Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Yesteryear

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Tag(s): Vince Vince

10 Years Ago…

The sun’s rays caught everything in its wide gaze. Sig Hervet stood on a small clay patio overlooking one of the many beautiful forests of his home planet. The summer home was large and spacious although most days recently Sig had found himself in quiet thought outside. He was thirteen and was beginning to dive deeper into more complex studies. One area that he took particular interest in had been that of history.

It was recently while researching the past that the young boy began develop a view that many among his family considered... controversial. Most people in the galaxy wanted peace. They didn't want war or destruction. They simply wanted to exist peacefully. But history was a teacher Sig greatly valued, and it showed that the people's wishes often didn't align with that of those in power. He was growing restless. He was beginning to feel that the only way to truly have peace, to truly achieve a galaxy without war or destruction, was to take power.

Not just political power. No, Sig was thinking beyond the words and echo chambers of the senate floor. He was thinking beyond armies and fleets. He believed that the strongest, the literal strongest, among the galaxy should take the lead. This view was of course one his family disagreed with. In fact most people in the galaxy likely wouldn't agree to let 'the strongest among them' take charge.

So he instead decided to wait. He would spend his education gaining whatever knowledge he felt he needed so that one day he could seek out those that had the same ideals as himself. After his studies he often found himself here, on the patio staring out at the forest pondering the future, his future. He didn't know what await him. But right now all he could do was wait in eager anticipation.

Ambushing Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

"Ahhhh!" - the Prince was clearly in pain. His feet dangled off of the sick bed while the Royal Medicus treated his wound: A deep scratch mark across his left cheek was being cleaned and prepared for a kolto treatment to ensure faster healing and to prevent scarring. Despite the pain, however, the child remained disciplined enough to stop himself from flinching.

"Need I ask?" the gentle voice of the Medicus had an obvious soothing effect on the boy who's lips involuntarily turned into a smile. The two of them had known each other for his entire life.

"It was Gottorek" the sentence was completed but finished rather abruptly as another effort to clean the wound was made. "But it was an accident!"

"Your highness, I know you love that beast, but this is dangerous"

Anger was visible in the boy's eyes but he quickly took a deep and, perhaps even, sharp breath. "Gottorek is a Drexl in the early stages of his development, he just needs time. Frankly, I'm more afraid what my mother will do when she finds out."

"You highness!" the medicus exclaimed upon hearing the comment on the Queen. "You mother will find out sooner rather than later, I can tell you that"

A confused look spread across his features and the beginnings of a 'What' was uttered before he cut himself off. The Medicus had turned away for a brief moment and returned with a large white kolto patch. "But the Parade!" he protested

The elderly medicus offered a look to convey 'I told you so' without needing to utter a single word "Be sure not to draw something obscene on it. Now shoo"

Vince offered a playful smirk before hopping off of the bed "Thank you, Medicus Brahe" he offered nod as she curtsied.

The boy then ran off, making his way through the building at a sprint. Heading up and down through various stairs and pathways, he checked the rooms where he usually spent time with Sig. With seemingly endless energy, he finally made his way out onto the patio. While the summer estate was grand in its own right, the patio on the northern wing was smaller and a little secluded: Perfect for the boys when they wanted to get away from the overbearing duties of royalty and education.

A sprint turned into a careful series of steps once he got out onto the patio. The playful smirk quickly returned when he saw his cousin. The careful approach, if seemingly undiscovered, would be followed by an ambush. Placing a leg for Sig to fall over, the Prince would proceed to make a full bodied push to bring his cousin down. Of course, he was holding back: The push, whilst powerful was far from explosive and too forceful, and his hands were ready to pull at his cousin's arm in case it looked like the fall would be bad.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig, who just barely heard his cousin sneaking from behind, attempted to throw his weight into him. The two would fall over onto one another and, although slightly annoyed at the interruption, Sig let out a small chuckle. As the two stood and dusted off he glanced at Vince Vince with a trouble expression. “The parade is today,” he said with a bitter annoyance, “I assume you were sent to make sure I attend this time?”

The two cousins were close and spent their entire lives together, what with Sig being only a few years older, and their parents being extremely close as well. However Sig took those few years seriously and wasn’t afraid to display his arrogance, though he didn’t see it as such of course. On days like today he didn’t hold back his irritation at current events or his family. The cousins were close, but Sig was growing weary of his younger cousins’ views.

After a beat he returned the same stance he had prior to the tackle, “Well I’m not going,” he said in absolute assurance. Indeed he wasn’t going today, or any day moving forward. He wasn’t supporting his family or their dealing anymore, simply deciding to protest through action. The act of not going, that is.

The stubborn teen didn’t bother looking his younger cousin in the eyes upon making his declaration; he was that sure that nothing would get him to go.
Vince Vince
Chatting with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Vince smiled brightly as the two of them got back up. With a snap of his fingers, he jokingly projected pride upon announcing "Another point for the purple corner!" He offered a deep bow to the imaginary crowd by the forest edge. His eyes then shot over to his friend and he quickly followed his example, making sure to brush off any dust and dirt that might've been picked up during their scuffle.

Putting his hands on his wais, the Crown Prince leaned his head to the side "Do you really believe they'd send the dude with the big kolto patch to convince you that going to the parade is a great idea?" The mock skepticism was lined with a friendly eagerness that burst out of the boy with a happy expression and a finger gun "They did - you would be correct, cousin."

Whatever tensions there might have been between them as of late, Vince didn't shown any signs of having kept them in mind. He moved past his cousin and hopped up onto the patio railing to prevent people from falling down the deep cliff that the estate was partially built upon. A fall would likely be fatal, or at least cause grievous wounds but the young Prince moved with the feeling of immortality that only the youngest could muster.

"Maybe the Parade is a bit stale" he let out an idle comment as his feet dangled over the floor boards, back facing the forest. A soft breeze could be heard sweeping through the trees around them as leaves played a soft tone. A smile grew on Vince's lips as the breeze reached them, blowing through his hair. With a simple move, he hopped off of the railing, quickly bringing him within arm's reach of his kin.

The smile faded. He showed no animosity but a brief moment of seriousness would be allowed as he put his hand onto Sig's shoulder and looked him deep in the eyes "But it is our duty" Vince would linger in the stance to get the message across before moving back to lean forth onto the railing.

"But hey, the ball after is pretty fun. Didn't you like that girl from the Astarkavak estate? I heard she's coming."
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

"But it is our duty"
Sig shook his cousins hand off his shoulder with a slightly scoff. “Duty,” he mockingly responded, “this galaxy is in chaos and we’re attending a parade: our duty.”

Sig moved away, walking along the patio to its end, his arms folded and a heavy sigh exited his chest. “I’m sorry,” he added. He may have disagreed with his family, Vince Vince included, but he truthfully didn’t like fighting with his cousin.

Sig was barely talking when Vince was born. The two had only grown close as they grew. Despite being cousins they often were jokingly referred to by many on their family as brothers. They took it in stride however, and their bond truly was a demonstration of brotherhood.

Turning around, he faced his cousin with a smirk, “I can’t even recall her name,” he said in an attempt to return to a more friendly atmosphere, “but I do like her sister Liara.”

He wasn’t sure if his cousin would see through his efforts to steer the converstion elsewhere. Though he would remain firm if pressed further, he had no intention of going and he wasn’t going to let his cousin make him.

Chatting with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Vince's finger rose as he was about to offer a response but his cousin turned his back on him. Frustration quickly faded into a content smile: The two cousins knew each other well enough for them to be able to read each other relatively well. The younger one trailed behind the older one in and idle stroll before finally falling down onto a sunchair.

Crossing his legs and putting his hands behind his head, the Prince relaxed and shook his head "All is forgiven, cousin" he spoke, his tone light to convey that he had not minded it. While the two of them were close, the Crown Prince's language was coloured by his upbringing: This was as close to a 'Naaah, you're cool, bro' as anyone could hope for.

A burst of laughter escaped the young royal as his back shot up from the rest and a hand was brought to his stomach "Alright, alright" he spoke whilst waving his hand at Sig with joking dismissal. "Mr. Popular here doesn't remember the name of the girls he liked. What's so special about Liara then? I think Tali has a cuter voice."
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Although the topic was seemingly more lighthearted, Sig almost didn't hear the question leave his cousin Vince Vince 's lips. In truth he lied about Liara- he was lucky he even got her name right to begin with. No, the young man demonstrated his arrogance no better than his commitment to his studies than to more youthful pursuits.

He shrugged and gave a fake smile in response, "Her sense of humor."

The only thing on his mind was avoiding yet another pointless event. He walked over and leaned onto the railing overlooking the forest. He longed for something beyond his family, beyond this world and life. The galaxy was out there waited to be conquered... conquered...

Chatting with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

A surprised couple of brows rose upon the mention of Liara's humour. The surprised look bordered on skeptical for a brief moment before the younger cousin leaned his head to the side with an expression conveying a clear 'if you say so'. He spoke non-assumingly "Honestly, I found it hard to get her to open up a bit. Maybe a liiiitle bit like me before going to the Whistling Valley" Of course, he referred to his time with the beast riders. The Prince had never been all too shy but spending time among an entirely different culture had rather clearly helped the boy to live more in the moment and be a little more relaxed.

Bringing a hand out from under his head, Vince brought a datapad from his pockets and browsed it in silence for a short while. It would soon become clear what he was doing as he continued on the same topic as earlier "I know why you're crushing on Tali's sister instead" The idle comment didn't carry much of an undertone at all. Instead, it was almost absent-minded as the Royal continued to read for a few more moments. Then he looked up "The Iziz Daily claims she's sweet on Maurahan. It's that poor lowlife over in the Eszet."

With a youthful bounce, the Crown Prince got up to his feet and joined his cousin by the railing "Liara's got a better hairgame anyways" he spoke with a glint in his eye and a supportive smirk.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig rolled his eyes at the mention of the beast riders. His views on the wider galaxy had begun to uproot his views on nearly everything in his life. Included in that was the beast riders of Onderon.

He didn’t necessarily think the people themselves were bad or wrong for doing what they were doing. They were customs and traditions after all, passed down by countless generations. Tradition, especially to any local on any planet, was important.

No his concerns were far more abstract. He turned to his cousin, his face sour, “Oh yes, the Whistling Valley,” he mocked with a playful tone, “with those beast riders.” He had done his best to keep his views, especially those on the beast riders, to himself. He valued his friendship with his cousin Vince Vince and knew their opposing views, at least on this particular subject, could create conflict. Conflict he desperately didn’t want.

Still, he couldn’t help but make the comment he did, and now it was spoken and out there. If it wasn’t known now, it soon would be, and it was a fight Sig was not looking forward to.

Chatting with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

The glint in the eyes, the supportive smirk, the camaraderie - the Crown Prince seemed to revel in it. Birds were chirping in the trees, a distant waterfall offered a low and consistent whoosh. A soft breeze caresed their features and, once more, started the leafy orchestra. Vince took a deep breath to soak it all in, readying himself to offer a few more comforting words to his favourite cousin.

Then, Sig mentioned those Beast Riders. Vince blinked a few times as his hands went down to the railing as if to brace himself. His eyes bounced from side to side as if trying to process what he had just heard. There was no anger, rage or even surprise that could be seen across his features. Instead, it was confusion.

Every second felt like a minute as the Royal slowly turned to his cousin. Sadness filled his eyes momentarily before being brushed aside. When Vince was happy, his bright smile could fill a room with joy. The smile that was offered now did not: It was forced in a desperate effort to not read what he knew to be true into Sig's words.

But in truth, it was a lost cause. The two of them knew each other well enough that something like this was no challenge to decipher. Vince was about to say something but seemed unable to utter the words. Moving his head uncomfortably, he instead nodded and invited his friend to elaborate further "Go on"
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig let out a laugh. It wasn’t the laugh he normally produced, however. In fact it was a laugh nobody, not himself or Vince Vince , or anyone had ever heard before. An entire new kind of laugh- one that was liberated and no longer bound by fear. It was one that admittedly sent a chill down Sig’s own spine, he didn’t know he could produced such a laugh.

Yet as it subsided a few moments later, the smile didn’t fade. Instead he turned to his cousin and shook his head, “Look around!” he demanded, arms gesturing to the stars above them as well as the world they stood upon. He turned his gaze to his younger cousin, a fist now forming as the storm in his eyes raged onward. “This galaxy is tearing itself apart and you, our family, these people all want to throw a parade? All you can think about is going back to that force-forsaken place?!?” It was finally happening. The last few years of resentment, the quiet whispers among his family and the denial about his place amongst them all, Sig was finally letting out what he had kept hidden for so long.

He marched over to his cousin, looking into his eyes, “You care more about those beasts than you do anything else,” he said in an accusatory tone, “Those beasts who would contribute nothing to the galaxy but to serve as tools for those in power!”

He was angry at his cousin, for the first time in their lives.

Chatting with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Perhaps the future monarch had already braced for what was to come. Perhaps he had realised that something was up and that something was going to happen. Clearly, he had not been prepared enough. He angled his head back as the onslaught came his way. First an attack on the Royal ceremonies and then one against the Beast Riders - or his fondness of them, rather.

The hurt Vince felt was clear to see in his eyes. If they had started to go wet, he was indeed hiding it extremely well. Instead, the blues simply shook as he scanned his cousin's face. It was like he did not recognise the person whom he had confided in for so long. "Sigmund..." his voice was weak when he trailed off.

The two boys had known each other for a long time. Sig probably knew that his cousin had a relatively mild temperament. At times, he had appeared to carry the weight of the Monarchy's future on his shoulders but rarely had it brought him down: For positivity, faithfulness and compassion always seemed to be where he felt the most at home. It soon became apparent that this instance was no different. At least not quite yet.

Vince tore himself from the railing where they had both stood and moved away, turning his back against his cousin and thus giving himself an opportunity to regain some composure. Turning his head to the side, he looked to Sig through the corner of his eye. A voice attempting to hide a deep sense of sorrow instead mostly conveyed disappointment "Sig, what's gotten into you?"
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig shook his head with a small scoff. "The soul of the galaxy is at stake," he said coldly before approaching his younger cousin. Grabbing his shoulder, he twisted his cousin to view him. As the two met eyes Sig simply frowned. "Our family doesn't have the will to do what's necessary to save it."

He was sure his cousin didn't understand, much like the rest of their families. He was sure that nothing he could say or do would change his mind, as Vince Vince was getting more and more involved with the beast riders. For a moment Sig became lost in thought. For a few years now he had felt the feeling of resentment building within him. He had Vince as the one person, family or otherwise, he could trust. However it was suddenly clear, standing here now letting it out, that he had nobody but himself.

Returning from his own his daydreams, he gave one last warm smile to his cousin. Suddenly, and without warning, Sig brought his right fist forward with the intent of slamming it into Vince's jaw. Regardless if it hit or not, he looked into his eyes after the strike,
"But I do."

Chatting with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Vince felt his body jerk back to the side as his cousin suddenly put a hand on his shoulder and pulled. The boys had been as close as brothers, yet this was new. They were on a first name basis and tended to disregard hierarchies of rank, age and other factors. But even then, throwing hands or using force was usually not even on the list of possibilities. Nobody who knew them would seriously consider treason but it didn't look good and the symbolic implications were massive.

The look that the Crown Prince offered was just as rare as it was for Sig to pull him. The consistently friendly and trusting boy's eyes were filled with sadness and an underlying sense of outrage. His jaw clenched and he took a small but assertive step back to straighten out his shirt. The look of indignation most certainly did not subside when Sig continued speaking poorly of the way of the Monarchy.

Then it happened. The punch, straight to his face. A pained - but somewhat delayed - grunt involuntarily left him as he violently flinched to the side with a hand instinctively reaching for his now pained jaw. The boy went through the motions: The thoughts that cycled through his head were clear for his cousin to observe.

First, puddles started to form in his eyes: But he blinked hard to force those emotions away.

Second, his fists clenched. His shoulders became tense and for a brief moment, it looked like he was ready to pounce. But then he clenched his jaw, straightened his back and released his fisted hands.

Third, the Crown Prince looked over to the mansion, his mouth fell open and his chest rose. But through that, he just let out a heavy breath before looking back to Sig.

Then finally, a determined frown spread across his features and he looked his cousin right in the eyes. Vince's blues shivered for a moment - this was a big deal to him - but he managed to steady himself. "Cousin." He started, his voice was emotional - how could it not be?

"You are wrong. The Monarchy is what holds the line against chaos. We maintain order through legitimacy. We do this parade every year. Not just because of Queen Talia's defeat of the pretender Vaklu. We do it to give people a sense of stability and safety. Something consistent in a galaxy that grows more chaotic by the year." The passionate statement was topped with an aggressively pointed finger towards the older cousin "Your reluctance to follow through on it is the threat to our stability. Punching me isn't strength. Strength is to do your duty - even when it's tough"

It was clear that uttering the few last words were tough on the young Prince. In fact, he had struggled to keep it together a few times. Once more clenching his jaw, he raised his chin high, thus offering his cousin a perfect target for another punch.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


And there it was: the weakness Sig knew his family, and indeed the galaxy at large, had was real and present. In his mind, Vince Vince stepping back and insisting that the monarchy was the answer to the chaos of the galaxy. Sig wasn’t unsure of anything anymore. It was clear to him that the cure to chaos was leading through sheer strength.

To that end, he launched another punch this time to Vince’s gut. As his younger cousin leaned forward from the previous hit, he brought his knee up to meet his nose, launching him back onto the patio’s clay bricks.

He stood above his younger cousin and gave a small gesture to stand, “Get up!” he demanded. “Prove you have what it takes to lead!” He was being spiteful. He wanted a fight. He wanted for his cousin to prove him wrong; for Vince to fight back and prove to Sig that not everyone in their family was so weak willed. So… afraid of doing what was necessary. It was a test, and in Sig’s mind it was the final test he had for his cousin.

It seemed their friendship hinged on the next few moments, and Sig was prepared for whichever direction things wound up turning.

Arguing with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

The raised chin delivered more violence. With a few swift moves, Sig had sent him to the ground. In pain, Vince rolled a lap or two to create a bit of distance between himself and the attacker as he held his pained core with one hand and his face with the other. "Wretched, craven, shortsighted weakling" he whispered a string of insults under his breath, likely far too mixed up in pained groans and tight breaths for Sig to hear it all.

By the time the gesture for him to rise was issued, the process had already begun. With a bit of effort, the Crown Prince stood up straight and used his hand to check his nose for injuries. His eyes looked to his cousin with confusion and surprise. While a punch could go unnoticed or might be explained away, this level of violence would be hard to get away with - even if the two worked together to save him.

Quickly, he began unbuttoning his shirt whilst letting out a frustrated hiss "You fool" he spoke, genuine sadness clearly marking his voice. "Leadership does not come from throwing punches at you. Dorihe Moonhopper sure can throw a punch but he sure is a far cry from a leader." he continued, referring to the Onderonian heavy weight champion they had been cheering last summer.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig had all the confirmation he needed. Despite the pushing and urging, his cousin refused to engage in combat with him. Sig chuckled and shook his head disapprovingly. “How do you expect to rule when you don’t have the stomach to do what’s necessary?”

He trailed off, pacing away from his cousin. “I had been thinking lately, about you,” he said, his voice calmer and once more reserved. Though Vince Vince couldnt see it, Sig’s own eyes were beginning to glisten from the tears now forming. “I was thinking that you’d be the one person who’d understand.”

He clenched his jaw in anger, his hands forming fists so tight his fingers were almost digging into his skin. Still facing away from him he swallowed his sorrow, the tears now gone and hatred being the only remaining emotion.

He turned and faced his cousin, the rage within his eyes like a wildfire.
“But now I know: you’ll never understand.”

He turned away once more. He couldn’t bare looking him in the eyes: not out of grief, but anger.
Arguing with Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Sig turned away from him once more. The mild tempered boy allowed his nature to win. The anger and sorrow from earlier subsided somewhat as a troubled frown formed across his features. Pain pulsed across his face and his core section but he continued to maintain a good posture. The words about keeping up appearances and doing his duty had never been mere words.

"You didn't even listen to what I said" his voice was low and exhausted. "When I thought you were down, I tried to cheer you up. When you hurt me, I turned the other cheek, when you were frustrated with the world, I tried to talk you out of it. Cousin! Snap out of this lunacy." His voice had initially been one marked by frustration but turned increasingly more compassionate as he spoke.

Vince took off the white shirt he had unbuttoned earlier, leaving him in the whiteish gray t-shirt underneath. He walked over to his cousin and put an arm over his shoulder "Sigmund, I don't know what's gotten into you, but whatever it is, we'll work our way through it, okay? We'll make up some excuse for all of this" he gestured to his swollen jaw and midsection. "and we'll just figure out how to make it all alright, okay? You know there's noone I trust more than you. You just have to talk to me." Compassionate eyes scanned the face of the older cousin for a reaction.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig took a breath. He wanted to calm down. He wanted to repair whatever damage had just been done to their companionship. Vince Vince was the only one he trusted and up to this point the two never argued or fought over anything.

But the rage had been let out of the bottle and Sig could feel deep in his chest the bitter reality of the situation: there was no going back. For a moment he just stood there, his eyes locking with his younger cousins’. He didn’t know what Vince was thinking but he knew what he was feeling and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold himself back.

He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Instead what followed was a deep sigh followed by another strike, this one being a right hook to Vince’s jaw. He was sure that Vince’s guard was raised since the last strike and knew there was a chance he may retaliate, or at the very least try and defend himself. Still, he felt no other way to get his point, or rage, across beyond showcasing it through physical force.

Whatever happened next, Sig prepared himself.

Fighting Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

With an arm draped over his cousin's shoulder, the new attack posed little threat to the Crown Prince. The arm which was draped over the shoulder moved up to produce a grip around Sig's neck whilst Vince's leg slid in behind that of his cousin. With that, he let out a grunt whilst twisting his torso to face Sig and consequently to jerk him back. In the best case scenario, the aggressor would trip over his leg and fall to his back. If his cousin fell, Vince would let go - if he did not, he would hold on to his grip. Regardless, the punch sent to Vince's jaw would have lost most of its potency, making it more of an unpleasant smudge than a painful hit.

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