Well interrupted. :D
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 9, 2018 #2,221 Well interrupted.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 11, 2018 #2,223 Are they the same as Dragon Women?
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 11, 2018 #2,226 ...so, no heart?
STaCLO Tree-Hugger Droid Character Bio Jan 11, 2018 #2,227 A heart? Pift You don't need a heart to kiss, just lips, and it'd look pretty weird of I had a pair. But Yes, Yes, and Yes...If I could that is.
A heart? Pift You don't need a heart to kiss, just lips, and it'd look pretty weird of I had a pair. But Yes, Yes, and Yes...If I could that is.
STaCLO Tree-Hugger Droid Character Bio Jan 11, 2018 #2,230 Maybe I'll just need to settle with awkwardly rubbing my face against someone else. How Romantic!
Serixibis Best Acolyte NA Character Bio Jan 12, 2018 #2,231 Yeah, Romantic isn't the first word that comes to mind here.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 13, 2018 #2,233 So absolute....
Mariya Fleischer She moves like she don't care Character Bio Jan 14, 2018 #2,238 I think the holo tinder app is spoilt. I keep getting helmets. Nope...