Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wrong Place

Qhorin Solas

Cronos had never witnessed such a transformation before. It was vile to watch. Solan looked like nothing so much as a fleshless wraith, all bones and black robes. Was this his true form, or some sort of technique?

Solan had been revealed as a friend of the Jedi, but Cronos was still beginning to regret not killing him. This was... it just wasn't right.

Honor stayed his hand. And trust in his fellow Jedi. They who were such paragons of light. If they named themselves friend to this creature, then Cronos would fight beside him. No sooner had he made up his mind than a dozen or so gangsters sprinted through the adjacent alley, fleeing a group of speeders in pursuit.

There was an explosion than sent sand blasting past his head. Fire licked at building walls. A keening wail escaped the billowing smoke, and then blaster fire. Automatic and numerous, volleys punctuated by the loud crack of slugthrowers. An inferno seperated the survivors, with more approaching from nearly every direction. Dozens of them.

Cronos gestured and sent the various debri spirailing through the air to strike the men in the adjacent alley, even as he moved to engage a group of six approaching from the south. By his understanding, there were four groups at war.

It was time to end them. Humanely.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Cronos Aegir"]

Solan was less careful about how he struck and while Cronos chose the debris Solan picked a different weapon. The inferno from the buildings around him began to grow but instead of continuing the destruction of any structures he focused the generation of force energy he had build up and began to weave the tongues of the flames towards him. He held the flames captive with Fire shaping and fueled them with Pyrokinesis, the combination of the two deadly as his first target came from the alley and stared as Solan for a few seconds too many. Before he could even raise the weapon a portion of the flames shot from him and to the chest of the soldier, causing him to scream in horror and drop to the ground.

He was vile, he was a monster, he had admitted it long ago and against his wanting his mind perceived what he was doing as correct. It told him to continue and so his hands tightened and the flames around him became blue as they put off more heat. HE breathed in and turned the alley, still a creature that looked like it was dead as the men there stared. The flames crawled away from him, moving over the walls and ground and getting closer until the flames came down on the men like a wave and started to burn them all to ash. Solan did not smile, he could not, not at what he was doing but it was right? They were gang members, scum that would take the lives of others to feed their own needs. That was not right and an eye for an eye demanded their death... or so his mind told him.

It reminded him that there was no hesitation. Hesitation caused the deaths of those on Makeb, hesitation caused the deaths of those around him. His own hesitation in the past caused those of others to lose their lives in battle. There would no longer be hesitation or so his mind wanted him to think. And so he drained their horror, their anger, their pain, their fear. All of it joined in the symphony of emotions that was tearing away at who Solan was as he fought, his eyes shutting even though the Illusion was but an eyeless skull. His body and his powers were acting on their own, and the gangs were its target. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't.

Qhorin Solas

[member="Solan Charr"] was terrible to behold. His control of fire was masterful, his use of it merciless. He reminded Cronos of a darker time, when the knight had relied most heavily upon the dark side to vanquish his foes. But this... this was worse, in a way. He had always ended his enemies quickly, sometimes painlessly.

Solan had no such compunctions.

Cronos made short work of the men, flitting from one to the other as quick as a blink, trading power for speed. His blade arced out, lopped off an arm, curved around and took off a leg, thrust out and pierced a stomach. A omnidirectional force push sent the men tumbling. He pulled them back towards him one by one, quicker than they could react, incapacitating them as they came with swift, crushing blows to the head.

And he watched Solan. Watched him use the misery he inflicted as more fuel for his power. It was too much.

"Solan! That's enough!"
[member="Cronos Aegir"]

Solan was still absorbed at first at what he had been feeling. It was so much that his mind continued on its path. He smiled, he didn't want to, but he did. IT confused him, it controlled him, he was held in it and he stared as his hands grasped tighter on the power as he couldn't stop himself. IT all was right, but it wasn't. Then a voice sounded, it was fuzzy, barely there as it spoke to the man that hd become absorbed. 'Solan.' Whose name was that. The minds in his own competed for the chief control but Solan shoved them down. Slowly the fires in his control died out, his eyes and features returned to their corrupted for rather than the illusion of a healthy solan or worse of the truly lost Solan. His head turned to stare at Cronos as the real him came out.

He was pale, still very pale. That much had been him without any illusions but he collapsed the moment he had his control back. His body fell to its knees and he let out a breath that seemed to have been held for ages. His amber eyes, while still the same color as before dulled. And while he was obviously corrupted he looked more like he was sick rather than tainted to such a degree as he had been before. His eyes came up and he stared at the Jedi as he swallowed then at the men he had burned to ash. His eyes starting to change with the understanding. He had killed without mercy again... no not even without mercy. They had died slowly. He had no words as he sat there on his knees.

Qhorin Solas

Whatever gangsters remained fled. Word would spread of what had happened here, of the destruction wrought. Already, the ripples of their actions were reaching other pockets of violence, as fights around the city slowly came to an end. Men gathered, still, and emotions still ran high, only now it was fear he felt permeating the air, instead of anger.

Cronos allowed Solan time to gather himself before approaching to kneel beside his one time foe.

"You have been too long staring into the abyss. I fear for your soul, Solan, if you continue on as you have." The dark side was treacherous, and Solan was mired in it. How long until he fell completely? Until the abyss swallowed him whole?

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Cronos Aegir"]

"A moment of weakness, that was all. You need not worry..." He tugged at the Viola coat so that it closed around him as he smiled a bit and looked back as the ashes before the smile vanished. "Plus, i was in the Netherworld once, it and live it every day. You need not worry for something that no longer exists Cronos. Lets get those men to the authorities or what ever passes for such on this planet..." He looked over to the ones tht the Jedi had knocked out. He didn't want to talk about the experience of what just happened with this man, he had no reason to. He was simply happy Cronos had chosen not to kill him even if he was a friend to the Jedi.

Qhorin Solas

"I am the proper authorities. Tatooine's policing force are just gangsters with badges." He was quiet for a moment, contemplating. Finally, he said, "There is a prison asteroid not too far from here, in the mid rim. I will take them there." The ones that are still alive, he thought. "Do you need medical assistance? That... transformation seemed to take a lot out of you."

He gathered up the incapacitated gangsters. In all, there were about sixteen of them, with a few missing limbs and almost all of them suffering from concussions. He zip-tied the lot of them, wrists, ankle, and a mix of both, then pressed a button on a device hidden in his best to summon his ship.

"What was that transformation? I've never seen anything life that before." In the black, star lit horizon, Cronos could just make out his ship approaching.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Cronos Aegir"]

"Part illusion part real. The change of my eyes and paling of my skin are side effects of my use in the darkside but the whole Skeletal thing was all illusions. It was the shadows and the fire that drained me, those shadows are something i picked up from a colleague. Hes quite famous for them and i replicated the process to create solid shadows to which as he put it, no light can escape. I use them for stealth and to completely the reaper illusion in order to further cause fear and panic in my enemies, allowing me to feed off that and use it. What came with the flames, that is something of my own creation. You mix a bit of Pyrokinesis, Fire Shaping and at times even Combustion, and you could manipulate fire in any way you so choose as long as you have the power and don't burn yourself doing it... the latter was a problem for me in the beginning... Don't worry, im fine, just need a rest. Sorry to make it lok like i was a monster, to tell the truth i am just not the kind that would see the Jedi Order gone."

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