Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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World of War (Craft) [SJO Dominion of Cyborrea]

Objective 1
Allies - [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Sabine Galen"] [member="Cassius Droma"]
Enemies - does charging at me and kat

Warrior versus warrior like daya of old, star had to be honest she hadnt felt this pumped up in awhile! As she turned to see the group charging she let out another challenging cry before looking to kat

I'll take two of them, I'm going to try and get a shot at that shaman, poor feths didnt check every part of me for a weapon

She tapped her right arm, able to convert into a blaster she only used it when it was needed and by the force this was a time it was needed! However she couldn't outright fire right now she needed to get some air...that's the hard part of the plan and

Suddenly a fist flew, smashing her right in the jaw, she spun and spat some blood before turning and dodging another that came at her

alright that was rude

She said and got serious, couldnt punch let's she risk her cybernetics. So she decided kicking would be the way till she could get closer, looking the warrior in the eye she ran at him and ducked and kicked right for star wanted she wanted to make them made and chase her. Looking to the other warrior she tossed a sword for him hittimg him upside the head

come get me!

She said and started running in the direction of the platform....was thr ground rumbling suddenly and did she hear chains?

Dorn Company,

The two bigguns took front.

Made sense, really.

Big, tall, handsome bastards up front.

Short, mean-spirited guys in the back.

Made sense, sure. Didn't make Tulan feel any better.

But it made him lethal, at least. With the protection of the two big guys, Thirdas and Amon- Tulan was a walking nightmare, death on legs. Where he walked, death followed. The Reaper followed him. As if they had made a deal a long time ago. Tulan arranged the meeting for death and whoever was in front of him usually.

Tulan didn't bother with any of the closer Cyborreans much- Amon and Thirdas could deal with the closer of the enemy. Not like they really stood a chance against the guy wielding the Darksaber.

Tulan knew that one, at least. Practically everyone in the galaxy knew what that thing was. And all Tulan knew is that eventually, whoever had it.... wound up not having it. There was a reason that holding it was usually bad juju. But the LT seemed to be doing fine. For now. He shook off the musings and put long-gun wielding Cyborreans into a permanent nap. He didn't bother with the closer of the brutes. All of his targets were more than thirty feet away. The LT said to have target precedence on ones with firearms.

Needless to say, if a Cyborrean was holding a gun and was in that hallway, they were doomed from the moment they got out of bed. Tulan reloaded- and continued downwards, his gun rapidly switching targets, cutting down a plethora of them in a short amount of time. Tulan was mean, ruthless. Every shot was a kill shot. No wounding, no qualms about killing. In fact, by the grin he was wearing- he seemed to be having a good time, if not enjoying the subtle art of murder.

@The Rangers l @Rescue Team


From the perch taken, Kahli stayed low as she peered over the edge and out into the arena below. Place was full of Cyborreans. Obviously they'd picked up on the Ranger's approach -- their mad dash for breaking the Jedi free hadn't left the Ghosts among them many options. That Lieutenant had a screw loose, and the Captain had a mind to teach him the finer art of infiltrating the enemy long before actually attacking them. A woman couldn't sabotage gear or slit their General's throat going in along side the heavy hitters. But in the end she could probably blame the Jedi for forcing the man's hand. 'We will not stand for this,' and such bluster.

A visual survey of the area didn't reveal anyone that stood out like a sore thumb. No massive collection of thugs standing around, watching the crowds and the ledges for threats. Damn. If the Shaman had been outdoors they could have at least wounded them; maybe disrupted their concentration long enough for the Jedi to cause a distraction. As large and ugly as these people were, they weren't stupid.

Vizsla called out the plan, and Kahli could only sigh. Shouldn't he be going after the prisoners? Damn that man complicating her life.

As she prepared to move, the Umbaran paused for a moment. Her eyes fixed on the ground in the arena below. People were going wild with anticipation and those below showed signs of something being amiss. Something beneath them. "You two," Kahli pointed at two accompanying Rangers, "watch the arena. Hold your fire unless one of the Jedi is in mortal danger." She gestured in the opposite direction the rest would go. If they had to take the shot, best everyone's gaze wasn't drawn to the size of the intruding force above.

"Everyone else, with me." Kahli pulled away from the edge, rose to her feet, and started swiftly atop the arena in the direction the fighting below was headed. They were taking that Shaman.

"Jedi are running out of time. Do we have the anti-Force location?" she called back over the comm.

Two more peeled off to take positions along the outer edge of the roof. They dropped into sniping positions to provide cover for the Rangers below as needed. Keeping everyone alive and making sure Dorn company didn't get surrounded as they forged forward were the priorities.

Kahli spared a look over at Tyrell as they moved. The comm channel went to private as the Captain asked, "Anything to give us an edge?" One, big, happy family. Some of them were just happier than others.

Dorn Company: [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Tulan Kor"] | [member="Benjamin Cassidy"]
Ghost Company: Allura Kahli | [member="Tyrell Caphey"]
Helios Company: [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]
Others: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ura Iolar"] | [member="Aurel Kvold"]
Objective 3: Business of War

"Mortars are in position, general"

"Load smoke rounds!"

The question being: which round caliber would be fired first. Firing a smoke weapon, or a blank, whose blast radius is mostly the same as that of the explosive rounds fired from it would not be a good substitute for test-firing the live thing. Logic would dictate that, even though a mortar team may as well take up an entire squad, at least as far as the 220mm one is concerned, these things would be test-fired one at a time, and at an elevation as appropriate given the space available on the proving ground. Also, Jessica distributes ear plugs to the Cyborreans and dons some herself, prior to the first mortar being fired. One loud boom is made upon firing even the 60mm mortar, to say nothing of the 81mm Torun, 120mm [member="Jairdain"] (even though its namesake never fired one; Jair would not be the best choice to aim it), or the higher calibers. Another eqqually big explosion noise can be heard upon detonation of the airburst, some 500m away.

Objective 1-Survive

Kahne cleared his throat as he looked towards the distance and could see their opposition revealing themselves and heading towards them. The Jedi cocked his head to the side as his enemy reached him and he couldn't help but chuckle against their, well his precarious situation.

"You could be a little bit bigger." Kahne quipped as he twirled the sword in his hand and got into a defensive stance, his feet spread apart as equal to his shoulders. The Cyborrean charged and swung the mace overhead intending to crush Kahne. The Jedi quickly rolled out of the way and returned to his stance and just as he did his enemy swung his weapon again. He narrowly avoided the hit this time, he could feel the scrape against the shield that he had. The Jedi retreated several paces back as he noted a weakness near the Cyborrean's legs. A small exposure of Cybor flesh that he could use to his advantage.

Kahne charged forward, hoping his timing was right. And to his delight it was timed perfectly. His adversary swung in a slashing motion, but just before he had slid forward using his running momentum to slide as much as he could and the blade pierced the flesh of his side leg in a quick thrusting motion. Kahne rolled over scrambling to his feet to face the large Cyborrean again. A roar could be heard from his foe, as he turned to look at Kahne. And it was then he could feel the ground started to tremble slightly.

"Friends of yours?" Kahne inquired as he took a few steps back to regain his posture and to take a deep breath.
Objective 1: Fight. Survive.
Allies: [member="Sabine Galen"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Sigyn Vanir"]

Audren's opponent began another run. The movements between mount and rider weren't quite as synchronized as before, there was a bit more of a wobble. The hit had done something then, even if it hadn't been as much as intended. Now, he could try the same thing as before but that seemed like a losing proposition. Even fighters such as these - make that especially fighters such as these - learned about their opponents quickly.

"Fine, if you want to play that way."

The comment was low, not loud enough for anyone to hear. Not that there was anyone nearby to hear him, or that would have been able to hear him over the roar of the crowd. The Sephi could put odds together as well as anyone: he had the rider and mount to deal with. If the rider dropped dead in the next stride, he'd probably still have to fight the mount; it had a cunning glint in its eyes. There were two enemies working in tandem. He needed to drop them both now.

Jedi though he may be, the Master understood that his next strike would need to be brutal. He reversed his grip on the weapon and twirled it halfway around, then took a quick breath. Once set, he began sprinting at his opponent. Between the two of them the distance was eaten up rapidly, forming a complex mathematical problem to make any schoolchild pull their hair out. When he judged the time right, he threw himself forward and twisted, hitting the ground on his back. Rocks scraped the exposed skin, but that was the least of his worries. Just as he hit the ground the shadow of the beast hit him...and passed over. His leg was caught by a single claw, not much more than a graze. A more serious hit was on his left shoulder. While it didn't actually break skin besides a couple small punctures, the full weight of the foot hit him and likely dislocated the shoulder. It had been a reckless move and he paid for it.

His payment, however, was considerably less than that of the beast mount. The butt of the glaive was planted in the sand and the cutting edge came up in near-perfect timing. Just after the heavy fur mane passed, the blade made center-line contact and began to slice. The creature's own momentum kept it moving forward...and kept the blade cutting. Brute muscle kept the weapon angled properly, and as such the blade went deep. From rib cage to the more delicate bits it sliced, blood and chunkier bits of the guts being extricated by the heavy gravity. Once clear of the creature, Audren rolled to one side and forced himself to his feet, left arm held close to minimize the pain.

Whatever cybernetic enhancements had been given to the mount weren't enough. The amount of blood and other body parts - guts, mostly - falling to the ground made it unlikely that anything but a full droid would keep operating. It staggered twice then collapsed, unable to support itself and the warrior riding it. That same gladiator was barely able to force himself to his feet and turned for his target, only to find his heart pierced by fifteen centimeters of sharp metal. A forceful push with one foot freed the weapon as the native fell to the ground, finally lifeless.

Any thought to this being over was put to rest almost immediately. Chains began rattling and the ground began shaking. Time for round two.

[member="Silver Starlight"]​

Dorn Company: [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Benjamin Cassidy"] | [member="thirdas heavenshield"] | [member="Tulan Kor"]

Ghost Company: [member="Allura Kahli"] | [member="Tyrell Caphey"]
Helios Company: [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]
Others: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ura Iolar"]

Opposition: [member="silver arrow"]

Aurel slid the last of the four lights she'd outfitted with the modified slave collars back into the wall. She'd done a quick splice to simply overload the lights as quickly and violently as possible when she triggered the punishment function of the collars. She slipped back into the side tunnel, into a shadow to do some quick work on the last remaining collar, removing the wires connecting the power source to the punishment studs ringing the interior. She slid it on and then hid the command module from the guard up the sleeve of her body suit.

When she emerged, she emerged in the persona of a slave, moving swiftly and silently through the halls. She picked up the handle of the mop bucket and pushed it ahead of her as she moved towards the shaman's area once again. She kept her eyes on the mop bucket, letting her shoulders slump and her body mold into the form of a defeated person.

It wasn't her favorite persona, but a useful one as far too many planets in the galaxy still held onto the atrocious practice of slavery.

She made it back to the area where she'd seen the wall of Cyborean guards before after a few minutes walking. She slipped the command module from her sleeve into her right hand as she drew near. As she made to pass the guards into the area right below the shaman, she saw one of the Cyborean guards step in front of her, and she stopped. She cringed away as the guard leered at her.

"Where you going, meat?" the guard said, his breath stank and his leer grew.

"I...I..." she trailed off for a moment, letting her voice crack. "I am to wash the walls in the section behind you there, sar..."

She pushed the punishment button on the command module, and all four of the lights she'd rigged in the section a quarter of the way around the arena exploded in grand fashion.

Now she just had to see if these guards would take the bait.

Objective: 2
Allies: [member="Amon Vizsla"], [member="Tulan Kor"], [member="Thirdas Heavenshield"], [member="Ura Iolar"], [member="Allura Kahli"], [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]
Goal: Rescue the captured SJO members

Josh knew that the moment they got close enough to the arena below, his use of the Force would be restricted. And odds are by now, their opponents had been alerted to their presence. The dropships and Jongori would be a big giveaway... But what if he could make the most use of the Force he could in the time he had? Josh had originally intended to hold off and not alert them to their presence until they absolutely had to... But the defenses that were showing up now indicated that their enemies very much knew that they were here. Getting to the Shaman wouldn't be easy now. The heavy blaster fire that rocketed up at them wouldn't be easy to get past either.

That made Josh's decision easy.

The Jedi Master released his hold on Jongori for a moment as he raised both his hands, focusing his pyrokinetic energies. One fireball would emerge over his head, then another, and another, and another and another... It wasn't long before Josh had summoned hundreds of fireballs over him, before sending them raining down on the outskirts of the arena below. His target wasn't the Shaman this time for fear of accidentally harming the wrong side, and thus he didn't aim inside the arena. Instead, his intention was to take out the outside defenses with what use of the Force he had available to him before it would be blocked off. He knew that the closer he got to the arena, the more his connection would begin to dim.

So he was going to make the most of it.

Grasping Jongori once more, Josh instructed him to tuck and roll, his tucked wings decreasing his floatation and speeding his descent as the dragon rocketed past the blaster fire headed for him. Once the wings came back out, Jongori began to charge up before the dragon launched a large fireball of his own at their defenses. One that would explode on contact.

The anti-aircraft fire lit up the sky with deafening noise as the black armored team of rangers made their fall towards the ground and the battlefield that would soon present itself to them. On the captains command, they spread out to make it harder for the fire to hit them. Fortunately, their gunners lacked the skills for precision shooting and relied more on getting as much laser in the air as possible. As soon as they had dropped their passengers, the dropships made an hasty retreat and ascended once more to higher altitudes.

The altimeter in the HUD of the rangers helmets counted down rapidly as they fell to the ground. On a certain set point it, the rangers activated their chutes and begun to tighten the formation for the imminent touch down. His squad had orders to stick with captain Kahli. Ty relayed her request to his field radio operator who sent a sitrep to Dorn and Helios company, their replies updated the captain on their respective situation.

"Lieutenant, Private Heavenshield! Contact has been made with the enemy, you might want to fix bayonettes on your way down!"

Private Heavenshield's report broadcasted over their intercoms.

''Sounds like Dorn company made first contact, captain.'' he confirmed over the comms.

As the captain got to her feet after giving out orders, he gave a handsignal to the squad of rangers behind him to follow.

''Negative, captain. Nothing on the anti-force location, yet.'' he radioed over and forwarded it to Dorn company and lieutenant Vizsla. ''Dorn company, any ideas?''

''My take? The Cyborrean's tech are crude and primitive, but we can't afford to go up close and personal with them. They'll smash us to pieces.'' he said and threw a quick glance over the arena before looking back at the captain. In that moment, four of the large spotlights went out with a bang and the arena went darker.

''There's your edge, I think.'' he stated and enhanced the optics in the helmet to cope with the lowered light conditions.

Dorn Company: [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Tulan Kor"] | [member="Benjamin Cassidy"] | [member="Thirdas Heavenshield"]​
Ghost Company: [member="Allura Kahli"] | @Tyrell Caphey​
Helios Company: [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]​
Others: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ura Iolar"] | [member="Aurel Kvold"]​

Helios Company
Task Force Raider
Operation: Spartacus

The moment Mikilanna touched down she was, along with the remaining six operatives, thrusted into combat. There was no time to mourn the loss of the others, only honor them through victory. Spaced evenly apart, the operatives began returning fire behind makeshift coverings; giving the young Jedi of the group time to collect her wits. They knew, as she did, that the only combat she ever saw where through staged holograms from various training programs back at the Temple on Kashyyyk. Programs or not, she knew how to handle the weapon of the Jedi; possibly not the best as the others, but nonetheless she understood the intricates of lightsaber wielding.

Calmly depressing the button on the hilt's side, the blue blade hummed ceremoniously to life. Gathering the Force around herself, she allowed it to guide her actions; batting away blaster shots intended to her harm. She was, it now appeared, the object of obsession from the enemy the moment the lightsaber came into play. The operatives, seizing the opportunity presented to them, began shifting their positions putting each six in better terms to return critical hits to the transfixed enemy. One by the one, the initial wave of the welcoming committee began to fall; the survivors dispersing on fleeing heels.

"Clear," the six yelled in unison. The fight, and it was just a fight, had concluded with no casualties on the ground. However, like an unseen marionettist working the strings of it's seven marionettes; seven heads looked to the sky, each one harboring individual emotions. Mikilanna felt loss, but via her training into the Jedi, she quickly turned that sinking loss into a honorable memory of the song they briefly shared together. "What are your orders, Padawan," the nearest operative presented to Mikilanna.

"My orders," she replied quizzically confused.

"Yes ma'am. With our Captain...uh protocols now dictate that you are now the highest ranking member of our outfit."

"Wait, wait, wait. I'm not in the military or in the operative business. I'm a Jedi. A Padawan, not even a Knight or Master," came her reply, noticing all eyes where on her. The others began shifting their feet, looking away from her to one another. "Ma'am, Padawan or not, you're in charge now."

[member="Amon Vizsla"] ... [member="Tulan Kor"] ... [member="Benjamin Cassidy"] ... [member="Thirdas Heavenshield"] ... [member="Allura Kahli"] ...
[member="Tyrell Caphey"] ... [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] ... [member="Ura Iolar"] ... [member="Aurel Kvold"]

Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Sabine Galen"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Sigyn Vanir"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
The axe-warrior was distracted ever so briefly by Sabine stabbed him in the armpit – a critical point for circulation, no doubt. However, even as streaks of blue began to spill out onto the warrior’s torso, he smacked Sabine away. By this point, Cassius had managed to unclip the armor around his shoulders and perform a kip-up in order to get back onto his feet. He might not have as much protection, but he could move faster – and since he had allies, he felt more comfortable without the shoulder spikes.

A large battle-axe now lay at Cassius’s feet. He could hear the shifting of sanding behind him, and a grunt from the Cyborrean with the armbraces coming back with a vengeance. Cassius had just enough time to grab the hefty battle axe and swing it at full force behind him in a wide arc. The warrior had lifted his arm just in time for a block, but it wouldn’t help him too much. The axe managed to puncture the outer shell of the armor, but got stuck right as it got half-way through the Cyborrean’s thick wrist.

The warrior cried out in pain, and Cassius tried to withdraw the weapon, but it wouldn’t budge. A large hand came to grab him, but Cassius merely moved to the side, letting go of the battle axe to perform a roll and pick up the mace he’d dropped earlier. Swinging it around him in a wide arc, he managed to catch the Cyborrean in the knee, forcing him to go down. After a couple more swings for momentum, Cassius brought the spiked steel ball down on the warrior’s skull, pulverizing it.

Dropping the mace as it was now covered in blood, brain matter, and skull fragments, Cassius looked over to Sabine to see if she was alright. Just as he did, however, he could feel the ground shake. The clanking of large chains echoed across the arena. The crowd seemed to have a renewed vigor – up until this point, the outsiders appeared to have been winning. Now, though, they’d regret not being killed earlier.

“Sabine,” Cassius called out with urgency, “get ready. This is gonna get nasty.”

Quickly, he looked around to see if there was a weapon he could appropriate that was large enough to even damage the beast they were about to fight. If only he had his lightsaber…

Silver Starlight

Objective 1: Gladiators
[member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Sabine Galen"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Sigyn Vanir"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]​
The source of the rattling and shaking soon became apparent. With the last gate open, a towering figure entered the arena. Dwarfing even the Cyborrean warriors, this immense being cast a vicious gaze around at the small forms that dotted the sandy ground. The beast did not differentiate between Cyborrean and others – he targeted anything that moved. No friends, only foes! The Cyborrean Warriors stubborn as they were, did not directly attack the beast but did not stand down, either.

As the beast began to move, it sent a swinging fist towards Stardust and her group of enemies, hitting two of the Cyborreans – and knocking them out immediately. He would begin to tear a path through the arena, his large feet taking him next in the direction of Audren.

Behind the beast, a pack of Nek followed, ready to snap at heels (and more).

[Feel free to finish off your other opponents if you need to! Just watch out!]

Objective 1 - kill my enemy
Allies: [member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Sabine Galen"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

The beast was picking up speed, so it wasn't much time to decide on what to do. Sigyn had lived among Warriors herself her whole life, and knew the basic thought pattern of them. These Cyborreans couldn't be much different. Warriors wanted to have the upper hand, not give their enemy the chance to attack, and end things fast. It looked like her foe tried to do this as well. And the best strategy to apply to this kind of fight, was to fight it head on. Little defense, a lot of offense.

She held her spear in both hands, and once again ran towards her opponent. But this time, she had no intention of jumping away. The rider was nearing her, and once again when he was about 10 meters away, she jumped. Not to the side, right at her charging foe. If her last attack had been suicide, this would be complete self-obliteration.

Her hands gripped tightly around her spear as she flew towards the Cyborrean. She saw him rise his Club to hit her, and she knew there was no way to dodge it. She hadn't been planing on either. She only had to hit him first.

Her spear was thrusted forward, aiming straight at the Cyborreans heart. The momentum and speed she had gained from running at her foe gave extra power. It nearly hit it's mark, but hit in the middle of the chest instead of at the heart. It didn't stop, only conintued further in. But the Cyborrean's attack also hit. A hard blow right at her right arm, and sent her flying towards the wall.

She landed on the ground first, and rolled throught the sand till she hit the wall. Slwoly, she managed to drag herself up with her left arm. Her back hurt, but not as bad as her right arm. It felt like it was broken, which it probably was. She also felt blood on her face, both hers and her opponents. The wall, which she leant against, was holding her up, cause her legs would not be able to do it themselves right now.

She looked around to see if the Cyborrean was going for another attack. She should have known that he would already have done it if he was still standing. The body of the warrior lay on the ground, roaring, and flailing his right arm. Sigyn's attack had been succesful, and came close enough the the heart to pierce enough vital parts of it. But his fall from his beast, which came from her momentum, probably helped too.

Sigyn tried to walk a few steps from the wall. It seemed her legs could support her, although her walk was slow and awkward. A rusty sword that laid nearby was picked up by her left arm, with the right hanging useless at her side, and only caused her pain. When she arrived at the warrior, she positioned herself above his head, and looked down on him. He swung his arm at her, but missed. And then, she stabbed the sword down through his skull. A last loud groan came, and he died.

But the beast the fallen Warrior had used was still standing. It had been somewhat confused when it's rider suddenly fell of, but it had now understood what was going on. Sigyn was badly hurt, and not able to fight this beast properly. It was running towards her, it's jaw open to kill her. The only thing she could to in her state wsa to hold the sword out towards the charging beast. She aimed as best as she could at it's mouth, and it ran into it. Sigyn was blown to the ground when the beast ran into her, but the sword had hindered it from biting her. She looked up, and saw the beast also lying on the ground, with the sword sticking out of it's mouth.

She managed to sit up, but had to use her left hand to support her right to ease the pain. Then came the sound of rattling and shaking. And the new foe entered. A giant, bigger than all the other Cyborrean brutes. And it didn't look like this giant cared wether those it attacked was Cyborrean or not. Sigyn was not ready for this fight. But she couldn't rely on help from others if the giant came to her. She tried to stand up, but she had been too badly injured. There was another spear close to her, whish she used to support herself as she stood up. But fighting this thing would be impossible.

Sabine Galen

Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]| [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Sigyn Vanir"] | [member="Cassius Droma"]
Sabine was still on the ground when Cassius approached. The massive fist of the Cyborrean had crashed into her, she'd seen stars and everything. But, now the fog was dissipating and she was left only with a deep soreness around her ribs. Scrambling to her feet, she eyed Cassius sidelong as she wondered just how bad things were about to become.

And, she was not left wondering for long.

Even though the giant beast entered at the opposite end of the arena, Sabine found her foot edging backward. She thought the Cyborreans had been huge, but this, this was a whole new level. Dread began to settle into the pit of her stomach, how were they going to get through this. They would be able to survive with the force but without it... the outlook was quite grim indeed. Cassius had taken out their intimidate threats, the Cyborreans – and the club-wielding warrior's interest had shifted to someone else.

This small window would, perhaps, give her some time to do something. Just what? Frantically looking around, she spotted the Shaman on high, his arms spread wide and his mouth moving continuously. And, like most force powers, it looked like his abilities required a certain amount of concentration to maintain.

“I just need to distract him,” She said quietly, more to herself than Cassius.

Sabine reached down and lifted a rock, it wasn't big but it would be easy to throw. Her aim always had been good, even without the force, and she hoped to come through this time. She threw the rock as hard as she could, and hit the edge of the raised pedestal, causing it to rock slightly. The shaman wobbled for balance. Quickly, her hands sifted through the sand for another projectile. Sabine threw more, missing once or twice, but nailing the Shaman's foot.

The ethereal words came to a brief halt.

“Now!” Sabine call out, “We don't have much time!”

She hoped that Cassius would feel what she was talking about, and the others, too. The force was with them, even for just a fleeting moment – but it was enough to summon protection, attacks... or weapons while the Shaman recovered.

Silver Starlight

Objective 2
[member="Allura Kahli"] | [member="Aurel Kvold"] | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"] | [member="Thirdas Heavenshield"] | [member="Tulan Kor"] | [member="Ura Iolar"] | [member="Amon Vizsla"]​
No doubt, the Cyborreans had noticed the team that had descended from the skies. Many, even audience members, had risen to fight them. Inside the arena, many began to let their Neks of the leash -- so to speak -- letting their war dogs prowl for any that did not belong. These dogs were augmented with cybernetics, they were sharp and fearless.

But, at the moment, the most immediate danger was the soldiers that had dropped straight down onto the stadium itself. With Cyborreans corpses dropping in the Rescue Team's wake, the enemy decided that reinforcements were needed. "Release the Wyvern!" A Cyborrean guard growled, and their flying beasts were set loose. The winged creatures took to the sky, moving to attack those that were atop the arena.

The Cyborreans knew that the Shaman had become an obvious target, but the show had to go on -- even if it was for a limited time. And, as the force nulling power of the Shaman faltered momentarily, the Cyborreans knew that these attacks would no go down easily. Still, this was what they loved most -- fighting and war.
She turned, that rattling soon turned into thumps as she watched a massive creature emerge and look around in hate. Moving back she assessed what she could do then a grin formed to her face...if this works it would eliminate that damned shaman

Running towards the beast she focused solely on its fist, had to be stronger then her opponents least she hoped so. Letting a battle cry out she watched that fist coming right for her and her baddies following

Within that moment she felt the force return, yet it was feeling brief, time seemed to slow as she jumped and angled herself at that fist body curling into itself like a nek about to pounce on its prey, as the fist connected with her feet she aimed for the shamans little area and grinned as she pushed the force into herself and shot towards it

Remember that spear she had? It was now pointed for the glass as started sailed like a arrow right for it, another cry went out as she braced herself for the impact and let her righr arm transform into a blaster

If this worked this shamans day was about to turn worse
Objective: 1​
Allies: [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]| [member="Sabine Galen"] | [member="Sigyn Vanir"] | [member="Cassius Droma"]​
Well, things seemed to have a habit of going from bad to worse didn't they? Asaraa could feel her hands tightening around the swords clenched there, as she fought to stop a groan escaping her lips. Fighting against the mounted opposition was bad enough, but now someone had decided to unleash another obstacle on them, and this wasn't a small one. Crystal blue eyes swept up and down the frame of the large brute as he thundered towards them, sand flying as the young jedi drove one of her blades into the ground, using it to alter her direction quickly as she almost launcher herself in the direction of the new threat.

She was still freshly recovered and knew she might not be upto her fullest capabilities, but she also knew that the rest of the Jedi were busy dealing with their opponents and any time she could buy them could only help. With one of her blades left quivering in the sand the pink-haired Jedi grasped her weapon in a 2-handed grasp as she flew across the sand.

It wasn't like the brute was alone, the pack of Nek's following him rushed forward eager to rip and engage with the prey ahead of them. Asaraa twisted to the side to avoid their charge, the tip of her blade scoring across one's flank as she completed her spin. Out of hte corner of her eyes she could see a green blur flying towards the brute as she vaulted over another nek, dropping into a roll as she threw herself in Stardust's wake, blade lashing out, whistling as it cut through the air.

Amon gave a nod when Heavenshield asked for the permission to join him in the lead of the melee charge towards the Shaman's location. The man produced a quite intricately ornate batle axe from his back, and beneath his helmet Amon slightly raised an eyebrow. For the son of one of the most established and renown Jedi dynasties in the galaxy, how did he end up among the Rangers whose task was unofficially to do what the Jedi wouldn't do due to their ridiculous, to Vizsla and every Mandalorian, code.

Was he the black sheep? There always was one. Amon took that mantle when he fled the clan and his responsibilities to pick up the mantle of Alor after his father. The answer to that question would remain in the backburner for now and he'd possibly never ask it. It didn't really matter to the Mandalorian.

"Before we go, I regret to report a casualty, sir. Never even fired a shot..."

The lieutenant glanced at the half-torn corpse of a rookie where Thirdas was pointing at. It reminded him of one of the company's sergeants - Sidon - but dead. Amon had saved the man from dying during the Sith Remnant's assault on that forsaken Silvers research facility months ago. He was not around to save this one, nor could he be around everyone to save them. It didn't come hard to him to accept that fact. Amon had been brought up the harshest ways of Mandalorians - the ways of [member="Ronan Vizsla"].

Culling of the weak.

Famous words of his father which echoed in his mind nearly startled him and made him look around for any traces of Ronan himself around. To his fortune, his father was nowhere around. Ghosts of the past seemed to never let go of him.

"We mourn with the blood of our enemies, Private." Amon replied coldly and produced the eerie blade of the Darksaber from its hilt before charging shoulder to shoulder with Thirdas into the fray with the killing machine of Sgt. Kor covering them from behind. "OYA!"

The Mandalorian hunting call came naturally from his mouth.

And so the Triumvirate of Death dashed headed towards the Shaman's location splattering the blood of their foes who dared to stand in their way. Every one of them had their reason. Thirdas might see it as a way to mourn the death of the rookie, Amon as his natural way as a Mandalorian and Sgt. Kor as simply doing his job.

No matter what their motivation was, the three were relentless in the pursuit of their objective.

''...Dorn company, any ideas?''

Sgt. Caphey's voice came through the comms and Amon figured out Allura wouldn't be really happy with the Vizsla's decision of full-frontal assault against the Shaman's location. She preferred far more subtle methods of achieving goals. The lieutenant could hardly recall the word subtly in Mando'a.

"We've triangulated their location, transferring our data to you, Sergeant." Amon replied as he sliced off the head of an albino Cyborrean. "Do. Not. Be. Late."

An explosion rattled the grounds followed by the disappearance of the massive headlights giving the Rangers an edge with their advanced vision technology of their helmets. Maybe now, with the shadows as their advantage, Captain Kahli would finally be satisfied.

Just as they neared the Shaman's location, a symphony of screeches echoed across the arena and beyond. Massive winged shadows passed over them. The Cyborreans had released flying beasts on those above Dorn Company - Ghost.

"Ghost Company, this is LT Vizsla. Winged monsters on your position. We are near the Shaman. Are you able to follow up with us?" He asked before switching quickly to the line to Helios Company.

"Helios Company, LT Vizsla of Dorn. We are spearheading the assault on the Shaman's location. Currently knocking on the doors. We need you to form a wide perimeter around the location as our flanks. Clear?"

Dorn Company: [member="Thirdas Heavenshield"] | [member="Tulan Kor"] | [member="Benjamin Cassidy"]​
Ghost Company: [member="Allura Kahli"] | [member="Tyrell Caphey"]​
Helios Company: [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]​
Others: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ura Iolar"] | [member="Aurel Kvold"]​
[member="Silver Starlight"]​

Dorn Company: [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Benjamin Cassidy"] | [member="thirdas heavenshield"] | [member="Tulan Kor"]

Ghost Company: [member="Allura Kahli"] | [member="Tyrell Caphey"]
Helios Company: [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]
Others: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ura Iolar"]

Opposition: [member="silver arrow"] | [member="silver starlight"]

The Cyborrean guards were distracted by the heavy side of the rescue effort, the Rangers and other allies were hitting the stadium hard. One slave with a mop and bucket didn't even merit a second glance. It wasn't a happenstance that Aurel had counted on, but it was one she would take. Some guards and hounds moved quickly towards the explosion, others moved towards the perimeter where the Rangers were hitting, and the rest were covering the shaman as best they could. Aurel slipped past in the confusion, moving her mop and bucket along with her as she rounded a corner.

Head tilted down, eyes actively looking around, she felt her pulse quicken. It was hard for her to not run up the stairs to her left, she knew the shaman was up there, and ending the Force nullification field would turn the tide in the arena drastically in favor of the Jedi. Still, she knew this was the time where she needed to be slow, careful, methodical.

She moved the mop and bucket closer to the stairway, doing her best to look like she was looking for the best place to start. She lifted the mop and bucket, and slowly moved up the stairs. No one moved to stop her, just a slight girl in a slave collar going about her business. The guards were on the look out for Jedi, Rangers, and others who were heavily armed and looking to take the Shaman by force of arms.

Her pulse was pounding in her ears, and the sweat on her brow was not feigned in the slightest as she gained the platform a couple of meters away from the shaman. Slowly, she pulled out her mop and began to wash the platform near the stairs. She counted the guards with her peripheral vision, but otherwise posed the least amount of threat she could as she moved the mop back and forth across the floor, sweeping it in a wider and wider arc from the stairwell.

Dorn Company

T's words regarding the fallen rookie were not the ones the youngest Heavenshield had expected to come from a commanding officer, though now was definitely not the time to pause and reflect on such this and so he simply nodded in response, focusing on the impending charge. When it came, the Lieutenant cried out in what Thirdas could only presume to be Mando'a, before joining in with one of his own. "Odiir!" he invoked the Allfather's name, setting his Valkyri blood on fire and compelling him to action.

Axe raised he chopped down the Cyborrean brutes one after the other, assisting Amon in carving a path through the enemy lines with the Sergeant keeping their backs free. They kept moving to keep from getting bogged down, leaving the shattered and confused lines for the rest of Dorn Company to clean up in their absence. At some point the lights went out, though through the visor of his helmet Thirdas could still make out incoming enemies just as well, while the Cyborreans seemed to struggle with landing precise blows. Still, they were formidable warriors possessing immense strength, and their crude weapons were terrifying to imagine being on the receiving the end of. They kept roaring the same word as they charge, one that sounded very similar to "war" in the Basic tongue.

By now the Private was all but covered head-to-toe in the blood of his foes, his mind nowhere else but in the fight. A warrior's state of mind. He'd never felt so alive, which in itself held a morbid irony considering all the death surrounding him in such short time. Loud screeches erupted from the arena, enough so to shake Thirdas out of his berserker state. "Fethin' hell!" he let out as one swooped overhead, the winged demons nothing like anything he'd ever seen before. And growing up on Midvinter, that's saying something!

In a moment when he was no longer beset by attackers directly, he left his axe in the skull of a fallen enemy and pulled out his sniper rifle, taking aim at one of the wyverns. Taking the shot, he only managed to clib its wing and it shrieked in pain. Of course now it had set its gaze on Thirdas, its eyes red with rage and it dived at an incredible speed down towards its intended prey. "Oh, you bikkja," he cursed and braced himself for another shot. While it probably would have been a better idea to run for cover, the young lion was never known to be very smart.

"Come on, come on, come on..." Taking more careful aim this time, despite his impending doom at the hands of sharp fangs and talons, he finally got his second shot off, piercing the beast between the eyes. The wyvern was dead in a matter of seconds, however its lifeless form was still on a collision course with the three of them. "Incoming!" he warned Amon and Tulan, snatching his axe embedded in the skull of the very dead Cyborrean on the way as he ran for cover.

Dorn Company: [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Tulan Kor"] | [member="Benjamin Cassidy"]
Ghost Company: [member="Allura Kahli"] | [member="Tyrell Caphey"]
Helios Company: [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]
Others: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Ura Iolar"] | [member="Aurel Kvold"]

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