Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Year One: The Apprentice

He brought both of his arms up to shroud his face from the sparks, feeling the heat against the sleeves of his jacket. In quick succession he lowered his guard and expected some physical action but was thrown off by the sudden lack of air. The inability to breath was sudden, and his natural reaction was to grip his own throat with his free hand.

Looking forward, as the pressure increased, he saw the mans hand up as if he was the one who had him in this hold. He feet slowly began to levitate from the ground, and they hovered just above where he stood previously.


"Damnn, I didn't wanna die literally." He thought to himself, "I thought maybe I had another half hour..."

He could tell he hadn't much time. He started to reach into his coat pocket for the chip...if this was the end for him then this chip was gonna go with him.

"I didn't even get to ask [member="Aela Talith"] out."

Struggling, fighting back the blackout he'd heard the snap hiss of what sounded like a lightsaber. His eyes now red, looked off behind [member="Vrak Nashar"] and he saw a heavy frame.

Jed, who had gotten word of this, pushed out with his hand to throw a powerful concussive force towards the Sith from behind. The mans emerald lightsaber was held at his side, and his intentions were to drive this man away and secure his Padawan.
[member="Rebel Sunka"]

Vrak turned in an instant, the palm that had been holding the boy in the air whipping around.

The act would likely send the young man flying into the nearby wall, though that wasn't Vrak's intent. He imply thought to shield himself as much as he could, his fingers flattening and the force creating half a buffer that was instantly shattered by the massive concussive blast that had been sent towards him. The Sith Knight went flying through the air the instant the force impacted him, his lightsaber thrown away onto the ground as The Pureblood went tumbling.

With a loud thud he struck the ground.

Instantly he felt blood pool in his mouth, his teeth cutting into his lower lips as his head smacked back against the duracrete. A quiet crunch of bone echoed out as he landed, his finger tightening as he tried to contain himself.

Before the Jedi could move upon him Vrak rolled to his feet, the eyes behind his mask snapping up towards the new arrival, his lips thinning as his hand came against his shattered ribs. A hiss of pain escaped him, his gaze falling on the new Jedi instead of trying to see what had happened to the boy. Foolish perhaps, but he needed to stop the immediate threat. Rage bubbled inside of him, indignation that flowed with a powerful surge of the darkside.

His free hand came up, a torrential surge of Sith lightning once again flooding he alleyway.
Darkness crept up from the edges of his eyes, and just before he succumbed he was launched into the nearby wall. The invisible force tugged his body forward and he collided with the durasteel just in front of him. He rolled around on the ground as he fought to get all the air that was stripped from his being. Everything else going on around him was just background noise.

Jed was a Jedi knight, powerful enough in his own right. His force abilities were of his level but packed more of a punch rather than precision. Hell, if Vrak wasn't distracted he'd probably be able to swiftly defend or even move out of the way. Jed happened to catch him off guard.

Moonrunner would charge the threat in an attempt to put an end to the situation as he had somewhat of an advantage. Raising his emerald blade, he launched himself forward and broke out in a sprint that started slow but would pick up speed. His advance would hit a wall steeped in the darkside however. A torrent of sith lightning rushed forward at the recovering Sith.

All Jed could do was raise his blade to shield himself from whatever bolts he could hold. His feet slid back at the power behind the surge of lightning that only seemed to grow.

Rebel was exhausted, he'd likely broken a few ribs as well from being thrown around like a rag doll. He was fighting back the blackout he was feeling coming on, but he felt the need to help. Not being able to stand, he had just a little bit of energy left in him. He looked up, and made note.

With what he had left, he ignited her lightsaber and launched into the street light above the Sith. It was either gonna hit em or possibly cut them off from each other. It was all he could think of from where he was.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Rebel Sunka"]

The light came smashing down with no real ceremony or pomp, barely redirected by a flick of Vrak's wrist. He let out a loud curse as the light smashed against the ground, sparks flying and the odd mist around them dispersing for just a moment as he managed to catch his bearing.

His lips curled back.

This was getting to be too loud. With the light destroyed the authorities, what little there were here on Nar Shaddaa, would surely be informed. The commotion that he had caused while fighting the boy would be noticed, and Vrak couldn't allow himself to be captured, not again. Another curse bit through his lips, his head shaking as he half turned and stepped away from the Jedi. He knew that fighting would be a fools errand, he would have to try again some other time.

His fingers curled.

The Purebloods off-hand swept up, the force gripping the broken light and simply tossing it towards the Jedi.

It was little more than a distraction, meant to temporarily pull the Jedi's attention away from him as he dashed across the small courtyard and bounded towards the massive pit opening.
Jed threw up both of his hands in order to catch the broken light in mid flight, his body trembled as he struggled to manipulate the Force in another time to end its velocity. With a grunt, the older man shifted swiped his hands across his body from left to right and brought with it the broken scraps that was the light forcing it into the wall beside them. When he was finally able to turn his attention to their opponent he was gone.

The old man took a deep breath and let go a sigh of relief before rushing over and tending to his apprentice.

Nodding his head, Rebel gripped the mans hand and pulled himself up while still holding his chest as his breathing readjusted.

"Are you alright?" The deep voice cut through his body as he felt the rough hand on his shoulder, "Yeah...I'm good." There was a moment of silence between the two, Rebel then looked away, "I tried..." he said shaking his head.

"I know, it's quite alright son. Come, we gotta get out of here." He said turning his body while Rebel stood and looked over the scene.

He noticed something, and limped over to it...squinting his eyes, he leaned over while a grunt of pain escaped him. When he rose again he realized that it was the lightsaber of the Sith...his lips parted before his gaze came back up.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]

(Now the end :) )

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