
Note: I know that Yoda's species is not mentioned and being that this information is non canon based upon canon if you meerly aren't happy with this, then please by all means say, I completely understand.
- Intent: To create a home planet for Yoda's species (The original homeworld was lost in time, so this is the place which they recreated their great planet)
- Image Credit: Green Planet by Cyberex
- Canon: N/A
- Links: They are to be created after this planet, for if this planet isn't created they are null-void. I can make a modification submission if you like or inform you of my plans?
Yodoan Union -This faction isn't IC created yet but will be apart of a rebellion story to be created immediately after the hopeful approval of this planet.
- Planet Name: Yodoa
- Demonym: Yodoian
- Region: Mid
- System Name: Yodoan System
- System Features: The system offers very little features:
Sun: Tsaunai IV - Uncannily like the one in the Coruscant sector - Moon: Yodoa One - The moon surrounding Yodoa, it is full of luscious jungles, forests and rivers that glisten like no other.
- Rotational Period: 20 Galactic Standard Hours
- Orbital Period: 428
[*]Coordinates: AI 34
[*]Major Imports: N/A - It is completely self-sustainable
[*]Major Exports: N/A - However it has a large supply of a new strong kind of wood, and a strong new durable type of metal comparable to twice that of durasteel.
- Gravity: Standard
- Climate: Tropical
- Primary Terrain: Jungles (about 50%), Grassland (about 15%), Oceans (30%), Mountains (5%)
Major Locations: [What are the major locations in your world? At least one paragraph for each. If you wish to add a Force nexus (light or dark), you must justify it through your submission and history. Included for Force Nexus should be general size, intent, and information pertaining to its creation. Below is the template for force nexus.]
Force Nexus: The force nexus was created by the Order of the Yodoa, over the course of a decade, the 12 grand leaders who dedicated their lives to the power and harmony of the force. Every day during the 'creation decade', the 12 Grand leaders would channel the force into the cave for hours at a time, until such the time that the cave would emanate with as strong as the force as they did for the Legendary Yoda; hero of the people. The force nexus which would consequently become the grand chambers in the coming years.
Size: Area - Underground in a cave not far away from the capital city of Yodoa
Intent: To showcase the immense power of the force in Yoda's species and how it ties into their culture.
Intent: To showcase the immense power of the force in Yoda's species and how it ties into their culture.
- Native Species: Some ancient unknown species
- Immigrated Species: Yoda's species
- Population: Moderately Populated
- Demographics: 100% Yoda's species
- Primary Languages: Idiosyncratic Dialect of Galactic Standard Basic
- Culture: [General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion.]
- Government: Oligarchy
- Affiliation: The Grand Order of Yodoa (Referred mainly to as 'The Grand Order')
- Wealth: High - They make money for themselves through the means of their immensely strong economy driven mainly by the aid of the force.
- Stability: Low-Medium - They love peace and their planet, however, there are suspicions among the people that the Grand Order is starting to turn more into a dictatorship as the days go by.
- Freedom & Oppression: The law is simple. Be good, friendly, kind and always; one with the force. Commit no acts of treason or illicit matters (namely murder), nothing like this has happened on the planet ever and these are the second/third generation of the species. They are free to do whatever they like, however slowly but surely the Grand Order is removing a great deal of these freedoms.
- Military: None what so ever. They have never needed one so they never thought to create one.
- Technology: In terms of development and new technology it is a bit behind, however, the amplification of force to almost everything the Yodoans produce give it a slight edge against the average galaxy standard. They have nothing by means of military/space-ship technology.
The planet was not discovered necessarily, more or less it was led by the force to Yoda's species. They were on a transport ship: The Illustrious, it was on an empty Venator starship, aside from the Yodoian (note this was during the time of the war between the Republic and the Confederacy). The people were all in stasis pods, over ten thousand in total spread throughout the ship. It had been pre-loaded with various supplies such as food, crops, building supplies and tools; it was only enough to last the whole populace a week at best. The ship was pre-loaded with commands to take them to a Planet that was uninhabited and unknown by all except their mysterious saviour. It was a rumour among the people that Grand Master Yoda, of the Galactic Republic, was the one who saved them, and thus they named the planet after him and erected shrines, temples and statues in his name.
The ship landed with relative ease at its arrival, and from it, the Yodoian people used it as harbourage until houses could be erected, the people then began to create a government by means of the Grand Order; where the oldest and wisest of their people would sit under the election of the people. After the day of formation (The day the Grand Order was established), the people were free to do whatever they pleased, some choose to help build cities, others train people in the ways of the force, and some just wished to enjoy their life. Over the course of the time to current IC date; the people managed to expand across the entirety of the planet, find and test materials durability, construct cities, train the new and create an incredibly strong economy.
Seuz was drawn to the city for whatever reason, from the moment he woke up on Dagobah in his stasis pod, something drew him to this planet. Whatever that was, is unknown by all, also unrivalled in power, for the forces at play here are unmatched across the galaxy. (This is where my IC rp begins; on the planet)