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Dominion Words and Shadows on Karra | EE Dominion of Karra




Peace Above All Else

Karra. A world previously colonized for its potential as a mining outpost. The sapient species that called the world home pushing those potential investors out for their potential future as a whole species rather than the short term gain of greed.

The ebb and flow around them of influence bringing with it potential allies and potential foes in equal measure. Their caution is a hallmark of their continued existence among the galaxy. The slow integration of technology into their everyday lives is one of caution and study for future problems. While the whole of their species might benefit greatly from some grand technological feat of the galaxy, there exists the worry of individualism and ultimately the downfall of their kind with selfish intentions without the interest of their species as a whole.

This method of governance and forward projected thinking has kept them out of the galactic focus for some time. Almost isolated in some ways, removing the chance for extraterrestrial beliefs to instill individualist thinking into their collective for the majority. Though with their inward and highly cautious ways comes the slow but inevitable trickle of idealist beliefs of the few. Those within their own colonies spurned to selfish ways by the words of outsiders promising greatness among other things with no interest in delivering.

Now the focus of more intrigue and potential fallout from the continuing conflict of Pravla and Sith interests. The Eternal Empire has heard whispers of the planet being meticulously puppeted for further unsavory interests by the two parties. Instead of waiting for this system to come under the influence of the Sith or the Hutt in question though, negotiations for a peaceful inclusion into the Empire are to take place with the council of Karra.

Long conical creatures that resemble rodents. Though only at a baser level. Highly intelligent and possessing a style of thinking similar to that of a hive mind, the species that live among the jungles and canyons of this planet have done well to integrate themselves into their surroundings. Not only focusing on their own survival, but that of the health of their planet as well. They maintain themselves and their planet with a driven goal of success as a whole rather than separating themselves from the place they call home.

What benefits one may not benefit the other, and this balance is maintained as best they know how.

Their hive mind tendencies do not allow for individualistic ideas to grow. The hive is all that matters, and the lives of a few for the greater good is but a small price to pay for continued existence. But their ways might yet be swayed if presented carefully.


Objective I:
Search and Retrieve

While the species as a whole abhors the belief in individualism, those stepping outside of the hive mind have been rumored to be in contact with either the Sith, or Pralva's associates. The Karran Council would see these offenders executed without a chance to reveal what they know.

These offenders had been rumored to live well away from the main hives, hiding away from their kin to live as they pleased without sacrificing themselves to the Karran Council or the Hive mentality for any measure of greater good. Making their abodes in the far reaches of the canyon cut outs, these outliers of the species have hidden themselves away as best they were able.

But probability favors those that only need a single victory.

A slip up of the outliers has revealed their presence to the Karran Council and forced their hand in the midst of negotiations. Outpace the Karran death squads and secure the outliers before they meet their demise within the canyons. Ensure no harm comes to either the Death Squads or the outliers.

Objective II:
Negotiations of the Mind

The Karran Council does not enact their will lightly, and the projections for their future are always a concern of theirs. Past negotiations, having borne fruit both sweet and bitter, has heavily shaped their way of negotiating and given them a pretense of caution. They do not act with haste or greed, and consider everything when making a decision that will affect their species, and their planet.

Make a compelling case for why their inclusion into the Eternal Empires fold would benefit them greatly. Violence is not the answer for this negotiation, and the Empire needs to sway the minds of many.

Objective III:
Finders, Seekers

Relics and hidden sites of the native species are scattered about the planet.

One in particular was an old settlement that has been abandoned from times almost forgotten. In an attempt to aid the council negotiations; Those willing to scour this lost city, remove anything directly hostile and foreign, have been given the coordinates and tasked with this goodwill mission.

Could Sith associates be hiding in the depths of this hive style city? Perhaps some traces of Pavala's involvement remain? Or lost codex's of the Karran await someone to return them home.

Objective IV:

While the majority of this away mission is oriented toward bringing the Karran's into the Eternal Empire, that doesn't mean another story cannot unfold while they are visiting the planet. Whether that be a trip through the market to observe the local textiles, a run from native flora and fauna, or simply taking in the sights. A surplus of stories exist waiting to be told.

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Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 4 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 6 Microdetonators
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III
Objective: I - Hide and Seek
Location: Canyon
Tag: Open

She stood on the edge of the canyon, staring down into the mess of what might have been abodes at one point. The soft whistle as she stared accompanied by a look from Shiny Paws III as it shook its head.

"I know. It's dusty. You'll get an oil bath when we get back. Don't get your servos in a bind." She scolded the droid as she breathed deep through the helmet.

"Guess we gotta find some big 'ole troublemakers." Staring into the sky, she pondered taking the easy way down. A grin crossing her features as she let her gaze slowly slide over to the droid.

"Bet I can make it down there before you." The photoreceptors narrowed at her, shutters making the best squint over its eyes as she cackled. Shiny Paws rose from its seated position and did not wait for the game to start, picking a path down as Felmorante watched him go.

She waited half a minute, hearing the tell tale sounds of metal against rock before she clapped her hands together and grinned madly.

She hopped a few steps back, discerning the distance before taking off into a sprint and throwing herself over the lip of the canyon in a mad fall. The alarmed sound of her wolf companion echoing off the canyon walls as she rocketed through the air before descending down to the edge of a cut out walkway.

The force swirled around her and kept her from toppling forward and over the precipice. Her eyes gazing into the void below that slowly changed from earthy tones to that of shadows and darkness. The droid had paused long enough to watch before beginning to cut a path to her once more.

Finders, Seekers
Tags: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Gear: Vibro-Axes x2, Phase I Mandalorian Armor, NZ-PRB .445 Plasma Blaster Rifle
She had a reason for coming here, though as she stood here at the front of this dead city, she felt her blood go cold. The sound of her strained breathing sounded in her combat helmet, though Jia merely collected herself as she pondered her next action. There was a dark feeling here, something sinister, but also something that she might be able to use for her own gain. If she could just take hold of whatever dark nature was within this place, perhaps she would be strong enough to destroy the Empire that had been such a blight on her life.

She took several breaths, her hands gripping the axes on her hips, and began forward, her mind struggling to keep her senses outward, what little training she had done had assisted in her abilities certainly, but she felt that she was still no match against a Warden.

All the more reason to brave the cold, and hopefully, come out stronger for it.
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Objective III:
Finders, Seekers

Location: Driving up river towards target area
Objective: Investigate area of interest
Tags: Elessar Stilico Elessar Stilico Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir or Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform - overcoat only
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel ENS Mihaly

Ground vehicle - Trident AT science crawler
  • 1 military support and 2 storage mission pods
Karra was a fascinating planet of jungles and ancient ruins, and the latest world in the expansion region of the Eternal Empire. Advanced probe droids had scouted the planet looking for sites of Scientific interest and this particular canyon raised several flags. Unusual heat signature, foliage that was entirely different to the surrounding jungle and strange magnetic signature. They may find nothing, but they may find something fascinating.

It was predicted that the fastest way to the canyon was up the river that had been responsible for carving it out. Her Crawler hovered on its pressor balls at the lead of three vehicles. One crawler and two miltary support speeders with a few extra soldiers and for collecting samples. The dreamsight display on the interior surface of the cockpit allowed the scientists and their miltiary escort a view of the surroundings as if they were not even enclosed, save for a few sections where screens wouldn't work.

The Overseer nodded to the pilot who signalled five minutes before turning to the very small team of soldiers in the back. "Five minutes until deployment, the probe droids suggest the area is clear of hostiles but there is a lot of cover where a target could hide."

She paused, they would have read their briefing but she would just emphasise it.

"A number of the potential specimens of interest may be mobile, so unless you believe we are imminently about to be eaten by a legworm then please exercise fire restraint"

Outside the vehicle, the canyon walls suddenly loomed up either side of them and the occupants could see the rocky sides and the ancient trees that clung to them. The Crawler went into a wide drift as the pilot cornered at speed before straightening out. Trinity pointed to the cliff and spoke to the scientist next to her in the front of the vehicle "The markings on that cliff face look like anchor points for old wooden structures to me, and the regular landslip marks look deliberate. Prehistoric quarry perhaps?" from here she couldnt see any signs of tunnels in the cliff side to indicate a deeper structure, a probe could probably tell them more.

Not much further along was a small beached area at the base of the cliff that had been designated as their deployment zone. The Crawler eould seamlessly move from the water to the sand and them move to roller mode for finer control. The team should get ready for deployment.

Location: Ruined City - Karra
Objective: III - Finders, Seekers
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Jia Candor Jia Candor

There was something powerful here.

It was a rumored reproduction of an ancient device, though no less potent than the original which had been lost to time. While the item was useless to her, the HRD’s motivations for attempting to uncover it within the ruined city, which was crawling with mercenaries and the minions of Pravla the Hutt and his Sith associates, were still her own. On Tython, she had attempted to recover something similar from the ruins of a Jedi temple on its surface, but had found something—no, someone—far more valuable…

And in attempting to recover both that someone and the holocron she had sought after, the HRD lost them both.

For the time being, Alessandra let the thought and the grief that always came with it, recess from her mind. In turn, she shifted her focus back towards finding the device and cutting down any who came in her way. And as anticipated, it didn’t take long for the latter to happen. Finding herself suddenly under fire by a squad of Redhand Troopers—the worst kind of criminal and mercenary scum the galaxy had to offer—Alessandra activated her energy shield with a silent command, covering her form in a shimmering sheath that turned their blaster fire away. From there, the Chaplain slipped off into a nearby alleyway, before quickly ascending one of the buildings which closed it in, causing the mercenaries to lose track of her.

“Spread out, find her!” The apparent squad leader called out. However, just as the mercenaries turned to move, an invisible, gravitic fist squeezed around the squad leader’s armored form, then…


What had once been the squad leader’s body was suddenly and
implosively rendered into a crimson paste, covering the armored forms of the two mercenaries who had been closest to him in blood and viscera. Within the next three seconds, two more mercenaries met the same gruesome fate, their bodies imploding via overwhelming gravitational pressure which in a few cases rendered those soldiers standing close to them blind until they could wipe the blood from their helmets or throw them off entirely. And indeed, the HRD did not hesitate to take advantage of their deprived visual senses. Throwing herself from the top of the building, Alessandra let loose with powerful blasts of scintillating electricity from her fingers, first cutting down the two soldiers who had been far enough from the the implosions to not be covered in the remains of what had once been their comrades. However, while their fate was slightly less gruesome, it was far more painful. The crackling electricity boiled their bodies from the inside out, before they were consumed by spontaneous flames wrought by the electricity itself.

Then, Alessandra set her attention on the remaining six mercenaries.

One, who had the initiative to quickly throw off his helmet—albeit too late—was cut in twain through the sagittal plane by the plasma blade projected from Alessandra’s left arm, with both halves of the body falling to the ground in opposite directions. From there, the Chaplain leapt onto the shoulders of his nearby comrade—who was still blinded from the initial attack—and plunged her blade into the mercenary’s skull, vaporizing much of the man’s brain and killing him instantly in the process. Then, with a burst of motion powered by her repulsor cells, the HRD struck off the head of the next closest mercenary. By then, the remaining three mercenaries had regained their senses and upon seeing the incinerated, imploded, and hewn forms of their comrades (or what was left of said forms) decided to fall back.

Alessandra had other plans.

Emanating a high-pitched whine as they charged up, after two seconds, the HRD’s photoreceptors casted forth a pair of pink maser lances that ripped rough the torsos of the two closest mercenaries, severing both soldiers in twain at the torso. However, the last one met a somewhat kinder fate as the maser beams slashed through his ankles, separating his feet from his body and in the process, causing the man to fall flat on his face!

Whimpering pathetically for a few moments, the soldier let loose a frightened scream as he found himself floating in mid-air, held up by an invisible hand as he was turned face-to-face with the HRD who had annihilated his squad.

“Tell me where to find the device.”

A simple question, with a simple response that at the very least, increased the soldier’s chances for survival. Failing to register any lies in his answer, Alessandra let the man fall back to the ground, before setting off towards the excavation.

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Finders, Seekers
Tags: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Gear: Vibro-Axes x2, Phase I Mandalorian Armor, NZ-PRB .445 Plasma Blaster Rifle
Pausing at the mouth of the site, Jia gripped her axs, visor flashing as she eyed the dark recesses of the cavern below, before beginning the climb, hands clasping onto old and warped stone, as she begins her decent, directly landing into the midst of old Sith ruins. Walking forward, visor still active, she proceeded, trying to work her way through the darkness and cold that ate at her, whispers of past failures echoed in the back of her mind, and sounded out all around her, filling the woman with crippling doubts all the while. Muttering to herself, she moved forward, finding that the walls about her vanished, leaving her in a pit of darkness that seemingly went no where. Drawing her axs, she attempted to reach out, trying to find where she was, and realized all too quickly she was in the middle of no where. Alone.

Unable to sense anyone, or feel anything, Jia stood there, weapons in hand, frantic panic slipping into her mind now, but that wasn't the worst thing. Something in that darkness moved, and as her eyes found it, the shadows lunged directly at her.

Her screams echoed from outside the cave, as she began to fight for her life.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics | Negotiations of the Mind
Location: The Karran Council's building, Karra
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Sion Courtee Sion Courtee | Open
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

On the Karra, the Eternal Empire has never had a breakthrough success. On the other hand, by now there was really data and information that connected Pralava and his men to Panatha. These facts were enough for Ingrid to come to this place in person. Now the local council will also be able to see that the Eternal Empire is serious about what has been negotiated with each other in the past. Last but not least, there was something she had never had the opportunity to test before.

Allegedly, when she read afterwards what abilities she inherited from the Night Spirit, it was in them that she was able to command insect-like life forms. She has never tried it since she killed the Night Spirit and inherited her powers. No, the woman did not voluntarily absorb the power of the entity. The sister of the Sith God wanted Ingrid's body as a new host for herself. The entity was out of luck. And Ingrid never used those powers. She did not want to give up the last part of her humanity.

But she was a little curious. So she was here partly because of the importance of the diplomatic duties and partly because, if it became necessary, to have someone who could really put pressure on the Karra council, she'll be this person. Even so, to use her abilities to command them, if she really inherited this. There was too much to lose. The Sith had to be expelled from there anyway. To free that place once and for all from all Sith influence. There could have been no such planet in the core world of the Eternal Empire.

The Empress did not arrive alone, others accompanied her on this journey. She missed the old, grumpy Ström a little. He was like a grumpy uncle, and at the moment, he was the one she trusted in the Empire the most. Excluding her own husband and Terraris Command…

As they walked down the ship's ramp to the reception committee, the red-haired woman turned to her companions.

<" The locals form a hive consciousness, meaning everyone knows everything. Try to stay together, don’t let them separate you. And most importantly, don't lie. We can lose the trust of the whole people if they realise someone lied to them. We lose too much here."> she warned them.


Location: Ruined City - Karra
Objective: III - Finders, Seekers
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Jia Candor Jia Candor

Sporadic notes of blaster fire echoed across the city, marking the progress of the lone assassin HRD as she made her way towards the excavation.

Alessandra had not taken pains to avoid detection, favoring speed over stealth in her efforts to reach the excavation. However, it went without saying that there was an additional thrill-seeking element that motivated the Chaplain to engage the Redhand Troopers in such an aggressive, bloodthirsty fashion, the act of slaughtering so many low life organics causing her to fall into a trance which grew stronger with each kill.

And it seemed that the HRD had no intention of pulling herself out of it.

Having lured a quartet of the Redhand mercenaries into a tight alleyway, who thought that they had cornered the HRD by forcing her into melee, Alessandra came down directly on top of the four soldiers from the roof of a building adjacent to the area. The shock, terror, and confusion that colored their features gave her a small sense of satisfaction, but it didn’t compare to the visceral sensation of the plasma blade in her left arm cutting two of the Redhands across their torsos, splitting what had been two into four in a surge of crackling energy. The remaining mercenaries were caught flatfooted, with one being swiftly decapitated for his hesitation, while the other was thrown against the nearby wall in a burst of invisible pressor energy akin to a powerful Force Push, a sickening crack sounding out as his skull, spine, and ribs were shattered on impact.

Ears perking up as her sonic receptors caught the distinct rattle of approaching footsteps, Alessandra let loose with a surge of electricity from her right hand towards the far end of the alleyway, doing so just as two Redhands emerged from behind the building. The crackling electricity circulated between both of the men, boiling their insides before the charge suddenly jumped to the two that were still behind the building, who had elected to stay in cover upon seeing their comrades electrocuted before their eyes. Nevertheless, the soldiers’ caution failed to save them, their skeletons flickering in and out of view, before their forms collapsed to the ground, twitching in the throes of death.

Ascending the building via her repulsor cells, Alessandra continued her journey to the site, this time by traversing the rooftops. Before long, the HRD arrived at the edge of the cavern which led into the excavation, doing so just as a series of screams erupted from inside.

Nevertheless, without hesitation, Alessandra let gravity pull her down into the pit, a determined glint in her photoreceptors as her form was swallowed by the darkness...

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Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 4 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 6 Microdetonators
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III
Objective: I - Hide and Seek
Location: Canyon
Tag: Closed

Shiny made his way down the steep rock faces, burying the claws on his limbs at times to keep from slipping down further as she let her focus take in the sights around her. It looked like an old dwelling. Carved out of nature and made habital through much effort.

And the old signs of life had themselves scored along the walls.

"Probably should have been a bit more quiet but oh well." She mused, watching the droid come close enough to snuff at her.

"Oh quit. We aren't here to hurt them. Just gotta find em." Came the frowning statement as she turned back to the low howl of the settlement behind them. The wind always seemed to carry itself through as she leaned back and forth against it.

Her eyes squinted at the faint dimming of light down the way. A smile appearing as she moved toward the bridge across the chasm. The droid cut her off, giving a low growl and throwing its head sideways to the poles as she ushered him along rather than protested.

The droid moved forward, giving each pole a sniff before testing the first plank and gingerly pressing its full weight against the rope bridge. It groaned but held. The beings they were tracking being larger and heavier lending itself to the construction as she waited for him to cross.

The sudden and crisp sound of a rock falling caught both their attentions, seeing debris fall further along the side they were making for as they glanced to one another before both took to the bridge with haste as she ignored the nauseating feeling that swamped her.

Brow drawn tight, she kept the repulsors of her armor firing to cut down on her walking time before another sound caught her attention. A sharp snap in the air as the first pole splintered and frayed behind them.

Objective: Negotiations of the Mind.
Location: The Karran Council's building, Karra
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim / Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor / Sion Courtee Sion Courtee / Open

It was like any other morning for the young initiate. Ever since he was enlisted, his overall living conditions have approved, as far as he was concerned. Sure, there was no large manor where his bed was or fanciful dinners that were prepared by 'the help', or the overall respect/fear from those below him. But now he no longer had to suffer the withering glares and disdainful glances of his stepmother and her spawn, nor have to worry about being compared to his half-brother and his achievements. Never mind the fact the fat bastard never once put his own life on the line, simply ordering those under his command to make the sacrifices for him as he reaps the awards and plans to backstab those above him to rise the ranks. Just like dear old dad, really. Oh grandfather, where did you go wrong?

But he didn't have to worry about any of that. Truly, it has been months since he really gave any thought to his father and his family. All he was concerned about now were those under his own command, and rising the ranks of both the Empire, Military, and Wardens the right way. By his own accomplishments, strength, and will.

On that particular morning, Rolin was searching for a droid companion on the holonet to help him do just that. He wasn't 'horrible' at slicing or repairing per se, but a droid could certainly take that load off his shoulders and do it better at that. And…well, if he were being truthful, some of the missions he was sent on got a little lonely, as well as his free time, has not made many friends as of yet. He wouldn't mind a little companion on his travels if just to talk to and bounce ideas around if nothing else.

Rolin was scrolling down on his datapad, looking at all of the options available. He was just about to tap on one that piqued his interest, the BD series, when he got an alert on his holo.

Rolin was quick to grab it, only to pale slightly at the…invitation. To go to a negotiations. To help convince an entire planet to join the Empire. A hivemind planet at that. Which, as far as he was concerned, was an order. He certainly didn't have the influence to say no to the damn Empress, his boss in every which way possible. It was once again that he got that feeling that he was woefully unprepared for the task assigned to him.

And that was how, just a couple of days later, he found himself trailing behind his lord, as well as two others. He had to stifle a sigh of relief at not being alone with the woman, so her cold, intimidating stare could be directed at the other two. He simply nodded at the Empress' words with a "Yes, my lord". As they walked, Rolin couldn't help but look all around him, admiring the architecture, the natives and how they behaved as a hive mind, and so on. Despite his nervousness, he was very interested in meeting such a species, having never talked to a hive mind before. He suspected that most have not, which only furthered his interest.
Curse | Darth Maledictio
Shadow Emperor of the Shadow Empire, The Shadow Dragon, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, First Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Survey the area
Location: Surface, Karra
Equipment: Current Appearance || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Elessar Stilico Elessar Stilico | Open
[ Dominion of Destiny ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<"Doctor Harris! It's a pleasure to see you again!"> said Curse enthusiastically, as Dash Halcyon, a medical doctor.

He greeted the woman as the team landed. Curse has not been on any field mission since he was in action at Terraris. Of course, he's been in quite a few places since then, but they've only affected Terraris, Spear, or just Maw. The Sith Lord again took the shape of Doctor Dash Halcyon with his shape-changing abilities. He may have been a medical doctor, but such doctors also do research, and a reconnaissance scientific team needs doctors. That's why he was here.

<"Congratulations on your appointment, I heard about it!"> he said enthusiastically again.

He was still the enthusiastic person who characterised the doctor. Role play. Because Curse wasn't like that. His real face was known to Dragon and Beast and the inner council of Nite. Darth Solipsis may have even seen him when the man made an alliance with the former leader of Maw. With Solipsis' help, Curse gained the throne of the Shadow Empire and became the Shadow Emperor. Thus, the Shadow Empire secretly entered into an alliance with the Maw. However, since Solipsis died, he did not yet know how to proceed…

Maybe then he should talk to the new leaders. But now he had something else to do, as based on the data, you might find something here about the Mavors culture.

<"What is the program today?"> he asked her.

As in all such cases, he now had to play according to the rules of the others.

Good luck that Curse was great at acting…


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Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Objective III:
Finders, Seekers

Location: Driving up river towards target area
Objective: Investigate area of interest
Tags: Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio Elessar Stilico Elessar Stilico

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform - overcoat only
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel ENS Mihaly

Ground vehicle - Trident AT science crawler
  • 1 military support and 2 storage mission pods
"Doctor Halcyon, the pleasure is all mine, I read your paper on our last expedition, you had some interesting deductions, it certainly helped add a different perspective to my own paper." That mission had been terrifying, but it had taught her a lot about being out in the field in a more high risk situation, it had helped prepare her for her own military responsibilities.

"So, my friend, our objective is to retrieve any undocumented samples, being it flora, fauna or artifact. This area has been highlighted as an anomaly against the wider area, something must be causing that?" she smirked, the unknown was food for a comitted scientist. She really hoped that the unknown wasn't some minor change in environment that the advanced probed had missed somehow. The discussions between members of the comittee had trailed towards Sith influence, but a lot of discussions ended that way with the Maw at the forefront of many military minds.

"Honestly, I expect this expedition to remain fairly routine, a few artifacts to hand to the historians and maybe a minor paper to write. Preferably no flesh eating plague victims, but our native subjects were carnivorous rodents, so maybe?" one of the soldiers gave her a strange look when she made her joke to her colleague. Trinity just looked at the soldier and raised her eyebrows in a look that asked "problem?". He said nothing, professionally adhering to his chain of command and carrying on with his assigned task.

Away from the beach area was a narrow pathway that led into a rockface and was considered the best ingress point to the centre of the region. Trinity requested that Dr Halcyon's implant project the three dimensional holographic map that she had created of the area in front of him. All the soldiers could see was their Overseer waving her arms manipulating an invisible map, but the doctor would be able to see a glowing annotated map of the local region move around as Trinity gestured. He could also make gestures to affect the map in her perception if he had any suggestions.
Curse | Darth Maledictio
Shadow Emperor of the Shadow Empire, The Shadow Dragon, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, First Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Survey the area
Location: Surface, Karra
Equipment: Current Appearance || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ Dominion of Destiny ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I was just trying to scientifically explain the possibilities. Preferably without involving the Force, as my employer expected me to do." he said modestly.

According to official data, the Doctor was an employee of the HPI Consortium and a resident of the HPI Metropolis on Terarris. And he got an answer to his question within moments. He hummed a little, then nodded. Although she could not see this; this also occurred to him, so he soon answered verbally.

"I see, I see! Relics are not my strengths, but I can help with the other two." he told her.

He chuckled a bit at the following, and then answered with amusement:

"However, no expedition is proper without them." he grinned.

As for the map, Trinity could not ask what she wanted, because in any case the owner of the biochip decides what to do with the data, if they allow it to receive it at all. The young woman could only make suggestions. Not even the highest-ranking person had the right to request or order such a thing. Because this would be an intrusion into personal space, which is prohibited. So it worked like the calls. She sent the pictures and Curse got the signal that he got data. Then he decided whether he wanted to watch them or not. And then also how.

But of course, when Curse received the data from Trinity, he allowed it to be received and opened. He did not point with his hands when he opened them; Curse had been using the chip for a good couple of hundred years, so he had no problem controlling it with his thoughts or eye movements. This is how he checked the data and examined it. When he was done, he looked in Trinity's direction.

"You are the boss, Dr. Harris. We can start, I have no objection to it." he told her.

He was very confident that they would find something here, even if it was quite far from where the Mavors were originally found and lived.


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Objective: I - Hide and Seek
Location: Karra | Jungled Canyon
Objective: Make an Impression
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Communication earpiece | Protective outfit | Knuckle plate vibro blade
Tag: Open


Myri was excited to be on her own for a mission. Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas was a great mentor and she certainly let Myri handle things in her own way. That much was pretty much dictated by their specialties. It was quite hard to expect a close combat specialist to handle a mission the same way a sniper would. Still they were both covert agents not grunts in the army, so there was common ground found in their directives and the need to keep things quiet. Karra was Myri’s mission. She knew there were other agents of the Eternal Empire with the same mission as her, but she didn’t have to check in with them. It was just her and finding the outlier Karrans and make sure that their potential intel stays secure, while making sure the agents of the Karran Council are not injured in the process creating political mayhem for the negotiations between the Council and the Empire.

The hike into the canyon was long and treacherous, and worse showed no signs of the outliers she was supposed to be keeping safe. A part of her wondered if they weren’t just fine on their own and her true mission was to get the intel without causing an incident. As she walked the floor of the canyon, Myri’s eyes (aided by HUD goggles) and ears were focused upwards. She could swear she heard repulsors, that brought a frown to her face. She heard something else from about and the HUD barely warned her in time to move out of the way of the falling debris.

Myri sighed as she looked around for the best way to climb. She hated this up and garbage, but that was the only way to find someone who was good at hiding and kept to the walls of the canyon. At least when this was all over she'd have had a good workout and hopefully firm arms and legs out of it.



Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 4 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 6 Microdetonators
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III
Objective: I - Hide and Seek
Location: Canyon
Tag: Myri Dara Myri Dara

She adjusted her trajectory, the repulsors still firing as Shiny broke into a full sprint across the rope and wood bridge as her eyes scanned for the source of that familiar sound. The pole that had been damaged creaked and groaned, before another shot of blaster fire screamed down from the top of the ridge to the second tethering pole.

The HUD identified the likely source, but couldn't see with detail the assailants as the sound of landfall on the other side steeled her actions.

Her form was largely horizontal as she seemed to float across the bridge. Her neck craned backward while trying to play I spy with what she guessed had been the death squad coming to find her targets. She'd been told to avoid hurting the hunters. Or was it killing them? Probably better to err on the side of less potential bad when Mom gave the orders as she threw a hand backward and pressed against the now wobbling boards of the bridge.

From horizontal to vertical was a slow process as a blaster shot whizzed by her and into the rope beside her. The redline of her replusor cool down sounded, stirring a frown as she dared to touch her feet to the final draw of the bridge. The deafening groan of the whole thing making Shiny turn to make what she guessed was a grimace in her direction.

"Shut up! I haven't-" She spouted off loudly as the bridge assembly snapped beneath the waspy crack of another blaster shot. The first pole splintered and scorched beneath the bolt. The second pole tipping sideways with a splintering groan before bridge and girl found what the gravity of the planet felt like.

"FETHFETHFETHFETHFETH!" Felmorante clapped her hand across her arm, remembering the cable launcher was on the right side when she had looked over the suit.

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Objective III:
Finders, Seekers

Location: Driving up river towards target area
Objective: Investigate area of interest
Tags: Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform - overcoat only
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel ENS Mihaly

Ground vehicle - Trident AT science crawler
  • 1 military support and 2 storage mission pods
It was a short walk from the landing beach to the cliff face which was split apart at this point as if a giant had cleaved it with his axe. either side of them the rock rose up sharply, blocking out the sunshine. The floor of the pass was uneven and overgrown in places, but several of the rockier parts had the tell tale wear of years worth of passage, either of animals or sentients. Trinity every so often dropped down to look at the ground. Each time she became more convinced that this wear pattern was consistent with deliberate use of this pathway by sentient beings. That could mean that something must have once been at the other end of this passage.

Hanging from walls was a large pale green fruit with a balck speckling on its lower half, they looked very succulent. Curious, Trinity took a sample and put it into her rapid analyser. "You work for HPI don't you? Ever considered a permanent position in the Imperial Science Comittee?" she asked, simply making small talk with the scientifically accomplished man. Her analysis pinged as she finished her sentence. A type of pear, high sodium, content, non-toxic but relatively unpalatable to most humans. It was nothing of real interest, but just to be thorough she cored out the seeds and stored them in her sample case as she walked.

The heat the passageway was fairly opressive, moisture clung to the skin with nowhere for it to go. It was a non-hazardous environment, but Dr. Harris flipped on the energy shield on her face plate, purely to allow the environmental control of the suit to keep her more comfortable. As they approached further along, a rock fall had blocked part of the cleft. It wasnt an insurmountable obstacle, but would require a little physical exertion to get past. The first two soldiers had already climbed up and tossed a climbing rope down to the pair of scientists. "You much of a climber?" she asked Dr Halycron as she looked up at the four of five metre face. Nothing to taxing for Trinity who was both a field scientist and a soldier herself. "Go ahead, I'll spot you from down here then come on up."

Objective: I - Hide and Seek
Location: Karra | Jungled Canyon
Objective: Cushion the blow
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Communication earpiece | Protective outfit | Knuckle plate vibro blade
Tag: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Open


The Thyrsian agent wasn’t half way up to the canyon’s side when she heard blaster shots and more sounds of destruction. She kept her body tight against the canyon wall and face directed in the same direction. Doubling her efforts to get up the wall and find out who was shooting. And most importantly at what. The sound of repulsors had gotten closer and Myri was able to identify that it was far too soft to be a vehicle carrying one of the death squads.

The agent risked a look upwards and made out the bridge with a person and what looked like a dog rushing across. The blaster bolts were coming from the direction the person was rushing off in, and according to her HUD the bridge was giving way fast. Myri thought to yell out to the person on the bridge, but she didn’t know who they were or what their purpose was. Surely her orders to ensure no harm comes to the death squads meant by her hands or in a large battle right? It didn’t mean she was supposed to step in and stop them from falling off a faltering bridge? Oh hell! “Look out! The bridge…” before she could finish another shot ended the function of the bridge for good and sent the person falling. As the person came closer due to the fall Myri’s HUD identified the figure as a small feminine humanoid. Myri lost sight of the dog however as options for how to save the girl rushed through her head.

Myri was happy to hear the sound of a cable flying through the air and taking hold in the side of the canyon. Now she had to figure out how to cushion the landing for the falling woman. Watching someone splat against the canyon wall was not part of her assignment. Reading her intentions the HUD goggles displayed the angle of the woman’s fall and most likely landing point. It also calculated the least number of jumps Myri could safely take to get to the landing zone and the best points to make the plan succeed. Myri smiled to herself, crouched down and took a leap upwards. The first of two. This one she overshot by six inches and slid down the side of the canyon until her feet and hands caught hold at the intended landing spot. She took a deep breath and gauged the second jump more closely before leaping off again and making the landing just in time to punch her knuckle plate blade into the side of the canyon for some added stability. “I got you,” she called out to the woman and braced to try and take some of the jolt away from the coming collision, and hoping to be able to keep hold of the canyon wall and find somewhere to grab the woman.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics | Negotiations of the Mind
Location: The Karran Council's building, Karra
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Sion Courtee Sion Courtee | Open
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

To tell the truth, Ingrid also liked the architecture of the place. Few people knew about it, but she liked architecture and used to design buildings from time to time. Although it was mostly her husband, Lord Tubrok, who was fond of such things, it was a kind of shared hobby for the couple. Perhaps it was difficult for anyone to imagine that the empress could be a normal, ordinary person. But she was capable of; it is true that she was able to show this side to very few people.

The buildings were both modern and yet reflected the hive-like features of insectivorous-like creatures. So they were quite unique and special. However, the host committee was interesting, despite the hive mind, they were not insects, but insectivorous creatures. Which most resembled anteater. And they were huge, similar to Wookiees.

"Welcome to planet Karra. We have been waiting for your arrival. The council is waiting for you. Please follow us!" said the leader of the group, a black-furred Karran.

The council building looked more like otherworldly buildings than local ones. Like an imperial palace; probably built by some company or the First Order. Inside, the corridors, columns, walls and everything are built of marble, the ground is polished to a shine, and the walls have reliefs. The columns are decorative, with an archaic effect, but also modern.

<"What is your opinion? What do you think, do they want to impress us, or do outside worlds really have that much influence on their art and world?"> she asked those with her.

They soon entered the throne room, or it was just a larger room, where the envoy was already waiting for them. The envoy was a tall, snow-white furred Karran. The Karran was likely a female individual, and her clothing combined the local culture as well as the Eternal Empire.

"We welcome you. Please take a seat. We hope that today's treaty will be just as fruitful as the previous ones." she told them.


Curse | Darth Maledictio
Shadow Emperor of the Shadow Empire, The Shadow Dragon, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, First Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Survey the area
Location: Surface, Karra
Equipment: Current Appearance || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ Dominion of Destiny ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The doctor, that is, Curse, was also walking behind Harris on the road, he also used the Force during the research to monitor the area. So far everything was as fine as could be and they were in no danger. At least he didn't sense anything. By the way, the man also saw the tracks on the ground, some of the tracks were familiar, and some were of an unknown life form. This is how he made recordings, as if he was really working on it. Reaching the rock wall, he turned to the girl after the question.

"Yes, I'm working for the HPI, since I am a medical doctor, so I often work together with the Spear." he explained. " The truth is that I rarely leave Terraris since everything finally moved to that place from Nelvaan."

Basically, Curse was able to adapt to environmental effects, due to this he was able to not really feel the unpleasant weather like what was in the passage, but he couldn't do that at the moment. So he couldn't do anything else at the moment other than take out a "handkerchief", a piece of cloth and wipe his forehead. He didn't bring protective gear like Trinity.

"I prefer better cold climate planets." the doctor complained a little. "I think I'll be fine with this."

He said at the rockfall part. It would have been much easier with a quick teleportation, but it wasn't feasible here because of the disguise. But luckily, Curse also trained regularly, so even in this body there were no serious obstacles. He grabbed the rope and with its help easily climbed to the top. He purposely didn't do as well as he could have, since the Doctor wasn't as fit as Curse himself. When he got up, he looked down at Trinity.

"Come!" he encouraged her, and when Trinity got close to the top, Curse held out his hand to help her up.

Further along the road there were more falls, but it was much easier to move on them and they didn't have to climb even higher.





Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 4 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 6 Microdetonators
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III
Objective: I - Hide and Seek
Location: Canyon
Tag: Myri Dara Myri Dara

The error of which side the cable was located was remedied quickly as the cable launched itself and stuck. The sudden twang of the taught cable throwing off her idea of a perfect landing. The grimace was short-lived as someone hollered at her, her mental focus not completely stripped away as she lessened the swing towards the wall with a confused glance at the newcomer.

The force had muted the momentum of her swing, though she had kept her legs from hitting the newcomer with a slight turn to the side.

"Oh. Hello!" Came the bubbly tone as she gently swung inward to her savior. Like a leaf on the wind, the arm snagged her around the middle before the droid wolf's face glanced over the edge with a sharp wuff.

"I know! Just get after them!" Felmorante huffed up to the wolf droid. Staring for a moment through her helmet at the woman.

"Hold on. We are going up." She cackled, ignoring the repulsor system before engaging the jet function in her boots. The cable began reeling itself in as a guide as her free arm pushed them off the wall and grabbed the woman around the middle for the ride up.

"You aren't with the death squad are you?" The question lobbed as an afterthought while they ascended with alarming speed, her feet straight down as the repulsors in each foot steadied them along the guide wire before it popped free of the wall and they rose steadily.


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