Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So I asked in the roleplay forums about making one of these. It was suggested to me that I ask factory judges whether one of these would be considered small planets or huge space stations. I was wondering if it were a large ship or one of the other two.

Can I get some opinions on this?

As a side note, this is for future reference on my own part. I would like at some point, when my company is a much higher tier, to build one for Ultimatum to act as a sort of home base.
[member="Ultimatum"] My main issue with these is just from what I've glanced on the wookie is that its similar to a Deathstar just no huge laser beam. You are capable of building space stations, as for worldcrafts I say no.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] - Just for the record, if I make a little one -- following all Factory size limits and dev thread requirements for space stations -- and cover it in artificial gravity plates and atmospheric containment fields and dirt -- that's totally fine, right? Because I want a little tiny planet someday.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Ultimatum"]

*grumbles* Fine, each worldcraft will be taken on submission basis. Each unique, each having their own judgement. They must also follow the station guidelines and dimensions >_< You turn that into a deathstar - you'll be eating my fist!


Sibar Laval

*secretly watches. Plotting for loopholes. Plots to creat Starkiller base with out the laser*

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