Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yes I looked for this answer already - how do I create a character, and where do I join a campaign?

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Can you have Tefka add that image you just posted into the "Character Creation Rules and Profile Template" thread, as a segment called "How To Create and Access a Character Subaccount?" It needs to include instructions to:

1. first post a thread in the Character Creation sub-forum

2. Then create the Character sub-account within your profile menu (please don't use accronyms like OOC, new people have no idea what that means, use the full words for introductory processes).

3. Then access the drop down list to switch to your character account.

4. Then edit the Character's settings from within the sub-account.

God, that's a lot for making a toon! But if that's how we have to do it here, then it needs to be listed in that forum please.
[member="Xyrus VI"]

I've never used a forum like this before, but it was all pretty logical and simple to find out. Do you want everything handed to you? I mean, I guess people could... if they felt like it...
Menka, if you can't handle me asking questions after having searched for the answers myself, there's the door, hon... see yourself out.


Well-Known Member
[member="Xyrus VI"]

Also, as no one addressed it, I'm guessing I'm the only one who perceived your text as such, just wanted to warn you; while yes everyday of the week you may be a new character on your account, rember you must make a new character sheet and apply it etc before yu play as it.[member="Pyrrho of Elis"]
[member="Xyrus VI"]

I've seen a lot, it's not a lot, you must not forum roleplay. You can ask the head admin since you already found him.
Maybe you need to get used to the idea that some people aren't thoroughly educated in online forum roleplay, because they've been doing other things with their life, and don't bother trying to help if you're going to get impatient with someone new who is trying to figure the process out. Maybe you need to just absent yourself from the rest of this discussion. I'd prefer that at this point, because you aren't helping.
[member="Xyrus VI"]

The first thing you said was negative, the second thing you said was negative. The only time you said something at all appreciative was thanks to someone who did the work for you. Literally I think Character creation is the first post in the whole category

Edit: Sorry, Character Creation is the second forum, Character Creation Rules is third post.


Well-Known Member
[member="Xyrus VI"]

Lastly, while what she said was not the most respectful, it was true. Fiddle around and you can find how anything works. But there is no need for rude retaliation. If what she says strikes you as unnecessary, report it and it will be handled by reps of the site. Aggression only begets aggression as well.
...This just got interesting.

No, this just got over. You guys just lost yourselves a participant. Thanks for making this an unwelcoming process. All I did was ask for an answer to a question I had attempted to answer for myself, and instead I had to be told what a fool I am for not already knowing what the answer was. You guys need to rethink how you're doing this. Ciao.
I mean not for nothing but the whole front page was a half dozen people politely helping you. Your responses were combative straight out of the gate. That doesn't set the stage for good things to follow. Learning to do/use something new can be frustrating, but when you word your posts the way you did, people are inevitably going to respond similarly.

Hope you find what you're looking for, either way. Take care! :)
A couple of you are very self-satisfied, and happy to look for an argument with someone who's already frustrated. That's unfortunate. I had a lot of fun playing SW rpg years ago, and was hoping to return to a similarly enjoyable atmosphere.

Menka, and Pink, if you felt that I was personally irritated with you, then you have either read my words cursorily or not understood them. I tried to be very clear that I was frustrated with the site layout, I thanked people who were helpful, and I recommended some possible changes to help new-comers avoid similar frustration in the future. Most of the responders here did not seem to feel personally attacked and just offered some help.

That's all that was needed to resolve the situation. Telling me I should be more familiar with forum-style rpgs than I am, and asking me if I'm looking for a handout after I've spent more than 5 hours familiarizing myself with the site, is entirely unnecessary. One of the things I took the time to read was the part of the rules where it said intentional antagonism is strictly not allowed here, so what gives? What's constructive about you telling me you had no problem finding your way around, and implying that therefore I shouldn't either?

And Pink, if you think I'm being rude for pointing out the rudeness of Menka's remark, I recommend you take a broader perspective and consider that you've been here a while. This site is pretty big, and there's a LOT of information here. However easily it comes to you and Menka, some other people have a difficult time figuring out the setup, and being antagonistic to them creates an unnecessary hardship in an already stressful situation.

If you have nothing helpful to add, what would really be helpful is for you just not to make any more dismissive or derisive comments. Is that too much to ask? And to the rest of you didn't get personally offended about my complaints, thank you again for your help. Having read back through some of the comments I missed during the antagonism, a lot of you gave just the information I needed and it resolved my character issue.
[member="Xyrus VI"]
Literally I think Character creation is the first post in the whole category

Edit: Sorry, Character Creation is the second forum, Character Creation Rules is third post.
I guess it's easy to get confused about site layout, even once you've been here a while, isn't it?
Hello and welcome to Chaos. I see you've met our local rabble. They're a bubbly, merry bunch to be sure.

[member="Xyrus VI"] if you have any additional questions or issues navigating this forum or making a character/getting involved, please feel free to tag me personally in your question posts or send me a PM. If you're not sure how to do these things, just say so and I will be happy to show you.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I'm going to remind everyone in this thread of the old adage, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

Keep that in mind, please.
[member="Menka Guga"]

You are being rude. If you continue to act this way to new members, regardless of how they act, I will remove your privilege to post in the Introductions forum.

Please re-evaluate your behavior towards new members on this forum.
[member="Xyrus VI"]

If you require further assistance, please PM me and I will see that you are attended to. If your frustration has turned you away from, then the Chaos family understands and wishes you a happy holidays and may the Force be with you.
[member="Xyrus VI"]

I'm locking this thread. Xyrus, you may post another one, or you may PM me. Hopefully from this point on the attitude towards you is a bit more representative of the kind and understanding Chaos atmosphere. We do understand this forum has its limitations, however, and ask for patience and understanding as you become acquainted with it.
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