Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would You Rather?


Lightning-Struck Angel
Jar-Jar's.... At least I can hide/mess around with those.

Would you rather be eaten by a Titan, or be eaten by a Sarlacc?


Lightning-Struck Angel
Frozen, because I might be able to come back Captain America-style.

Would you rather crash your car, or drive a Smart Car?


I brake for nobody.
The extra fingers.... Cos, I can always steal gloves from that guy >
(You're supposed to give a would you rather, too. :p)

Would you rather, have Chuck Norris, or Wicket W Warrick, as a best friend?
Being a giant monstercat big game hunter. Because i'm not a force user. :p

Also, that wasn't a would you rather. xD

Would you ratheronly be able to eat food with huge amounts of garlic, or food with high sugar?


Well-Known Member
influence minds...
I will make [member="Cross Ikon"] think I won the drinking challenge!

Would you rather have the power to fly, orto go invisiblle

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