Commander Mao
@Electrobe @Thadd Zarr
"Yeah... got ya.." came Mao's response. "Nek take it." a bead of sweat rolled down her temple, soaking into the blue black hair. Off to the side, was a large leftover ammo canister.... maybe if she...
Her leg went reaching out, trying her best not to release the spring of the land mine under her hand. Just ... gotta get... a bit... Ah! The canister wiggled a bit, and she trailed her leg to slide it closer.
"Yeah... got ya.." came Mao's response. "Nek take it." a bead of sweat rolled down her temple, soaking into the blue black hair. Off to the side, was a large leftover ammo canister.... maybe if she...
Her leg went reaching out, trying her best not to release the spring of the land mine under her hand. Just ... gotta get... a bit... Ah! The canister wiggled a bit, and she trailed her leg to slide it closer.