Juwiela Melec
Nar Shaddaa. Known as the Smuggler’s Moon, the Vertical City and Little Coruscant among other, less favorable monikers, there was one thing salient about the moon above all else: it was where the less savory beings of the galaxy congregated, or where those who didn’t want to be found hid. And sometimes, where those from the more major factions of the galaxy came when they needed time away from the hustle and bustle of the war.
That was the case with the Miraluka and Human hybrid who sat in a back booth of another nameless cantina, a simple glass of water in front of her. She’d deemed for a non-alcoholic beverage, knowing she had the flight back to concern herself with, among worrying about the less than respectable beings that frequented such places.
Juwiela had lowered the hood of her outfit, something uncommon for her, as she usually deigned to leave it raised so as to draw less attention to herself. With her lack of eyes and coverings where they should have been she did plenty enough of that as it were.
But here she was anyway, and questioning her decision more and more with each passing moment as she observed the scenes playing out before her through the Force and her way of seeing through the mystical energy field. Thus far nothing worth noting had transpired, but as the night wore on she could feel the tension gradually building by the minute, though she wasn't sure what the reason was just yet.
No matter. The reason would reveal itself soon enough. In the meantime, it was her opportunity to relax, and she intended to take it.
That was the case with the Miraluka and Human hybrid who sat in a back booth of another nameless cantina, a simple glass of water in front of her. She’d deemed for a non-alcoholic beverage, knowing she had the flight back to concern herself with, among worrying about the less than respectable beings that frequented such places.
Juwiela had lowered the hood of her outfit, something uncommon for her, as she usually deigned to leave it raised so as to draw less attention to herself. With her lack of eyes and coverings where they should have been she did plenty enough of that as it were.
But here she was anyway, and questioning her decision more and more with each passing moment as she observed the scenes playing out before her through the Force and her way of seeing through the mystical energy field. Thus far nothing worth noting had transpired, but as the night wore on she could feel the tension gradually building by the minute, though she wasn't sure what the reason was just yet.
No matter. The reason would reveal itself soon enough. In the meantime, it was her opportunity to relax, and she intended to take it.