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Approved Tech Wraith's Bane Blaster Pistols

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  • Classification: Blaster
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Average

  • Pseudo-Force Imbuement from Shards of the Mortis Dagger, capable of inflicting damage in ways beyond just the physical
  • Ghostfire Crystal afterimage effect
  • Nearly silent
  • Increased Damage Output

  • Extended range of possible targets that can be wounded
    • Netherworld / Dark Side Spirits, even in possessed bodies
    • Sithspawn
    • Netherspawn (Physical Manifestations of Chaos)
  • Summons afterimages of the wielder for a brief time period after firing a bolt
  • Bolts fired make almost no sound
  • Higher Damage Potential from an added XCiter
  • Extended Range due to higher energy bolts

  • Fragile crystals, at risk of breaking if damaged sufficiently
  • Heavier than the standard model, due to crystal and XCiter barrel installation
  • Edge-case scenario where the XCiter barrel malfunctions and releases too much gas which causes an explosion inside the barrel
  • Lowered Rate of Fire to maintain a stable internal temperature

Bernard’s Wraith's Bane blasters are a pair of heavily modified DL-18 blaster pistols. The focusing lenses were enhanced with crystals that imbue them with unique effects.

One holds a Shard of Mortis which enhances the energy passing into the bolt with additional Force properties. The ethereal power added to a bolt carries a greater damage potential against incorporeal, ethereal, and most importantly nether creatures as well creatures generally possessed or altered by the Dark Side. The bolt is a ghostly shade of green.

The other blaster’s focusing lens was enhanced with a Ghostfire crystal. This has made the blaster almost completely silent when fired and changed its colour from red to white. In addition, after a bolt is produced and the crystal energized, the wielder produces afterimages for a brief time while the energy dissipates in the crystal. Continuous fire will extend this effect. The fire rate is fast enough to keep the effect going until the power pack is empty.

Additionally, the blasters’ performance was enhanced using an XCiter barrel, which pumps the bolt full of blaster gas as it leaves the barrel, boosting the damage potential of both weapons. The extra punch doesn’t come without its drawbacks, however. While the bolt flies further and burns hotter, the additional power draw of the XCiter adds a considerable amount of heat that requires a slower firing speed.

All in all, they’re a straightforward pair of blaster pistols that make use of crystal focusing lenses to impart special effects that are beneficial to the wielder.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Bernard Bernard

I feel offended on behalf of my characters and all of the Nether creatures, because of this weapon. I hope they'll never experience the effects. Khm... Seriously, I love it, very nicely made and creative submission. One little thing. The firearm is very underpowered (-4). If you want you can edit it, if not, I'll approve this version.
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