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Wraith Squadron Roll Call

Checking to see what Wraiths are still committed

[member="Kyla Verss"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Aaron Nomarr"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Gar'Hal Velasura"] [member="Kiyron"] [member="Harland Gates"] [member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

So if everyone's still up for this we have 7-9 members for the Squadron. That puts us about even with the Rebel Alliance's active Rogue Squadron and that 181st Imperial Squadron starting up to.

So what is everyone still feeling?
Ok guys, don't forget to go check in about the Stealth X Wings, I remember there being a thread about that around here. Not sure what Incom is up to but I think you'll lose the Stealths if you don't check in there.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
I think the Stealth X shouldn't be our ship to be honest. Sure its cool and more advanced but does it really represent us? Okay that was a bad comparison. [member="Camellia Swift"]

- The Stealth X's are cool, not hating.


Kiyron's been on medical leave since the first Alderaan invasion. Still is, for the most part.


Pretty sure it was after the first Alderaan. Even if it was before, he'd have been with Havoc then.
Technically I'm not in the squadron (really just the fleet that it was going to work with in raiding missions), but I am still here if you guys need ideas or help.

Sorry, was a bit busy with OOC stuff and other characters with more demanding schedules :p

And as for training we still have that drill thread to finish after we get a posting sequence reestablished, and the possible cross-training with Rogue Squadron and whomever else you guys had in mind.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
I have this position opportunity coming up and I might have to leave Wraith squad if I have to leave the republic. Sorry if I have to leave. I'll still support you guys if I do leave. But I'll make up my mind as its a hard decision.

Off topic: Congrats [member="Camellia Swift"]. I think you just got the RPJ job right? Or I'm super behind. Either way, congrats :)
Alright we're looking at 5-6 members if someone can get ahold of Tugoro and [member=
Harkin Kane"] and [member="Harland Gates"] still.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

And yes I did indeedy. I hope to be a big help for people and at the very least learn a few new things.

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