Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Year Long RP


Disney's Princess
An Act of War: Following artillery barrage by @Arcturus Procyon


Any Hapan-Republic Air Squadrons on standby? If so. Time to get those birds moving. Battlefield Priority One: is to knock out those enemy mortar batteries within range of the *Southern H/R Outpost.
  • I'm not a Republic Commander, thusly I cannot NPC or Command Republic Air Squadrons.
  • If Air Squadrons are not available the mission is recommended to be initiated by Fast Attack Vehicles.
  • If Fast Attack Vehicles are not available the mission is recommended to be initiated by Infantry push.
  • If an attack into enemy territory cannot be accomplished, the Outpost will remain within enemy mortar range. Causalities will escalate.
  • Fleeting is not allowed. Orbital Rounds may not be used.
  • @Arcturus Procyon has not been located as is not currently a priority target.

Thanks. :D
Is anyone in the city? From the posts i've seen, it seems like @[member="Christian Slade"] may be there, but I'm not sure. You just talked about a bar, not exactly where you are lol.


Disney's Princess
A few things just off the top of my head,
  • Post Order: If you tag me. Surprise! You now get to wait for me. It goes like this... You post once. I post once. You post once. I post one. AKA: All you boys in the Southern HR Outpost. It's a year long RP. Chill. ...If you don't want to wait for me to post? Try waiting at least 48 hours, send me a PM, then post once more.
  • Spawn Winning: @[member="Marcus Faust"]. You don't get to spawn your character 1 sword step from Trooper Miles Varden. This is called Spawn Winning (or Ninja Ganking if you strike or sneak attack). It is more appropriate that you spawn a character 'out-of-combat' and use your first post to approach already engaged characters. This is called an 'intro'.

Here are some more veteran recommendations. This is an Example of a good header:

H/R Southern Outpost
Vs: @Bob @Tony @Bella

  • 1. The first noun is your location. Now we know where you are. Now everyone who is around you can read your post for context. Anyone who is not around you, can now skip your post.
  • 2. The second part is who you are tagging. These are the people who must read your post. Because you are attacking them or interacting with them. These are the people with whom you share 'post order'.

Okay. Learning Time is over. Let's see some 'Headers', 'Tagging', and 'Post Order' this time. And don't worry. You've got a whole year to learn how to do it.

Thanks. :D


Disney's Princess
@[member="Marcus Faust"] : Post #26 is entirely OOC. As a reminder, do not make completely OOC posts in an IC thread. If you need to communicate OOC with everybody? You do it here. In this thread. Like I am doing right now.

Thanks. :D
I'm a bit new to the site in comparison to others. That being said, would anyone mind telling me the basic alliances? I don't want to be cutting down friends just because they ain't part of the Republic. Nor do I want to be offering a drink to the man who's preparing to shoot me under the table.
Due to Marcus being seen as Spawn winning, I believe that it would be appropriate to point out @[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"]. Not only did you appear behind Republic lines, you also blasted them to bits without any introduction or chance to avoid the hit. I've only been on one or two RP sites where this was acceptable, and both where low level, and one was developing out of it.
Some people would like time to aim their gun's. Also there are jedi on the battle field. We can sense danger through the force. There are also sensors everywhere to pick up areal activity. Howelse would batteries be able to shoot down. Giant dragon or not, normal RP's rules should stay the same.
Alright, I don't think anyone is over by the lighthouse so I'm going to spawn in over there.
Also, is there a more detailed map available? Possibly with grid coordinates?

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