Flint Dexen
Wandering Lost Soul
@Vulpesen @Tracyn Ordo
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Flint could sense the Sith judging his lightsaber form. Many duelers underestimated the ability of his Shii-Cho style, despite being what could considered more of a novice form, could be proven as deadly as any other lightsaber style if used effectively. Flint however was not granted the chance to utilize Shii-Cho, as their target lept right towards them. Even in the darkness, the presence of the dark-sided Force User was easy to detect.
As soon as he felt the Sith amongst them, Flint shifted his lightsaber a bit to that of a Soresu form. Soresu would prove to more effective than Shii-Cho at close range. Flint was content for the moment to go on defense, and let Vulpesen do his combinations of attacks on their target.
"All right, Tracyn?" Flint inquired as he battled, noticing that his fellow Jedi had been flung backwards by the Sith.
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Flint could sense the Sith judging his lightsaber form. Many duelers underestimated the ability of his Shii-Cho style, despite being what could considered more of a novice form, could be proven as deadly as any other lightsaber style if used effectively. Flint however was not granted the chance to utilize Shii-Cho, as their target lept right towards them. Even in the darkness, the presence of the dark-sided Force User was easy to detect.
As soon as he felt the Sith amongst them, Flint shifted his lightsaber a bit to that of a Soresu form. Soresu would prove to more effective than Shii-Cho at close range. Flint was content for the moment to go on defense, and let Vulpesen do his combinations of attacks on their target.
"All right, Tracyn?" Flint inquired as he battled, noticing that his fellow Jedi had been flung backwards by the Sith.