@[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Hevana Martin"] @[member="Anaya Fen"] @[member="Ordo"] @[member="Scarlet Faith"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Snowflame"] @[member="JerrickShado"] @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Syn"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Xander Carrick"] @[member="Tamara"] @[member="Elanim Oke"] @[member="Arla Balor"]
Okay, so starting thread two.... I am thinking for the Jedi Involved for there to be a meeting of some type while Coryth is resting, as I don't imagine the healers letting her get far for the time being. Let them discuss what is happening, possible solutions, arcane ideas of what is pulling at Coryth as she has stated she feels a sentient pull to what is happening to her. Perhaps Coryth sitting in on the conversation, to give what she can, what little she does know to the others. Coryth however isn't one who is patient, and she isn't going to be one to wait long, not knowing how much of a reprieve she has received with the might of the Jedi Healer's and the combined Jedi who helped Phylis channel the force to at least slow/stall the diseases progress.
Side two, the box has come into known space. Like the ring of power, it's trying to find her and working it's way through people to get to her. As much as the evil that Coryth carries in her body, this thing two carries a notable evil. Force users will feel it should they be near it and I can see this thing falling into the hands of a trader, and being taken to an auction or a market and sold or stolen, so two parts to the start to the new thread.
The crystal's/box's coming out, and being at hand and with Coryth currently on Coruscant I'm sure the visions and whisperings of the box will soon reach her. And add in that this is an ancient being with all kinds of fun dark secrets to share should it choose to with you(so no promises it will do so, or just not out right tell you lies to throw you off and get closer to what it wants which is Coryth, and destroying her and what she is. Taking her to the darkside if possible, twist her into some kind of monster, or otherwise it will be just as happy to see her life ended.
Thoughts? As I'm going to start writing this thread tomorrow. It feels about right with where Master Of ... is at right now. Suggestions or additional thoughts/ideas are more than welcome at this stage. I'm on a strange schedule so it may take a couple days to get it written (feel happy with it) and get it posted. My hope is to have it up around this time tomorrow. Still, I'm still completely open on additional ideas, or desires from those in the group who wish to join the party.