Dominik Sanmarco
Crystaall quickly looked up at [member="Azriel Zadimus"] and quickly put her arm back on and stood herself up rather quickly, knocking down the chair she was sitting in. "No, no. You're fine, I was just making sure my arms were still functioning." Crystaall then grabbed the silk sleeves and slipped them on over the prosthetics, and tightly securing the fabric, making her arms go from robotic looking, to almost that of a natural human's arms. She rubbed her hands together for a moment and then picked up a grey suitcase and lifted it onto the counter. "And this is the armor. Made well enough to stand up against a few blaster bolts, and slick enough to wear under your fancy clothing." Crystaall smiled at this, but then pulled her hand away from the case, scratching the back of her head and looking down. She noticed her trainer's laser sword was now hovering in front of her. She quickly grabbed it and clipped it onto her belt and cursed a little under her breath. She knew she had to get this fixed immediately. She didn't want to deal with Force nonsense for too long, and she knew that somehow, this would become a greater problem. She didn't want to ask this of him, she especially didn't want to ask anything of him. "Before you go, I have a question to ask of you. Do you by any chance, know any..... Jeh-Dai?" Honestly, she didn't know how to pronounce the word correctly. Living within the One Sith's territory has made her revert back to her father's instruction of the Sith language. She was used to Jidai, which was Sith. A word her trainer hated.