Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would you kiss the person above you?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Kinda cute?
I think it would be a sad kiss, [member="Abigail Meredydd"].
I mean, well I have planned in giving you a kiss. But it is a good kiss and one maybe of farewell. I will be taking flight soon from Commoner with some of her children to flee the sith. I have to get through the blockade and....and well, I don’t know what the force has instote for me. I then will give you a heart felt kiss goodbye. :(
Well you can do, as some organics say, make lemonade out of lemons. Or in this case make big hair from the frizz... cause I like that.

I feel it can better show off the feature of hair many organics have.

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