Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

Mos Eisley, Tatooine
​It was a great homecoming, sitting in that small bar drinking away his problems. While he may have been home, finally, Onyx wasn't here to enjoy the spoils that this infamous spaceport had to offer. No, he was here on business. It wasn't hard for old friends, and foes, to track him down. If someone wanted to find them, they knew he'd be here.​
That's why he wasn't surprised when he received word from several of his contacts that RC, an old war buddy of his, had been looking for him. The trooper was wanting him to join his crew of misfits, to "cause chaos" as RC put their goal. That's a job that Onyx would happily accept. The new position reinvigorated him, for the first time in years he felt excited and anxious. And he wasted no time scouting for potential candidates to join.​
Sure a few jaws might be broken in the interview process, but at least Onyx would know if they were crazy enough to join this crew. In truth Onyx didn't know who he was looking for, but in Mos Eisley he'd find at least some who would be interested in his offer. He, of course, thought he could pitch it better then his old friend. Whether is true, remains to be seen...​

[member="RC 212"]
[member="Darren Onyx"]

At the Party

RC knocked back another drink, his old Jango Fett face scarred, and with grey hairs. As the bar fight nearby intensified he was putting bets on it, taking just about everyone’s money. A huge Graug against a tiny Rodian. But would the Rodian be fast enough? Who knew.

He leaned back in his seat, taking a bite from his peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich. He was replaying the events of his life over and over in his head. Fighting monsters as a Lord of the Fringe, Nuking Mandalore as an Original Deathwatch. Collecting the Scalps of one hundred Ewoks for Circe Savan to make into teddy bears.

That was after the little bastards had sank his beloved Dreadstar. Luckily he had another in the mix.

Not to mention having like four bounties collected on him, and escaping death..... bout six times total.

And an add in every corner of the Holonet that read the following.
"Tired of Jedi? Tired of the law? Tired of Societey? Come help us burn it all down. Pay is all you can loot!"

He stood up, Katarn plates shifting over one another as he approached Darren.

"Long time no see buddy. What the hell you been up to?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Chaos was good for a woman like her. She'd seen her fair share of it, flying scout fighters in the deep, as well as selling things to the highest bidder. She found her way into the bar, clad in her tan jacket, black vest and her blue trousers with the Corellian Blood stripes down the side. She knew of RC, but not the other fellow.

Since RC seemed a bit busy she moved on, catching [member="Darren Onyx"] by a table. She grinned, and then opened her flask handing it off to him.

"Not here to join up, but definitely to make some business arrangements. Make me an offer on a contract. Here's what you boys could be flying."

She slapped down a data pad with Gusto.

It read the following.


  • Jast 1 Freighter : Fast Small Freighter. Good for running guns, smuggling, what have you. Built in smugglers hatches that are shielded from scans. Low weapons, but the speed makes up for it. This baby can turn easy and is super modifiable. A bit rickety though, keep her tuned up!
  • Jast 2 Freighter Still Pretty fast, with a heavier load out on the armaments. Decent speed.This one is less modifiable, but can haul more cargo in her holds than the Jast 1. Holds are still lead shielded to prevent easy scanning. Sturdier, but still keep her tuned up!
  • Jast 3 Freighter: It's bigger and heavier armed. She's got a few tricks to keep folks off her back, but she's super slow. With so much weapons cargo space was cut down, but it's extra room for mods was part of the cargo hold sacrifice. As usual still has the lead shielded holds, still need to do upkeep or some things might...... Explode?
  • Jast Blackout: A specialized support ship. The Jast Blackout is super fast, has no arms, but can hack like a pro. If you drop one of these in system things become very finicky. She can shut down commo channels, scramble sensors, and hack systems. Be aware of limitations.
  • Jast Shredder: A support ship that is heavy on the missiles. Decked out with multiple rapid fire missile tubes, and repeater Ion/Kinetic cannons, the Jast Shredder can put a lot of firepower downrange for a very cheap cost. The limitations to such a nice vessel are it's abysmal defences. If the shields fall, bug out. Best as a pack hunter, support ship role.
  • Jast 1st Rate A heavy Frigate. Stock parts and such, slower and less handling. It's weapons are Kinetic focused. This baby sports a hundred guns for 400M worth of vessel. Also carries a squadron of fighters. Built as a Ship of the Line
  • Jast 2cnd Rate: A medium frigate. Stock parts again but she has some punch to her. A balanced warship, se is Kinectic focused, sporting 94 weapons on deck. A split between Mass Drivers, Ion and Missiles for a cheap cost, she is any Captains go to support Frigate!
  • Reclaimer 1 : A great Support ship! 500M worth of power to Salvage. This baby can refit and Rearm a vessel, build Ships, Shipyards, capture and disassemble, mine asteroids and do a myriad of stuff. If you got one in your fleet, you can keep your stuff sailing for a long time. Downside is that it will die like the rust box it is in combat. Keep it away from the front lines.
Onyx smirked as his old friend approached. He turned and eyed the old trooper. RC was an aging war veteran, just like Onyx. But they were very different, and their methods were both extreme. Neither one of them were the masters of subtlety, but that's what made them such a fun team to watch in battle. "Before you say anything," Onyx raised a hand to stop him from talking, "I'm in."

He turned and finished his drink just as a flask was handed to him by a young women. He eyed the flask and took it, taking a sip before handing it back. She wasn't interested in joining their crew, but she was offering some starships to help the cause. Onyx looked over the data. Honestly he wasn't too impressed with the line up, however he knew that a fleet was required if they were gonna take on anyone. He smiled and looked at the young women. "Miss..." he peered into her mind using the force, "Jast," he finished, "You say you want to make some arrangements?" Onyx eyed the data one last time before locking eyes with the businesswomen. "Personally I'll buy a ship from you. However our cause requires more then just one ship."

He was hoping that she would understand where he was coming from, you can't win in a fight if you don't have some air superiority. It wasn't his place, but he knew that RC wasn't gonna negotiate with anyone. He figured he'd be doing him a favor. "We'll take three ships now. Whenever we engage in a mission we will salvage materials and other unique items we find, we will trade these salvaged materials, as well as a small amount of credits, for more ships in the future." It was as simple as a trade deal could be. Find materials, trade them for more ships. Of course Onyx did mention a small amount of credits, as to provide actual currency beyond sheer building materials. He didn't even flinch or look at RC, he didn't wanna blow this potential deal by showing any sense of doubt.

[member="Hala Jast"] [member="RC 212"]
[member="Darren Onyx"]

RC grinned, taking another chomp out of his sandwich. They only needed a few more crew to sign on. He needed another drink and as Hala approached he smirked and walked off towards the bar. The fight had ended, with one of the contenders bloodied on the floor. The Graug stood over him, a huge monolith of bulky muscle, three times taller than RC.

"Coulda told you boys how that one was gonna end. Come on over and pay the bookie boys!"

He turned to the bartender.

"Two more scotches. Hell just give me the bottles."
[member="Darren Onyx"]

Hala nodded.

"That seems fair enough."

She drew up a contract and then handed the pad back to the bidder. Eyes alight with fire.

"Sign on it please?"

Then she took a sip of a random drink.

"What kind of ship were you looking for personally? I can have my techs mod it in advance."
Reaching for the pad, Onyx signed, Darren Onyx. "The three ships we'll take first will be the Jast 1 Freighter, Jast 2cnd Rate, and the Reclaimer 1. As soon as you can have them delivered, of course."

He thought for a moment about his old interceptor. The ship was his for a long time, over twenty years. He never once considered getting something new. But it was time to let go of that part of his past and move forward. Onyx eyed the data once more and looked back at Hala. "I'll take the Jast Blackout," a sly smile appearing on his face. A ship designed to cause chaos and outrun those around it was the perfect ship for the plans Onyx had. He reached into his old tattered robes and brought out a small pouch containing the required credits.

Placing it on the table, he slid it over to Hala. "I'll take it as soon as you're able to provide it." He thought for a moment. While it was a nice ship, and fit his needs, he did require one modification. Again he smirked, "Does it come in black and red?"

[member="Hala Jast"] [member="RC 212"]
Aurora had been listening in from a nearby table, clenching a glass of so called water- though the floating specks of black in it told her otherwise.
Why this was her first official task set from the higher ups she did not know. But she supposed as long as it came from the supreme leader it didn't matter which mouth spoke the words.
Being out of her usual robes felt strange but the cream leather jacket wasn't new to her and if a fight did arise she always had her good old phase knife. She would have brought a pistol but Aurora didn't want to risk coming across as too aggressive. Then again it seemed almost everyone had some kind of firearm on them. Not that it would make a difference if a fight did start.
Realising she'd started drifting into thoughts, Aurora shifted her focus back onto the group who now seemed to be signing a deal over ships or armoury or some sort of illegal tradings no doubt. Either way she couldn't stand to sit there waiting any longer and so pushed back her stool and approached them, leaning on the wood as she flashed a charming grin.
"Fancy a drink?" ​she asked, pulling out some credits ​"All I can find is bleach in here."

RC bounced back across the floor just as Hala and Onyx were wrapping up and nodded. The new girl came up, asking bout some drinks. RC glanced at her, then at his bottle, then at the sandwich in his off hand and shrugged. Then he handed her the bottle.

"Here. Keep your credits girl. Who are you? What are you about?"

He turned to face her, shoulders square with her own, gazing into her eye to eye.
Aurora studied RC for a moment before grinning once again.

"Honestly?" ​She took a swig of the drink ​"Was listening in over there. Sounds like you've got an interesting job offer on the table and need a few more hands on deck."

​She wasn't completely lying. She was genuinely interested in this mission they were planning and besides if it turned out they were going to try it on with the first order then she could take care of it. If they were harmless or even doing more good than harm to her faction's efforts then she'd still get some fun out of it. Having a break from training and droning meetings would be like a holiday- though she knew she couldn't relax too much. She still didn't know everything about them; only the brief summary given to her by an officer when they transferred her to this pile of sand.

Aurora's eyes briefly brushed over the other two before offering her hand to RC.

"Name's Aurora."
[member="Darren Onyx"]

She grinned, taking the datapad back and nodded.

"Oh yes. I'll have em mod it for you, and have your good shipped within the month. Gotta make a few more, since they are flying off the shelves. Local defence forces love em."

She took another sip of the drink and then set it down.

"It's been a pleasure Sir. Call me if anything changes, here's my holonet number."

Then she was out the door, heading for her speeder so she could take care of other more pressing matters.


RC pressed a pistol into her hand instead of his hand. It was an old slug thrower, and those things made a hell of a mess if they blew open some ones head. Everyone that joined the Raiders had initiation. It was a requirement.

"Sure kid. See that guy over there? Go blow his head off. Then I'll know you're for real about joining up."

He kept his face stern and crossed his arms, sandwich down to its last bite.

Onyx thanked Hala as she turned to leave. He turned to see RC was back at his old table, talking with someone he didn't recognize. As he approached he heard RC ask her to kill a patron at the other side of the cantina, to see if she was serious about joining up with them. He chuckled as he sat beside the young lady.

She was young, very young, and the Force was with her. Onyx could feel it the minute he eyed her. He patted her back and eyed her, his eyes burning into her soul. He was trying to read her, learn about who she was and what she was seeking. He reached out to her mind, "Use the powers you were born with and eliminate your target." He wasn't picky with who joined their crew, so long as they were willing to fight anyone at any moment. That and survive the fight of course. However, when it came to someone who could use the Force, Onyx always wanted to see whether or not they were close minded or open minded. He didn't like working with Sith or Jedi, instead he enjoyed working with those who sought to find the ultimate balance of power between the two. He could feel the darkness inside her, yet there was a faint light as well. This was someone he could work with, if only she would complete the task at hand that is.

Onyx smirked at her question. "His name doesn't matter, all that matters is that you get rid of him, however you see fit." He sat back to watch and reached out once more through the Force. "Eliminate your target, and I can teach you how to find the balance between light and dark."

[member="RC 212"] [member="Aurora"]
[member="Aurora"] [member="Darren Onyx"]

RC glanced between Onyx and the young girl. He sensed hesitation and grinned. Would she be able to survive combat? that was what he had to know. If so he'd teach her the things Onyx did not. How to kill with your bare hands, how to shoot straight, how to command a ship etc. Otherwise she was just another washed up scrub to him.

He needed warriors. Not scrubs. Not wannabees.

"Who cares. Kill him."

RC took the last bite of his sandwich and smacked his lips, then sat down and poured off another drink for the two old warriors as the bar fights started up again...
Onyx watched as the bright bolt of the blaster skimmed across the room, hitting the man. Standing up, he walked beside the young women. Eyeing the now dead patron, several of his brutish friends at the table all stood. Clad in Mandalorian armor, Onyx couldn't help but remember the old campaigns against the Mandalorians twenty years back. The battle that always stood out was the siege of Junction, the first military campaign Onyx took part in as a Sith Apprentice.

However times were different now, Onyx didn't know who was fighting who or for what reasons they were even fighting. The chaos was truly engulfing the galaxy, and he was, despite his grizzly appearance and grim outlook, pleased with it. The three friends, all human, walked over to face the the women who pulled the trigger. Onyx reached into his thin cloak and pulled out his mask. Putting it on he chuckled. "Show me, young one, that you have what it takes to survive a fight when you're out numbered," Onyx said, stepping back to watch the women.

He stood ready to fight and aid if she needed it, but only if she needed it. He wanted to see how she could handle herself.

[member="RC 212"] [member="Aurora"]
As the group approached, Aurora straightened her back, smirking as Onyx spoke.
For a second she lifted the pistol but in a heartbeat threw it to the ground. She wanted some fun out of this.

"Well, now that both sides have a fair chance..." she winked and scanned her gaze over the three, already seeing a foot twitching from one; eager to fight.
As predicted, the man lunged forward with his fists, trying to hit her head. Aurora easily swerved around the attack and kicked the man into the table, his jaw hitting the edge. No sooner did she turn around another fist flew her way. Ducking, she grabbed the arm and delivered three quick blows to their neck. As she went to throw them down, Aurora felt an arm wrap around her neck, forcing her to move her focus.
While she struggled with the man she saw the other stand with wheezy breaths, his hand grasping where she had hit them.
He managed to get a punch in, sending a wave of pain through her body.
But the sound that escaped Aurora's lips wasn't a cry of pain. It was laughter.
"Big mistake." She grinned
With the added fuel, Aurora used her pain and anger to force jump over the one who held her in a headlock, trying her best to make it seem like a flip as she kicked over the person in front and used the momentum to throw both herself and the remaining standing attacker onto the floor. As they hit the ground, she swung her elbow into their stomach, loosening their grip on her neck.
Aurora lifted her arm once more and as she pushed her elbow down into his face, pulled up and out of the headlock to stand just as the other composed themself.
Not wanting to give them any time to think she darted towards them, swinging her leg to his calf. As the man's stance buckled, she grabbed the back of his head and swung him into the same table where his friend was clutching a loose jaw.
Making sure they were all down, Aurora straightened her back once more and pushed her fringe back, flashing a grin in Onyx's direction.

[member="Darren Onyx"] [member="RC 212"]

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