Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would you kiss the person above you?

She moves like she don't care
*hides her banta toy*


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Frak!... *had looked around for that zapper to kabosh the girl's curiosity, but is nowhere to be found* where did Karlie hide that thing?

[member="Mariya Fleischer"] , you're just gona have to surrender that stuffy and give it to [member="Scherezade deWinter"] , before that girl gets too out of hand. :(
She moves like she don't care
Marina DeVoe said:
Frak!... *had looked around for that zapper to kabosh the girl's curiosity, but is nowhere to be found* where did Karlie hide that thing?

[member="Mariya Fleischer"] , you're just gona have to surrender that stuffy and give it to [member="Scherezade deWinter"] , before that girl gets too out of hand. :(
No, that belongs to Saede Taggart. I am just keeping it until she comes back. Maybe... :(

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Excuse me... *gets around the mountain giant to talk to [member="Mariya Fleischer"]*

Saede Taggart? She...she still alive?..??
I thought she- *confused look* :huh: ...well there were rumors she went down with her ship. Stories...
You know..instead of surrendering, she scuttled her ship...into a nearby star!...Didn't she? :(

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