Lady Death
"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Loyalty - American Head Charge
The history this mockery that stood before me had been taught, was lacking substance, truths, and facts.
"Faigh mo chóip den Leabhar na Scathanna," I said to Archie, who came to perch on my shoulder, in Briathar Anamacha, in the language of the Nardithi Nightsister Coven.
"You should know, your 'Highness', that I am a Lord of the Sith and a Nardithi Nightsister," I said speaking pridefully, whilst my hands hovered over the two dangling hilts, "And there are other Sith who respectably come from a lineage of the Nightsisters as well or have embraced the Nightsisters culture." I thought of Kaila Irons and how she conquered an entity the Nightsisters could not, earning my respect, and who also possessed a healthy appetite of learning about the witches. "You are lost, corrupted by outdated history lessons. And outnumbered, you're not the only one that can raise the dead or create them.
"And it's not just the Nightsisters that are watching you, faux King. We Nightsisters are not the only children Mother Dathomir possess, and she is irate with your actions." I could hear them in the distance, drawn to the fresh meat like hungry savages, prompting to discard the notion of drawing my weapons, for there were other predators coming to cast away the filth off Dathomir, I wondered who would arrive first, the Night Stalkers or the Creeping Ghouls or the Dread Wraiths. He made an early mistake by misunderstanding my words, thinking the Nightsisters needed the protection of the Mandolorians; we were protected by Mother, she allowed the armored boys and girls to watch over us to keep our sibling rivalry to a minimum.
"You should have left when the Jedi asked you."
Darth Nexion / Trayze Tesar / Ryn Starfall / Uma Nari / Wight Star / Brooke Waters