Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Ye Who Enter Here: AC Dominion of Weken

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade; Living Saint of Ashla
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Cleanse the Fortress Ing Sedisĥ
Location: Inside the Fortress Ing Sedisĥ.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Amen & Attack ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

["I said, Gei is your real opponent. I trained on opponents of other difficulty."] she told him with a smile.

She has mentioned several times over the years that she often leads attacks against War, Death and Rebirth. That is, against the Dark Three, the Avatars, against the deities of Maw. The Valkyrja species often attack them to steal back souls and not allow the Dark Three to eat them…

Deep in the fortress, Eina went forward. She just nodded very little at Hei's words; she knew the man would be there behind her and would come. Just like Gei. There was not the slightest distrust or doubt that it really would be that way. There was not the slightest sign of fear in the Valkyrja. Every step is still precise, elegant; her attacks are also deadly, accurate. Maybe Ashla really led her footsteps and actions in this place.

As they got deeper and deeper, Eina's aura shone brighter and brighter in the Force, and after a while her aura actually surrounded the angel-winged woman like a golden Force light. At first only the smaller creatures tried to escape from its light, and then the stronger ones. Geiseric's devotion and dedication was reflected in Eina's aura and in the Force Light. In some very dark rooms, she lit up the whole room, Ashla's power.

Nothing could resist Ashla's Sword, Shield, and Light as they moved through the fortress. They have not yet actually encountered living beings, only demons, undead, or just completely twisted and corrupt beings. However, at the end of their journey, they reached the part that leads to the innermost part of the fortress. A huge, closed metal door stood in their way. It was also felt in the Force that there were already living beings behind the door, probably Sith.

["I think this is what we are looking for."] Eina told Gei and Hei.




Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Sanctus Dominus

Light filled the rooms as the trio progressed deeper into the dark sanctum of the former Warlord. It had seemed as if nothing could stand in their way as they cut their swathe through the horde of evil. In these moments, Heinrich felt himself reflecting on just how much the Crusade had accomplished in their time within the Tingel Arm. They were all so different, yet despite those differences, they had been able to push the darkness from the region, perhaps more than any had before. There was something to be said about that, to be sure, and perhaps, in this moment, Heinrich began to feel hope once again.

"I'll call it a win as long as we maintain this momentum."

He cut down another creature as they continued the assault, only to be stopped by a large metal door. Heinrich wasn't sure what could await them on the other side, but whatever it was, they would face it together. The Blade of Ession took a moment to say another silent prayer to himself, steeling his nerves for whatever may lay ahead. Should the dark lord himself be on the other side, he would be ready.

"Someone is on the other side..."

He checked his personal holo, looking at the movements of the others on the outside of the fortress. It seemed that the assault was proceeding slowly, but proceeding nonetheless. Their forces were close enough to draw the attention of many of the beasts within the fortress, meaning that they would not likely have to worry about reinforcements this deep within Ing Sedish. Perhaps, if they could manage to take out whoever awaited them on the other side of this door, the rest would scatter.

"We'll go in together, try to take them by surprise. They may know we're here, but they don't know what we're capable of. We'll use that to our advantage."

Heinrich paused for a moment, thinking on his newfound abilities that he had only recently begun to master.

"I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."



Tags: Isla Draellix


Salve Regina

"Yes, I suppose it does."

Unusual allies indeed. The Cardinal still battled with the idea of allying the Crusade with the li
kes of the Eternal Empire, yet the cause demanded sacrifice, and his own ego was not going to get in the way of the practicality of such an alliance... no matter how hard of a pill it was for him to swallow.

"I will agree to this idea, even if nothing comes from it. I will have to mention, however, that should this Zolasha does become a problem, I will have to send the Jury after her. Despite the Queen's long-lasting friendship with us, I won't be able to change course, should her partner jeopardize our goals."

He took a moment to go over the data regarding the space station, examining each piece closely as he spoke. He fully believed in the capabilities of Isla, but that wasn't going to stop him from being thorough. One had to be, in a position such as his.

"Everything seems to be in order thus far. You've outdone yourself once again, Isla."

His expression became more grim at the mention of the cold war between the Galactic Alliance and the NIO. It certainly was a powder keg, and not one that the Cardinal wished to see blow. There were growing political divides within the Crusade, in recent months. Divides that often played out in the form of leanings toward one faction or the other. While Pietro counted himself among those that would wish to side with the Imperials in the conflict, he knew that there were many that would wish to side with the Alliance.

"The Alliance is the antithesis of everything that the New Imperials stand for. They only came together in an effort to destroy the Sith. That was broken the moment the Maw attacked Coruscant. I can't say that I blame Emperor Fel for pulling out of the Bastion Pact, but one can't help to think that it was what the Maw sought on that day."

There would come a day when the Crusade would have to address the issues between their allies, though Pietro hoped that it wouldn't be any time soon.

"I have heard that, yes. Auteme has long been a friend to the Kaiser, though I wouldn't hold my breath for much of a change within their ranks. Then again, perhaps it will be for the best."

Perhaps they could strengthen their position with the Galactic Alliance with Auteme at the helm, but the galaxy was an uncertain place, and their were many things that could go horribly wrong.


A R I A⠀ S C A V O
OBJECTIVE: Assault the Dread Fortress with Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
LOCATION: Outside the Fortress, Weken
TAGS: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich & Open!

'Above Acheron'

"CRICK!" exerted Aria as she saw one of her fellow sisters take a hit. Time was essential here, particularly under such ferocious volleys of fire offered by the enemy. Aria unleashed a number of shots before quickly shifting along the trench, using the ruined landscape and abandoned defences as cover~ the sounds of blaster bolts, artillery and everything in-between still producing massive amounts of noise, particularly as the shots landed near her.

As Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich and a number of Sisters began their advance to take out a position, Aria saw her chance. She hopped over a barrier and darted towards towards the fallen Sister, throwing her rifle behind her back and taking the opportunity of distraction to drag her behind the fallen creature that Greer had just slain, for cover.

"hey.. HEY!" she shouted at the fallen soldier, removing her helmet~ "Keep looking at me, 'aight?" she began as she started stuffing bandages and applying some pressure onto the large wound, trying to stop the bleeding as much as possible while she decided what to do next. After a few moments of digging through her medipack with one hand, she applied a
pain-relief device to the sister, to help with the pain before taking out a field cauterizer to begin forcing the wound shut.

As she began cauterizing the wound, a number of shots snapped over their heads nearby, yet they couldn't stop for anything; Aria was hoping that the pain-relief gas was working. After burning the wound shut she cleaned it out and covered it with a
bacta patch, extensive treatment can be done later but she was safe for now and her team needed her still.

Once the Sister was stable, she timed her movement and dragged her behind hard cover before leaving her in relative safety to re-join her squad. Aria followed the barricades along until she could hop them to end up in cover, once again picking up her rifle and assisting in the fight.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade; Living Saint of Ashla
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Cleanse the Fortress Ing Sedisĥ
Location: Inside the Fortress Ing Sedisĥ.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Amen & Attack ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

["I'm absolutely sure they know we're here."] she told Hei.

It would have been hard enough not to sense what the trio was doing inside until they got to that door. At most, non-Force Users could be those who did not perceive any of this. Eina completely ruled out the possibility that they would have gone unnoticed to anyone else. All three of them shine too brightly in Ashla's light in this darkness. Even an untrained person had to feel them.

She nodded that they might not know what they were capable of. In fact, she even had doubts about it. They've gotten this far, only three of them; without any help. They don't know their abilities, not really, but they can be sure about that, the trio were very strong. Although, if they’re lucky, they only count on two people, since Gei and she were one in the Force. They didn’t necessarily feel like there were three of them.

["How would you like to go in? Shall we break the door or teleport in?"] she asked him.

When the man mentioned the few tricks, Eina looked at him a little worried. She looked at Gei for a moment to see if he knew anything. The two of them knew each other's abilities, and Eina never hid any of her powers from the others. Everyone knew what she was capable of.

["Is there anything I and Gei need to know before we go in?"] she asked seriously.

She wasn't worried about herself, she was worried about Gei, and she didn't want the surprises to confuse them inside, during the fight.




Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Aria Scavo Aria Scavo
Location: Outside the fortress, Weken

The push forward became harder as the turrets blocked their way, she looked at Aria Scavo Aria Scavo , "nice work Sister, thought she was done for there." even with the digital effects from helmet, Greers thick and friendly brogue came through was she spoke.

"Ok ladies, cover me while i head forwards and try to take out that damn turret." she counted to three on her armored fingers and then blasted forward and in to air on her grav pack. Greer used her large saber to block blaster bolts, but still she felt the impacts of heavy rounds on her Ashlan Jedi Armour, she cursed, this was a reckless idea.

She landed with a thud on top of the turret and plunged her sword through its roof. She must have hit something sensitive as he precognitive senses gave her only an instants notice to jump clear as the turret rocked with an internal explosion and listed to one side. Greer gasped as she caught her breath, she hated wearing armour, she felt like she was suffocating, unable to get enough air in to cover the exertion.nshe desperately needed to take her helmet off.

The Jedi put the hilt of her light saber to her forehead and used the calming influence of its crystal to centre her and reduce her breathing, the moment of panic was gone. She knew she disliked helmets, but had never had that response before, she could only put her vulnerability down to the darkness of this place. It had passed, she was safe. And not a moment too soon as fire continued on her position. Greer's sword crackled back to life and she charged up the hill they were getting close now, there was but one more line of defenses to go before they reached their goal of the fortress.


Then a flash of precog and a bang as something underfoot exploded, tossing Greer into the air like a rag doll. The world span and went dark for the Jedi as she felt herself land heavily on the ground and the last voices she heard was that of her Battle Sisters. The blast had ripped open the armour on her foot and the lower part of her leg armour, exposing her shredded skin to the toxic air.



Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Sanctus Dominus

"You're likely right... I have an idea."

The Crusader thought for a moment, playing a few scenarios out in his mind as they stood at the door. He could sense the relative positions of the individuals within the room, though not their exact locations. In the end, relative would be more than enough for what they had to do.

"You and Gei teleport in, behind them if you can. Once their attention is fixed on the two of you, I'll come in through the door. That way, they'll have nowhere to go."

A slight smile produced itself on his face as they spoke of the plan. There was a part of him that was almost having fun in this moment, if one could call it that. The Blade of Ession had discovered a newfound sense of hope within recent months, and it was beginning to show. His jaded nature had seemed to subside a bit, giving way to the man that he once was. A simple knight willing to serve the will of Ashla. A man with true purpose, without the endless weight of experience that had been bogging him down for so long.

He looked down to his free hand for a moment, clutching his fist as he spoke.

"Nothing to worry about. Just been trying out a new skill I picked up recently, and I've gotten pretty good at it."

A quick glance back toward the pair followed the statement.

"I'd hate to spoil the surprise."

There it was, an actual joking tone. The man had often struggled with such lighthearted commentary, having often opted to err on the side of stoic rhetoric. But in this moment, he actually felt comfortable. His doubts of recent memory were gone, and the purpose was all that remained.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade; Living Saint of Ashla
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Cleanse the Fortress Ing Sedisĥ
Location: Inside the Fortress Ing Sedisĥ.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Amen & Attack ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

["Anyway, I don’t think they could go to so many places if they realised we are able to teleport."] she told him.

This reduced the possibilities quite a bit, especially since they were behind closed doors in the room. She listened to the Blade of Ession wordlessly, then nodded. Eina had a bad feeling about it. It's like Heinrich is hiding something. The man still hadn't told Gei that he was Solipsis' apprentice once, the Valkyrja had been carrying that burden for years. And she didn't know anything about him now. The man hasn't talked to her in a while…

Eina didn't smile at Heinrich's words, there was more grief in her gaze, and grief shone in her eyes. There was something like a fracture in her posture as well. Somehow Hei has been so different lately, distant, strange. They no longer talked as they used to, the man was no longer looking for her company. She did not understand the reason for his behaviour. The Valkyrja felt as if an invisible chasm had grown between them, and it hurt Eina.

["I don’t like surprises, especially not on the battlefield. But I accept that you don’t trust us enough to tell you what you’re up to. Only next time please say that before we entrust our lives to you. If we no longer have the unconditional trust between us, we would have done it with Gei alone."] her voice was a little colder, sad, but not offended she was never offended, it was like as if Heinrich had hurt or her and his words wounded her, and these were only really felt by Gei. ["But I still trust you."]

She didn't wait for an answer, she gently touched Gei's shoulder and teleported them both to the far end of the room.




Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Sanctus Dominus

Heinrich nodded in response to the comment about teleportation. There was nowhere for these Sith to hide. No way for them to escape the will of Ashla. As he braced himself for the attack, Heinrich listened intently to Eina's words. Though he knew that his ability would be no danger to them, he was still getting used to it himself. The whole experience had been a strange one, to be sure, and he was still not fully convinced that it was even real. Nevertheless, the power remained, and he would use it so long as Ashla had use for him.

As his companions entered the other room, Heinrich took a moment to gather himself for the fight. His mind reached forth, calling upon the power bestowed upon him by Ty as he prayed to Ashla for the strength to use it. After a few moments, Heinrich burst through the door, catching the Sith inside between him and his two friends. Heinrich's free hand stretched outward, aimed at the Sith closest to him as he made his advance.

"Ashla is with us!"

A golden flame began to emerge from his outstretched hand, slowly building into a glorious, holy inferno. The fire shot outward, directed toward the Sith that he sought to eliminate. As the fire danced toward the man, his crimson blade rose to block the assault. Seeing an opportunity, Heinrich pushed forward, and with each step, the fire roared ever-brighter around the Sith. By the time Heinrich closed the gap, the Sith was nothing but ash and smoke.

He turned his attention toward the other Sith in the room, his body shifting to a guard stance as he held his blade with both hands. There would be no reprieve for the Sith on this day, for Ashla would suffer no darkness.


Oz Zol


Location: Weken, Wetland
Music: X


Oz was troubled by the planet that was laid out to him. A world that had been made to and left to rot under the corruption of the darkside it would seem. Yes the world was poisonous, but that was natural for it. Not every planet can be, or even should be a lush temperate paradise. All environment’s had their ecological niche and Weken was no different if it was inhospitable to most life from across the galaxy. Oz would know, most atmospheres in the galaxy were toxic to him. But that didn’t mean he should turn all air on a world into that like Dorin.

Others had set out to deal with the Dread Fortress itself, while Oz set out to try and heal the damage done to the world by darkside sorcery. Currently he was trekking through a noxious marsh. Home to a vile creature who was tainted by the darkside, and causing ecological damage all on its own and with likely no natural beasts and predators that could best it Oz figured he would need to.

Stopping in the mud Oz sensed it, the poor creature who had come to slain. Looking over to the side there was a small patch of what looked to be land with strange discolored grass. But a moment later it began to shift, and rise. It was not a muddy patch of earth but the back of the beast he’d come to slay. Rising to its hind legs and getting out of the swampy water stood a large corrupted swamp wampa. A species alien to the planet and even more so to the darkside. The grass he saw a moment ago had just been its filthy, moss covered fur. Looking down at Oz it hunched over and roared violently, ready to end Oz like it did every other creature in the local area. Calling forth his lightsaber to his hand he ignited it. The brilliant yellow blade illuminating their surroundings. Now Oz needed to put the alien creature out of its misery, and one step at a time bring balance to the world’s climate…

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