Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Issue #13

When Aelys took the word from him, Dagon shifted part of his attention to their surroundings seeking to find anything out of order. Anything that could have been planted. His eyes caught a shadow at the corner of a junction, it eerily manifested into an afterimage of his brother. Aeric?! The cold shiver ran through his spine like a spear.

He shook his head and the hallucination disappeared into thin air. Trying to investigate the scene, while keeping an ear on the conversation between Nimdok and Aelys was chipping away at the focus dedicated to fending off the dark side's whispers.

They grew louder with each step taken deeper into the ruins.

And the louder they grew, the more he succumbed.

The more he disposed of his character in favor of the unnatural, foreign hostility brewing in his guts.

"Heal?" he clenched his jaw and repeated louder, "Heal??"

And the whispers talked and beckoned. How many did you lose, Dag?

How many friends to never see again?
How many brothers and sisters lie in unnamed graves?

How many could've been saved if only they had listened instead of pointing fingers?


"You should be thanking us."

Louder and stronger.

"Instead we're trusting an Azrael patient's memories of all things."

Until the whispers became real and he gasped at the white streak at the corner of his vision.

"Ryv?!" he whispered to himself, but enough for Aelys to hear. The white streak on the black fringe was unmistakable. The Sword!

Without further adding anything to the conversation, he shoved ahead after his friend.

After the Sith'ari's siren's call.

TAGS: Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Kirie Kirie | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Black Mynock Black Mynock | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

// OUTRIDER // Military Adviser to the Chancellor (Temp.)
// LOCATION // Republic High Command
// OBJECTIVE // Advise the Chancellor and Senate
// THEME // Heathens

Korriban was safe.

The thought nearly made the young Admiral vomit. No, Korriban was not some ideal paradise world where the Senate could take field trips to, and join hands and sing Kumbaya. The fact that they did- despite him advising them not to - was disturbing. At least the Chancellor was safe

For now, anyways. The assassination attempts on her life were concerning, not to mention the fact they exposed several holes in the security apparatus he had just days ago assured the Senate was adequate. It added unnecessary fuel to an already raging forest fire. The matter of the Jedi was one he was not yet ready to discuss- even as he looked on to their investigation.

"Thank the gods I don't vote" He joked. Whether or not the politicians near him took him seriously was not his problem.

But the mystery of the Jedi's war crimes on Korriban was something even he, a strong proponent of political non-interference in militant matters, could not ignore. Laws had to be followed. What happened there was no mistake. It was no hard-line, heat of the battle moment. It was a war crime.

"How many assets have we deployed to Korriban" He asked the General next to him, a short and stumpy Rodian whose experience on Korriban and presence in the room was nothing short of a coincidence.

"I don't know. Enough" Zahara shook his head, before leaning in to whisper into the Chancellor's ear.

"I have a bad feeling about this"

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Relevant Jedi and Senators

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


Days That Remain
Strategic Command Center // Coruscant // Republic High Command
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe // Mirana Praji Mirana Praji // Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto // @The Alliance Senate


The elder stateswoman, her eyes wreathed in decades of earned wisdom, those eyes wandered to the surroundings of the room, but her ears were keenly trained on her Vice Chancellor's words. Adhira remembered when she had first been briefed on the slaughter of Sith Acolytes on Korriban she was furious. Then she was skeptical. Then she was certain... until, once more, she was not. Her years as an intelligence officer had given her quite the education on the atrocities committed during galactic wars and how we weren't always aware of most of them. Even at the top, commands she had no given -- or did not remember giving -- had been carried out to disastrous effect.

For a moment, Adhira gotten lost in her own mind, wandering around the towering philosophical beliefs that had characterized her life as Chancellor. She was looking for the precise flaw, the one deeply held belief that led to this monumental mistake. Aerarri Tithe's monotonous voice finally returned her focus.

“Well, it’s not great, not at all,”

"You always did know how to cheer me up, Aerarri," she struggled to make a light moment over what was likely hanging over him as much as it was her. She nodded as he continued to explain that the Senate may need to act soon. "I believe you're right... Can you send a few of your team to my office? Our staff can put together a few drafts together and we can go through them together once you return. Stay safe, Aerarri."

She pressed a button on her com and her likeness flittered out of view for Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe as her screen also went black. She returned from the hall, her Senate Guards falling back into their protective stances. She sat next to Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto because the chair was empty. Her head was still hanging low over her com as she tried her best to monitor the movements on Korriban. When the Admiral spoke, she looked up at him and gave him a curt nod.

"I would be concerned if you had good feelings," she replied, typing a few things into her com.


Sith Academy Ruins | Korriban

Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Kirie Kirie | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr

Faith stepped a bit closer to hear the exchange between Professor Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok and the black helmeted individual Black Mynock Black Mynock walking with them. The words were full of conviction not quite venom but it he expressed himself quite clearly to the Professor who in turn gave an equally strong response. Tensions were bound to show here on Korriban the origins planet of the Sith.

Surely darkness seeped into the very core of this world reaching out with long tendrils to ensnare and hold anyone who rippled of the slightest dark intentions.

It was at that key moment when the exchange seemed to settle that Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe got a message and motioned to herself and Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau to come with him. Faith nodded to everyone,
"excuse us please"

She trailed after the Vice Chancellor, his security team would keep them away until he finished his conversation. It would be rude to try and listen so she turned to looking at the ruins. What was this place like when it rose up in the year of it's birth. Was it a gleaming city of enticement, or was it dark dismal seeping of pain. Hard to know from looking around.

Were they proud of who they were? Probably, why not. Power does that to some.

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
: Korriban
Objective Two: Korribanishment
Equipment: REC-EVS/01 "Sohei" - Pattern Electro-Vibrosword


His eyebrows raised as he listened between both the Silver Jedi Aide and a mysterious Jedi Knight while the Professor looked on with curiosity. Mysterious in the sense that Seto had never seen the man before and had only registered his presence after the Jedi removed his helmet. The Jedi’s words though held plenty of presence, perhaps a bit too passionate and heated sort of presence. What do we call it? The Blame Game? His thought wearily bounced around a few start points that had allowed this debacle to transpire. But it didn’t matter to Seto, go back far enough in the past and a leaf falling in the wrong pond could set off an entirely different timeline.

But people don't change, they never change. Either they grow restraint or become more open about who they actually are . . .

While the argument being had was interesting, less as an academic discussion and more of an intrigue in tension argument. The young Du Couteau heir was not a fan of the hostilities clearly evident from the Silver Jedi and Jedi Knight. He had read a few reports that the Jedi and Silver Jedi Order had a rather unstable relationship, unstable being that the Galactic Alliance recognizes the Silver Jedi as Friendly. Seto wondered if that was not the case if the Jedi Order would have taken a more direct approach against the Silver Jedi Order after a certain attempt of non-aggression with the Sith.

I doubt I could come up with such a story-line for a Holo-series.

Seto mused on the last words spoken, and truly wondered if this investigation would yield a positive result for the Jedi Order. Accountability was never on the table, and the people would find solace with a Justice that both hurt and punished every Jedi. And that still might not be enough for certain Senators in the Alliance. The path ahead for the Jedi Order was one far too narrow and dangerous to traverse, pitfalls and traps ready to bring many good Jedi down.

Bowing in respect to the Vice-Chancellor, Seto silently wondered what business could take precedence over this testimonial of the Order’s Alleged War Crimes. The young Du Couteau returned his attention to the rest of the group, things were clearly not going to be settled, nowhere close to an idea of resolution to be had on this planet. Raising a single eyebrow in concern, he listened to the harshness of voice of the Jedi Knight Kaze and before much else could be said he seemingly ran off for somewhere else.

"We must be honest in what we want from all this, while Justice is clearly the aim we must face the reality that not all will be fair, that the best the Alliance can do is for the Jedi to stand equally beneath the law." Seto spoke quickly, he hadn't much to include but something must be said.

"The Alliance's laws are meant for its citizens, if the members of the Sith Cult wish to see Justice against the Jedi for crimes committed against them they too must stand before the Law as well and be ready to face the consequences. . . ." Seto trailed off slightly, "-regardless perhaps we should allow the investigation to continue." His cerulean eyes peering to where the Jedi Knight seemingly headed off towards.

|| Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Black Mynock Black Mynock | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Kirie Kirie | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ||

"It's so stupid." Came the knee-jerk reaction, the girl's reaction.

She frowned, focusing on the breeze instead. The harmony of the looming forest around them was a welcome reprieve from the chaos of Coruscant. Each step was deliberate as Xashe crossed the covered ground, conscious of the roots. She steered him sideways, towards an ancient tree, its massive network of branches and leaves blocking the sun above. Only then did she return to the matter at hand. She needed to temper her thoughts, she knew. The training of a diplomat's daughter returned.

"It's extremely frustrating." She rephrased, begrudgingly. "I think it's easier to point fingers and call one evil when you haven't seen true darkness."

Too many times she had witnessed such.

"They ask us to fight their battles, yet chide us when we do what must be done?"

The anger rose again. Xashe grimaced before stepping forward to trust the base of the tree, closing her eyes. Through it, she could feel the cold, hard dirt beneath which offered one side of life, and above, the light which offered another. Both are necessary. She could feel the rustle of the leaves, the steadfastness of the boughs, the new shoots coming into being. In the cover, animals frolicked, oblivious to the pair's presence.

"What's worse," She started, still facing the tree, shoulder slumped. "Is it makes me feel like the path I've traveled has been for nothing. I came here to protect, to make a difference, to do what they wouldn't- and now the people we're supposed to protect have turned against us."

She let the silence ring a moment.

"What will we do if they come for you?"
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Return of the Jedi vol. I
Issue #1


He did not regard the Silver Jedi often during his appeal. More often that not speaking to the 'investigating' Senators and only regarding them to offer some thinly veiled slight. It was a surprise when an unsuspecting member from their cousin Order replied, instead of the Professor. Still, Aelys, enshrouded in his black trappings rotated about to stare blankly at Starlin.

There was some selfish satisfaction in hearing one of their number admit their wrongs, but it did not reach deep enough for him to feel they were absolved of their crimes. But he was no authority, and this was not the place for his thyrsian woes.

Beyond the Silver Knight's initial opener, Aelys' attention waned. It was a skill easily adopted when this War Crimes ordeal originally began. Even as he afforded his attention, his eyes were acutely focused, as if he were honed in on Starlin's words. But in truth, he looked past him to the ruins, focused on a rather curious looking rock than his diplomatic approach to a response.

It wasn't until Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok 's voice was heard again that his pupils shrunk, redrawn to the Silver Master, and refocused in a way that was incapable of being taken as any other way, but unfriendly.


He snorted, amused. Yet, it was short lived when he heard his thoughts echoed aloud. His head rotated, eyeing Dagon as he rather uncharacteristically lost his composure.

"Dee?!" He insisted.

Between his own closing attempt to ramp down the tension, and the Silvers own resolution, now was not the time to bring them up again.

"You should be thanking us."

"Instead we're trusting an Azrael patient's memories of all things."
"Up man."

What was wrong with this guy?

Before he could further question it, or take him aside, he said the unexpected.

And then he was off.

The Senators were already split, and Aelys hadn't a shred of interest in seeing what the Silvers reaction to Dagon's Azrael episode was like.

Instead, he followed after his friend, a tentative hand going to the hilt at the small of his back.

It was still Korriban.

TAGS - Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Kirie Kirie Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



Dark Illusion

The Sword of the Jedi casually vanished around the corner, taking his leave as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze pursued in shock. He would find when chasing this phantom, this reflection of his best friend, that the image was notably hard to catch up with as it casually took various turns and corridors leading deeper into the depths of the Sith Academy. There were signs of noticeably recent battle, maybe months ago judging from the carbon scoring along the walls and various markings left from what appeared to be a lightsaber.

The Ashlans had been here, this led deeper to someplace foul and profane. The Dark Side absolutely saturated the halls in a thick blanket of dark miasma. There were murals all around of an altar baptized in the blood of the Jedi, it appeared he approached a place long buried and for good reason. A place left in the darkness until the Battle of Korriban.


The Jedi Knight Ryv’s silhouette stood at the end of the corridor under a giant archway, columns and statues lining each end of the hall.

“I know who’s manipulating the Senate. I put the pieces together. These Sith they aren’t like the Empire, they are different, better.”

A look of shock came over his face as he outstretched his hand, “Dag! Look out!”

Behind Dagon approached the form of the dreaded Lord Letifer Lord Letifer , in his hand a lightsaber immediately crackling to life with crimson hate. His dark visage cast a sinister glare of contempt, he bellowed.

“Time to die.”

Little did the Jedi Knight know, the image of Letifer had been casted over the approaching form of his friend who came in pursuit, Black Mynock Black Mynock .


Objective II: Answer questions
Accompanied by: Starlin Rand & Miri Nimdok
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Black Mynock Black Mynock Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Kirie Kirie Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Faith Organa Faith Organa

"Hate to break it to ya, man, but you're acting like an Azrael patient yourself," Starlin called after the fleeing Dagon.

While Dagon and Aelys ran off in pursuit of a phantom of their old friend, Nimdok wearily sank down onto a fallen pillar, using it as if it were a bench.

“Hey, uh, professor—" Starlin began. "I’m sensing something weird. As in, the Dark Side.”

Of course you do. We’re on Korriban.” Appearing unconcerned with this turn of events, Nimdok took out his datapad and began flicking through his notes.

Starlin’s brow furrowed. “Shouldn’t we follow them?”

No, I don’t think so.” Nimdok looked up as one of the senators, Seto Du Couteau, spoke. “Thank you. I agree, that would be the best course of action. Treat them legally as you would any other religious institution.

He went back to scanning his notes. Starlin had begun to pace, peering around the corner and down the hallway Dagon and Aelys had disappeared through, but he couldn’t leave Nimdok’s side to investigate.

Meanwhile, Miri took a seat beside her father. “So, you’re not going to bother helping them?” she asked, sounding a bit smug.

Nimdok turned to her and shook his head. “At this point, I don’t think they would accept my help.” He sighed. “I’m certain all of this would have gone a lot better if I was still an independent historian, like I was when I wrote that damned article. Now that I’ve affiliated myself with the Silvers, everyone is convinced that I’m biased in their favor. It was the same thing with Darth Xiphos—she was willing to be interviewed when she thought I was just a civilian, then when she found out I had joined the Silver Jedi Council, she thought I had tricked her. And now I have a 'blood feud' with her over, essentially, a misunderstanding.” He paused in his rambling only to catch his breath. “I joined the Silvers because I thought they needed someone like me to help them fight the Bryn and track down Xiphos, not because I thought they were perfect and spotless and better than the New Jedi Order—I tried to join the New Jedi first, you know. I wanted to be part of their crusade against the Sith, if you can believe it. But I must go where I’m needed, not necessarily where I want to go. And here... All I can do is hope that something good comes out of this 'he said, she said' whose-fault-is-it-anyway stuff.

Blinking, he glanced around at the other members of the committee, as though suddenly remembering their presences. A little embarrassed, he cleared his throat and smoothed his clothes, then slipped into the familiar, comfortable role of teacher. “Er, seeing as the Vice Chancellor and the Jedi have left, and we have no witnesses to confront, I will try to answer any questions you might have at this time.
“Orders are clear,” Chaar replied flatly. “Proceed with mission.”

Silence. The command was acknowledged quietly, through unnoticeable nods, discrete mental confirmation. Comms ran entirely untouched from the moment Qellene executed the final string of radio encryption.

In the silence, she was left to think, to worry about the meaning of the salvage beacon, and the strange distress call it preceded.

Qellene giggled morbidly. She was quite literally in the dark when it came to that question. On her end, she had cut her craft's internal lighting-- any active light source would only be a drain on fuel that could be otherwise applied to survival; Fuel that wouldn't be replenished so easily with the absence of carriers to facilitate its transfer. Courtesy of Military Command, and it's SIA puppetmasters, no such luxury would be provided. After all, carriers would be too valuable to risk in a potential diplomatic flashpoint, too massive for the Alliance to deny their involvement with integrity.

So they would be sending their most expendable, the pilots of Revenant Squadron, who by all means should have been dead along with the rest of their previous units.

She went quiet again, fought with herself to banish the rising anger, tearing both hands from their positions at the craft's consoles. Deep Breaths. Deep Breaths. Qellene began counting powers of two again. The silence persisted... Until she reached 32768, and slowly redirected the A-wing back onto its path-- it had veered off course five degrees amidst her struggle. But the issue had been corrected; All was well. All was well.

"BEEEP" The dashboard's shout rang in her ears.

Right. Qellene flicked a switch with a final collected breath, then guiding her interceptor such that it pulled toward the formation's aft. Seven meters later, she fired off RCS control, let the miniscule nozzles spew gas like tea kettles-- Though replacing a kettle's signature whine with an equally apparent stream of vibrations within the hull. A pause. She locked eyes with the sensor readouts, the same moment the X-wing of Two-Flight released their precious cargo. A glance upward, through the transparisteel, confirmed the successful. For those moments, Qellene watched the metallic black cocoons unfold into spider-like forms and take flight with their own bursts of RCS thrusters.

And the two groups parted ways. Revenant Squadron left its droids to linger.

"Yup..." She spoke aloud, in response to no question in particular, yet confirming thousands simultaneously, "Alright..." Her voice trailed into a slow, quiet whisper as the craft once again cruised toward the borders of the formation....

Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris , Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
It’s Nothing Personal


Task Force Xesh
Maijan Paisea | Boluc Laar | Kingsley

A punch landed on Boluc was surprising, to say the least.

He hadn’t know the other members of Xesh for much time at all, but one thing was common among all of them: they wanted out. And it seemed like their time had come. His eyes scanned around the room, trying to find where the woman had disappeared to. Maybe she knew of an exit that he didn’t.

But first, there was unfinished business to do.

“You know Boluc, this has been fun, but I think it is time we went our separate ways.”

Pulling out his concealed blaster pistol, the bounty hunter pointed the weapon directly at the man’s head. His finger rested on the trigger, preparing to fire. Seconds before the blaster went off, the door busted open.

Swiveling his head towards the entryway, he was greeted with a Jedi. Oh great. This mission had gone from bad to worse in seconds. But now wasn’t the time to talk things out.

With his free hand a second blaster pistol would he pulled out, aiming directly towards the Jedi. This time he wouldn’t hesitate. A small volley of shots was released before the bounty hunter took a defensive position.

“Take that you force-sensitive freak of nature!”

Hoping the Jedi would be disoriented, he moved on to the next part of his plan. Concealed in his boot was a small EMP charge. This was the ticket out of here. Placing the charge squarely in the back of his neck, he armed it quickly before setting it off. While nothing else would be affected in the room, he knew what would be.

Now with the charge that had bounded him to servitude gone, he could finally be a free man once again. Well, as free as a man trapped in a room with a hidden pirate, special ops agent, and a Jedi could be.


Xashe Tistya Xashe Tistya

"If they come for me, I will not surrender myself to them. I do not regret for my actions as they were necessary to defeat the Sith and their decadent Empire."

Unapologetic as he always was when it came to this controversial topic. He did what he believed what was right, believing to be more strong willed than his peers in the order as he did what many could not. Many said history would repeat itself if they did not learn from the successes and mistakes of their predecessors, and many of their kind before him always attempted to defeat the Darkside with compassion and sympathy to those consumed by such foul essence. Such good deeds were often taken advantage over, causing more tragedy for others.

Noble acts, but foolish compared to his beliefs.

"They are ignorant, Xashe; they are influenced by fear of what they do not understand," almost speaking condescending towards those that were hellbent on persecuting the New Jedi Order. "Though no matter what obstacles we are faced with, we should continue to do our mission and remain true to our oaths. You've grown and learned so much from me, this journey of yours is not in vain."

"And what will you do should the worst come to be? Should the Senate demand all of us to be judged?"


Boluc Laar



X E S H _ O N E
Maijan Paisea | Kingsley | Kreg Jare Kreg Jare | Voyana | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

What was that old, common saying?

Never expect the unexpected?

Hard to do that with a bunch of criminals surrounding you, only except he didn't listen to that voice of reason. Here he was too confident with these scoundrels on a leash with that micro-bomb on their necks that if he ordered them to jump off a bridge, they would do it. Although, they were still on vulnerable to the bombs; however, he depended on them to gather as many texts and artifacts, and return them to M.

Maijan's punch landed and knocked him down, the original member of Task Force Xesh snapped and got out of line. Unexpected as she had been compliant throughout all the missions M forced her on. Then there was Kreg, taking advantage of a stunned Boluc and was ready to execute him had it not been the lone, blind Jedi that entered the scene.

Bad from worse.

"Dammit," he seethed silently as he regained himself to face the situation that was only developing poorly for him. The mission was at risk to near failure with his goons gone rogue and this Jedi that would surely be a pest until disposed of. His own logic deemed Aaran as the bigger threat; the rest he would take care of later. His hand drew out a particle beam blaster pistol and had it aimed right at the Jedi.

Dodge that.

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