Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would anyone like to rp?

@[member="Xander Carrick"] that the issue with Je'daii.. to much annoying arrogance, and seriously too inflated of egos... that will eventually be their downfall.
Kaine Zambrano said:
"Now I stand, the lion before the lambs... And they do not fear, they cannot fear." ~ The Lich King
I love you @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] But it came from Robin Hood that came out a few years ago. It was one of the mottos of the movie.

Tormax Tryte said:
oh yeah because everyone should know the characters in that over done game.
Never over done my friend. No hatin on my one and true love....... that is other than my IRL girlfriend.

Isis Fontana said:
thanks for letting me know about that, I had no idea lol!
Yerp. If you have questions about Final fantasy, talk to me because I am completely immersed in it.

Cameron Centurion said:
Cloud Strife. That explains so much...
@[member="Cameron Centurion"] : hey. Girl's gotta expand her horizon sometime. Best way to get to know the galaxy is to dive on in. My sister taught me that.

And to everyone else, I am not a piece of meat. Licking would be the least of your concerns. It's okay, you shall know my name soon enough and what I am capable of. *grins evilly*

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