Jin Jedi

FACTION: Jin Empire/Order of The Silver Jedi
RANK: Diplomat/Master/Chef
- Student: [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
- Student: Akari Yumi
- Mother: Natsuo Yeoh
- Father:
- Biological Father: Emperor Mei
- Half-Sister: Zheng Mei
- Sister:
- Uncle:
- Aunt:
- Cousin:
- Daughter: Yayao Yeoh-Mei
AGE: 28
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4'2 average height for the Jin as a species. Wu is on the slightly smaller scale compared to some but given her multi racial genetics within the Jin society she could be worse off.
WEIGHT: 84 Pounds
EYES: Black with small flecks of green and gold. As she has improved with the power of the force her eyes have gotten a blue tinge as she uses the force for longer more sustained periods of time.
HAIR: Black hair down to mid ankle with scented oils, thick and dark straight hair. The tips have small highlights of purples, reds, blues and green for flavor. Her bangs are used to obscure her eyes.
SKIN: Pale and a lightly golden tan, the small hairs have been electrocized to make her smooth with oil and carries the light scent of jasmine and vanilla.
Strength: A talented chef within the Jin society with a history of work and her own long family line of cooks and palace servants. Wu has learned of her family and secret heritage among the royal family and the jedi. While not acknowledged by one side she was welcomed and learned her own skills with the force becoming a liaison among the SIlver Jedi to the Jin themselves. She commonly meets on Atrisia and Tiantang for helping out her people.
Weakness: Being a Jin she is naturally shorter then most species in the galaxy even by human standards. Her skills in the force compensate for some but she is physically weaker in muscle tone. Her center of gravity and stature with chronic back aches that she handles through recovery force techniques. Her connection to the force is vital to herself as she is almost always in a chronic pain without it and coming from a lesser gravity world some fo the high gravity planets tire her out faster.
PERSONALITY: Calm and collected, she is a chef first with attention to detail, self motivations and above all an excellent palate for food. Usually wanting to understand a culture not by their people or their artwork but by the spices, the flavors they have in their meals. The preparation of it, the ways they handle food safety and store it. That can tell her alot. With her padawans she is admittedly sort of lame not knowing everything but she knows what should be the right thing to do... she just isn't always certain how best to get there. She has often focused on a small selection tied to Sukai and Akari instead of branching out and taking on as many as she can. Teaching classes though to some of the others and letting them get to know her skills with the force is easier as she mastered battle meditation and art of the small to aid her weaker saber techniques and skills. With friends and she often considers most of the jedi and others she meets friends she is nice offering food and tea regularly or listening to them. She values meeting the different people of the galaxy.
Lightly tanned skin from working out with with long ankle length black hair and large black eyes. Short stature and lightweight from being underfed but not sickly with a farming outfit on usually. As she has changed and gotten a little more confident in her position being a ships cook but then a diplomat given her status as serving in the meetings. Her outfits have changed to reflect small changes to the dresses themselves. From regal looking outfits to training garb as she works with the Silver Jedi wearing their master robes.

Born and raised in a small farming village on Tiantang, Wu spend most of her time working with her family. Spending most of the time when they were in the field getting covered in mud. Food her families primary source for credits and income. Wu eventually saving with her family to go and start learning how to be a cool to try and earn some more credits. Her pursuit f working in a food market led her to the main city as she got to work on some of the larger things being a fresh faced up and comer who could be molded for the different things.
Living on the world was a different experience then what many of the others would think, changing herself to work and get better at making the credits they needed. Wu was looking for the ways she could survive while trying to figure out the best ways to go after what she wanted. Living, surviving those were more important at the time then just being somewhat selfish so she worked in some of the different houses learning about her mother and how she might have been with a different person when she was younger then her father.
Without a formal education and more having been taught by family and instinct some of the things. She was good enough to be part of a brigade and signed up when a chance to join the crew of a ship. More credits for the expedition could be sent to her family and there was a chance she could bring them honor if it succeeded. Joining the crew of cooks to prepare food for princess [member="Zheng-Mei"] in her ship. They were heading into the unknown of the galaxy as the cook stood off there on the ship preparing what food could be made from the trip rations with spices.
Over time with the work that was going into the diplomatic meetings here then there was a lot of other interests coming to them. The Jin Empire was receiving a chance here to really work with others in the galaxy. The Republic had been destroyed by the constant attacks, chipping away at it until there was nothing left leaving only the Order of The Silver Jedi and their diplomats who had been happy to meet with the Jin Empire. Wu was given a chance to show her skills among them when she presented food from their home world.
Giving them food as Wu worked to learn everything she could from the jedi and the Jin Empire. Her proximity to the princess and with a number of others so that she would be able to see. Wu learned more about her mother when she was younger living in the city, living in the palace and that there was a time of the woman's life that was undocumented and unclear about what was going on. She couldn't find much more infomration but she had returned to her home village and gotten married quickly before Wu was born. Wu was uncertain about many of the things that were there but she learned a lot.

Her family had always had secrets but working alongside the princess and in the palace she was finding information about her mother, she was finding proof that her mother had been doing a number of things that she likely shouldn't have as a palace servant trying to get herself a better life and then she had been sent away. Her shame so great she had to go back to her village and marry a poor man. She had been forced to settle down and had to raise a family she disliked or wanting to not have. The princess was becoming disenchanted and more reclusive of late.
Which allowed Wu to make a more diplomatic role as the cook and meet with others, presenting them with food, with drink and with the silver jedi she was coming to understanding something few others could in different ways. The force as they explained it while teaching her broken basic that she would be able to follow up with. She learned a few more things about her family as the dangers of the royal family seemed to stain her and the DNA results showed she had many of the DNA from Zheng's father. It made something dangerous implication wise as the princess was important.
Wu was not trying to use it or the history, her mother was not as important and she had tried to break up the family here. Where she was unable to see it so that the jedi were willing to prevent problems take Wu as a cultural exchange and learn from while teaching her. There was a small chance that Wu would be able to better improve in some of the things that they would be doing. Wu went to the main temple on Voss, meeting the locals and impressed wih them as she shared the Jin language with the computers to better communicate with the jedi themselves.
Wu was looking at it and working with many of them there for a time. Allowing Wu to be taken by one of the jedi knights, a new one but she had been trained she had been taught yes so she would know what it was that needed to be done. [member="Arisa Yune"] was someone she had not been expecting as the Jin cousin looked similar albeit a little taller compared to them in many wys. A risk that could be coming from them though before she was meeting with her to train. Arisa used a program to have the Jin language so she could speak it and stop the broken basic from being spoken.
Meeting with her and having a look from Arisa that eased her itno a more comfortable position in the jedi order itself. They might be able to make this work as there was more thoughts going into the young woman's mind. She was uncertain about what might happen or what she might learn if Zheng returned to the galaxy and wanted to continue the Jin's diplomatic relations with the Silver jedi themselves. Wu would have to work on more of it though and training with Arisa Yune would prove invaluable to her in learning what the force energies themselves would be within the order.

Wu was spending her time training with her master, getting a streak of looks so that the short Jin could see and learning all that she could from the jedi in the archives. Taking a chance to see where she might be able to see about the Jin and give some better interactions. With Wu learning how that she might be able to better improve her skills and her life. She didn't know what to do with the revelation of her parents but she couldn't tell her father and break his heart. He was a kind man who cared for his children so she stayed prepared for anything.
Her training under Arisa when her master did deem to physically teach her was demanding but also helpful. She learned about galactic history, sciences and how to apply it to her force skills and techniques. She learned how odd she was for being a Jin as her ability to reflect was constantly tested with mixed and often fits of giggling from her master. Or seeing how much more impressive she was compared to some of the others within the order.
Wu was getting a chance to explore the idea of herself being part of the royal family as a small risk, if Zheng wasn't going to be around there could end up being a small chance she could step in and provde a better chance for all of them to really start having the Jin empire joining and helping out the Silver Jedi. To improve many of the large ideas and better concepts. A smirk on her face until they prepared a few areas of the temple letting her go off to explore many more aspects wiht the jedi and the atrisian's or the Seoulians.
Wu has continued to become stronger with her confidence and powers in the force she has developed a more specialized blend of techniques that aid in her development as a dancer and more acrobatic force users while still maintaining the basics and understanding. Force kick's that her powerful legs can use while she is moving using Convection to increase the heat of her body and make it so others cannot grab onto her. A rounded force user practicing Art of the Small to understand the smallest parts of the force and life both to conceal herself in the force to a degree who others can detect her as well as heal others who are hurt with enough time.
The jedi's training was something like a sponge as she tried to learn as much as she could instead of just being a basic jedi have an array of skills that would be accredited to her master Ayumi. The zeltron one of the more successful teachers who had managed to train her in the different force aspects of being a jedi and she was able to learn what kind of jedi she would be. Wu was wanting to see where they would be able to better situate herself or learn from jedi kngihts like Wu.
Wu's skills with the force evolving so that she would better be able to expanding her own body skills and senses based powers. With skills such as Telekinesis, Waveform a more advanced and powered version Force sense in its many different flavors that would allow her senses to become far better. Notably one of her largest areas of expertise with skills like Farsight, Fighting-sight, Sense Force, Sense Path, Magnify Senses, Force vision, Truth-sense, Life Sense, Shift Sense, Force sight and Precognition.
While her skills eventually carry over to one of the strongest versions for sensing and seeing into the future Shatterpoint. All as pools of jedi Telepathy with protection for herself with Thought shield. Compared to many of them her skills with the force itself here, where she was working on many more things. Allowing herself to delve deeper itno the force itself where she understood and got to work on altering the world through telepathy and Alter Environment so she could fly and glide better.
Her skills in telepathy are an improtant part of the jedi and what she is over all about to do. Skills such as Field Detection, that was essential and Life Detection techniques that go along with more of her skills. Animal telepathy that is able to work and help her with some of the creatures as well as the most important Receptive Telepathy and Projective Telepathy allowing her to be rounded out same with Technometry skills that lead to stronger instances of using the force itself so that the jedi knight can help out the order.
While Wu focused her works to become stronger she also knew the value of a rounded style in combat and with some of her interest. Training with the sages and lorekeepers of the Silver jedi order like Bellalika was an important as she started to learn the basics of Battle meditation that would come in handy. Seeing much of the jedi master Thon in herself as he was a jedi master with some real talents but oversaw an important force canyon on the world of Ambria. His skills something she was looking to emulate.
Her mental capabilities leading so that she is able to Remain Conscious and exert in a conflict while training great Force of Will that would learn to protect her. With a stronger chance to build upon herself and her lessons among the jedi. Wu started training using the lessons she taught her different padawans that were learning the same techniques she was practicing for herself. Entering a state of Battlemind as a Force form that was focused and channeled the greater skills of the force.
Force Body being something that makes her stronger and better able to Revitalize herself with skills to learn meditations such as Emptiness, the Floating Meditation, Serenity trance and there is some works with learning how to Comprehend Speech of others for language skills. While working on her skills with flight the jedi pony was able to develop an affinity towards the Voss healing ritual technique. Something she could use with her skills while she was working on many more things with her master and a few of the others.
Wu continued her force techniques and training working to understand the saber skills but she wasn't much of a fighter and the saber gauntlets she used were a danger. Not made for the traditional saber forms so she went with more exotic stances. Her skill with esoteric stances and techniques making sure she knew force skills such as Adiabatic shield, Cleanse, Reduce Injury, Resist Stun, Enhance Attribute, Control Pain, Shielding technique, Breath control, Tapas, Concentration, Cleanse Mind, Accelerate Healing, Force harmony, Force Sustenance, Force barrier, Protection bubble and the pair of skills to properly resist with the force. Force resistance and Energy resistance respectively.
Wu continued to train learning a number of new and different techniques to better understand what could be done. Techniques like Insight and Force strength to empower herself. Skills like Hyper tunnel and how to infuse Stonepower for her padawans to let them feel stronger when they were connected with her. She got better in her skills with a lightsaber as well focusing on combat techniques that let her use her smaller size and speed with heavy defensive skills such as soresu and djem so.
The more she trained her skills, the more she was working on what they would be able to find as a risk. The jedi master trials something she was able to test and train herself in when she was going over the information here. Morichro was a skill she was looking at, something that a jedi could practice and use. Her skills improving as she was working to understand more and more about the force. They had been improving many of the different places that the jedi had done.
With her training in the force attracting attention it gave Wu a chance to work with other jedi and learn how to Inspire with the force so that her skills in the lightside of the force and her skills in the techniques that the jedi are able to use were far better. Basic lightside skills such as Force healing and Force Stun served a greater purpose as she learned to use them on other things. Like Ionize for droids and disabling them ot Tutaminis for general dangers and to give her more force energy to produce techniques like Electric Judgment and Force Shockwave.
Her skills at Force generation developing with the training under the force masters to use Force Light attaining Force Enlightenment within the lightside of the force. She looked to learn a number of other skills that they could use with a look on their face here. So that they would be able to better use and set up, skills like Sand levitation and Sound mimicry as a series of skills that she could use with the skills that she has. Wu working with many others and her master to learn about the force techniques.
With her continued training and skills, Wu found herself going on the path. Practicing the skills that with the likes of Lily and Joza made her into a talented and skilled jedi. The Art of Movement that allowed her to move and us Force Jump, Force reflex, Force Dash and Force speed to generate power and Inertia to build up her own levels of strength and power. Under the proper conditions Wu's body is flexible and able to Contort from most bindings and situations even though she is built fairly average.
Her skills letting her understand and with art of movement and floating telekinesis she can fly as she trained as well as use the energy built up to create Force Bursts to push others back. She worked with a few other jedi's that she would be able to set up for herself.... wanting to learn other less known lightside skills such as Force blinding and Malacia which as far as skills with the lightside of the force gives her a better skillset. Force valor is something that she can use with the others to protect herself.
Wu herself has spent much of her time now becoming a master and learning what that means to both herself and the others around her. Not one to shy away from being responsible she took on the padawan Sukai Yumi a half Jin, half atrisian jedi who had joined the order with her brother who partially looked like her sister. The two of them twins and able to pass with a little work on his part as each other. He was paired with the jedi master Junko a skilled Atrisian jedi master.
Meanwhile in their first outing her and Sukai discovered a jedi temple that was part of the Altisian jedi order, hidden jedi who valued family and promoted understanding of the force itself. They journeyed through their fortress temple from the snow capped mountains deeper down into the geothermal pockets that would allow them to easily live for a few thousand years in secret with a mixture of environmental temperatures for growing different crops and raising livestock.
Her own experiences she recalled with her master [member="Arisa Yune"] brought her attention around to well what she could improve upon.. while she might compare the jedi master to others and realize that she hadn't been trained well it had given her a perspective rarely seen. She didn't idolize the jedi... she didn't blidnly follow and do everything and that made it easy to when he heard the latest batch of what the jedi were doing wrong or why they were evil to not feel devastated that she learned a one sided view.
Instead she sought to teach an understanding of it all and with her training aids a marshmallow gun, book of ancient force techniques the Altisian jedi created and could use to teach their students the jedi master herself began training them. Pairing with Sukai whom she taught into knighthood and continued to do so. Teaching and working with her mother Kurenai Yumi after the sith and mandalorian empire's attack on Kashyyk to stop some of the dangerous predators that had been unleashed.
That pairing brought her into a set of ancient ruins where the jedi had locked away with internal defenses and the defenses of Kashyyyk the glove of darth vader. The kazaroth sphere already taken by Sukai as she was balanced in the force and a powerful agent of the grey side. The glove was the opposite a powerful force of darkness and without proper materials to contain it she was uncertain where or what it would do... but Kurenai could try to protect it and find a new place for it away from the students.
THe pair went on a couple missions after that working together undercover. Wu's natural grace and ability to look unimposing even as she had been told alluring if she stood and spoke a certain way helped her blend in with any number of slaves and servants while Kurenai could move around using her weapons and reputation as a means to open up doors at parties. THey would take down different crime bosses as needed and protect the people of the galaxy from the hutts and other criminal ilk.
Wu has worked with and brought herself where she could, training Sukai herself was a nice thing. She spent a week and a half with Kurenai and her husband discussing the work she was doing and what they ight be able to do. She finally got a chance to meet Akari herself. The two of them ate some food and were starting to get along. With Wu being able to see how excitable the little girl was and being able to really see how much it made her friend Kurenai happy for Akari to not be like her other children and partially insane.
The time though was also special, Wu learned she was with child and while she was training Akari she kept it mostly a secret from others. Eventually it might have been known to those who could pay attention and notice b ut she gave birth to Yayao a little girl around the same time that Kurenai was giving birth to her newest son. She went to go and see developing her Hua Blade along the way as a means to protect her newest member of the family... also getting a nanny droid but also her padawan and her family.