Shev Skirata
You can come in warm, or come in cold.
What a pain in the shebs. If I was offered half a credit to sell you as a zoo animal..."Are you two dikuts still alive?"
"On our way to you." He said before he realized why she was asking, "I secured the sample."
He made his way toward her on hands and knees no longer sure Kay was following. He wasn't completely sure there was much distance between Sula and him anyway. His hand struck something as the crawled and threw him off balance. His visor hit dirt before he found a hilt stick out of the side wall of the tunnel.
"Better keep that too." He said tucking the knife away before he activated a small helmet light which cast a circle of light that reflected off her visor in the dark.
"Back up Rekali, we found her." He said as he watched for more trouble to come through the walls. With his luck some mega mole or forest worm or leviathan slug would pop out next and swallow them all.
The ground started shaking. The soil and roots began pressing around them as he got a very, very, uneasy feeling about what was happening.
A large swath of ground turned into a sinkhole on the surface as the three person science team got a rare opportunity to experience yavin mega fauna first hand.
Sula Skirata Keratel Rekali