[member="Strider Garon"] Ad hominem, my dear.
Scherezade deWinter The Blood Hound Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,381 [member="Strider Garon"] Ad hominem, my dear.
Onrai In Umbris Potestas Est Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,387 Depends. Are you Dark Side now? If so, then yes.
Onrai In Umbris Potestas Est Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,389 Screw it, still would even if grey or LS.
Ryiah Tenriem Blood and Wine Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,391 I don't see why not, luv, you're certainly beautiful enough.
Ryiah Tenriem Blood and Wine Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,393 No. Sorry dear, but, wrong gender. I prefer someone with a few more curves.
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,394 Fair enough. May I interest you in some jasmine tea instead?
Ryiah Tenriem Blood and Wine Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,396 [member="Jak Sandrow"] Sure, a nice cup of tea can be very relaxing, after all. Perfect for after a hard day. [member="Mariya Fleischer"] Well, I'd say yes to you, luv.
[member="Jak Sandrow"] Sure, a nice cup of tea can be very relaxing, after all. Perfect for after a hard day. [member="Mariya Fleischer"] Well, I'd say yes to you, luv.
Ayda Elisantra Angel of Mercy Character Bio Feb 1, 2018 #2,397 I'd kiss your boo-boo after I put a bandage on it...sure.