Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wraith Squadron Roll Call

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

Speak up!!


Are we still going to finish the training mission?

If not what should we do then? Maybe an escort mission through 'pirate' territory? Protect the transport sort of deal from a pirate frigate and fighters.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
The other training mission confused me a bit. If I have time I wouldn't mind doing the escort mission. [member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Camellia Swift"]
I think we should finish up the training thread, just so everyone can say that they know how the stealthXs work. If we want to get those Wraith fighters, we can.

I can try to arrange a thread like that, where we protect a transport from some pirates.
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

Alright well then whose up for that thread?

[member="Ar'rek Zavros"]

Still plenty of room!

[member="Aaron Nomarr"] [member="Kyla Verss"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Kiyron"]

What does everyone think?
I'd like to join if all possible. Salvaging parts and repairing old broken down equipment is more of Kyber's thing (he's not formally trained or anything, more of a 'use whatever is in the junkyard' kinda guy), but he'd like to learn how to Pilot with skill and learn more than just how to do quick patch-up jobs on ships. [member="Camellia Swift"] seems like the go-to woman on ships, so joining up with this Squadron seems like the most logical choice. Kyber isn't a very good pilot, so it's understandable if you deny him a spot on the squad. Just looking for places to start.
[member="Kyber Salurra"]

Sounds good. I'm trying to think about what to do. The problem is we'll need someone to be the IC leader and be ready to post for things.

I'd also like to see Gar'Hal in on this project, maybe captaining the Squadron's carrier.

I can plan up a proper mission for us if we get everyone in here and have them give a timeframe for when they're available to do it.
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Great! Thanks for letting me join the squad, I'll try not to let you guys down. If anyone needs any equipment such as weapons or armor modified or repaired for little to no credits (if you can stand having your equipment not looking the prettiest), Kyber's your guy! I look forward to the RP coming out of this and some cool adventures.
[member="Ar'rek Zavros"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Kiyron"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Gar'Hal Velasura"] [member="Kyla Verss"] [member="Aaron Nomarr"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Ok, I'm trying to figure out what we should do, so since its been really inactive here lately I'm going to make a thread in the next few days, *Tuesday EST by the latest*

Wraith Squadron will run escort for a Medical Frigate transporting wounded from a wreck after a pirate attack. However, the pirates are still in the area. The Wraiths must defend the Medical Frigate while it rescues the survivors onboard the wrecked the freighter, as well as escort it away after they finish.

A follow up thread afterward can be on the ground after the Republic's located the pirates, and we wipe them out/arrest/capture them.

Anyone from Wraith interested should post here before the end of the week. Also we'll likely be using either Republic X-Wings or R Fighters unless anyone has a complaint?

Poke everyone mentioned if you can guys.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
It was made by Maria Natalja. Just copy its link (photobucket link) and add the HTML code and you're good :)

P.S. I'm sure you know but just right click the tag.

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