The Last Son

- Intent: Create a necklace for both Shaun and Ember as to their true heritage. Story purpose item.
- Image Source: Lady of the Sith - Artstation
- Canon Link:
Sith Amulet - Healing Amulet
- Translation Talisman
[*]Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: The Mother of Shaun Irons, and [member="Emberly Carrick"],
- Affiliation: Shaun Irons, and Emberly Carrick
- Model: Wisosûtira ai Diri - Mother's Kiss
- Modularity: No
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material:
Flesh - Vexxtal
- Qixoni
- Life Drain
- Classification: Anti-Wound, Anti-Life
- Weight: Heavy
- Resistances
Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Average
Kinetic: Very Low
Lightsabers: Very Low
Force Light: Very Low/None
- Aids in the usage of draining abilities, Force, Life, Knowledge, or otherwise.
- Wounding effect upon those wearing the necklaces.
- Amulet can be used to heal wounds of oneself, or others.
- Side effect of understanding, speaking, and reading Sith while wearing the necklace.
- Vampyre Gems: The amulet was created by a Sith Lady that is relatively unknown to both Shaun and Ember. However, as both of them are Echani/Energy Vampire half-bloods, they know their mother was a Vampire, and as such find it quite suitable that the Necklace itself increases potential for draining effects, or abilities.
- Healing Factor: While wearing the necklace, wounds, illnesses, and the like can be rapidly healed upon the person. This power can be transmuted to others should one of the two touch another person, and will them to be healed.
- Sith'ari: As with many amulets of the past, Sith amulets have been known to give the side-effect of allowing the wearer to speak, comprehend, and even write and read in the language of the Sith.
- Pain, or Energy: A side effect of using various crystal shards for the necklaces, Is that when worn, the energy that would have to be consumed by using a force power, or an ability of the necklace can be rendered inert by transferring it into pain.
- Vampyrisum: As with the necklaces aiding in draining effects of all kinds, it only aids in it's usage. Making use of the abilities to be quicker to use, and require less energy, but to do so, one must understand how to use the ability in the first place. Should they not know how to drain energy say, Knowledge, this amulet doesn't give them the power to do so. It aids them in using it, but not directly lets them use it.
- Energy Drain: When using the Healing factor, healing their own wounds, or others, it uses quite a bit of energy. Much more so than simply using a Healing force power. Its more so used as a last resort for healing oneself in battle, or to heal someone else who is in dire need. As well, the dark sided nature of the necklaces causes any healing to be done to a person to leave permanent scars where the wound was. While this is superficial, over time, should scar after scar build up, it can cause damage to the wearer much like breaking a bone, then breaking it again would weaken the bone.
- Sith Tongue: As with the Amulet being warn can allow the wearers to understand and comprehend and speak the language, it is not 100% accurate. Yes, understanding can be quite easy, but speaking it in a specific dialect, or be able to correctly speak such words can take time and understanding of the language itself.
- Ashes to Ashes: As an artifact of the Dark Side of the force, it is susceptible to Wall of light, Force Light, or any like minded abilities. It can damage, render inert, or even completely destroy the artifact.
- Echo Chamber: As a force related artifact, it cannot use any of its capabilities if within a force nullification bubble, or affected by a Nullification effect.
- Sins of the Mother: With the ability for the wearer of the necklace to accept pain in the place of energy, The pain caused by using a simple ability is severely debilitating. An example would be if using a force push, Their entire arm would feel as though it were being crushed under the weight of a starship. Using this form of transmutation for stronger abilities will also ramp up the pain. Using a more powerful ability such as Force Drain, and not consuming energy will be exponentially more pain. This can cause the user to not be able to move or react to situations for quite some time, force them to pass out, or cause such a immense amount of stress upon the body, that it can kill them.
- Atlas Eat Your Heart Out: While simply holding the necklace seems quite easy, and not a problem at all, Over time the amulet will "gain weight" or otherwise becoming heavier upon those wearing it. This can cause physical wounds around the neck or if wrapped around a wrist or otherwise. Leaving scars, literally burrowing into the skin of the wearer. It only amplifies this by the effect never truly going away. Taking the necklace off can release the weight upon them. However, putting it back on would be causing the same and more amounts of pain over time.
Ah.. My children. So beautiful so... delicious. Holding you in my arms is quite the feeling. Knowing that I gave birth to both of you. Such powerful creatures, and held onto by so different kinds of fathers. One abusive. Pain is the only feeling you will know. The other of silence, and acceptance. You may prove to be the most corruptible. Even as I part your hair ever so slightly, I can see my desires, my wishes becoming true, and starting to bare fruit every day. One more second is another that I will find a purpose for you. One that can send you among the stars as Gods.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if one who is already corrupted, joins the forces of one who is not? Its like a little sleeper agent. A test without you knowing. Ah my children. Must you be so beautiful and terrifying at the same time? To know that one day, I will perish and be the cause for your downfall, to know that you both will become a God and Goddess of your people. The people you create? Oh I just so wish to see that first hand. However, I will have to leave you two with your respective Malelings.
Shaun my son. Only if I could show you the power a man could have if he just applied himself instead of being a slave to his desires. Emberly, the pain you will feel can drive you. Just if I could teach you how to use the gifts I have given to rule over your own without fear.
I love you both, but sadly, one of us will die in the end. Its time for me to go, and time for you two to wake up.