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Writ of Extermination (Mandalorian Invasion of the New Order at Telos IV)


Well-Known Member
Location: Capital
Allies: Mando | [member="Luminous"]
Enemies: [member="Daichi"]

Damien also sensed the bullet as it came his way now. Yanked forward, Damien simply continued the momentum to carry himself into a flip, hearing the bullet strike the floor behind himself. Once his feet touched down, he released his hold on the Force, instead concentrating wholly on drawing it in: his opponent had issues with melee as is, it wasnt a necessity to overwhelm him with that fast of strikes. Spinning and leaping into the sky, he sought to bring a powerful heel against his opponents head.

Dropping the hilt of his saber from his left hand, he caught it under his right leg - the kicking appendage - where it ignited and he sought to decapitate his enemy.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
LOCATION: Wardroid
[member="Ordo"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

Basaba stood there while she looked at the newest member of the clan, a skilled fighter from reports by their leader but that was ranges and testing... Here and now as she checked her and the other repelled down Basaba spoke. "Now ease into it, your place on the droid is one of mutual position. Your helmet will link with him and teogther you will decide where to go, he is somewhat smart and able to handle situations, now focus and target sith forces." Basaba held the MK 1 bolter as she prepared to fight and crouched low holding herself while th massive machine walked and sent a shockwave towards advancing troopers.
[member="Melakoth Tyrin "]was not going to like what Preliat was about to do. Preliat dropped his blasters, and removed the Beskad from his back. His Beskad had a feather from a Shriek-Hawk that flipped in the wind, and Preliat swung it at the higher part of the double bladed lightsaber, right on the hilt. He was aiming to split the lightsaber into two, to make the man think on his feet and adapt to Preliat's unrelenting assault of attacks. He swung his Beskad with the speed and excellence that he always showed in combat, and aimed to simply pressure the man with a whirlwind of assaults into submission, or worse.

"You should have become a Jedi. I wouldn't have to break you so badly."
Location: Sith Garrison
Objective: Walk through the wall
Allies: Mandalorians at the Garrison [member="Aedan Miles"]
Enemies: New Order Sith -- any Sith at the Garrison

Allison continued forward, the sealed suit designed for vacuum and zombie sludge not a problem. Their bites against beskar not something she was afraid of either as the e-web fired and she continued forward slowly pressing and giving a path fo others to follow her. The garrison was in view as she came upon the wall and heard Aedan. "I am painting a target at the walls look for the smoke." Her hands went to the e-webs power pack and she crushed it as it started smoking. A thick black from the burning gas and tossed it at the section of wall a ways off to billow up. She didn't have a weapon again aside from her shoulder cannon but looking at the wall her hand came back in a fist and Allison with a thunderous smash made a dent and then a hole.
LOCATION: Air above garrsion base
ALLIES: [member="Allison Willamina"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
ENEMIES: NO CLUE not enough Sith QwQ
OBJECTIVE: Blow a hole in the wall. Than land hate AA.

Aedan Miles snarled as he saw the Anti-Air fire incoming and he quickly ordered the rest of the Squadron into terrain flying mode so they would be flying mostly below the range of the Anti-Airs fire as he flew at the same height letting the force flow through him and guide his hand as he juked and dipped around the flak and laser fire smirking as he neared the target that had been painted. "Release all bombs on it if you can I want that thing gone." The gunner quickly nodded as he set the controls appropriately and then stood by until just as they passed over the Garrison bases walls and eh hit the button the bomb doors opening as the 6 proton bombs dropped out of the Naast Missile boat and towards the wall.

As they flashed over head of the base a lucky shot connected with their engine ports and Aedan wrestled with the controls biting back a curse. "This is Werde Lead to all other ship we are going down. To all allies in the vicinity I state we are going down heading towards the north-eastern section of the base send help as soon as possible.." Halfway through the last word it ended in stack as Aedan and his gunner both ejected launched up and slightly away from the crashed missile boat. They floated down to the ground landing with a crunch as Aedan drew his pair of Ripper MK 2 pistols and looked around carefully before gesturing the man after him and jogging towards some cover. Aedan Miles was looking forward to field testing his new armor known as Werde Beskar'gam.

In space on one of the ships that still held a few drop pods the members of Aedan's clan who were awaiting his call to drop heard his call about going down and they frantically loaded into drop. Entering the coordinates for that section of the base they swiftly launched themselves from the ship and towards where the downed craft was. As their drop pods rocketed through space and then atmosphere of the 10 pods that launched only 2 were shot down by lucky flak shots 12 members of his clan their life taken the lasts 48 landed and got out taking defensive positions about 500 meters away from Aedan but a practically sea of Sith troopers between them.

The nine missile boats that Aedan had sent away landed near the Mandalorian forces and their pilots and gunners sprinted towards Allison Willamina a look of horror on their faces under their helmets. Finally one of them called out to the giant female Mandalorian who was known to be married to their Aliit'bur. "RALLY MASTER WILLAMINA! Our Aliit'bur went down on the far side of the compound.. the rest of Aliit Akaata is in there to but they are separated." They each carried an L3 River gun and a westar 34 blaster pistol one of them actually had a grenade launcher with a bandoleer of grenades around his chest two of them dragged a weapon over for Allison to use it was a Z-24 rotary blaster cannon that Aedan had bought for use with other things. Each of the men that would join her carried a replacement cell for her and they were all grim waiting to go after their leader.

Skosk Fett

[member="Aedan Miles"]

LOCATION: Drop pod near the eastern side of the garrison
Command: 48 mandalorians of Aedans clan

ALLIES: All mandalorians

ENEMIES: NO CLUE not enough Sith :3

OBJECTIVE: Rescue my vod

The forty eight remaining mandalorians dismounted out of the pod with no chaabs, immediattly blaster fire blared at the eastern portion of the enemy garrison. Skosk, then heard, one of his own allit was trapped behind this very same section they assaulted, without further due orders were given " Oya! I want twelve men with no chaabs to come with me to assault the center! The rest will divide in half to attack our left and right, move on my signal! Until then, dig in boys!" . The mandalorian left no one behind that was one of his own, fire was being taken, it seemed there Aliit'bur had trained them well, the group was dug in well behind the rubble.Barely, few were being hit, maybe five at most, various weapons where blaring back at one another, projectiles flew. The athlete would soon test out his toy, without any interruption like last time, the coward would get what was coming to her soon. This time with an ammo belt strapped around his armor, he had multiple clips for his grenade launcher, six to be exact, with an extra clip already loaded into his grenade launcher.

It was a minor production, weapon that could fire any grenade round possible, with fifteen round clips, a most suited heavy weapon for the soldier of fortune. Each of the brute's clip's were loaded with a combination of force breakers, and explosive debris grenades, a deadly combination indeed. Force breakers, were gas like grenades, that could disorient any being, but most importantly could cut force users off from the force. The brute would have the grenades alternating in the clips, with a force breaker starting out. The green tank spoke out in his comlink to Aedan to warn his friend " Beware, a force breaker is coming your way vod, I am leading your men to reinforce your position. We are currently attacking the eastern wall, find a position with cover if you are there." . Minutes went by, in order to give his friend time, ten minutes to be exact, the first round was fired into the center of the wall, a gas ball formed upon landing and his men jogged slowly, jogging in a side to side line toward the base. Blasts from the enemy, were slower, and inaccurate, while the muscle bound, commanders forces, where firing rapidly, and effectively. Skosk was in front of the formation, he would have it no other way, it was a glorious moment.
Location: Sith Garrison
Objective: Walk through the wall
Allies: Mandalorians at the Garrison [member="Aedan Miles"]
Enemies: New Order Sith -- any Sith at the Garrison

The news that Aedan had went down brought Allison's attention as she stood there and entered the garrison, her fist clenching and she spoke. That there were troopers coming with her didn't matter but she walked through the room of the garrison and punched the duracrete to make a hole for herself. Kicking one of the sith into a wall with a crunch as her crushgaunts grabbed some scaffolding and she moved towards where Aedan was. "Aedan miles if you die I will throw you into the sun." She said it more to herself while she continued to go forward and after him. There were not many of these sith coming to fight.
Location: Garrison outskirts
Objective: Win
Allies' Mando'ade
Enemies: New Order

Taking out his vibroblade sword from the neck of a Mandolorian zombie Canal began moving towards the Garrison. "To the Garrison men!" He yelled out to his troops. Running towards their new location while trying to avoid zombies. Running towards the garrison the clones encountered stormtroopers that were delaying them. "No mercy!" The commando yelled and opened fire at the troopers. Unfortunately for the stormies, they weren't wearing armor that contains phrik that Canal and his squad were wearing which gave them more protection.

After killing the hostiles that were in their way they moved on and decided to not be involved in the fight that was happening outside the garrison. "We'll advance through the right flank. Get ready for any movements and keep an eye on your HUD cause you never know what's out there," and ended by reloading his slugthrower rifle and his squad did the same with their weapons. "Let's move," and squad of force dead clones moved through out the right flank of the Garrison.

Marcus Tritum

OBJECTIVES: Kill the giant fugly
ENEMIES: [member="Rawrg"]
ALLIES: [member="Gilamar Skirata"]

"Holy crap," I muttered as I watched a big gray thing start walking my way. And he didn't look friendly. I glanced at the Mand'alor. "You see that fugly?"

My gut twisted up and I leveled my BTI-CC13 blaster carbine at the fugly. You see, I don't like monsters much. And there's not a whole lot else I enjoy more than making monsters go away. I squeezed the trigger once, feeling the recoil kick back into my shoulder as I sent a three round burst for the big boy's upper chest and neck. But when I want to gank a baddie I don't trust a few blaster bolts to do it.

Lips twitching into a grim smile underneath my helmet, I moved my finger to the secondary trigger for the underslung grenade launcher. I pulled it.


A 40mm frag grenade whooshed out straight toward the gray-skinned big guy.

Overkill is the best kill.
Location: Inside the city. The main one whose name escapes me.
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Mandos. [member="D-Man"] specifically. [member="Luminous"] as well.
Objectives: Experiment and corrupt.

Blue eyes watched the mandalorian as he continued forward to dodge the shot. He flipped, leaving himself open in the air. Daichi grinned as he watched, and lighting already raced down his arms, flying outwards for the man. But the lightning was not alone. A powerful blast went with it, tearing up the ground around them towards the air born man before he could get close.

But he was not unaware of the sniper. Shortly after the blast he moved into one of the many buildings, out of sight. No point in taking risks with that.
Location: Thani - Capital City. Three-hundred meters away from Damien.
Allies: Mando'ade - [member="Cabur Aranar"], [member=D-Man], [member="Countess Calum Teramo"], [member="Basaba Willamina"]
Enemies: Dar'jetii - [member=Daichi]
Objectives: Eliminate enemy threat.

You Can't Hide From Me . . .

The shell furiously ejected from the rear of the rifle. She quickly fell to a crouch, making sure she was not seen. She knew he had moved out of the way, but had attempted dragging a fellow in the way. She counted to five in slow breaths before snapping the barrel of the rifle back onto the window sill, tilting it downwards to gaze back onto the street below. She saw him enter the building. "Now here comes the fun," she whispered to herself through pursed lips. Not only was the anti-material rifle capable of leaving a watermelon sized hole in the chest of any creature, it could penetrate the hulling of a tank. Or the wall of a building. She reached her hand up to her helmet, flicking on the infrared scanner. Utilising the macrobinoculars to give herself a closer look. There was a wash of heat exerting itself from the wall. She always had this other sense. An animal instinct she called it. One person had told her it was force sensitivity. Whatever it was, there was a pit in her stomach that told her where to aim. She moved her crosshair to cover the location, finding the heat signature was above average. Only just. But that was enough for her. There was no hiding from this bounty hunter. She held her breath and slapped the trigger once more. The anti-material rifle resounded with the clap of thunder, and penetrated the duracrete walls like lightning as it attempted to find it's intended target.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
LOCATION: Straddling wardroid
ALLIES: MANDALORIANS [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

The girl was a natural atop the basilisk and Basaba was glad to see it while she remained in her position and the others had repelled down. OPening fire and taking a shot between the attacks from the wardroid had her motivated though while she moved making sure nothing was in the buildings around them. "Take the droid into the heart of he city now." SHe braced herself and prepared for it placing a hand on the Countesses shoulder with a small grip.

Steel Eyes

OBJECTIVES: Kill Everything
ENEMIES: [member="Dak Canton"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
ALLIES: Your Mom's Cooking

The three round burst was not surprising from the little manling. Rawrg swung his Graug war sword and intercepted one of the bolts and left a gouge in the metal blade while the other two struck the big thing sending sickly blood spreading into the air and two heavy burned patches of flesh.

The roared and rushed forward as the grenade raced for his perfectly sculpted face. (Ugly smooth skins have to taste you see.) Rawrg filled with pain and hate swung the blade again and brought it up at the frag grenade. His massive body moving at blazing speeds grabbed a nearby trooper and tossed him forward into the grenades path. The the poor trooper could do nothing as the grenade struck and expoled sending shards of hot metal though his lightly armored body. Rawrg continued to rush at the Mando line covered with the errant remains of the Newest Hero of the New Order. Trooper something or other who threw himself on a grenade. >.>

Rawrg pulled back his blade over his shoulder and with the force adding strength to his already considerable stores, threw the rusty battered blade at Dak.
LOCATION: Capital City
OBJECTIVE: Put life and Death before them that they may choose life.
ALLIES: [member="D-Man"] [member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Luminous"] [member="Cabur Aranar"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"]
ENEMIES: [member="Daichi"], The New Order

The meager troops and Sith Acolytes looked at Ordo upon his mount. His black armor standing in stark contrast to the grey and red Besu'liik. They did what Ordo had only half expected, they broke formation and ran into the buildings. It was a cowards act, a hut'uuns act, despicable. Ordo had exactly zero interest in harming civilians and it was obvious that the Sith nabrals were not of the same mind. So Ordo would give them all a chance he would give the citizens a chance to leave and the Sith and troops a chance to live.

"There has been too much violence, too much pain." Ordo said his voice amplified through his helmet, "No warriors are without sin. I am gravely disappointed. Again you have forced us to unleash the dog of war. Look at what remains of the gallant Sith! Why? Because they are greedy! The Sith grasp for Power and self satisfaction at the expense of the people. Now, why did they not evacuate you People of Telos? Why did they run into your homes to find solace from a lone Mandalorian? Why do they even now cower and hide when we come to wrest you from their wicked grasp?" He paused and turned to ride back up the street, "Now Sith Look around you. This is the Valley of your Death. See! Nothing can escape the grasp of the Mando'ade!"

"But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give us the City , the country, the Continent, and the whole planet, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away. I will give you safe passage off this world. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror, to the blood shed. Now I am only making this offer once. You can leave and make this easy, or, you can stay and I will teach you why you should have made things easy. Sith, this is your only chance. People of Telos, encourage them to leave and we will give you back your home. Today I have come to put life and Death before you all, that you may choose life. I await your answer. You have one hour to decide."

Ordo put his axe into its clamp and sat upon the besu'liik as he marched it toward the capital building.
Daichi had a frown on his face now. No, he heard it. [member="Ordo"] speaking to the whole of the place. He left [member="D-Man"] and [member="Luminous"] quiet suddenly, his form bursting away as the sniper piled rounds into the building. His mouth was shut tight in a grimace as he ran, his heart beating in his chest. Snipers, how he hated them. But he ran for the Mando who spoke, determined. He was no fool after all. It was not the Sith who did this, but the Emperor. The one who left his people. He moved to the capital building then, his hands up in a form of surrender.

"Wise words from a culture built on war."
LOCATION: Outside of the Capital Building
ENEMIES: The New Order
ALLIES: Mando'ade

Ordo looked at the man ( [member="Daichi"] ) as he came out to surrender. Ordo was glade for it the civilians had no need to suffer and even the Sith's Emperor had left them to fend for themselves.

"We are Warriors, not murders." Ordo said calmly. He didn't mock or have disdain in his voice as he continued, "If you have transport off world I suggest you go to it. If not you can wait to be transported when this battle is finished. Once again the choice is yours."

Ordo continued to wait as his HUD counted down the Minutes remaining.

"Yes, I do. But I have one thing to ask in return. It was not my choice, or any of my brethren's choice to attack the Mandalorians. It was our Emperor. The one who left us. On this day we will give you this planet if only for the safety of our people, and ourselves. Do not continue to press the attack, that is all I ask. I must begin to fix the errors of my predecessor."

The man kept his form still, his hands down by his sides. He spoke the truth. Of course, he needed the safety of the people for his own desires, but they would be safe.

"Tell your mandalore no more. If we become a threat to you, come. But we are not. Allow us to reclaim our own honor."
[member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
Ember's Flaship - Parjai - Damage Control Bay

Anija tore her gaze away from Ordo's vid feed, her eyes wide in in surprise. Just then, her comm went off, and she directed her gaze to read the comm message that scrolled across her HUD. Shield generators under stress. Her lips thinned slightly, and she pushed out of her chair, reaching back to grab her toolkit and then making sure the seal on her helmet was solid. With that done, She moved quickly from the room, and towards the nearest corridor. The lift seemed to take forever as it moved up two decks, but it finally jerked to a stop.

When it did, she rushed out of the barely open doors and darted down the corridor. She could feel the weapons fire from the Sith forces rocking the Parjai almost continuously. She stumbled under a particularly heavy barrage, dropping to a knee. When it passed, she grabber her tool kit from the decksole and continued. it took her only a couple minutes to reach the main shield control bay. Slipping inside, she quickly moved off towards a secondary console and logged in. A couple seconds passed, and status indicators flashed up on her HUD. Biting her lower lip in concentration, Anija began to carefully bring the shield stress down. She had to reroute power from some minor systems, but right now, the shields, inertial compensators, and life support were paramount, as were weapons.

She relaxed only slightly as she watched the stress levels drop. They still had the fleet to contend with. Again, she fiddled with the holoprojector that was mounted in the console. Biting her lower lip in concentration, she tweaked the parameters a bit. Now, it would display a holo of the surrounding space. Small green blips denoted the elements of their wall of battle, while red ones designated the Sith fleet. Pinpricks of light raced back and forth between the two formations as they exchanged fire. Next to this holo, a second sprang to life. This one was a scaled down version of the Parjai, with stressed areas showing up yellow, and damaged areas flashing red. As she watched, the yellow bubble around the Parjai faded slightly, but didn't completely disappear.


Well-Known Member
Location: Capital
Enemies: Everyone
(Already talked to Ordo about this, then it came to my attention by Jon that I shouldnt have bound a Cannon spirit to myself. This is the post thats going to solidify that, as well as make Damien aware he has to release it.)

Damien saw the man move, and erupted into an attack, not realizing he meant to surrender. Damien tugged on the full power of Ergast, and his 3 friends, while utilizing that which he had slowly gained. Suppress Thought was an ability he had long heard of, studying exponentially in the hopes it would help his Mind Control, and now it came into play.

Exploding outward, the super charged essence of Damien wormed its way into the minds of all within a few hundred feet. Slithering like a snake, while doing his utmost to be swift, he sought to capture them all and bend them to his will. But this time it wasnt just a High Knight that specialized in this sort of thing, rather 4 beings working in unison - the 5th fighting it and therefore providing the most energies - that sought to dominate.

As his powers continued to drill against all sentient minds, he heard [member="Daichi"] surrendor, yet never ceased. It didnt mean a thing to him anymore. It was to late to stop his power now, he was already in the minds of those above the battlefield, cowering in fear. At first just the Sith were under attack, but then, against his own will, the Dark Side encouraged him further - until his power was now seeking all forms of intelligent thought. His Mando brethren included.

Energy roared about him, crackling in the air, as if full of static electricity, while he now attempted to rain in his own power. But it was to late. The Darkness had its hold on a devastating warrior.

The only being nearby that would have a chance at knowing he didnt do this intentionally was Master [member="Ordo"], the man he worked beside, the one man in the Mando that believed him when he said his loyalty lay with his new family.

Hopefully the man would trust he didnt do this on purpose.

[member="Luminous"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] (anyone else in the city limits)

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Location: Outside Sith Garrison
Enemies: Any New Order resistance, [member="Rawrg"]
Allies: The Mando'ade, [member="Dak Canton"]
Objective: Wipe out the Sith in the Garrison

Stepping forward the Mand'alor grunted in acknowledgment. His black Beskar'gam accented with the grey of dust and debris. "Acquiring target sir." The targeting system in his bucket spun as it attempted to lock on to the moving target, several beeps and the reticle shifting form green to red indicated that if the Graug continued to move in their direction the way it was, it was soon to end up in a few hundred pieces. Gizmos whirred as his back-mounted Chai La cannon moved into place and began to charge. "Ready to fire." The message displayed in the top right corner of his HUD.

Beneath the helm his eyebrow arched and a wicked smirk inched its way across his battle tanned face. The kick was something he didn't think he would ever get used to, the sound of the shot even slipped through his sound dampeners in his helmet, a dull boom as the blaster fire began, spitting out blaster bolts towards his enemy. It was a quick burst, firing dozens of bolts in a few seconds, but the blaster had to recharge after each trigger pull, and that was its one. The cannon hissed, releasing the heat from the back where the weapon's power pack was located. Gizmos whirred as the cannon moved back into place.

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