitleShort Description
    The Eternal Wisteria's ChallengeLore: The massive wisteria trees that encase the ruins are believed to be the oldest living entities on the planet, planted by an ancient civilization that was deeply attuned to the Force. These trees were considered sacred, embodying the connection between the living Force and the planet itself. It's said that as long as the wisteria blooms, the planet will remain a beacon of balance and harmony in the Force.

    Plot: The massive wisteria trees test the young Jedi's worthiness through trials that tap into their deepest fears and desires. Overcoming these trials requires not just strength but the power of friendship and understanding each other's weaknesses and strengths, embodying the true essence of teamwork.
    Warriors of the Lost Dynasty
    Lore: The ruins were once the stronghold of a forgotten dynasty of Force sensitives who practiced a unique form of Force magic, blending elemental powers with traditional Jedi teachings. This dynasty was known for its peacekeepers, who not only wielded light weapons but also had the ability to control the natural elements around them. They vanished mysteriously, leaving behind artifacts and scrolls that hint at a sudden, cataclysmic event.

    Plot: The young Jedi discover an ancient arena within the ruins, activating it triggers a tournament against the dynasty's greatest warriors. To unlock the secrets of the ruins, they must win the tournament, facing challenges that push their skills to the limit and force them to innovate new fighting techniques.
    The Guardians of Knowledge
    Hidden within the library of elemental magic, the young Jedi find holocrons that contain the wisdom of the "Guardians of Knowledge," a sect of scholars and warriors dedicated to gathering and protecting the universe's most dangerous and powerful secrets. Their last act, recorded before their disappearance, was to seal away a powerful artifact known as the "Heart of the Wisteria," capable of altering reality itself.

    Plot: The gate keepers of the holocrons of the Guardians of Knowledge propose a contest: find and safely integrate the "Heart of the Wisteria" into the galaxy's knowledge without unleashing its potential for destruction. This quest sends the Jedi on adventures across diverse planets, facing rivals and forming alliances, all while being pursued by a dark figure who seeks
    the Heart for their own ends.
    Ritual of the Primeval WhisperLore: In the hidden archives, the Ashlanti Monks uncover a scroll detailing the "Ritual of the Primeval Whisper," a mystical ceremony invoking the ancient voices of the Force. This rite, lost to time until now, involves the harmonization of the monks' energies in a sacred chant, reconnecting them with the original Force essence. The scroll suggests that performing this ritual could awaken dormant abilities within the monks and reveal deep, universal truths of the Force, untainted by the dichotomy of light and dark.

    Plot: The time to rediscover and perform this ancient ceremony is drawing near, offering the Vitaran Monks a unique opportunity to experience the Force in its most primal form.
    Pact with the Spirits RaceLore: In the overgrown gardens, inscriptions on the stone lanterns reveal a pact made between the ancient civilization and the spirits of nature, promising mutual protection and harmony. The presence of the spirits is still felt by those sensitive to the Force, and it's believed that restoring the gardens could renew the pact, bringing prosperity and protection to those who dwell within the ruins.

    Plot: The renewal of the pact with the spirits turns into a race against time when a rival group seeks to bind the spirits for their own gain. The young Jedi must navigate the treacherous, spirit-filled forests, learning to communicate with and earn the trust of the spirits, culminating in a high-stakes competition of wits and will against their rivals.
    Elemental WeaponsLore: A newly discovered tome, "Codex of the Elemental Forge," reveals the crafting of Elemental Blades, weapons channeling the Force through natural elements.

    Plot: An internal tournament challenges Jedi to master crafting and wielding these elemental katanas, leading to battles that test combat skills and inner resolve, while exploring the deeper connection between the Force and the natural world.
    The Prophecy's TrialsPlot: The prophecy of the wisteria's last bloom becomes a series of trials that the young Jedi must face, believed to be the key to saving the galaxy from a looming threat. Each trial is themed around the elements and guarded by a legendary figure from the dynasty's past, offering lessons in power, sacrifice, and the true meaning of being a Jedi.

  • Ancient Ruins Built into Wisteria Trees:
    Entrance Shrouded in WisteriaA grand entrance, hidden and protected by wisteria vines, inviting yet guarding the secrets within.
    Stone Pathways Overgrown with MossPathways leading into the depths of the ruins, their age shown by the moss and wear, hinting at the long history of the place.
    Ancient Scrolls and TextsPreserved knowledge on medicine, martial arts, and philosophy, offering insight into the culture and wisdom of the era.
    Traditional Japanese GardensOnce meticulous gardens, now wild yet still reflecting ancient principles of harmony and balance with nature.
    Shinden or Great HallThe heart of the ruins, adorned with art that tells the history and myths of its people, a place of ceremony and gathering.
    Tea Ceremony RoomA space dedicated to the intimate practice of tea ceremonies, holding remnants of its peaceful past.
    Ancestral ShrinesShrines for worship and remembrance, some still bearing offerings to ancestors or deities, untouched by time.
    Armory and Training GroundsAreas for martial practice, with ancient weapons and armor left as silent sentinels of the past.
    Library of Elemental MagicA hidden trove of scrolls and tomes on elemental magic, revealing the mystical knowledge and practices of the era.
    Secret Passages and Hidden RoomsIngenious constructions for secrecy and protection, winding through the ruins and holding lost treasures or sanctuaries.
    Artifacts of Daily LifeEveryday items offering a glimpse into the life, culture, and artistry of the inhabitants, from pottery to clothing.
    Wisteria Blooms Encased in MagicAreas where magic preserves the beauty of eternal blooms, symbolizing the enduring magic and sanctity of the place.
    Statues of Legendary FiguresDepictions of heroes and deities, some possibly guarding secrets or serving as keys to hidden knowledge.
    Sacred Well or SpringA source of water believed to be blessed, essential for rituals and believed to have healing properties.
    Observatory for Astrological StudiesEquipped for celestial studies, reflecting the importance of astrology in ancient decision-making and understanding of the universe.

  • Elemental Weapons:
    Force Resonance ColorBlades change color and exhibit visual effects based on the wielder's Force affinity and elemental connection, reflecting their spirit and personality.
    Spiritual EchoBlades manifest abilities that mirror the wielder's spirit, offering unique powers like healing or energy bursts, beyond mere elemental control.
    Force-Infused CraftingCrafting involves a ritual that ties the blade to the wielder's Force energy and journey, requiring meditation or trials in Force-strong locations.
    Adaptive Combat StylesWielders adopt fighting techniques suited to their Force abilities and elemental affinity, allowing for diverse and dynamic combat strategies.
    Environmental InteractionBlades dynamically interact with their surroundings, amplifying their elemental nature in combat, such as igniting air or manipulating terrain.
    Living LegacyBlades carry the legacy of past wielders, potentially unlocking historical insights and powers for new wielders through their connection with the Force.
    Renewal Through CombatBlades may grow in power or reveal new abilities as they are used in alignment with the Force's will, particularly in protecting life and maintaining balance.
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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Role: [ Is this unit serving as protective detail to your character? Is it a portion of the rank and file of your faction? Is it a strike team for your company? Explain the IC role this unit will fulfill. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Unit Name: [ What is the name of this unit? Example: "Imperial Stormtroopers" or "Republic Commandos". ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who is this unit loyal too? Usually a faction, company, or character. Link any relevant character bios, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Classification: [ What type of unit is this? Choices include, but are not limited to: Conscript, Infantry, Engineers, Recon, Artillery, Fighter Pilots, Black Ops, etc. ]
  • Description: [ Give a brief overview of this combat unit. Notable appearance, if they have a unit emblem, general mindset and behavior, etc. ]
COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.
  • Unit Size: [ This is how many individuals make up a single unit. Choose from Small (each unit is small, comprising a dozen members or less), Medium (moderately sized units, often specialized), Large (many individuals, often compromising the rank and file). ]
  • Unit Availability: [ This is how many units are available for deployment. Choose from Unique (only one), Rare (very few, difficult to replace, may have long training times), Uncommon (some, replaceable, enough to support), Common (many, easy to replace, likely with more always in training). ]
  • Unit Experience: [ How experienced is this unit? Choose from Rabble, Recruit, Trained, Veteran, Elite. Veteran and Elite are more appropriate to smaller, less common units with lower casualty rates than the rank and file, while Trained and lower are appropriate for larger, more common units with higher replacement needs. You are encouraged to update the units, as they grow through RP in experience, through the submission modification thread. ]
  • Equipment: [ If your unit possesses any specialty equipment (weapons, armor, combat tools, star fighters, landing ships, etc.) list them and provide links here. Check the table below for production level and affiliation of any Factory submissions based on the unit's size and availability- those that are inappropriate will need to be changed. The unit may use equipment of the listed production or higher production values, but not lower. ]
Unit Size
Unit AvailabilitySmallMediumLarge
CommonMinorMinorMass Produced

  • Combat Function: [ Describe this unit's general function in combat. Put things like tactics, habits, goals, how they interact with other parts of a larger army, do they need support or are they the support, etc. ]
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): [If your NPC unit has Force Users, please list their Force abilities, especially unusual or rare ones.]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the unit's history here. How they were formed and by whom, past noteworthy battles, moral affecting defeats, where they are stationed if applicable, etc. ]
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  • Intent: To introduce a combative NPC Wing dedicated to the Tingle Arm Coalition, designed to aid in foreign affairs and enhance diplomatic and military engagements in role-playing scenarios.
  • Image Credit: Images to be sourced or created as necessary to visually represent the unit accurately. Will adhere to community guidelines for image use and credits.
  • Role: The unit serves as Airborne Cavalry within the Tingle Arm Coalition, tasked with rapid deployment and aerial support in both combative and peacekeeping operations. Their primary responsibilities include swift troop transport, aerial reconnaissance, and providing air cover during engagements, making them a pivotal asset in foreign affairs.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:


  • Unit Name: Knight Furies Wing
  • Affiliation: Sunstar Order, Tingle Arm Coalition
  • Classification: Aerial Cavalry
  • Description: The Knight Furies Wing is an elite aerial cavalry unit consisting of 12 dragon riders, each paired with a fearsome dragon. These warriors are distinguished by their emblem, a sleek dragon wing pin, symbolizing both strength and grace. Each rider and dragon pair is equipped with Adamantite armor and weapons designed with Mandalorian ingenuity, providing unparalleled durability and combat effectiveness. Known for their exceptional coordination and fierce loyalty, the Knight Furies Wing operates with precision and honor, embodying the valor of knights in the sky.


  • Unit Size: Small (comprising 6 humanoids and 6 dragons)
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Equipment:
    • Armor: [link]
    • Weapons: [link]
    • Soldier:
    • Other: [link]
  • Combat Function: The Knight Furies Wing specializes in aerial combat and rapid deployment. Their primary role is to perform swift strikes and provide air support during large-scale battles. The dragons' agility and power enable them to engage in dogfights with enemy aircraft, deliver devastating fire attacks, and perform reconnaissance missions. The riders, armed with advanced Mandalorian-designed weapons and clad in durable Adamantite armor, excel in mid-air skirmishes and can dismount to fight on the ground if necessary. They often operate independently but can coordinate with ground forces to create a formidable multi-front assault. Their presence in the battlefield serves as both a strategic advantage and a psychological deterrent to adversaries.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): To be added later.


  1. Highly maneuverable aerial unit capable of rapid deployment and strikes.
  2. Equipped with advanced Adamantite armor and Mandalorian-designed weapons for superior combat effectiveness.


  1. Limited in number, making them difficult to replace.
  2. Heavily reliant on the bond between rider and dragon, which can be a vulnerability if disrupted.


The Knight Furies Wing was formed by Seneschal Matthew of the Sunstar Order with the primary goal of supporting the Tingle Arm Coalition in their foreign affairs. Understanding the need for a highly mobile and powerful unit, Matthew gathered skilled riders and formidable dragons, equipping them with advanced Adamantite armor and Mandalorian-designed weapons. This elite unit was trained rigorously to ensure they could handle a variety of combat scenarios, from aerial dogfights to ground assaults. The Knight Furies Wing has since become a symbol of strength and honor, ready to be deployed wherever their unique skills are needed most.

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