Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would you kiss the person above you?

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Maybe, drifting more towards a possibly. It all depends on certain aspects. Luckily for me, you can't see my characters face on my profile image! Though, I think my character "Red" here would look similar to Captain Price from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Just saying. Still, it's a maybe, might be closer to a possibly.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
[member="Marina DeVoe"]

Besides, when you said, "... shoot already!" I instantly thought of the first scene in Jurassic Park, whenever they were transporting the raptors into their enclosure, and then they started to escape, and then on guy started getting eaten by them, and that ranger guy was yelling, "Shoot her!"

I don't know why I thought of that.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
I would think you being an assassin, hit/person or bounty hunter that you wouldn't hesitate one way or another, whether it be a kiss or a mark.

You sure you know how to use that thing?.. the blaster, I mean?..?? :huh:

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