Xena Amonali
Battle Medic
Being updated
Xena Salus Amonali

Basic Details
NAME: Xena Salus Amonali
SPECIES: Firrerreo (Altered)
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 156cm (5'2")
WEIGHT: 50.3 kg (111lbs)
EYES: Golden yellow/amber
HAIR: Black (Dyed)
SKIN: Pale with a gold tinge in the light
Psychological Profile
Xena was an oddball psychologically. She was often quick to anger which was usually shown in advance by the changing hue of her skin. Beyond that she is a kind individual who treats every living being with respect. A very protective individual, Xena would often throw herself in harms way to protect someone else. This causes conflicts within her if someone she tries to protect gets injured, she takes it as a personal failure. Beyond that she shows a level of focus and determination to better herself that rivals that of a trained martial artist. She is completely ravenous for knowledge, though she understands what to go for, and what not to go for. Xena is very curious about everything around her and may abuse the force to sate her curiosity at times.
Someone looking at her mind could describe it as a mosaic, with shards of it being carefully held in place by the barriers around it. Each shard of the mosaic is like a barrier of its own, protecting the deeper parts of her mind from outside harm. The torture she received over the years has turned her into a very interesting person mentally. She could be described as a bi-polar individual, with her being happy and calm one moment, to cold and calculating the next. People who are close to her describe her as a childish individual, one that is caring, loving, and innocent. It is this second "persona" that she keeps hidden with the mosaic of her normal mind.
+ Very strong mental barriers
+ Compassionate and Caring
+ Mentally Resilient
+ Clever
- Phobia of Droids
- Decently quick to anger
- Prone to emotional outbursts
- Impulsive
- A bit too curious for her own good
Physical Profile
Xena's form is best described as compact. Her short stature combined with her thin frame makes her look a lot younger and considerably more innocent then she was. Her body was lithe and lean, with her having only a bit of curvyness around her hips; though that was negligible. Long locks of black dyed hair sat on top of her head, going down towards the centre of her back. Her hair and freckles caused her large golden amber eyes to pop out a lot more. Her face was one of the few soft things with her body with gentle curves to it. Her lips hid a set of enlarged canine teeth which were perfect for a carnivorous diet. Beyond all of that her body was mostly plain, perfectly hiding the scars of years of torture that had ripped her body and mind apart. Due to experiments performed on her during her younger years she has abnormally strong regeneration, to the point of being able to regenerate from anything that doesn't heavily injure her heart, or injure her brain. She can even regenerate her limbs though it does take a while to do so.
+ Abnormally strong regeneration
+ Extremely strong resistance to Alcohol, Poisons, Venoms, Sedatives, Infection and other foreign bodies
+ Very high pain tolerance
+ Deceptive Strength
+ Physically Resilient to Trauma
+ Very Good hearing
+ Very Agile
- Can be exhausted extremely quickly if she is forced to regenerate during battle
- High pain tolerance causes reckless behavior
- Bones are a bit more fragile
- Severely allergic to Bacta
Inventory, Weapons and Force Powers
- Basic Civilian Clothes
- Combat robes
- Fully stocked large field medic backpack (Worn to battles and randomly around the temple to get used to it)
- 3 Sterile Syringes
- 2 Packs of Bonemer
- 5 Small vials of bacta spray
- 3 Medium packets of bacta salve
- 5 Medium size Bacta patches
- 2 Medium Kolto packets
- 5 Antiseptic cleaning pads
- 2 Cans of Plasto-Cast
- 1 Medium Shock cloth
- 1 Small Field AED (Artificial External Defibrillator)
- 3 Medium rolls of gauze bandage
- 10 Bandage pins
- 2 Rolls of medical tape
- 1 Small medical torch (for cauterising wounds)
- 1 Small handheld Bio-scanner
- 2 A99 Aquata Breathers
- 1 Pair of medical scissors
- 1 Pair of tweezers
- 2 Scalpels
- 1 Stitching needle
- 1 Roll of stitching thread
- 1 Oxygen mask + Small medi-air tank
- 2 Small vials of Tranqarest
- 3 Small autoinjectors of Benzodi
- 2 Small vials of Somatoll
- 3 Perigen patches
- 2 Smal vials of Nyex
- 2 Medium tubes of Burn salve
- 3 Medium tubes of Glue Stat
- 1 Small box of Small-Medium gloves
- 3 Bacta grenades
- Leather Satchel (Normally worn when not carrying field medic bag)
- Food (Sandwiches and natural energy bars)
- A metal canteen of water
- Personal Datapad
- Travel blanket
- Old book on the Force; Theories and Techniques
- A single ultraviolet Glowrod
- Linked Subcutaneous Comlink (Implanted during her time on the ISV Tenebrum)
- Linked Hush-98 comlink (Used almost solely to change where the subcutaneous comlink transmits to)
- Small medical allergy bracelet made of an unknown metal
Damascus Durasteel Dagger- Comes with a decorated sheath that can fit snugly in the sleeves of her robes
- Was gifted to her by an old mentor with the instructions of using it to protect herself
- Edge is razor sharp having been carefully honed
- The metal handle is wrapped in a small layer of leather cording for grip
- DC-15s Blaster Pistol
- Comes equipped with the stun feature
- Was stolen from the Tenebrum
Force Powers
Weak {|■■■■■■■■■■|} Strong- Core Force Powers {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Control/Healing
- Tutaminis {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Altus Sopor {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Curato Salva {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Heal {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Detoxify Poison {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Barrier {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Harmony {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Control Pain {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Body {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Sense (Primary)
- Tactus Otium {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Sight {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Theran-Force Listening {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Smell {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Telepathy {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Precognition {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Shadow Vision {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Alter
- Animal Friendship {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Plant Surge {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Stasis {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Stun {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Force Breach {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
- Cloak of Shadows {|■■■■■■■■■■|}
Xena’s family is from the elusive Firrerreo species. Her mother, Antari Der Curian, and father, Durell Amonali, were both traders on Kashyyyk. They wished for their children to have a peaceful life, at least as peaceful of a life as they could when on Kashyyyk. Durell and Antari abandoned the old ways of their people, preferring to go under the guise that they were humans; everything was safer for them that way. Together the two Firrerreo had three children, with Xena being the oldest among them. Her other two siblings were twins, one male and one female, by the names of Tyreal and Zinthia. Beyond them she had no other family besides some of the Wookiees that her parents had made friends with.Xena’s parents were from two strong clans among the firrerreo people. They were well respected for their combat prowess, their abnormally powerful regeneration capabilities and their highly abnormal bartering skills. Xena’s grandparents and other relatives have stayed among their individual clans, not leaving the planets that they decided to settle on. Her parents however decided to move off planet, they didn’t like the isolation of their clans and wished to have a more normal life. The two moved to the planet of Kashyyyk and set up a trading shop in one of the spaceport villages. Needless to say they grew really popular since they were able to bring in a lot of income for the village with their off-world ties. Her family decided to go under the guise of being humans since being a firrerreo at the time was still very risky. The species was rare and ripe for the slaver market. They continued to live there, earning the right to be honorary members of the wookiee clan that lead the village.Growing up on Kashyyyk… I have very few memories of it. I was so young when they took me… But what I do remember of it… well it was amazing. The giant trees, the forest canopy and the Wookiees! They were so friendly to us! I remember being watched over by one when my parents left… I think they said his name was Thulkeer or something like that. He was so soft. I remember that he used to come and visit us often with his wife… I can’t remember her name. I remember laughing and smiling. I remember having fun… I remember once being a kid…On my 5th birthday was when everything changed. I was out for a walk, as I was allowed. My parents were talking with Thulkeer and many of the other Wookiees that lived in the tribe with us. I guess you could say they saw us as part of the family… Anyways I snuck off and I remember coming across some odd bug like people. They had green skin and spoke in a weird language. I tried to sneak closer to see what they were doing… only to see that they had another member of the tribe. He was on the ground, cuff things around his wrists… They were keeping him down with a boot to his back. I don’t know why but my young mind thought to attack. I got the being off of the tribe member, who got away quickly… Needless to say I wasn’t as lucky. The Rodian, as I know what they are called, hit me… knocking me down… I remember him hitting me with something before everything went black. I can’t say how far I went… or what they were doing.. but I just remember waking up in a small metal box… I was only awake for a few moments before I passed back out…I came to with some voices talking… I didn’t recognise the language but it was almost like they were talking about something. Bartering… I heard them agree on something, there was the exchange of something. That was all I remember before blacking out again. I remember dreaming of a spaceship that was as black as the night… I remember shapes of other living creatures… then I remember going into the ship... that was it before I fully drifted into the darkness. The ship… it was black inside… with darkness.. everywhere. It choked me, and threatened to consume me. I remember a beautiful being with a shield of light… They protected me… They kept me safe until I awoke later. But I wasn’t in the small metal room… I was in something else entirely…The ISV (Intergalactic Science Vessel) Tenebrum is a highly modified Crusader-Class Corvette sporting the labs of Doctor Zendicar. Many of the quarters were gutted in the ship to make room for the highly sophisticated laboratory equipment that was required by Dr. Zendicar. The Tenebrum has its hull painted black with a cloaking field generator on board to keep it out of the eyes of the law. The ship has been reported in many outer-rim ports, appearing to resupply and drop off some cargo to some shady dealers before it leaves again. The ship is never in one place for too long, often spending less than an hour in a star system before jumping to a new one. Due to this erratic jump pattern, and the fact that beyond the paint job it looked like a normal Crusader-Class corvette, not too many republic ships have had a chance to apprehend it.I… I remember waking up. The air… it smelt like chemicals. I remember looking around, not knowing where I was… the familiar brown and green of my home being gone. All that I saw was clean white. The room was bathed in lights from above… I remember hearing the sound, like a low hum, that just went through the whole room. I tried to move my arms… Nothing… they were locked into place. Same with my legs… I started to panic, crying out for my mother and father. I could hear my fruitless screams as the echoed around the room. I just screamed and screamed until my throat hurt and I had to stop. Then He came in… He was a Kaminoan… At least that was the only species I knew that fit his description… he walked in to the room with me, a human male following him. I listened closely as the sound of the low hum died as a door shut behind him. He had a large grin across his face as he looked me over, holding onto my face with his clammy hands. “My… My… This one will do perfectly. I can finally try some tests on a new subject. You know, young one. You walked into our lives at the perfect moment” His voice cool and smooth, like a fresh ice cube, “We just lost subject Echo, that is something that will put us far behind. But you… Heh heh… you are perfect to replace him.” He waved a hand over to the human next to him, the gruff man walked forwards… He smelt like… death… more so then the Kaminoan. I just remember his first words “Welcome Echo. This will be your new name and if you so much as cause a problem, or do not respond when either I or the Doctor addresses you, then you will be in a world of pain.” His voice was sharp and gruff. I remember him having a very heavy accent. “And so you know kid. I am not against killing you if you become too troublesome”. That was the last thing he said to me before the two of them left, keeping me hanging from my bindings; alone.I don’t remember how long it had been since I got there. Time seemed to go to a crawl when there was nothing to do. The only thing that started to be a constant was the pain. The frequently took pieces off of my arms... legs... anything they could get a hold of. That was when the Doctor took a special interest in me… I watched as each piece he cut off regrew within a matter of minutes… Each time he seemed to be giddy… like a child... like how I was supposed to be. This went on for… months… no years… before I was finally given a break. On the day of my break I met a being that still terrifies me. His presence reminded me of my dream when I was brought into this hell. There was nothing but darkness… death… and evil coming from him. I could feel his presence before the dark cloaked figure walked into the room with myself and the Doctor. Behind him was the gruff man… the man who I have come to know as my handler. Even he seemed to be uneasy around this new man. The voice coming from the dark figure was booming, like the sound of thunder during a storm back home. “So, Doctor, this is the one you wanted to show me? This… Kid! This is where all of the credits I pay you end’s up?” The anger in the dark figures voice was very evident. I don’t think that I have been more scared then I was at that moment. The doctor responded to him with a chuckle, sitting back in his chair, “Now now, you know my main benefactor that I wouldn’t risk wasting your precious time with nothing of value?” The Doctor’s demeanour wasn’t helping with the feeling of unease, “Come come, look here. I can show you something wonderful about Subject Echo.” Almost as if he was in a queue, he came up to me and cut off a small piece of the flesh near my chest. I whimpered in pain which seemed to make the dark being smile. That was until he noticed the cut fixing itself right before his eyes. I couldn’t see his face… but if I could I would assume that he was smiling. “Well now, you have done well Doctor, finding since a nice specimen as this one. But regeneration is not everything; why else did you bring me here?” The dark man questioned. On point the Doctor responded with, “She is also force sensitive. We can mould her however we want, and thanks to her regeneration I can finally have a good source of force user tissue to examine!” the doctor seemed a bit too happy about that. With a pat on the back the dark figure lead the Doctor and my handler out of the room. The last thing I heard was for them to help “nurture” my affinity to the force… which I don’t have… that is just for Jedi.. and Sith… Right?It had been almost two years since the dark being had first arrived… I could feel it but he would come on the ship at least once a month… It was honestly getting hard to tell. I had been in here so long that days seemed like months and months seemed like years. I had started to get used to the pain of having the Doctor remove tissue samples… even if it still stung... so much. But that was nothing… there was robot they would bring in… it made me feel so cold… then so hot at the same time… I have never experienced so much pain in my entire life. The Doctor seemed to enjoy watching this… or maybe knowledge was something he liked… as he wrote everything down… I am not sure how long it was before the pain stopped. I would have welcomed the pain again instead of what he was about to put me through. My handler came in with an odd device that he started to hook up to my head. I thought it was another monitor so I didn’t try to avoid it as much since it didn’t look painful. It was only after it was put on that I realised what it did. The headpiece completely cut out my hearing. Attaching to it was a blindfold and a breathing mask. I couldn’t see anything… I couldn’t hear anything. I could just feel. I could feel every cut now so clearly. With nothing to distract me, every single test they did felt surreal… I also grew to know another feeling. It was like I could see them… even though I knew my eyes were blinded. I could feel their every movement around me like they were touching me. I… I really don’t know how to explain it. It was like I could sense where they were, and just feel it… Am I going crazy? But the worse one was the dark figure. I could especially feel when the he came to the ship… his presence always clouded up everything in shadows… which brought me back to the pure isolation of the headpiece. At least I still had the option of sleep. It was a small luxury that I had…There are bits and pieces that I can’t remember from when those devices were put on me to when I was put into… Stasis I guess is what you would call it. I remember that every day they would come in with this droid that would shock me. It made my muscles so sore… But I guess I had to thank them… Even if it hurt it ended up making me strong… strong enough that when I escaped I could run and I could fight. I felt the Doctor come into the room alone. He walked over to me; I could just hear his footsteps. Even my sense of sound was coming back to me… but I feel like that was just due to this magic that I could use. The Doctor spoke in a cool tone to me “Even though you can’t hear me Echo. You would be happy to know that your testing is going along smoothly. I can already feel your presence in the force. That is something that will please my benefactor.” I could just see him grin a bit, even if it was just a black and white blurry mess. He took out a necklace with a bunch of black spheres on it. Slipping it around my neck, letting it click into place. I watched him, through the force, as he stepped back and nodded his head, “Yes that fits perfectly. This sho-” His voice suddenly cut out. I watched as his form splintered before me. A wave of panic shot through me; I couldn’t feel him standing there anymore. Everything that I had used to anchor myself was gone. I screamed as loud as I could, it wasn’t fair! They probably couldn’t hear me but I still tried, screaming until my throat was raw and the pain was too much. I felt his hand pat my shoulder. He was probably speaking to me… But I couldn’t hear a thing. I don’t remember when I blacked out, or for how long I was out. All I know is that I wish I didn’t wake back up.Log 1… We have a replacement for Subject Echo. The old one was much too fragile for what my benefactor had planned. I do hope the girl we purchased from those rodian slavers is more durable. It looks like my benefactor has high hopes for her, I am unsure if that is a good thing or a bad thing for the young one. He instructed me to not go easy, even if she is young. He is not pleased with the delays and would like the project to get back on track as quickly as possible. It is a good thing that she is still unconscious, I would hate for her to wake up during the preliminary tests. I shall be updating the daily logs here to record my findings.Log 5… Subject Echo has been more promising then I imagined. Initial tests made me think that she was just another human, though upon closer examination it became clear that was far from the truth. It appears those rodian slavers actually bagged a much rarer specimen, a firrerreo. I had my hunches about it when the tissue samples that I had removed from her regrew before I could grab some bacta to patch it up. I thought myself mad, perhaps my age was starting to show; perhaps I did take the sample that I thought I had. When I turned back to my microscope the evidence was clearly there; I had taken the sample. This was an exciting new development that I just had to look into! Firrerreo were such a rare thing to come across that I had never truly had the honour of studying one. While she was still out cold I took more samples and compared them against each other. Each one attempted to regenerate itself at a surprisingly rapid pace before stopping, having run out of energy I assume. I started thinking of the applications of this sort of research. Just imagine, an army that never needed a medic? They could regenerate all damage done to them, save for trauma to the head and heart, in a matter of minutes? This could be just the thing that my benefactor has been looking for! I have to send my findings to my benefactor right away, I am sure he will want to see this himself.Log 64… The testing on subject Echo has born new fruits. After putting her through some rigorous tests it appears as though she can handle more than any of the other subjects. Furthermore a closer analysis of her blood has shown a surprisingly high concentration of the microorganism known as midi-chlorians. She had a count in excess of 13,000 per cell. My benefactor was abnormally pleased with this… he instructed me to put her through the ringer. He wants to see just how far we can push her before she breaks, or it becomes too risky to continue. I have been instructed to not kill or permanently injure her… Shame too… I would have loved to dissect a firrerreo just to see how their internals tick. Perhaps I can sway my benefactor on that matter, only time will tell though. For now I will get the interrogation droids in here to see just what her limits look like. My benefactor said that pain helped to nurture the dark side… Perhaps we should have her fight with the other subjects. It does seem like my benefactor is preparing her to be another weapon of his, just like subject Delta. Only time will tell…Log 1,624… This log shall be a recap of what Echo has been through for my benefactor’s amusement. A video feed comes to life on the log with full audio. The video currently shows subject Echo strapped down to a table whilst an orb shaped droid floats over. It appears to be an altered interrogation droid. It begins by sending in mental jacks to the girl strapped to the table. The video feed then shifts to what the droid is pushing into her mind Here we can see the first test on her; this one was a classic example of the burning. This method went until she passed out. The video continued, showing the girl strapped to a different table. A human male walked over, with a black mask covering his face. In his hand he held a blaster shifting the weight of the gun back and forth. On the top end of the screen there was a monitor that showed Echo’s heart rate and breathing. Both were extremely elevated as she watched the man circle her. He rose up the blaster and fired at her leg. The shot scorched at her flesh, going down to the white bone beneath. A loud high-pitched scream flooded the recording, echoing out. A secondary video feed showed up after the first shot, showing what was happening in real time. Her body convulsed on the table that she was strapped to. The human then continued, shooting at her other leg until there was nothing but charred flesh and bone. He took a sadistic approach to the torture, walking over to the exposed bones of her legs and grabbing a hold of them. In a swift motion he snapped the bones, the sickening crunching sound echoing out from the recording. The real view showed Echo convulsing on the table as she screamed in pain, it was a sound that could give a hardened soldier nightmares. The human continued until the pain that was caused was nearing too much for Echo. When he finally stopped all that was left of her was a beating heart and an intact head. The rest of her body had been pretty well burned away and broken. The video snapped back to just the view of Xena, lying motionless on the table, before there was a cut in the feed. Dr. Zendicar could be seen again speaking
The next technique we used was a mixture of water torture with carnivorous fish that are native to Myrkr. The video feed cuts back in to the two separate feeds. This one shows Xena hanging from a large rope that was around her wrists, her feet dangling above an open pool with fish swimming around it in. The same human like figure from before was holding the rope to keep her up. The human slowly loosened his grip on the rope, starting to submerge her into the water. Once again the sound of her screaming starts to echo as the fish in the tank swim over, starting to tear chunks out of her, starting to turn the clear water into a murky crimson. Her screams turning into a bubbling noise as her head was dropped under the water. Bubbles could be seen coming up from the mess before she was lifted back out, taking in a large gasp of air, coughing out some of the water. Below her waist it was a mess, there was flesh missing all over the place in random chunks. In some areas the white of her leg bones showed through. Her body was visibly shaking from shock as she started to choke out some words, “D-d-dad.. wh-why!” Her words sounded hoarse, she was just able to get them out past her sobbing. The human-like figure continued with his task, going to drop her back into the water. Her screams sang out again as she was put in and held down under the water. She was slowly pulled back out again, her legs mostly stripped of flesh with the fish having begun to dig into her stomach. The human-like figure, which can be assumed as the droid using images of the girl’s father against her, said nothing as he kept her out of the water. Letting her flesh regenerate back to what it had been at before. This cycle repeated itself until the droid causing the hallucination felt her mind slipping into unconsciousness, stopping the hours of torture that it has subjected her too. On the live feed Xena’s body was extremely still, though the heart rate monitor showed that she was still alive and kicking, so to speak. The feed cuts off from her, going back to Dr. Zendicar
The next test we did was to see how she would react to being quite literally dissolved. We instructed the torture droid to simulate the effects of a highly concentrated acid that was used in the past by some of the criminal cartels to dispose of bodies. The video feeds come live again, it was clear that some time had passed between this one and the last video in the log, given the length of Echo’s hair. The scenes were identical to the previous log the difference in this one however was the inclusion of a roiling pit of acid that licked at Echo’s feet. There was already the sound of acid fizzing against her feet. Some of her blood fizzled against the acid below her, causing it to crackle and pop. The same human-like being from before was holding the rope. By now Echo wasn’t even crying, she just hung there, a saddened look on her face as she was slowly lowered into the acid. The loud sound of a popping and fizzling filled the air as acid ate away at her feet; turning the greenish goop into a brownish sludge. The humanoid would lower her in about 10 centimeters each time. Every time he pulled her out a chunk of flesh would slip off into the acid, causing it to spit and sputter as it digested the flesh. The actual view just showed Echo shuddering from pain, her body just shaking. Each time she was “lowered” into the acid by the humanoid there would be the screams of pain, in a similar fashion to the other videos in the log. What was surprising was that she was screaming much less, it was as if her sense of pain was slowly starting to get deadened with the continued abuse. The acid continued to eat away are her body and bones. The torture stopped when her body started to convulse, since it was too dangerous to continue. The video feed cut back to Dr. Zendicar again
The next test was to see how she handled fire. We implanted a monitor in her to make sure that we didn’t kill her; she had showed so much promise up until now. The video feed cuts back in, this time it showed a large pool of molten metal that Echo was hanging above. The scary thing of this video was that there was no secondary video feed showing a torture droid. This was real; the only thing that could come to mind was that a purely sadistic mind had come up with this. Some heavy voices, they sounded mustafarian, spoke up “Well let’s see how far this one skips.” There was some chuckling among some others that were nearby. The chains holding Echo up started to sway back and forth, swinging her to and fro. They kept swinging until she had gained some momentum; at that moment she was released and sent over to the molten metal. Contrary to what everyone would think, she didn’t just sink into the metal, instead her body started to skip across the molten surface like a rock across water. The blood curdling sound of her screams filled the air as her flesh was charred, if it wasn’t for the fact that her hair had been cut off then she would be on fire. She kept skipping across the molten metal, her very flesh steaming, her body actually acting like a droplet of water on a hot skillet. The heart rate monitor started to spike higher, the beeping as it closed towards a dangerous rate. After an audible alarm went off, it could be seen that the charred girl, barely recognisable from the hot metal burning her body, was floated up from the molten surface; bringing her to the safety of the nearby platform. There the mustafarians cut away at her burned flesh, leaving the red mass of her muscle in its wake. They proceeded to put her into a tank of bacta. The video feed cut back to Dr. Zendicar
The next test was to see if she could stand being flayed. The interrogation droid always used this as the last way to interrogate people due to the sheer amount of pain that it caused. The droid was known to make each cut methodically to cause the most pain possible. The video cuts back in to Echo, it was clear that it had been at least a few months since the last test. Her skin and flesh had been fully healed, and her hair was long again, a stark difference to the last video. The single video feed showed her strapped to metal table; a large droid floated nearby. The machine had many blades across its form, each attached to a small arm. The machine moved over to her with the blades extended, flashing in the light. The blades whirled forwards slicing into the leg of Echo, slowly cutting her up. The once clean blades now coated in a small layer of crimson. The same crimson that started to drip down her legs, into a drain nearby. She started to sob as she looked past the droid at the man controlling it. It was an unknown human male who simply stood there, watching on. She let out another scream of pain as the droid cut into her again, tears streaming down her face. The blades whistled through the air as the droid started to carve into her, getting down to her femur. Once there it took its time, a set of smaller hands keeping the wound open as it began to carve into her bone. The droid took its time, despite her squirming around in pain, to carve into her bone; the design it was carving was intricate, seeming to be a mix of art as well as a serial number. It finally carved her code name into it, giving her a permanent mark that could never be removed. The droid moved its blades to her other leg, doing the same thing to it. Echo had already screamed herself raw, her shallow sobs being the only audible thing coming from her. Her blood had stained the table crimson, much like the droid’s blades. The droid continued its work, the view from the holo-vid starting to go above her as it cut up along her body. It took its time as it cut open her abdomen, slicing all the way up her chest, breaking her ribs with a sickening crack. The little arms that had held Echo’s leg open earlier instead opening up her whole chest. The beating of her heart, the movement of her internal organs; all of it could be seen in the holovid. Dr. Zendicar quickly cut in “As you can see, the internal structure of a firrerreo is quite fascinating. Her body has already begun to isolate the areas that are bleeding in order to prevent her from bleeding out. We can also see just what the continued effect of the interrogation droid has had on her. Her body is responding rapidly to the blood loss and the pain. She is truly becoming the ultimate tool for my benefactor.” Dr. Zendicar’s voice cuts back out to the sobs and the sickening cutting sound of the droids blades. By now it had fully flayed her open, with the bones of her arms being visible. It took its sweet time with each painful cut, seeming to savour the blood that spilt out from each wound. The heart rate monitor started to beep, indicating that it was dropping rapidly and they had to stop. The video cut out with her being sewn back up and tossed into a bacta tank. Her head drooped down, unconscious. The cut brought back the voice of Dr. Zendicar
Every single test here has been for the betterment of the subject. Echo has grown since these tests to the point that she doesn’t even react to them anymore. Her healing factor is so great that we don’t even need to rely on bacta anymore to heal her up after a session. Furthermore, she has hit the droids limits as to what it can do. Truly a remarkable subject; I look forward to hearing of the results when she is finally deployed in the field.Log 1,825… today is the 5 year anniversary of the arrival of subject Echo. I must say that she has gone above and beyond what both me and my benefactor believed was possible. In the past 5 years she has become the first, and the only, subject to max out the interrogation droids that we have on the ship. They had nothing else that they could throw at her. It seems that pain was the right way to nurture her abilities as even her natural regeneration has grown from it. I have taken the liberty in these years to see if heat and cold affect the speed of her regeneration. So far it appears that she works better in colder climates then warmer ones, though the difference is so minute that it shouldn’t be dwelled upon too much. Another interesting development happened when we put her under regular shock therapy, to keep her muscle strong. It appears that Echo has started to grown resilience towards the electricity, allowing her to actually move more instead of being frozen in place. My benefactor was quite pleased with this, stating that it would be perfect for when she was finally deployed. I have been instructed to hook Echo up to the total isolation system to help further nurture her abilities. Apparently the force can be nurtured in a similar fashion to many other senses. Cut off everything else and what is left will grow stronger; that is the hope anyways. In addition a new artefact came in along with a prototype control mechanism. My benefactor instructed me that in a year the control chip and the artefact should be placed onto Echo, should she survive until then.Log 2,190… today is a milestone day for subject Echo. It is time to put her through the live trials. I have already implanted the control chip into her neck and attached the artefact around her neck. After some research, and some tips from my benefactor, I learned that this artefact, known only as the Conduit, was an ancient Sith device that was legendary in its power. It appears as though the device cannot be destroyed by any conventional means. To demonstrate that my benefactor shattered it before us until the device was no more than a powder. As any could expect I was quite shocked to find that the device was perfectly intact the next day, right where it had been originally placed. I don’t know what sorcery is causing this; it defies everything that I know as a scientist. My benefactor stated that I shouldn’t have to worry about the device after it gets attuned to Echo. I can still hear her screaming… I haven’t heard a sound like that since... well since the day she woke up in here. I forgot about how bone chilling her voice sounds. Even with that blasted mask on I can still hear her. Ah well… she will scream herself raw soon, and then I can get back to work. I shall update this log when the live trial starts.
Update: Log 2,190… Thank the gods she didn’t destroy this datapad. We have to make an emergency stop to get the ship repaired… I can tell that my benefactor was pleased with the results, even if it nearly cost all of us our lives. To recap what had occurred, we turned on the control device, allowing my benefactor to have direct control of Echo. I saw Echo’s whole body change in its posture. Then there came the giggling… Oh lord the giggling. It was like something from those old horror holo-vids. Echo turned and looked right at myself and Asmund, her handler. I could feel her eyes piercing into my very being, even beyond her isolation equipment. She then let out a power wave of force that blew out all of the sensors that I had put in place to measure the live test. Beyond that she blew out pretty well every single light in the ship. If it wasn’t for the fact that my benefactor said that he would pay for all of the damage I would of terminated her right there. Ugh… at least we got out of hyperspace safely… I did find it interesting though that Echo seemed to shut down after he turned off the control mechanism, honestly how that didn’t break is another thing entirely. Either way, my benefactor wishes for a few more of these live tests to be done, just to make sure the system can get past all jamming frequencies; I will make sure to inform the pilot to take us out of hyperspace whenever we do another one of these. I very much enjoy the idea of keeping myself in one piece. She has also been given an additional project designation, dubbed “The lost girl”. It is quite fitting for her.Error. Database entry status: corruptedError. Database entry status: corruptedDeveloped by Dr. Ayo “Zendicar” Zen, the S54B Isolation System was a device that was placed around the head of an individual. The device consisted of a headband that went over a subjects ears and a mask that went over their nose and mouth. It was all firmly connected to the subjects head by a set of power magnets on the back of it that also acted as a seal for the gases that were pumped through it to potentially keep a subject sedated. It carries an onboard life support system that can keep an average human well hydrated and fed for over 1 standard month of continuous use. The device also comes with the ability to suppress a subjects sight through the use of a set of built in blinders. Care should be taken when removing a device which is in use, as the consequences of an improper removal can include, but are not limited to, hallucinations, coma, paranoia, and shock due to sensory overload. The device is currently use on Dr. Zendicar’s personal research ship; The ISV Tenebrum. Care should be taken when dealing with beings wearing this device because control systems have been known to be installed in them as well. The S54B Isolation Device is considered to be a class 3 threat. It can be safely transported around but should never be put on under any circumstance due to the complications that can be caused by its removal.I can’t recall how long I was out for. But the light was so bright and my hair was much longer then I remembered. I tried to move a bit, knowing that it should be a futile effort. To my surprise I could actually move. Furthermore, I could get my hands free. Perhaps they loosened up the bindings on me thinking that I was still out? I didn’t want them to know that the opposite was true. Closing my eyes, I went back to “sleep” waiting for the tell-tale feeling of us docking. I could make my escape then… or die trying.The whole ship shook, waking me from my sleep again. Looking around I knew that they still thought that I was down and out. I also knew that the ship had docked; with only an hour for this stop I had to make my move now. Reaching up I shook at my bindings and they came undone. I wasn’t sure if this was just luck or something else; I honestly didn’t care at this point. Letting my feet hit the floor I stumbled for a moment, getting my bearings. The cool metal floor sent a shiver up my spine, causing me to remember that I didn’t have any shoes on. Taking my time I snuck out of my containment, running off towards the cargo bay. Before leaving I stole a blaster pistol and the datapad that was on the nearby desk; it seemed a bit too convenient. Even if I couldn’t hear, or smell; I could still see. It took some time but eventually I worked my way in without being seen. I was able to get into one of the shipping containers before they took it off the ship. I was so close to freedom… so very close.I fell asleep in the crate, waking up in some storage building. A nameplate on the wall said something about Ryloth, whatever that was. It honestly didn’t matter to me, I just wanted to make my way off to a new crate so I could leave this place and get as far away from the ship as possible. I didn’t care if this wasn’t the ship; I was not going to risk being caught again. I went over to a new box, hiding in it like the last one. Sliding into it at the perfect time, I just caught a glimpse of my handler walking over; he was talking to a guard that was there about something. It took him over an hour before they finally left, leaving me in solitude among the crates of goods. Laying back in the crate I waiting for sleep to take me; something that really took far too long for my liking. I don’t remember being moved onto a new ship; or the next few ships after it. It was merely being sent off to an unknown destination.A jolt woke me from my sleep. Reaching up to rub the sleep I looked around at nothing but darkness around me. It took me a little bit to get my bearings and realise that I must be getting moved to a new ship, or at least to a new place within the depot that I was in. Poking my head out from the crate, I could see that I wasn’t in the same place as before. In fact the entire place that I was in looked kind of like a starship hold, but that was crazy. Shaking my head a bit I decided to go and look around, might as well do something. Getting out from the crate I was in, I began to observe more of my surroundings. The hold I was in was quite large; it seemed to be sealed off from the rest of ship by some really large bulkheads. I was not going to get past those things easily. Shaking my head a bit I continued to look around. I was honestly famished; I hadn’t really eaten beyond anything they had forced me to eat aboard the Tenebrum. It took some searching but I finally found something edible among the other shipping crates. It appeared like this ship was moving around a lot of fruits and other supplies for some unknown destination. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to tide me over for now. If only they had meat or something like that… I really felt weak without any of it. I guess that could wait until I was safe in this new location. Walking around while eating some of my fruit, I started to ponder a few questions to myself. Most of my questions stemmed from a reoccurring emblem that was on most of the boxes and the wall of the ship. I remember seeing it somewhere in my past, I just can’t remember where. It did make me feel… safe? That was such an odd feeling that I really had forgotten how it felt. But there was no denying it; whatever the emblem was, it was something that reminded me of safety. A rumble under my feet broke my out from my trance. I quickly ran off, going to hide back in the crate I was in; spotting two people in some type of brown robing. I waited until they went past to sneak behind them and get back into my crate; being extremely glad that they hadn’t seen me. Laying my head back, I decided to try and get a bit more rest. If I got caught now then I would have to fight; something that I subconsciously knew was easier to do when rested. My dreams were really weird… they kept showing the beings I had seen in the brown robes. The difference was that they were cloaked in light; fighting off the darkness that was the man in the mask. I couldn’t make any sense of this dream. I was glad though that it wasn’t another nightmare of what had occurred to me on the ship.It felt like ages before I felt another jolt of the crate being moved somewhere. Reaching out, I stabilised myself against the walls of the crate, waiting until the crate was set back down again. Taking my time as I waited, my body coiled like a spring ready to strike out. I felt again the tell-tale sign of the crate being put back down; taking in a few soft breaths I prepared to make my move. I was a bit surprised when the crate wasn’t opened. Getting up from my braced position I pushed open the crate, looking around. I was in the hanger of some building. Looking out from the hanger, I could tell that I was on some planet. Breathing a sigh of relief, letting it wash over me; I got out from the crate, going to look around this hanger. Something was compelling me to go and explore this place. Holding my blaster that I had stolen tightly in my hand; it was honestly like a safety blanket to me; even if I barely knew how to use it. Something was still beckoning me forwards, so I followed this unknown force. Letting it lead each of my steps going forwards; deeper into this facility. This force that moved me forwards had me turning around random corners; somehow letting me avoid any guard that came nearby. What was really weird was that the guards, or personnel; honestly it was hard to tell, were all in those brown robes that I had seen before in the ship. Maybe I was inside of their headquarters? It was really possible, even if it sounded crazy in my head. Sneaking around I finally let feel a huge wave of exhaustion hit me, deciding to go and rest in a nearby plant bed. The greenery would be able to keep me well hidden until I could make my next move. I just hope I can find somewhere safe soon…I have been in this new place for a good 3 days. It is much easier to time here now that I can actually see outside. So far no one has spotted me, which something to be glad about. I am also not sure if it is this place, but I can finally sense the other beings here. I wait until they are gone before I move, going to scavenge for food and water. Though, I am finding it a bit harder to hide. It looks like this place gets really busy during the day. I am starting to wonder what I’ve gotten myself into. So long I don’t reach out and try to sense what is nearby to me when this place is busy; then I will be fine. I really don’t know what to think of these brown robed figures either. They aren’t surrounded in shadows like the Benefactor; instead they seem to radiate light. None of this makes any sense to me, but I am not going to question it. I remember sensing someone coming closer to me. It was a strong presence. Taking in a deep breath I held it in. Not wanting to make a sound until whoever it was went away. They walked right up to the plants I was hiding in, closing my eyes tightly, I just waited for them to leave; something that they didn’t do. Gripping my blaster pistol tightly, I started to lift it up towards the aura I felt. Not wanting to take any risks. I was so close to freedom and I wasn’t about to give it up without a fight! Opening up my eyes I took aim, feeling the presence of whomever it was sticking their head up over the seats that surrounded the plants I was hiding in, looking down at me. I froze. I don’t know why but I couldn’t pull the trigger.
The being standing above me, well she reminded me of a cat honestly; to be fair it was mostly the big fluffy ears that gave that impression. She smiled down at me with… Kindness. It was something that was so foreign that I almost mistook it as a ruse. She started to speak to me, unaware that I couldn’t hear her. I pointed over to my ears, and the device that was on them, trying to show her that I couldn’t hear what she was saying. She reached her hand down to me, still with that soft smile on her face. I don’t know why, but I was compelled to grab her hand and get out of my hiding spot. Even if part of my mind was screaming at me that this was a trap. After she helped me out, she sat me down on the seat next to my hiding spot. She looked over the device I had on my head, taking her careful time to start working on it. Looking around to the best of my abilities I saw others walking around, a few of them had stopped however to look at what was going on. This didn’t help with my fear that I had been caught. I knew for a fact that if I tried to make a run for it that they would get me. Staying calm and playing along for now was my best bet. I could feel this cat girl fiddle around with the back of the headpiece. Honestly I didn’t think that anything would come from her work until I heard a loud hissing, my mask depressurising. I remember going wide eyed and looking around, or at least trying to as she started to remove it from my head; mask and headpiece together. I took in a few breaths, smelling the earthy scents of this building; it was so odd, yet extremely calming. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I heard the cat girl speak; it honestly caught me off guard.
“There we go, can you hear me now?”
She spoke in a calm voice to me, her eyes looking over my form for a bit. I am sure I looked startled from hearing someone actually speaking. I was even more so startled by the sound of my own voice in response.
“Y-yes I can."
I was on the verge of tears, finally after years I could hear and smell; I could finally use my senses! I wanted to hug the cat girl person but refrained from doing so. It looked like some of the others in the area were a bit on edge. The girl spoke up again, “Hello young one. What is your name? My name is Kheera.”
I looked over her; I wasn’t sure how I should respond. The first thing that came to my mind was to say the name that had been called for the past… 7 years? A different name came to my mind instead; one that I hadn’t been called in years. “Xena,” I said in response.Looking over at Kheera, giving her a nod liking how the name sounded. “Xena? That is a nice name. I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new?” Kheera asked, eyeing me over. I think she knew that I wasn’t from here, wherever here was. I simply nodded my head in response; my own voice still sounded really odd to me. “How did you get in here?” She asked; I think she knew that I wasn’t supposed to be in here.
Mustering up to courage to speak, “I snuck in… in a shipping crate. I really don’t know where I am.” I decided that she knew full well that the jig was up; there was no reason to hide the truth from her. She looked like she was thinking to herself, “Well you are in the Jedi Outpost on Onderon,” her voice soothing. It was as if she knew that I was a bit uneasy around her the others in the room.
There was a pause as I took in her words; it then truly dawned on me where I was. “Wait… if this is a Jedi outpost… Does that mean that you are…?” I let me question hang there as I processed everything. My parents used to tell me about the Jedi; how they would protect us from the Sith and other evil people. I watched as Kheera nodded her head to my question. A surge of emotions went through me. I was safe. I was finally safe. I felt tears coming to my eyes; this was too good to be true. She spoke up again, “Do you have anywhere to stay?” I had honestly forgotten for a moment there that I was still technically not safe. They could just throw me out since I just broke in. A flash of fear went through me. No I was so close to finally being free. I can’t lose it now.
Both Kheera and I turned our heads to a new voice that spoke to us, “Kheera. Who is this?” A female human spoke to us, walking over. This human had the look of authority to her, something that made me a bit uneasy if I was going to be honest. I tuned out all sound, watching the two converse with one another. It was as if time was running slowly. I started to snap out of my trance when I saw them talking to me, “We need to figure out how she got in here. There are security measures for a reason,” the human spoke. Without missing a beat I spoke up, “What security?” I watched as the human motioned to me then over to Kheera, “Exactly. This girl snuck in like it was nothing. If she can, then the Sith can,” she said, “I don’t feel like we should let her leave yet. She shows promise.” Kheera spoke up, “I have a place in my dorm for her to stay in. I can keep an eye on her until the council has decided on what is to be done with her.” That seemed to please the human, or at least satisfy them, “Very well, I will speak to the council about this.” With that the human up and left. Kheera looked over at me, motioning for me to follow her. I could tell from the light coming in from outside that it was late in the night. I followed after Kheera, making my way up to her dorm where I crashed on her couch. The room was simple, something that I was glad for. I soon drifted off to sleep. I was finally safe.TBDTBDTBDTBD
The parts for the Jedi temple may be changed since they relate to a temple from a different rp. I didn't do a rank transfer because I was only a paddy there anyways. Also for log 1,624 the contents of it are considered PG-13/14 in Canada so it is what I was able to reference to. If it is too much then I can remove the log, though I did give warnings since it ties some things in.
In addition any feedback would be awesome!
Personal- [Finished] Naboo's Beauty
- [Finished] Quando Judex Est Venturus
- [Finished] The Drapery Falls
- [Finished] Among the Scum and Villains
- [Ongoing] Following in the Footsteps
- Training
- None Currently
- Faction
- [Finished] Jetii delenda est
- [Finished] Mechanical Introduction Thread
- [Finished] Galactic Alliance dominion of Devaron and Aleen
- [Finished] A light in the Dark
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