Dominik Sanmarco
Crystaall stood right outside the hangar, staring at its empty space, her back to the streets of the Underworld. It is in the middle of the day and she pulls back her hair as she turns to the streets watching people walk by, some of them looking at her suspiciously, some of them waving at her. Closing her eyes, she walked into the door on her left, entering her shop. The many pieces of equipment, armor, weapons and the like were all over the place, it was just a cluster of things. Crystaall scratched her head and looked around her shop, seeing no one there and took a deep breath. "Not many people for the past few weeks. Wonder if Luva has caught anything with that bounty she took. Damn well better bring my ship back." Crystaall took off her utility belt and slams it on the counter as she opens up one of her holo-projectors. A small image of the planet of Coruscant appears and she begins staring at it heavily. She was always able to leave this planet, but she was never given a reason to, so she made this place her home. She turned her life around, and now she felt like she was stuck like a broken hyperdrive. As she stared at the planet image she turned it off, put it back in her pocket and vaults over the counter, knocking down her utility belt by accident. She picks it up and puts it back on. She carefully takes out on of her pistols and begins taking it apart, making sure she made its repairs perfect. A purple astromech comes whizzing by, wailing as Crystaall doesn't pay attention to it.
After a few minutes as the wailing continues she says, without looking at the droid, "R4, when was the last time I told you not to use the forge." The droid sputters and whimpers as it begins reversing. "That's right, I said it yesterday... and the day before... and the day before that. It's not because I hate you, its because you are technically and physically incapable of using it. You're an astromech droid, not a humanoid genius." As she puts the pistol back together she stares at the open window of her shop and places the pistol back in its holster. "The old gang... man what I would give to see them again. Better than waiting for a damn customer. I've fixed all these weapons for too long to ever be interested in doing it.... again. No one brings me anything good to work on." And with that, Crystaall begins to slowly fall asleep with her arms and head laying on the rusted counter.
After a few minutes as the wailing continues she says, without looking at the droid, "R4, when was the last time I told you not to use the forge." The droid sputters and whimpers as it begins reversing. "That's right, I said it yesterday... and the day before... and the day before that. It's not because I hate you, its because you are technically and physically incapable of using it. You're an astromech droid, not a humanoid genius." As she puts the pistol back together she stares at the open window of her shop and places the pistol back in its holster. "The old gang... man what I would give to see them again. Better than waiting for a damn customer. I've fixed all these weapons for too long to ever be interested in doing it.... again. No one brings me anything good to work on." And with that, Crystaall begins to slowly fall asleep with her arms and head laying on the rusted counter.