Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Yesteryear

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig was only slightly off guard. While he had landed some blows previously and was clearly looking for the fight, he wasn't entirely convinced his cousin would have it in him. Yet, Vince Vince proved him wrong.

Without warning, his cousin reacted swiftly and was able to throw Sig off balance, therefore diminishing the initial attack. He reacted just as fast, reaching up to grab Vince's collar in an attempt to bring him down as well. Regardless, he hid the ground hard and let out a pained groan. Not a moment later, he quickly stood and launched a kick at Vince; if his cousin did indeed go down he aimed for the stomach, otherwise the target would be a leg in the hopes of immobilizing him.

Fighting Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Just as he loosened his grip to let his cousin fall, surprise struck. Instead of being allowed to stand by and watch, Vince felt the tug by his collar. Since he was still recovering from the twist and making Sig trip, he was not at all prepared for being pulled down himself.

Of course, being pulled down was relatively advantageous to the young Royal. For he was the one who was bound to land on top. Had they been mortal enemies, he could likely have exploited the situation to land a fight ending blow on the descent. But they were not. Things went fast, but he still managed to shoot his left arm out to hit the floor way before his body would. With that, he pushed himself to the side to roll off onto the patio floor.

Sig's quick rise would not go unnoticed. Vince reacted by also getting up. Unfortunately, he had barely gotten to his feet and was still not quite upright when the cousin swept towards his legs with a kick. The desired effect was achieved as it sent the boy falling once more. He had no intentions on remaining passive, however, and used both arms and legs to quickly create some distance between them as Sig was inevitably recovering from the kick - or at the very least shifting his momentum.

Once upright, Vince would continue to create a little bit of distance between them before spreading his arms wide. His face was swollen from the first two hits - at this point, the bacta patch looked sorely mispositioned: "What now? Is that what you wanted? To see me fight you?"
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig tumbled back from his cousin’s retaliation, almost falling backward but just barely keeping upright. As the two gained a small distance, Vince Vince would demand an answer from Sig. His mind was racing and his heart was pumping faster that it ever had before.

He smirked and shook his head,
“I wanted to see what you’d do,” he answered, his tone growing colder, “and you didn’t disappoint.”

He turned parallel his cousin, facing the forest once more. He was growing more and more anxious as their fight continued. He was growing more and more distant. “The galaxy needs the strong,” he stated, the coldness now mixed with a determination, “not the weak.”

He turned and began walking away, towards the back of the patio where the stairs led back to the large estate. He stopped momentarily at the first step. “You are the weak one, and I am the one who will lead.” Without hesitation he marched up the stairs, voiding his cousin any chance of getting the last word.

Fighting Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Confusion marked the ludicrous look Vince shot at his cousin as he smirked and continued speaking words which apparently continued to fail to resonate with the young Royal. Sig then turned to look out over the sprawling forest which the patio faced. At first, Vince's glance followed Sig's before he let out a tired sigh and looked back right at the cousin. The gaze offered was one of compassion and sadness.

His brows soon rose in surprise. Not at Sig walking away. But rather at the words which left his mouth. The brows quickly fell. For the first time in a long time, the usually oh so bright way in which Vince carried himself seemed to truly falter. The hopeful glint that could often be seen in his eyes seemed to fade as his shoulders slowly squared up to then slowly fall: The weight of duty was starting to manifest visibly.

Even as Sig walked away, he spoke with a mild tone but unusually sharp edge "Sigmund, do not do something we will regret."

It was too late: His cousin was marching with determination. The hits had landed, the bruises were there and the words of usurped leadership had been felled. Any hopes of reconciliation at this moment had just left the patio with determined steps.

A reluctant frown formed across Vince's features. It was clear that he was far from eager continue down the path that laid before him. With a deep breath and equally deep sigh, he clenched his jaw, straightened his back and raised his chin. Figuaritvely, the boy was taking on a heavy mantel indeed. He then did his duty

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Vince Vince called the guards; Sig simply stopped in place, just inside the estate’s back door leading out to the patio, and waited a moment before guards surrounded him, weapons drawn.

Sig was arrested at that moment for treason. A sentence he would serve by assisting the family on various missions to help those affected by the constant conflicts of the galaxy. For those few months, Vince would be assigned to oversee some of the missions. He would of course strike up conversation; attempts that failed every time as Sig’s resentment for the family only grew since the fight. Indeed he never spoke to Vince again, despite the prince’s persistent and constant attempts at reforging their bond. Sig’s mind was set and, while he wouldn’t know it yet, he started on a road he’d never return from.


Three Months Later

Sig and Vince were sent to assist the people of Ilum recover from their recent occupation by the Maw. For the last few months Sig had been planning for this very day on this very planet.

While wandering the streets he had convinced his escort to allow him temporary freedom: freedom in this case meaning he could continue the mission without the escort breathing down this neck. He had been working busy and extra hard to ensure they would buy his ‘effort’ to change. An elaborate lie of course. No, today the work had paid off and he was alone with anyone to stop him.

Without hesitation he took the first chance he got to leave the city and enter the wilds. He didn’t have any direct plan; he knew there was another city somewhere in the direction he was going, but exactly where he had no idea. It wouldn’t matter, however.

For on that day Sig was found by the nomadic Mandalorian Clan Bakker. While his family would quickly tried organizing an effort to find him, he was already long gone from the world and onto becoming a Foudling: an offer he took without hesitation.

It all started that afternoon he and Vince fought. On that day, Sig of House Hervet was dead.

Sig Dryggo was born.


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